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Messages - rajarush

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 有没有这回事?
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:57:08 pm »


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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 如何重拾信心?
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:13:15 pm »

BIG THING,小鸡钻井大油田,美元借记卡,marketing big push全球推广
Bitshares——专注意淫三百年 ..

Big thing 其实啥也没有,小鸡钻井钻出屎,美元扯淡卡,marketing big jb, Brian page 一个人拿钱吹牛逼,全球大跑路,跑慢的是sb,毛竹只剩下毛。

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General Discussion / Re: some advices For Stan
« on: June 18, 2014, 01:59:51 pm »
Talking about 10% ags fund for china operation. Look at the excel document, it is full of cost for taxi, coffee, expense.

Look the official Weibo (weibo is the most important social media in China)account for bishares . there is 2 posts every month. All the work now is doing by volunteers like 比特股之家,bitshares_news, logxing, coolspeed. They translate and update the beta test. I am mean the software delay is ok, but if no official post and comforting to community, people is leaving. Even if bitshares is gold, no one cares. When the bts release, no good market, even early supporters dislike it.

Shen Bo is showing in pictures when there is eating, drinking or traveling in BTC community in China,  but what else? you should do some simple research about this, and strength the communication/ reduce the softeare delay damage. I can tell the damage can be controlled, but lack of actions. All my friends laughing at me for supporting PTS. You need some auditor for china operation also!

I get no response from Stan, so sad. I just try to provide some infomation better for the project. I guess I just wasting my time, should move on.

General Discussion / Re: some advices For Stan
« on: June 15, 2014, 05:48:59 am »
i think BM and his men have been fully focused on the development of BTS X.

And i just think the first priority for the other staff (who cannot programme ) should be concentrated on finding many IT talents to join 3I.
i think at first, we do not lack of moeny right now (due to AGS), second, we have so many projects to be finished, music lotto, keyhotee etc.

I think we do not have enough people for programming right now, and i think 3I does not put their biggest effort into this issue. ( you might do something on this issue but not enough )

i don't know if i am right, this is just my opinon and advice based on my experience: i am once in charge of a team of nearly 100 people.

at last, best wishes to you all.
I also think III should spend more on programing ,  maybe III can spend fund on what he want to ,but I think a lot of people donate money to AGS just for developing ,  at least it was for me .
but BTS XT is the basic for other DACs, so I think it is right that all developer are developing BTS XT now

About 70% of our resources are earmarked for development with 10% for general operations and 10% each for eastern and western marketing.

We are targeting spending to track growth in such a way that we can ensure that all our talent has secure employment horizon of at least 1 year.  This is essential for attracting and retaining good people.

However, with all the DACs that should launch this summer, we expect to be able to ramp up our development rate roughly proportional to growth rate of the industry.

And once the independent BitShares Battalion of Delegates start sponsoring developers and doing promotions with their earnings, things should really get interesting!

Talking about 10% ags fund for china operation. Look at the excel document, it is full of cost for taxi, coffee, expense.

Look the official Weibo (weibo is the most important social media in China)account for bishares . there is 2 posts every month. All the work now is doing by volunteers like 比特股之家,bitshares_news, logxing, coolspeed. They translate and update the beta test. I am mean the software delay is ok, but if no official post and comforting to community, people is leaving. Even if bitshares is gold, no one cares. When the bts release, no good market, even early supporters dislike it.

Shen Bo is showing in pictures when there is eating, drinking or traveling in BTC community in China,  but what else? you should do some simple research about this, and strength the communication/ reduce the softeare delay damage. I can tell the damage can be controlled, but lack of actions. All my friends laughing at me for supporting PTS. You need some auditor for china operation also!

中文 (Chinese) / 给沈波先生的建议
« on: June 02, 2014, 04:04:09 pm »


2. 能否将账目公开,让投资人看到究竟谁在从AGS领取工资
3. 3I LTD是个什么角色,你是哪里的CEO?
4. 是否可以将资金用在真正在为3I作宣传的人?
5. 为什么暴走,logxing, Amazon, 熊熊,酸饼,heyD, 蜗牛,麦克猫这些真正在为bts作宣传的人都在义务劳动?
6. 可不可以也悬赏让社区每一分子都能参与到宣传工作,同时也有一定的回报呢?

大家都在为bts的接盘侠努力,中国的宣传好坏直接影响了bts的价值。现在资金充足,为什么不能把钱给真正在做工作的人,大家可以做更多的类似引长工的bts分发活动。狗币什么都没有只有市场宣传,我们应该学习,何况bts有那么多的创新。BTS都代表制了,市场这块能不能也代表制呢?把账号锁起来自己分钱的结果除了黑幕就是跑路,最后钱不见了,社区只剩下一群义务劳动的人谁还有积极性,挺好的项目作砸了。你也不想大家天天指着你的脊梁说话吧,至少出来给个回复,长短都行啊,不要总回复"+ 1"什么没营养的话。

他从去年开始每个月从AGS收10个BTC, 如果追踪一下地址你会发现所有的钱都到了一个账号,账号余额上千币

最近又从AGS拿了400个BTC, 然后最有意思的是把账目锁起来了不给外人看。所有的I3账目包括每人的工资都是公开的,只有中国区的是锁住的,这得有多黑暗阿,简单的从blockchain看这400个btc进了两个人的大账号,这俩人是谁不得而知。

现在中国除了几个大V的微波还有什么宣传么?真正在实实在在做推广的人有谁从沈波哪里拿到过1分钱?Snail你收到过宣传经费么?熊熊你呢?heyD的微波?论坛的版主?麦克猫的翻译?除了引长工那100bts,他的钱都花哪里去了?我觉得英文好的同学应该把这个情况告诉stan。 实在忍不住了上来说两句,大家评评理。

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