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Topics - CoinHoarder

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General Discussion / Bitassets need utility.. Some core services suggestions
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:12:26 am »
These are some long term ideas- they are things are needed IMO to provide more buying interest to bitassets like USD. It would be cool if this was the first big security- that plans on developing all of these things. ;)

- Payment gateway to quickly convert all bitassets to into Bitcoins. Then bitassets would have all the utility of Bitcoins.. Ie. The Bitcoin infrastructure.. Services, Stores, Etc... Preferably multi signature setup.

- A payment processor or get added to current one. Create ways to spend and receive bitassets.

- Create a hot wallet with client side private keys. Creat an easy way to store them.

- A lightweight client like electrum where users don't have to download the Blockchain. Create a convenient way to store them.

Then maybe more people will buy bitassets, it's a win/win for Btsx

General Discussion / First Bitshares clone... Botshares on Dogeparty
« on: September 02, 2014, 05:08:24 pm »

General Discussion / OpenBazaar
« on: September 02, 2014, 06:47:00 am »
Looks like it's coming along nicely and has a beta release out already. Planning an official release by the end of the year.


General Discussion / bitBTC market is now up and running!
« on: September 01, 2014, 04:47:50 am »

Suggested Back Up Practices:
  • Since BitsharesX and bitassets are still new, there seems to be a few bugs floating around. I think it is important everyone back their wallet up in multiple ways to avoid loss of funds.
  • It is technically only necessary to back up the private keys of your account, but just in case an error is made during that process I recommend doing it multiple ways just to be sure, especially if you are holding a large amount of funds or cannot afford to lose your money.
  • It is important to back up your wallet to another storage device such as online storage or a USB storage device in case of hardware failure, hard drive corruption, etcetra.

How TITAN Private Keys Work:
  • All keys that your wallet ever generates for use with the block chain are derived in a deterministic manner from the root wallet key.
  • You can regenerate all of these keys from an old back up if necessary and then scan the block chain to retrieve all past transactions.
  • In other words, if your funds have gone missing or the balance is not correct due to a bug, do not worry yourself to death that you have lost your money. It still exists and is retrievable as long as proper back up measures are taken.

Automatic Back Ups:
  • Every time you create a new account or update the client to a new version, your wallet is automatically backed up in the following folder: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\BitShares X\wallets\.backups
  • Note: Replace UserName with your Windows user name in the above file path. Furthermore, the AppData folder is hidden by default so you need to either type it in manually into the file browser, or change the Windows settings that will allow you to view hidden files.
  • Even though your wallet automatically backs itself up manually when creating a new account or updating to a new version, it is recommended to back up the wallet folder if it has been a long time since you've done either of those things. Otherwise, you will need to download a large part of the block chain that you wouldn't of otherwise needed to download.

Three Methods Of Backing Up Your Wallet Manually:
Disclaimer: Even though I have tested everything I've outlined in this post, I am not responsible if something does not work, even if you follow the directions correctly. I have tried everything I am suggesting and it worked for me, but I cannot guarantee it will work for you. Proceed with caution and follow the steps exactly as I say. If you are extra paranoid, holding a large amount of funds, or cannot afford to lose your funds, doing all three back up methods is not a bad idea for redundancy.

1. The easiest back up method is located on the top left navigation bar of the client.
1a. Click on File -> Export Wallet
1b. Remember to write down your wallet password and store it in a safe location when backing up your wallet this way, as the wallet back up file is encrypted with this password. Furthermore, remember to store this file somewhere online or on a USB drive as well for redundancy.
1c. To restore your wallet from this back up file use the following procedures.
1d. Click on File -> Import Wallet
1e. Locate your back up file and click Open

2. Retrieving your accounts main private key is also a good way of backing up your account. All addresses & private keys TITAN generates for each specific account can be generated using this private key, so you only need to do this kind of a back up once.
2a. Go to the console tab on the left navigation bar of the client.
2b. Use the wallet_dump_private_key command with the following syntax for every account you have: wallet_dump_private_key <account name>
2c. Write down the private key on paper, print it out, or store it encrypted in a secure location. Remember if anyone gets this private key they can steal your funds, because it is not encrypted like it is in the 1st back up option so be very careful about where you put it. I suggest printing it out and storing it in a safe place, using encryption software to encrypt it using a secure password, or store it somewhere online that is password protected such as the password database storage website LastPass (remember to require a password to retrieve it.)
2d. To recover your account(s) in case of loss or hardware/software failure, use the following command in the console: wallet_import_private_key <private key copied from step 2c>
2e. Make sure the block chain is fully downloaded and then use the following command to scan the block chain. This will bring up all of your transactions and correct your balances. Go to the console tab on the left navigation bar and enter the following command: wallet_rescan_blockchain

3. The third method is backing up your wallet folder manually. This is automatically done when upgrading to a new client, or after you create a new account. This method is nice because when you use it to retrieve your account, you do not have to re-download the entire block chain as it will be saved up to the point when you made the back up. If it has been a while since you created a new account or updated the wallet client, then it is probably a good idea to do this back up periodically.
3a. Browse to the folder: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\BitShares X\wallets
^ Note: Replace UserName with your Windows user name; AppData is a hidden folder so you need to type it in manually or turn on the viewing of hidden files and folders ^
3b. Copy the folder named 'default'
3c. Paste it anywhere you'd like as long as it's not in the same folder. I am using the My Documents but it doesn't matter. It is also a good idea to store it on a USB drive or somewhere online. It is encrypted, so you don't have to be as careful with the back up file as you did with back up method two as long as you have a secure password.
3d. Make sure to write down your wallet password, as this back up method is encrypted.
3e. If you need to recover your wallet, copy and paste the back up folder into the directory you originally copied it from in step 3a
3f. Windows will ask if you are sure you want to replace the existing folder & files, select yes.
3g. Open the BitsharesX client and your wallet should be restored. You will likely need to re-scan the block chain using the command 'wallet_rescan_blockchain' in the console tab. This will pick up any transactions you have made/received since the last time you backed up the wallet.


Troubleshooting Procedures

First make sure you are using the current version of the client, if you are then continue to the following troubleshooting procedures.

1. Change how many nodes your client tries to connect to and the maximum it will try to connect to by typing the following command in the console:
network_set_advanced_node_parameters {"desired_number_of_connections":50, "maximum_number_of_connections":100}
1a. If that doesn't work, then try connecting to some nodes manually using the following commands:
network_add_node "" add
network_add_node "" add
network_add_node "" add
network_add_node "" add
network_add_node "" add
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1b. If the steps above did not work, then try step 2

2. Try to rescan the block chain using the following command: wallet_rescan_blockchain
2a. This command can take a long time to finish, just be patient and let it do its thing.
2b. If that doesn't work continue to step 3

3. Backup your wallet using ALL of the 3 back up methods listed above and close the BitsharesX client.
3a. If you have previously backed up your wallet using the File -> Export Wallet feature at the top left of the client, then try importing that file by going to File -> Import Wallet and locating the file you saved when you backed up your wallet.
3b. If you had not backed up your wallet using this method prior to just now or this did not fix your problem, then continue to step 4.

4. Backup your wallet using ALL of the 3 methods listed above (if you already did this in step 3, then it is not necessary) and exit out of the BitsharesX client.
4a. Browse to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\BitShares X\wallets\.backups\
4b. Copy & paste the 'default' into the following directory: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\BitShares X\wallets\
^ Note: replace UserName with your Windows user name; AppData is a hidden folder so you need to type it in manually or turn on the viewing of hidden files and folders ^
4c. Windows will ask if you are sure you want to replace the existing folder & files, select yes.
4d. Open the BitsharesX client and your wallet should be restored. You will likely need to re-scan the block chain using 'wallet_rescan_blockchain' to pick up any transactions you have made/received since the last time your wallet was automatically backed up.
4e. If that doesn't work, continue to step 5

5. Backup your wallet using ALL of the 3 methods listed above (if you already did this in step 3 or 4, then it is not necessary) and exit out of the BitsharesX client.
5a. Delete this folder: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\BitShares X\wallets\default
^ Note: replace UserName with your Windows user name; AppData is a hidden folder so you need to type it in manually or turn on the viewing of hidden files and folders ^
5b. Open the BitsharesX client, create a new wallet password, and wait for the block chain to finish downloading. Instead of creating a new account, just go to console to do the following.
5c. Import your private key to your account(s) using the 'wallet_import_private_key' command in the console with the private key you copied from back up method 2 (on step 2c) using the following syntax: wallet_import_private_key <private key>
5d. Re-scan the block chain to retrieve all of your transactions and to show your proper balance using the following command in console: wallet_rescan_blockchain

If you are still missing funds or your balance is still zero, do not worry. Your private keys for all addresses generated with TITAN are determined in a deterministic way. As long as you have the private keys for them (backup method 2), then you will be able to retrieve your funds eventually. There are a lot of bugs being found and fixed as you read this, as the software and asset exchange is still brand new. Please be patient as bugs are fixed and do not worry about your funds as long as you have followed proper back up procedures. Even if you didn't you can likely retrieve your wallet from the automatic back up feature, so there is no need to stress about it.

General Discussion / Decentralized VPNs
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:13:09 pm »
See link. Interesting idea that has crossed my mind, but I wasn't sure if it was possible or practical. Well.. Someone has claimed to be able to do it.

Don't take this the wrong way... I'm not here to spread FUD. I think it is important for the success of Bitshares to keep an eye on other projects that are in development and plan ahead accordingly. I am just interested in everyones opinion on the following projects. We already know Nxt is a competitor, but I haven't heard much talk about these projects aside from Ethereum over here.

Are these projects serious competitors? If Ethereum is not interested in a partnership with Bitshares, should we seriously think about building a decentralized programming DAC to compete, or continue with application specific DACs? IMO decentralized programming languages could be a threat to all application specific DACs. However, 3 out of 4 of these are PoW coins so that is one thing Bitshares has going for it versus those, and I think a decentralized programming language built on top of DPoS could outperform them.

Ethereum - decentralized programming language
Bitcoindark - a lot of features like Nxt, but with a decentralized programming language
Emunie - a lot of features like Nxt, also with a decentralized programming language
Nubits - seems to be competition specifically for the BitsharesX DAC (admittedly there's not much info about this out yet, but it sounds like it will be a competitor to BitsharesX.. there is more info on the Peercoin forums) -

Feel free to move this thread if you feel this should be in a different sub forum.

Stakeholder Proposals / Vote for me :)
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:27:49 pm »

I'm not sure if it's too late to try to get votes or not. It seems like most people in the top 101 started a month or two ago but I thought I would try nonetheless.

I have been around the crypto currency community for a couple years and mostly hang out on bitcointalk. I have been supporting Bitshares and shutting down FUDsters over there... fighting the good fight. :)

I would appreciate your vote if you have some free time. I setup a digital ocean VPS running on Ubuntu at 75% pay rate, so it should be pretty low latency and stable.

wallet_approve_delegate del.coinhoarder

Thanks for your time,


Technical Support / Exporting from Windows wallet and importing on Linux
« on: August 25, 2014, 12:55:56 pm »

I am in the process trying to setup a delegate rig. I already registered an account and a delegate sub account on the windows client, and would like to import the accounts into the client running on my Ubuntu VPS.

Is there an easy way to do this? I can't seem to figure it out.. it is not quite as straight forward as importing a Bitcoin private key. :(

Thanks for help

I just made this post in an existing thread on Bitcointalk and I thought you guys may find it interesting. I am afraid it will get lost in the drivel that is the alternative crypto coin sub forum. It is my opinion on crypto currencies and adoption that has formed over years of research on crypto currencies, and is part of the reason why I support innovative crypto currencies such as Bitshares.

Re: Focusing On Adoption Versus Innovation And Development


I am glad that you started this conversation, as I feel it is an important one to be had. I believe that most people in the larger crypto currency community (Bitcoin/Litecoin/??) think like you do in regards to the importance of marketing to attract new users, and pushing for merchant adoption. While I do not disagree that those things help increase the utility of their respective crypto currencies, I see things differently.

This was one of the main reasons why I left the Litecoin community and no longer support it. The Litecoin community and I largely disagreed on this principle, as they mainly want to focus on marketing rather than innovation and improving crypto currencies on a developmental level and in an innovative manner. Basically, they are content blindly following anything that Bitcoin implements with the few developers they have, and the rest of the community is dead set on marketing and merchant adoption as the path to success for Litecoin. I think there are several problems with this line of thinking, and I will try to explain why.

Alternative crypto currencies are supposed to be the testing grounds for improvements upon existing crypto currencies and new features. If they are not doing either of these things, then I do not see the point of their existence and it screams of a get rich quick scheme. Any crypto currency that does neither of these things I consider to be a "pump and dump" and/or "scam coin."

Marketing and merchant adoption are important, but marketing and merchant adoption coupled with no innovation and development is akin to betting that people are sheeple. In Litecoin's case, they are betting that people will look past the lack of innovation and the fact it is pretty much a copy and paste coin. While I do not disagree that the vast majority of people in the world are sheeple in regards to problems with trusted third parties and FIAT, it is not these people that are adopting crypto currencies at this point in time. The sheeple are somewhat ignorant to the extreme need of crypto currencies and decentralized technologies. These people will come eventually when crypto currencies have already blown up, and are a vast improvement over the current financial system. It will happen naturally, not by some marketing scheme with an underlying code base that was copied off of some other crypto currency.

It is the free-thinkers (skeptics/non sheeple) that are in the process of adopting crypto currencies and decentralized technologies. These are the same people that will be doing the marketing and pushing merchant adoption. If the free-thinkers can look past your crypto currency’s marketing strategies and see that the underlying crypto currency is mainly a “pump and dump” and/or “scam coin” with no innovation or improvements over another larger already existing crypto currency, then how can they be expected to support it? How can they be expected to help with marketing and pushing merchant adoption, when they don’t believe in the underlying technology themselves?

I believe there are only two answers to that question in regards to alternative crypto currencies. The first being that the supporters of the alternative crypto currency are sheeple themselves, and the second being that the supporters of that crypto currency are only focused on one thing and that is making a profit by "pumping and dumping" at the expense of sheeple. Both answers to this question make me completely and utterly sick, and I do not think that Satoshi would approve either.

After much analysis and reading user’s opinions and thoughts in such crypto currency communities over the years, I have come to the conclusion that most of their community at this point in time falls under the latter answer to that question, which makes me even sicker when thinking about it. Crypto currencies are still in the early adopter phase. As I said earlier, it is mostly the free-thinkers that are adopting crypto currencies and decentralized technologies at this point in time, and I find it highly unlikely that the majority of these early adopters are sheeple. It is utterly shameful people are praying on sheeple for their own financial gain, and relying on “the greater fool theory” to fatten their wallets.

Again, this is why I left the Litecoin community. I realized that it is an either/or situation, and I was completely disgusted by it. Either I was surrounded by sheeple, or I was surrounded by cut throat free-thinkers preying on sheeple by the use of the “greater fool theory,” and either way I decided I wanted no part in it. There was an “ah ha” moment in which I decided Litecoin needed to be innovative and really focus on improving crypto currencies on a technical and developmental level, or the sad reality is that's just how it’s going to be and how it will always be as long as they continue down the same path.

I am a big believer in an altered quote from a corny 90s movie named “The Field of Dreams” in regards to crypto currency adoption, “if you build it they will come.” If you stop and think about it for a second, this is exactly what Satoshi did with Bitcoin, and look at how far Bitcoin has come today. If a crypto currency is innovative enough and a vast improvement over prior crypto currencies, the users and merchants will come eventually. Now and in the near term future, as a crypto currency community… the free-thinkers and early adopters… we should mostly focus on improving crypto currencies the best way possible through innovation and development.

Sadly, I think Bitcoin and Litecoin have mainly gotten off the path that Satoshi paved which was focused on innovation and development, and adoption happening naturally instead of forced upon people. A large part of their community has trouble seeing that both of these crypto currencies are not perfect and have flaws. Try bringing up the flaws of Bitcoin in the General Discussion sub forum and see the kind of hostility and ignorance you are met with. This kind of group think is poison, and it affects the improvement of crypto currencies on an innovative and developmental level, and will only slow down the improvement of crypto currencies. They are not in a large way focusing on implementing new features, improving existing features, and openly talking about flaws of their respective crypto currency.

Doubly sadly, I think most of this group thinking stems from greed. They do not want to talk about the flaws of Bitcoin/Litecoin, and they brush everything off as FUD or “scam coins gonna scam coin.” When in reality they are the ones that are doing the scamming, as they are so worried about fattening their pockets, that they stifle innovation and development. In general, they are so worried that if someone reads a genuine concern about a flaw or short coming about Bitcoin/Litecoin and believes it, that that someone will not invest in the crypto currency they have invested in. This affects the size to which their pockets can fatten, they do not like this one bit, and they make every attempt to shut it down and label it as FUD.

In summary, marketing and pushing for merchant adoption is important, but it is equally important to not succumb to greed and ignorance and to push the crypto currency and/or decentralized technology movement forward through innovation and development. I applaud innovative crypto currencies for paving the path to the future of crypto currencies, a path that Satoshi started and a path that the larger crypto currency community seems to be wandering off of. Once that path is filled with great new useful features and vast improvements over old crypto currency features, the general public will flock to that path once they realize it is so much better than the government built overgrown bumpy pebble path they have been travelling down their entire lives.

Thanks for reading,


Keyhotee / Using Keyhotee For Decentalized Poker
« on: June 23, 2014, 03:14:19 am »
Obviously Keyhotee could be used to log into an online (centralized, or decentralized) poker network. There is one glaring problem with a decentralized poker network in that it may be impossible to combat "multi accounting". Multi accounting is used to describe the practice of entering multiple accounts (screen names) into the same online poker tournament. The sole purpose of multi-accounting is to create an advantage by offering one player multiple chances to advance to the later stages of a tournament where the significant money is, can also be used in cash games to collude with yourself, and also can be used by good players whom people have stopped giving action because they are that good.

I have a few ideas I could think of to deter multi accounting, but I don't think they are a very good solution to the problem, and I'm not sure if one really exists that could be used in a decentralized poker network. Centralized sites stop multi accounting by having poker players send in identification (passports, photo IDs, utility bills, etc.) I'm not sure that solution would really work in a decentralized site... who would analyze the IDs? and who would know enough about them to spot fake IDs?? Who would keep the identification and would everyone just have to trust that they keep them secret?

Now that I've outlined the problem, I am wondering if Keyhotee could be a possible solution. Is there any way that you could stop people from getting multiple keyhotee log ins? After searching around there seem like no good answer, so I am here asking you guys if you can think of anything. I don't really see these as optimal solutions, but these are the only ways I can think of:

-   Each person in a hand should be assigned a multi accounting score. This score represents the likelihood that player(s) involved in a hand were the same person based on the examining the multi accounting data points.
-   Possibly use of biometric fingerprint scanners, iris, or facial recognition software to use to make sure no one is playing more than one account at the same table. However, I’m not sure this technology is practical yet. Another more practical idea may be to make web cameras mandatory so you can see who you’re playing against.
-   Charge for player accounts. In my opinion is the most practical way at the moment of fighting Multi Accounting. Charge a fee for the account to play, based on the stakes they want to play at, so that it isn’t too much to deter players but that it would be expensive to multi account. This money can also be used for marketing and/or collusion/bot/ma checking.
-   All data points will need to be extensively beta tested to figure out how heavy they should be weighted, as a ton of false positives are possible and the formula for the multi accounting score will need to be tweaked. I suggest setting points for each data point, and have the data points that are more likely to catch what we’re looking for be worth more points.
-   Multi Accounting Data Points:
1.   Check IP for TOR and Proxy use
2.   Check for same IPs across the network.
3.   Check if the player funded his account with the same Bitcoin/whatever coin address as another player, or used to fund another player’s account. Block chain analysis could be done versus players who have mixed their coins.

Any ideas of how Keyhotee could be used for this purpose? Decentralized poker in games where multi accounting is possible may not be practical at this point in time if this problem is not solved, and that will be a serious setback for the Bitshares decentralized poker network project.

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