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Messages - emf

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Cannot sync new client if less 2G Ram
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:05:37 pm »
The next build will allow 32-bit windows clients access to another gigabyte of RAM, which is enough to allow it to sync or re-index the blockchain (at least for another week or two).

The only way I can think to do it with the current win32 build is to sync from the network in several stages.  Launch the client and watch the memory in Task Manager.  When you see it getting near 2GB, shutdown and launch again.  After two or three tries, you should be up to date.

Technical Support / Re: message: 'Bitshares has stopped working'
« on: September 27, 2014, 11:13:45 pm »
If you have crashes, do send the crash reports.  When you do, please click "Provide additional info about the problem" and give us a little info.  Something like "crashed when I clicked on 'markets'" along with an email address or forum name where we can PM you to let you know we fixed it or to ask you for other details if we need them.

It takes several minutes to set up to read a crash report, then a few more to dig through whatever logging we captured to try piece together what you were doing when it crashed, and any crash report with extra details or contact info will get much more of our attention than one without.

Technical Support / Re: BitSharesX compiling: do out of tree builds work?
« on: September 23, 2014, 01:57:52 pm »
Let me know if it doesn't work once the fix is merged.  I'm not set up to do out-of-source linux builds and it works fine in win32.  It could be that we need to add an explicit dependency to ru_RU.qm, probably changing line 183 in CMakeLists.txt to:

Code: [Select]
foreach(static_file IN LISTS static_bitshares_resource_files_in_binary_directory QM_FILES)

Technical Support / Re: BitSharesX compiling: do out of tree builds work?
« on: September 22, 2014, 04:32:59 pm »
This is probably fixed (although untested) in the repository

Technical Support / Re: 0.4.16-RC2 BitSharesX crash on startup, Ubuntu 14.04
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:13:05 pm »
Looks like we put a malformed key into the source code.  You can work around it by removing line 15 of programs/qt_wallet/WebUpdates.hpp so that it reads:

Code: [Select]
const static std::unordered_set<bts::blockchain::address>   WEB_UPDATES_SIGNING_KEYS ({
    // bts::blockchain::address( std::string( "BTSX5gc28hpz1U2BvuCaAtDEUZMFxouH9nwsR9bNaTzqTb1G3gBK4F" ) )

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