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Topics - Mining_Eth

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Changes in version 4.9c (since 4.8c):

Added support for AMD RX5500 cards
Added support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.12.3
Adding support for AMD Linux drivers 19.50-967956
Adding option -rate 2 to use the command name "eth_submitHashRate" instead of "eth_submitHashrate" when solo mining
Fixed the problem with loading NVML with the latest Nvidia drivers
Fixed a problem that was introduced in 4.8c causing mismatching of the cards when using more than one value in -cclock or any other command-line argument with more than one value (i.e. when using different values for each card)
Added an HTML version of the documentation for better navigation and readability
Other small improvements and fixes.

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:



Changes in version 4.8c:

Added support for the latest AMD drivers under Linux 19.30-934563 and for mining with RX5700 cards under Linux. Note that drivers are quite buggy and most of the overclocking options don't work, as well as most of the hardware monitoring options.
Added a new flexible way for setting GPU-specific options with selectors. Example: -cclock 1-3:1090,4:1300 -mclock nvidia:+450,amd:2000,*:1900,gtx*1070*ti:+200 See Readme.txt for more information.
Added command-line option -gbase to set 0-base or 1-based GPU indexes (the default is 1). With -gbase 1 (the default), the first GPU is GPU1, then GPU2, etc. With -gbase 0 the first GPU is GPU0, second - GPU1, etc. Note that this also changes the indexes that are used with all command line options that accept GPU indexes (e.g. -gpus) as well as these used with the interactive commands on the miner shell window
Validated support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.11.3 (but they already work with 4.7c because there were no significant changes in the OpenCL driver)
Other small improvements and fixes.

PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64
and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.

PhoenixMiner also supports Ubqhash for mining UBQ, ProgPOW for mining BCI, and dual mining
Ethash/Ubqhash with Blake2s.

The speed is generally faster than Claymore's Ethereum miner in eth only mode
(we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
interactively with the + and - keys while the miner is running).

If you have used Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore's command-line options and confirguration

Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but there still may be some bugs.
Additionally, we are actively working on bringing many new features in the future releases.
If you encounter any problems or have feature requests, please post them here (in this thread).
We will do our best to answer in timely fashion.

1. Quick start

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:!QSAVVaoS!bCFZeeUzKdvMudrY4zFWog (MEGA)

Examples of settings for different pools.

ethermine org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethermine org:4444 -pool2 us1 ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethermine org (ETH, secure connection):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl: //eu1 ethermine org: 5555 -pool2 ssl: //us1 ethermine org: 5555 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethpool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethpool org:3333 -pool2 us1 ethpool org:3333 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
dwarfpool com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eth-eu dwarfpool com:8008 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nanopool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 nanopool org:9999 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nicehash (ethash):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //daggerhashimoto eu nicehash com: 3353 -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -pass x -proto 4 -stales 0
f2pool (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -epool eth f2pool com:8008 -ewal YourEthWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
miningpoolhub (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool us-east ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20535 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
coinotron com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool coinotron com:3344 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ethermine org (ETC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1-etc ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEtcWalletAddress.WorkerName
dwarfpool com (EXP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool exp-eu dwarfpool com:8018 -wal YourExpWalletAddress / WorkerName
miningpoolhub (MUSIC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool europe ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20585 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ubiqpool (UBIQ):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //eu ubiqpool io: 8008 -wal YourUbiqWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
minerpool net (PIRL):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool pirl minerpool net:8002 -wal YourPirlWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
dodopool com (Metaverse ETP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool etp dodopool com:8008 -wal YourMetaverseETPWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass
minerpool net (Ellaism):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ella minerpool net:8002 -wal YourEllaismWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x

Pool options:

3. Command-line arguments

Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore's miner.

-pool <host rt> Ethash pool address (prepend the host name with ssl:// for SSL pool, or http:// for solo mining)
-wal <wallet> Ethash wallet (some pools require appending of user name and/or worker)
-pass <password> Ethash password (most pools don't require it, use 'x' as password if unsure)
-worker <name> Ethash worker name (most pools accept it as part of wallet)
-proto <n> Selects the kind of stratum protocol for the ethash pool:
1: miner-proxy stratum spec (e.g. coinotron)
2: eth-proxy (e.g. dwarfpool, nanopool) - this is the default, works for most pools
3: qtminer (e.g. ethpool)
4: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (e.g. nicehash)
5: EthereumStratum/2.0.0
-coin <coin> Ethash coin to use for devfee to avoid switching DAGs:

auto: Try to determine from the pool address (default)
eth: Ethereum
etc: Ethereum Classic
exp: Expanse
music: Musicoin
ubq: UBIQ
pirl: Pirl
ella: Ellaism
etp: Metaverse ETP
pgc: Pegascoin
akroma: Akroma
whale: WhaleCoin
vic: Victorium
nuko: Nekonium
mix: Mix
egem: EtherGem
aura: Aura
hbc: Hotelbyte Coin
gen: Genom
etz: EtherZero
clo: Callisto
dbix: DubaiCoin
moac: MOAC
etho: Ether-1
etcc: EtherCC
yoc: Yocoin
b2g: Bitcoiin2Gen
esn: Ethersocial
ath: Atheios
reosc: REOSC

4. Configuration files

Note that PhoenixMiner supports the same configuration files as Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use your existing configuration files without any changes.

Instead of using command-line options, you can also control PhoenixMiner with configuration
files. If you run PhoenixMiner.exe without any options, it will search for the file config.txt
in the current directory and will read its command-line options from it. If you want, you can
use file with another name by specifying its name as the only command-line option
when running PhoenixMiner.exe.

You will find an example config.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.

Instead of specifying the pool(s) directly on the command line, you can use another configuration
file for this, named epools.txt. There you can specify one pool per line (you will find an example
epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory).

For the dual mining pools, you can use the dpools.txt file, which has the same format as epools.txt
but for the secondary coin. You will find an example epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.
Note that unlike the epools.txt, which is loaded each time when the miner starts, the dpools.txt file
is only read if you specify a dual mining pool on the command line with -dpool, or at least add
the -dcoin blake2s command-line option.

The advantages of using config.txt and epools.txt/dpools.txt files are:
- If you have multiple rigs, you can copy and paste all settings with these files
- If you control your rigs via remote control, you can change pools and even the miner options by
uploading new epools.txt files to the miner, or by uploading new config.txt file and restarting
the miner.

5. Remote monitoring and management

Phoenix miner is fully compatible with Claymore's dual miner protocol for remote monitoring and
management. This means that you can use any tools that are build to support Claymore's dual miner,
including the "Remote manager" application that is part of Claymore's dual miner package.

We are working on much more powerful and secure remote monitoring and control functionality and
control center application, which will allow better control over your remote or local rigs and some
unique features to increase your mining profits.

Claymore's Dual Ethereum + Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner.

Latest version is v15.0 - Supercharged Edition:

- now miner supports up to #384 epoch (4GB DAG size). Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch.
- added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode).
- now miner sets environment variables automatically (required for 4GB AMD cards).
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.


version is v14.7 - Supercharged Edition:

- now the miner driver does not require switching Windows to Test Mode. If you want to turn Test Mode off, use "-driver uninstall" option (with admin rights) and reboot,
then start miner with admin rights to install new driver automatically when necessary (or use "-driver install" option directly).
If you have any problems with signed driver you can use "-driver install_test" option, it uses old approach: enables Test Mode (reboot is required) and installs unsigned driver.
- added "-showpower" option for stats about GPU power consumption, press "s" to see it. Both AMD and Nvidia cards are supported, except Linux gpu-pro drivers and Radeon7 cards.
- updated Remote Manager to show total power consumption.
- fixed issue with "-logsmaxsize" option when "-logfile" option is used to specify directory for log files.
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.

version is v14.6 - Supercharged Edition:

- now "-rxboost" option also supports old AMD cards (Hawaii, Tonga, Tahiti, Pitcairn), use "-rxboost 1" to improve hashrate up to 5% by applying some additional memory timings.
- now "-rxboost" option supports all AMD drivers.
- now "-strap" for AMD cards also supports AMD blockchain drivers.
- some changes to further reduce stale shares a bit.
- added "-minspeedtime" option.
- added statistics for shares accepting time (min/max/average), press "s" to see it.
- updated Remote Manager to show shares accepting time.
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.


- Supports applying optimized memory timings (straps) on-the-fly in Windows, without flashing VBIOS (currently Polaris, Vega, Nvidia 10xx cards only), up to 20% speedup. Best straps for Ethereum are included.
- Supports new "dual mining" mode: mining both Ethereum and Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak at the same time, with no impact on Ethereum mining speed. Ethereum-only mining mode is supported as well.
- Effective Ethereum mining speed is higher by 3-5% because of a completely different miner code - much less invalid and outdated shares, higher GPU load, optimized OpenCL code, optimized assembler kernels.
- Supports both AMD and nVidia cards, even mixed.
- No DAG files.
- Supports all Stratum versions for Ethereum: can be used directly without any proxies with all pools that support eth-proxy, qtminer or miner-proxy.
- Supports Ethereum and Siacoin solo mining.
- Supports both HTTP and Stratum for Decred.
- Supports both HTTP and Stratum for Siacoin.
- Supports Stratum for Lbry, Pascal, Blake2s, Keccak.
- Supports failover.
- Displays detailed mining information and hashrate for every card.
- Supports remote monitoring and management.
- Supports GPU selection, built-in GPU overclocking features and temperature management.
- Supports Ethereum forks (Expanse, etc).
- Windows and Linux versions.

This version is POOL/SOLO for Ethereum, POOL for Decred, POOL/SOLO for Siacoin, POOL for Lbry, POOL for Pascal, POOL for Blake2s, POOL for Keccak.

For old AMD cards, Catalyst (Crimson) 15.12 is required for best performance and compatibility.
For AMD 4xx/5xx cards (Polaris) you can use any recent drivers.
For AMD cards, set the following environment variables, especially if you have 2...4GB cards:


This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 1%, every hour the miner mines for 36 seconds for developer.
For all 2GB cards and 3GB cards devfee is 0%, so on these cards you can mine all ETH forks without devfee, this miner is completely free in this case.
If some cards are 2...3GB and some >3GB, 2...3GB cards still mine for you during devfee time, only cards that have more than 3GB memory will be used for devfee mining. Miner displays appropriate messages during startup.
Second coin (Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak) is mined without developer fee.
So the developer fee is 0...1%, if you don't agree with the dev fee - don't use this miner, or use "-nofee" option.
Attempts to cheat and remove dev fee will cause a bit slower mining speed (same as "-nofee 1") though miner will show same hashrate.
Miner cannot just stop if cheat is detected because creators of cheats would know that the cheat does not work and they would find new tricks. If miner does not show any errors or slowdowns, they are happy.

This version is for recent AMD videocards only: 7xxx, 2xx and 3xx, 2GB or more. Recent nVidia videocards are supported as well.


You can use "config.txt" file instead of specifying options in command line.
If there are not any command line options, miner will check "config.txt" file for options.
If there is only one option in the command line, it must be configuration file name.
If there are two or more options in the command line, miner will take all options from the command line, not from configuration file.
Place one option per line, if first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
You can also use environment variables in "epools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.

If for Ethereum-only mining:

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -eworker rig1

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -eworker rig1

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool stratum+tcp:// -ewal 1LmMNkiEvjapn5PRY8A9wypcWJveRrRGWr -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1 -estale 0

Ethereum forks mining:

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -allcoins -1

Ethereum SOLO mining (assume geth is on


Use "epools.txt" and "dpools.txt" files to specify additional pools (you can use "-epoolsfile" and "-dpoolsfile" options to use different filenames).
These files have text format, one pool per line. Every pool has 3 connection attempts.
Miner disconnects automatically if pool does not send new jobs for a long time or if pool rejects too many shares.
If the first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
Do not change spacing, spaces between parameters and values are required for parsing.
If you need to specify "," character in parameter value, use two commas - ,, will be treated as one comma.
You can reload "epools.txt" and "dpools.txt" files in runtime by pressing "r" key.
Pool specified in the command line is "main" pool, miner will try to return to it every 30 minutes if it has to use some different pool from the list.
If no pool was specified in the command line then first pool in the failover pools list is main pool.
You can change 30 minutes time period to some different value with "-ftime" option, or use "-ftime 0" to disable switching to main pool.
You can also use environment variables in "epools.txt", "dpools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.
You can also select current pool in runtime by pressing "e" or "d" key.


Miner supports remote monitoring/management via JSON protocol over raw TCP/IP sockets. You can also get recent console text lines via HTTP.
Start "EthMan.exe" from "Remote management" subfolder (Windows version only).
Check built-in help for more information. "API.txt" file contains more details about protocol.


- AMD cards: on some cards you can notice non-constant mining speed in dual mode, sometimes speed becomes a bit slower. This issue was mostly fixed in recent versions, but not completely.
- AMD cards: in Linux with gpu-pro drivers, the list of GPUs may differ from the list of temperatures. You can use -di to change order of GPUs to match both lists.
- nVidia cards: dual mode is not so effective as for AMD cards.
- Windows 10 Defender recognizes miner as a virus, some antiviruses do the same. Miner is not a virus, add it to Defender exceptions.
I write miners since 2014. Most of them are recognized as viruses by some paranoid antiviruses, perhaps because I pack my miners to protect them from disassembling, perhaps because some people include them into their botnets, or perhaps these antiviruses are not good, I don't know. For these years, a lot of people used my miners and nobody confirmed that my miner stole anything or did something bad.
Note that I can guarantee clean binaries only for official links in my posts on this forum (bitcointalk). If you downloaded miner from some other link - it really can be a virus.
However, my miners are closed-source so I cannot prove that they are not viruses. If you think that I write viruses instead of good miners - do not use this miner, or at least use it on systems without any valuable data.


1. Install Catalyst v15.12 for old AMD cards; for Fury, Polaris and Vega cards use latest blockchain drivers.
2. Disable overclocking.
3. Set environment variables as described above.
4. Set Virtual Memory 16 GB or more.
5. Reboot computer.
6. Check hardware, risers.
7. Set some timeout in .bat file before starting miner at system startup (30sec or even a minute), and try "-ethi 4" to check if it is more stable. It can help if miner is not stable on some system.


- Miner works too slowly when I mine ETH/ETC but works fine when I mine some ETH fork.
Check if you enabled "Compute Mode" in AMD drivers, also you can press "y" key to turn on "Compute Mode" in AMD drivers for all cards (Windows only).

- I cannot mine ETH/ETC with Nvidia 3GB card in Windows 10.
Windows 10 internally allocates about 20% of GPU memory so applications can use only 80% of GPU memory. Use Windows 7 or Linux.


NPlusMiner now with a AI, GUI, AutoUpdate, Earnings Tracker and Monitoring

NPlusMiner Monitors mining pools in real-time in order to find the most profitable Algo/Pool and comes with a GUI and autoupdate feature



ChangeLog 7.0.6

Fixed BrainPlus not working with some Culture config.
Added message on API request failures

ChangeLog 7.0.4

Fixed BrainPlus not working on some pools.
Adjust console width at start

ChangeLog 7.0.3

Added Arctichash support
ChangeLog 7.0.2

Fixed an issue with dual miners when algo is not available
ChangeLog 7.0.1

All miners updated to latest version
Added Dual mining support (Ethash/Hanshake and Ethash/Eaglesong)
Added Kawpow support (RVN Fork)
Added API server feature
NPlusMiner can act as an Pool API server for other instances
This is useful when running several instances behind the same IP.
So pool won't ban for too many requests on the API

NPlusMiner Monitors mining pools in real-time in order to find the most profitable Algo

GUI and easy configuration
Auto Benchmarks Each algo to get optimal speeds
Fully automated
Auto Downloads Miners

Easy configuration, easy start in two steps:

Run NPLusMiner

1. Enter your BTC address
2. Hit "Start"


There is a 8 minutes per day fee (0.5%), that can be changed in the config (Minimum is 3)
When less than 3 minutes is set, lottery is 0 or any walue between 3 and 8

Features list


Since version 2.0 NPlusMiner has a GUI making it easy to configure and run.
Relies on config files. No need to edit bat files. Simply run NPlusMiner
Set your wallet address and hit start
For console lovers. Run NPlusMiner-ConsoleUp.


Since version 4.0 NPlusMiner integrates an AutoUpdate feature.

Pause Mining

Ability to pause miners while keeping other jobs running (pause button)
This will stop mining activity
BrainPlus will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume
EarningTracker will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume


Ability to run a batch prior switching to a specific algo.
For example, can be used to set per algo OC via nvidiaInspector
Simply create a file named <AlgoName>.bat in prerun folder
If <AlgoName>.bat does not exist, will try to launch prerun/default.bat
Use overclock with caution

Per pools config (Advanced)

- **This is for advanced users. Do not use if you do not know what you are doing.**
- You can now set specific options per pool. For example, you can mine NiceHash on the internal wallet and other pools on a valid wallet. This configuration is provided as an example in Config\PoolsConfig-NHInternal.json
- Available options
- Wallet = your wallet address
- UserName = your MPH user name
- WorkerName = your worker name
- PricePenaltyFactor = See explanation below
- Usage
- The file Config\PoolsConfig.json contains per pool configuration details. If a pool is listed in this file,
the specific settings will be taken into account. If not, the setting for the entry name default will be used.
**Do not delete the default entry.**
- Edit Config\PoolsConfig.json
- Add an entry for the pool you want to customize
- The name must be the NPlusMiner name for the pool. ie. for ahashpool, if you use Plus. The name is ahashpoolplus.
- (**careful with json formating**)
- Best way is to duplicate the default entry
- Note that the GUI only updates the default entry. Any other changes need to be done manualy

PricePenaltyFactor (Advanced)

- When using advanced per pool configuration, it is possible to add a penalty factor for a specific pool. This simply adds as a multiplicator on estimations presented by the pool.
- Example scenario
- NiceHash as a 4% fee - Set PricePenaltyFactor to 0.96 (1-0.04)
- You feel like a pool is exaggerating his estimations by 10% - Set PricePenaltyFactor to 0.9

BrainPlus - ahashpoolplus / zergpoolplus / zpoolplus / blazepoolplus / BlockMastersPlus / PhiPhiPoolPlus / StarPoolPlus / HashRefineryPlus

Uses calculations based on 24hractual and currentestimate ahashpool prices to get more realistic estimate.
Includes some trust index based on past 1hr currentestimate variation from 24hr.
AND is NOT sensible to spikes.
This shows less switching than following Current Estimate and more switching that following the 24hr Actual.
Better profitability.

Pools variants

24hr - uses last 24hour Actual API too request profit
-Low switching rate
plus - uses advanced calculations to maximize profit
-**Best switching rate**
normal - uses current estimate API too request profit
-High switching rate

Earnings Tracking

Displays BTC/H and BTC/D as well a estimation of when the pool payment threshold will be reached.
Supported pools:
miningpoolhub (partial)
If mining more that one pools, shows stats for any supported pool
Press key e in the console window to show/hide earnings

Support running multiple instances

More than one instance of NPlusMiner can run on the same rig
Each instance must be placed in it's own directory
Miner has to be started prior the launch of the next instance

Optional miners (Advanced)

Some miners are not enabled by default in NPlusMiner for a variety of reasons
A new folder can be found called "OptionalMiners" containing .ps1 files for some miners
For advanced users, refer to OptionalMiners\Readme.txt on how to use

Algo switching log

Simple algo switching log in csv switching.log file found in Logs folder.
You can easily track switching rate.

Console Display Options

Use -UIStyle Light or -UIStyle Full in config.json
Full = Usual display
Light = Show only currently mining info (Default)
UIStyle automaticaly swtiches to Full during benchmarking.

In session console display toggle

Press key s in the window to switch between light and full display
Press key e in the window to show/hide earnings
Will toggle display at next refresh

We like beer, feel free to buy one

nemo = 1QGADhdMRpp9Pk5u5zG1TrHKRrdK5R81TE

MrPlus = 134bw4oTorEJUUVFhokDQDfNqTs7rBMNYy

Forager is an advanced open source multi-pool / multi-algo profit switching miner

It will use profit information from supporting pools to make sure you mine the most profitable algorithm at all times.
You can also use WhatToMine and CoinCalculators virtual pools for profit data and mine to pools which dont provide profit information, or even your custom pools.

Using integration with MSI Afterburner, it will get real time power usage and use this information to calculate how much you pay and adjust the profitability data.

Latest versions:
20.04 - 5/04/2020
20.01 - 5/01/2020
19.07 - 27/07/2019
19.06 - 3/06/2019
19.05 - 9/05/2019

Main features:
- Supports AMD/NVIDIA/CPU Mining
- Mine single coin or algo or Automatic profit switching on Zpool, Zergpool, NiceHash, MiningPoolHub and others
- Profitability info for all coins on WhatToMine and CoinCalculators
- MSI Afterburner integration for monitoring AMD/NVIDIA/Intel CPU power consumption and PowerLimit support for AMD/NVIDIA
- Fast benchmarking (Most algos hashrate stabilize and finish within 2-3mins)
- GPU Activity watchdog + Hashrate watchdog
- Reporting mining stats to
- Power usage approximation for AMD and CPU when Afterburner integration is off
- Profit display in any fiat currency which is supported by CoinDesk
- SHA256 checksum validation for miner downloads


Option 2:
Download latest Forager release (7zip or self-extracting SFX) and extract

Copy Config-SAMPLE.ini to Config.ini and Edit it with your preferred currencies, wallets and pool users
See Autostart.bat files for launch examples

Option 1:
Remove all files except your customized Autostart.bat, Config.ini and Stats folder
Download latest Forager release (7zip or self-extracting SFX) and extract

Option 2 (if initially installed using GIT):
run "git pull" in Forager folder to get latest master version

Miner list:
Total of 70+ miners, too long to list here
If you want a specific miner - I probably have it already

Pool list:


- Recommended drivers for AMD - 18.3.4/18.6.1.
you can use to easily find and download specific driver version

- Recommended drivers for NVIDIA on Win 10 - 411.31+ for CUDA 10.
- Recommended drivers for NVIDIA on Win 10 - 398.+ for CUDA 9.2
- Recommended drivers for NVIDIA on Win 7 - 390.65-391.01

- Latest PowerShell core recommended for compatibility/performance

- Windows 7 will require PowerShell v5 or PowerShell Core installed
- Recommended MSI Afterburner version is 4.5.0 or newer
prior versions don't support Intel CPU power usage and may not fully support your GPU

- Avermore and Sgminer X16r/X16s (AMD) during benchmarking submit "fake" shares that get rejected by the pools.
Ignore this and after benchmarking it will work normally.

- XMR-Stak (AMD and NVIDIA) doesn't support multiple groups per GPU Vendor (2+ AMD or NVIDIA) out of the box.
Of first run it will create "GroupName-Algorithm.txt" files for each group that you can edit once to include only the relevant GPUs.

Mixed rigs (AMD+NVIDIA) may have problems selecting specific devices. Use at your own risk.

Bminer is a highly optimized cryptocurrency miner that runs on modern AMD/NVIDIA GPUs (Maxwell and Pascal, i.e. GPUs that have compute capability 5.0 or above). Bminer is one of the fastest publicly available miners today -- we use various techniques including tiling and pipelining to realize the full potentials of the hardware.

Bminer also comes with REST APIs to facilitate production deployments (e.g., mining farms).
Bminer supports mining Equihash-based coins (e.g., Zcash) with 2% of devfee.
Bminer supports mining Zhash / Equihash 144,5 based coins (e.g. BitcoinGold, BitcoinZ) with 2% of devfee.
Bminer supports mining Ethash-based coins (e.g., Ethereum) with 0.65% of devfee.
Bminer also supports dual mining mode - mining Ethash-based coins (e.g. Ethereum) and Blake14r-based coins (e.g. Decred) / Blake2s-based coins (e.g. Verge) at the same time. Devfee for the dual mining mode is 1.3%, and the second coin (e.g. Decred/Verge) is mined without devfee.
Bminer supports mining Tensority-based coins (e.g., Bytom(BTM)) with 2% of devfee.



Grin31 mining on stock settings
2.60 G/s on RTX 2080Ti
1.65 G/s on RTX 2080
1.55 G/s on GTX 1080Ti
0.95 G/s on GTX 1070

Bminer 16.0.6 Grin29m mining on stock settings
8.32 G/s on GTX 2080Ti
5.18 G/s on GTX 2070
3.96 G/s on 2060
2.18 G/s on 1060
3.34 G/s on 1070
5.03 G/s on 1080ti
3.00 G/s on P104-4G
3.56 G/s on P104-8G
4.95 G/s on P102-10G

AE mining on stock settings:
11.8 Sol/s on GTX 2080Ti
8.90 Sol/s on GTX 2080
7.40 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
4.7 Sol/s on GTX 1070
3.4 Sol/s on GTX 1060 6G

Beam mining on stock settings
30 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
21 Sol/s on GTX 1070
12 Sol/s on GTX 1060 6G

Equihash mining on stock settings
735-745 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
450-460 Sol/s on GTX 1070
315-325 Sol/s on GTX 1060
Equihash 144,5 (Zhash) mining on stock settings
61 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
25 Sol/s on GTX 1060
Ethash mining on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W)
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 46.7 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 32.2 MH/s
Dual mining using automatic tuning (default) on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W)
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
ETH 46 MH/s and DCR 1000 MH/s
ETH 46 MH/s and XVG 1770 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
ETH 32 MH/s and DCR 2200 MH/s
ETH 32 MH/s and XVG 3750 MH/s
Bytom mining on stock settings:
4650 H/s on GTX 1080Ti
2850 H/s on GTX 1070
1800 H/s on GTX 1060 6G

Secure and reliable

SSL support
Automatic reconnects to recover from transient network failures
Automatic restarts if GPUs hang

Operation friendly

Comes with REST APIs to facilitate production deployments


Download and extract Bminer into a folder (e.g. C:\bminer or /home/bminer)
Depending on the coins that you want to mine, find the corresponding script in the folder. For example, the corresponding script is mine_grin29.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux) when mining Grin using the Cuckaroo29 algorithm.
Change the address and account information in the script.
Run the script and Enjoy mining :)


Windows x64:
Windows x64:

Release notes

Fix fidelity issues on Cuckaroo29m.
Support for BFC and Cuckatoo32.
Improve the stability of ETH mining.

Retire the supports for XVG, DCR, and VBK.
Initial support for mining Ethash as well as dual mining Ethash and Handshake on AMD platforms.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29m miner.
Fix the regression that the Cuckatoo / Cuckoo miners failed to start.
Fix the performance regression of Cuckaroo29m under Windows.
Fix the compatbility issues on Windows system.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29m miner.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29m miner.
Reduce the rejection rate of the Cuckaroo29m miner.

16.0.3 (Current)
Improve performance and stability of the Cuckaroo29m miner.
Fix fidelity issues of the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Performance improvement on the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Fix the Cuckaroo29m miner fails to start on Turing-based cards or cards that have only 4G memory.
Fix the Cuckaroo29m miner submits shares that have low difficulty.
Performance improvement on the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Initial support for the Cuckaroo29m algorithm.

Improve the performance of Beam bminer for RTX cards.
Experimental support for dual-mining Ethash and the Eaglesong algorithm.

Improve the performance of automatic tuning of dual mining parameters.

Add an API to stop the miner.

Improve the performance of BeamHashII algorithm on RTX cards.

Improve the performance of BeamHashII algorithm.

Fix the regression on the BeamHashII fails to start on GTX 2060.

Support for the BeamHashII algorithm.

Fix the regression that the Cuckaroo29d miner fails to start on RTX-series cards.

Improve the performance of the miner of Cuckatoo31.
Increase the dynamic ranges of -intensity for older machines to fully utilize the GPUs (at the cost of a slight performance loss).

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29d / Aeternity.
Support 4GB cards for Cuckaroo29d.
Fix the regression that the Cuckaroo29d miner fails to start on Windows.

Improve the performance of the Cuckaroo29d miner.

Improve the stability of the Cuckaroo29d miner.
Reduce the CPU usage of Cuckaroo29d miner.
Support 5GB cards for Cuckaroo29d.

Improve the performance of the Cuckaroo29d algorithm.
Fix the issue that the Cuckaroo29d failed to start for Turing-based cards.

Support the cuckaroo29d algorithm

Fix invalid shares ETH + VBK when using multiple cards.

Fix the regression that Cuckaroo29 fails to work on Turing cards.
Significantly improve the performance of ETH / VBK dual mine.

Improve the performance of the Cuckatoo algorithm.
Support dual-mining ETH and VBK.
Add the parameter -version to output the version and exit.

Improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Aeternity.
Improve compatibility on Windows
Add an experimental flag --fast to improve the performance for Cuckaroo29 / Aeternity, but it might lead to unstability on some systems

Slightly improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.
Reduce CPU usages of Cuckatoo31.
Fix the regressions of Cuckaroo29 on RTX cards.
Fix the incorrect reportings of Ethash speed to the mining pools.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29 by 5%.
Slightly improve the performance of Cuckatoo31.
Improve compatibility on Windows.

Improve performance and stability of Cuckatoo31.
Slightly improved performance of Ccukaroo29.
Reduced the chance of reject and stale shares of CC29/CC31.
Support RTX 2080/2070 for Cuckatoo31. RTX 2080 expected speed 1.45G/s.

Improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.
Experimental support Cuckaroo29 on AMD cards (ROCM only)
Improve compatibility on Windows.
Fix the regression on UI dashboard.
Reduce reject rate of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.

Improve the fidelity of Cuckaroo29 on 1060 / P106 / 1070.

Fix compatibility issues on Windows.

Support 8G cards for Cuckatoo31 (except for Windows 10).
Improve stability of the Cuckatoo31 solver.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares of Cuckatoo31.
Support Nicehash for both Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.

Improve the performance for Cuckatoo31.
Support 2080Ti for Cuckatoo31.
Reduce the CPU usages for Grin / Aeternity by default.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares for Cuckatoo31.

Experimental support for Cuckatoo31 on 1080Ti.
Fix the regression where ETH dual mine fails to start on Windows.
Improve performance on mining Aeternity.
Support tweaking the CPU usage for mining AE / Grin with the -intensity flag.

Improve performance of AE / Grin on Turing cards.
Improve performance of AE / Grin on lower-end CPUs and Windows platforms.
Support mining beam on leafpool and nicehash.
Fix the regression where /api/v1/devices is occasionally unresponsive.

Improved Grin/AE mining speed.
Print fidelity information. It is a measure of the luck/miner correctness. Overtime, the number should be close to one. For miners running over two hours, the fidelity should be at least greater than 0.95.
Improved multi-card performance on Windows.
Improved the miner fidelity by 8%-10%. You will not see big local difference but you will see roughly 10% higher speed on the pool side.
Reduced reject chance.
Fixed equihash issue.
Fix the regression that the equihash miner fails to start on Windows.


Improve the performance of Turing GPUs when mining Grin.
Reduced rejected share chance for all cards.


Support mining Grin / AE with 4G or 5G of video memory. (P104 only on Linux).


30% performance improvement on Grin and AE.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares.


Optimize CPU usage.
Fix compatibility issues with and
Experimental support for Turing GPUs.
Allow bminer to run with older NVIDIA drivers.


50% performance improvement on Aeternity.
10% performance improvement on Grin.
Support 8GB cards on Windows 10.
Support SSL connections for Grin.


Experimental support mining Grin on NVIDIA GPUs. Currently bminer only supports the Cuckaroo29 algorithm.
100% performance improvement on the beam miner on NVIDIA GPUs compared to 11.4.1.
Bug fixes

Support AMD Crimson driver mining beam [/b]

Experimental support mining beam with AMD cards


Improve the performance of Aeternity for 6GB cards
Support mining beam over beepool
Output solution/s instead of nounce/s when mining beam


Experimental support for Beam.


Experimental support for Aeternity.


Support ETH/BTM dual mine.


Fix `-devices value` option bug in 10.6.0.
Fix a bug in `GET /api/v1/status/device` api.


Require CUDA 9.2 or above for this version.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed, e.g. 4650H/s on 1080Ti now.


Require CUDA 9.2 or above for this version.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed, e.g. 4500H/s on 1080Ti now.
Maximum temperature is monitored more precisely.
Support BTG mining on pool.


Add `-pers auto` option to support pools (e.g. to automatically switch personalization string for equihash144,5 mining.


Make API robust and accessible even when GPUs are hung.
Support ethproxy protocol pools, such as dwarfpool, to display worker names.


Support all the other Equihash 144,5 based coins besides BTG, using equihash1445 scheme and -pers config.


Fix performance regression in BTM mining.


Support mining Zhash (Equihash with parameter set 144,5) based coins.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed again (up to another 30%).
Support reported hashrate feature on ETH pools.


Substantially increase BTM mining speed (up to 30%).
Fix editing problems of .bat files on windows.
Add scheme suggestions in scripts for ETH mining.


Experimental support for mining Bytom (BTM).
Optimize the performance of automatic tuning in dual mining mode.
Start REST APIs much faster than previous versions.
Improve compatibility of mining Ethereum on Nicehash pool.


Support a dual mining mode for Ethereum (ETH, Ethash) and Decred (DCR, blake14r) / Verge (XVG, blake2s) without affecting Ethereum mining performance.
Automatically tune mining performance in dual mining mode.
Support dual mining mode in launcher and dashboard GUI.
Add scripts to download third party software OhGodAnETHlargementPill to improve Ethereum mining performance on GTX 1080/1080Ti.
Introduce new REST APIs to display stratum/solver/device status.


Experimental support for mining Ethereum.
Various usability improvements on the launcher GUI.
Create a lite distribution without the launcher GUI.


Fix potential regression caused by 6.0.0 for GPUs mounting on risers.
Improve mining algorithm stability.


Failover server supports. Supply multiple uris (separated by commas) via the -uri option to enable the failover support.
A launcher GUI for Windows.
Reduce reject rate caused by stale shares.
0.3-0.5% performance improvement depending on card models.
Fix inaccurate metrics at the start of Bminer.
Reduce CPU usage the start of bminer.
Support miner.reconnect().
Experimental support for miningrigrentals.
A new option -no-runtime-info to disable runtime information collection.


Show the fan speed in both console and UI.
Fix compatibility issues for
Fix a bug that causes Bminer fails to start on Windows under some configuration.


Fix a reconnection issue in the network layer.
Show additional statistics in console.
Allow cross-domain requests to access the API.
Fix the compatibility issue with docker.
Introduce the option `-share-check` to make the time of recovering from no accepted shares configurable.


Experimental support for EthOS / Ubuntu 14.04.
Support AMD K10 CPUs.
Automatically restart hanged network connections.
Improve compatibilities with mining rigs with more than 8 cards.


Introduced the option -logfile to append the logs into a file.
Minor optimization on Windows for cards that are mounted on the risers.
Improve compatibility for NiceHash.


Support NiceHash.
Fix unstable network connections in 5.0.0.
Fix performance regressions for 1080Ti under Linux.


Minor performance improvement for GTX 1060.
Fixed performance regressions in 4.0.0 on Windows.
Optimization on the networking layer.
Show GPU ID in case of hardware errors.
Introduced the option -no-timestamps which suppresses the timestamps in the logging messages.


Minor performance improvement.
Support older CPUs like Core 2 Duo.
Support mining rigs that have more than 8 GPUs.
Removed the polling option.
Introduced the option `-max-network-failures` which allows Bminer to exit after consecutive network failures.
Various improvement on the UI.
Localization for Russian and Chinese.


Minor performance improvement.
Disable CPU polling by default.
Introduce a Web-based dashboard.
Support slushpool.


Add the -polling option to make GPU polling configurable.
Disabling polling reduces the CPU usage but it might reduce the performance in some configurations.
Improve the stability of the network connections.
First public release for Linux.


First public release.





Download From Mega Release:

Performance (stock frequency)
Code: http://api_host:port/ in your browser to use web monitor.


Support Windows & Linux.
Support backup mining pool configuration.
Support SSL connection to mining pools.

Dev Fee

tensority_ethash 3%, tensority(Pascal) 2%, tensority(Turing) 3%, ethash 0.65%, cuckaroo & cuckatoo & cuckaroo_swap 2%, progpow_sero 2%, sipc 2%, bfc 3%
hns 2%, hns_ethash 3%, trb 2%, trb_ethash 3%, kawpow 2%

Performance (stock frequency)

| Algorithm | Coin | P106-100 | P104-8G | 1070ti | 1080ti | 2080 | RX580 2048sp |
| :--------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :--------: | :--------: | :------: | :------: | :----------: |
| tensority | BTM | 1,900 | 3000 | 3,400 | 5,000 | 11,500 | X |
| ethash | ETH | 21.2M | 34.5M | 26.9M | 46M | 35.5M | X |
| tensority_ethash | BTM+ETH | 950+15.5M | 1600+26.5M | 1350+22M | 2450+40M | 7000+28M | X |
| cuckaroo | GRIN29 | 3.45 | 5.6 | 5.25 | 8.1 | 8.9 | X |
| cuckarood | GRIN29 | 3.45 | 5.6 | 5.25 | 8.1 | 9.1 | X |
| cuckatoo | GRIN31 | - | 0.89 | 0.94 | 1.56 | 1.65 | X |
| cuckoo_ae | AE | 3.35 | 5.5 | 5.15 | 7.9 | 8.75 | X |
| cuckaroo_swap | SWAP | 3.45 | 5.6 | 5.25 | 8.1 | 8.9 | X |
| progpow_sero | SERO | 10.3M | 17.5M | 13.3M | 22.5M | 25.8M | 10M |
| sipc | SIPC | 600k | 940k | 780k | 1170k | 1050k | X |
| eaglesong | CKB | 430M | 640M | 740M | 1150M | 1160M | 350M |
| eaglesong_ethash | CKB+ETH | 203M+20.5M | 275M+34M | 415M+26.5M | 600M+44M | 790M+36M | 200M+22M |
| bfc | BFC | 80 | 130 | 120 | 190 | 210 | X |
| hns | HNS | 170M | 255M | 300M | 455M | 425M | 145M |
| hns_ethash | HNS+ETH | 76M+19M | 120M+30M | 158M+26.2M | 176M+44M | 305M+34M | 68M+22.5M |
| trb | TRB | 280M | 435M | 510M | 750M | 880M | X |
| trb_ethash | TRB+ETH | 122M+20.3M | 170M+34M | 240M+26.7M | 315M+45M | - | X |

Sample Usages


f2pool: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp:// -u bm1xxxxxxxxxx.worker
antpool: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp:// -u bm1xxxxxxxxxxx.worker


ethermine: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp:// -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
sparkpool: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp:// -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
f2pool: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp:// -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
nanopool: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp:// -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
nicehash: nbminer -a ethash -o nicehash+tcp:// -u btc_address.worker


f2pool: nbminer -a tensority_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u btm_address.btm_worker -do ethproxy+tcp:// -du eth_address.eth_worker


sparkpool: nbminer -a cuckarood -o stratum+tcp:// -u
f2pool: nbminer -a cuckarood -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker passwd
nicehash: nbminer -a cuckarood -o nicehash+tcp:// -u btc_address.worker


sparkpool: nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://
f2pool: nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker passwd
nicehash: nbminer -a cuckatoo -o nicehash+tcp:// -u btc_address.worker


f2pool: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp:// -u ak_xxxxxxx.worker passwd
beepool: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp:// -u ak_xxxx.worker passwd
uupool: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp:// -u ak_xxxxxx.worker passwd
nicehash: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o nicehash+tcp:// -u btc_address.test

luckypool: nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet_address:worker
herominers: nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet_address.worker
herominers solo: nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp:// -u solo:wallet_address.worker:arbitrary


beepool: nbminer -a progpow_sero -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet_address.worker pswd
f2pool: nbminer -a progpow_sero -o stratum+tcp// -u wallet_address.worker pswd


simpool: nbminer -a sipc -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker passwd
matpool: nbminer -a sipc -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker passwd


sparkpool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.worker passwd
beepool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp:// -u email/worker passwd
uupool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.worker passwd
f2pool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker passwd


sparkpool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.worker passwd -do stratum+tcp:// -du wallet.worker passwd
beepool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u email/worker passwd -do stratum+tcp:// -du wallet.worker passwd
uupool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.worker passwd -do stratum+tcp:// -du wallet.worker passwd
f2pool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker passwd -do stratum+tcp:// -du wallet.worker passwd


uupool: nbminer -a bfc -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.worker
bfcpool: nbminer -a bfc -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker


f2pool: nbminer -a hns -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker


f2pool: nbminer -a hns_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker -do stratum+tcp:// -du wallet.worker


uupool: nbminer -a trb -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker
hashpool: nbminer -a trb -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker


uupool: nbminer -a trb_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker -do stratum+tcp:// -du wallet.worker


minermore: nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.worker passwd

CMD options

-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-c, --config <config file path> Use json format config file rather than cmd line options.
-a, --algo <algo> Select mining algorithm
BTM: tensority
ETH: ethash
BTM+ETH: tensority_ethash
Grin29: cuckaroo
Grin31: cuckatoo
SWAP: cuckaroo_swap
--api <host port> The endpoint for serving REST API.
-o, --url <url> Mining pool url.
BTM: stratum+tcp://
BTM with SSL: stratum+ssl://
ETH: ethproxy+tcp://
ETH with NiceHash: ethnh+tcp://
-u, --user <user> User used in Mining pool, wallet address or username.
-o1, --url1 <url> url for backup mining pool 1.
-u1, --user1 <user> username for backup mining pool 1.
-o2, --url2 <url> url for backup mining pool 2.
-u2, --user2 <user> username for backup mining pool 2.
-di, --secondary-intensity <intensity> The relative intensity when dual mining.
-do, --secondary-url <url> ETH mining pool when dual mining.
-du, --secondary-user <user> ETH username when dual mining.
-do1, --secondary-url1 <url> Backup 1 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
-du1, --secondary-user1 <user> Backup 1 ETH username when dual mining.
-do2, --secondary-url2 <url> Backup 2 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
-du2, --secondary-user2 <user> Backup 2 ETH username when dual mining.
-d, --devices <devices> Specify GPU list to use. Format: "-d 0,1,2,3" to use first 4 GPU.
-i, --intensity \<intensities> Comma-separated list of intensities (1 -100).
-strict-ssl Check validity of certificate when use SSL connection.
--cuckoo-intensity <intensity> Set intensity of cuckoo, cuckaroo, cuckatoo, [1, 12]. Set to 0 means autumatically adapt. Default: 0.
--cuckatoo-power-optimize Set this option to reduce the range of power consumed by rig when minining with algo cuckatoo. This feature can reduce the chance of power supply shutdown caused by overpowered. Warning: Setting this option may cause drop on minining performance.
--temperature-limit <temp-limit> Set temperature limit of GPU, if exceeds, stop GPU for 10 seconds and continue.
-log Generate log file named `log_<timestamp>.txt`.
--log-file <filename> Generate custom log file. Note: This option will override `--log`.
--no-nvml Do not query cuda device health status.
--fidelity-timeframe \<timeframe> Set timeframe for the calculation of fidelity, unit in hour. Default: 24.
-long-format Use 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,zzz' for log time format.
--device-info Print device cuda information.
--fee <fee> Change devfee in percentage, [0-5]. Set to '0' to turn off devfee with lower hashrate. Otherwise, devfee = max(set_value, def_value).
--generate-config \<filename> Generate a sample config json file.
--no-watchdog Disable watchdog process.
--platform \<platform> Choose platform,0: NVIDIA+AMD (default), 1: NVIDIA only, 2: AMD only

Change Log

new version 29.1

- Fix low hashrate of kawpow on AMD RDNA GPU.
- Improve kawpow hashrate on AMD GPU.

Add support for RVN new algo 'kawpow' mining on Nvidia & AMD gpus.

Support HNS & HNS+ETH mining on NiceHash

Add support for mining TRB & TRB+ETH on Nvidia GPU
Add support for mining ETH on `miningrigrentals`.
Minor improvements and fixes.

Fix ETH mining on NiceHash.
Fix NVML initialization failure on certain cases.

Improve HNS & HNS+ETH on Nvidia GPU.

Fix high ETH reject rate on certain pools when mining HNS+ETH.
Slightly improve mining HNS+ETH on Nvidia GPU.

Fix support the certain AMD Vega GPUs.
Fix a potential bug when mining under AMD+Nvidia mixed rig.

Add HNS+ETH mining on AMD GPU
Improve HNS+ETH performance on Nvidia GPU
Note: `-di` calculation is changed in this version for HNS+ETH.
The value of `-di` = `work_size_of_hns` / `work_size_of_eth`
E.g, `-di 5` on a stock freq 1070ti will get 26M for eth & 130M for hns.

Improve HNS performance on AMD GPU

Improve HNS performance on Nvidia GPU
Add support for HNS mining for AMD GPU

Add support for HNS & HNS_ETH mining for NVIDIA GPU
Minor bug fix and improvements.


Improve CKB+ETH performance on AMD GPU.
Fix bug of 26.1: Launch crash on certain AMD rigs.


Add support for mining CKB+ETH on AMD GPU.
Improve performance for mining CKB on Nvidia GPU.


Add support for BFC mininig on Nvidia GPU.
Fix CKB compatibility on AMD GPU.
Fix cuckcoocycle on nicehash.


Fix a bug when mining CKB+ETH.
Fix a compatibility issue in CKB stratum protocol.


Improve CKB mining performance on both NVIDIA & AMD cards.
Improve CKB+ETH performance on NVIDIA cards.
Add support for mining SERO on AMD cards.
Add a new option `--platform` to allow users to choose GPU platform.


Add support for `CKB` mining on AMD cards under linux.
Bug fix.


Add support for `CKB` mining on AMD cards.


Add support for `CKB` mining & `CKB`+`ETH` dual mining.
Enhance `-di` parameter to support comma separated list to specify `-di` value for each card.
The default value of `-di` for `CKB`+`ETH` mining ranges from 4 ~ 8 depending on GPU model, valid value range in [1, 10], higher value means higher intensity for `ETH`.
The best value of `-di` differs by GPU model, overclock and power limitation.

Random Discussion / Claymore's NeoScrypt AMD GPU Miner v.1.2 (Win)
« on: April 05, 2020, 07:48:56 am »
Claymore's NeoScrypt AMD GPU Miner.

Latest version is v1.2:

- improved stratum routines to support more pools.
- added RX550 card support.

WARNING: NeoScrypt algorithm is VERY HOT, make sure you have powerful PSU and good GPU cooling, use "-powlim 50" option to get full hashrate.


MEGA v1.2:!FWQxmAwY!DCAmI1NwbFB1eFGuMbOmVw


- fixed issue with rejected shares.
- reduced CPU usage for systems with a lot of GPUs.

This is POOL version. Use any recent drivers. Miner requires up to 1.1GB of GPU memory.
For multi-GPU systems, set Virtual Memory size in Windows at least 16 GB (better more):
"Computer Properties / Advanced System Settings / Performance / Advanced / Virtual Memory".

This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 2%, every hour the miner mines for 72 seconds for developer.
If you don't agree with the dev fee - don't use this miner, or use "-nofee" option.
Attempts to cheat and remove dev fee will cause a bit slower mining speed (same as "-nofee 1") though miner will show same hashrate.
Miner cannot just stop if cheat is detected because creators of cheats would know that the cheat does not work and they would find new tricks. If miner does not show any errors or slowdowns, they are happy.

This miner is heavily optimized and therefore supports only most popular AMD GPU chips: Pitcairn, Tahiti, Hawaii, Tonga, Fiji, Ellesmere, Baffin, Vega.

Only Windows x64 is supported currently. No Linux support. No 32-bit support. No NVidia support.


-pool NeoScrypt pool address. Only Stratum protocol is supported.

-wal Your wallet address. Also worker name and other options if pool supports it.

-psw Password for NeoScrypt pool, use "x" as password, and/or any other options if pool supports them.

-a algorithm mode for Ellesmere cards (RX470/RX480/RX570/RX580 cards), for other cards always "-a 1" is used. You can specify "-a 1" (default) or "-a 2" and find the best hashrate for your card.
You can also set this option for every card individually, for example "-a 1,2,1".

-di GPU indexes, default is all available GPUs. For example, if you have four GPUs "-di 02" will enable only first and third GPUs (#0 and #2).
You can also turn on/off cards in runtime with "0"..."9" keys and check current statistics with "s" key.
For systems with more than 10 GPUs: use letters to specify indexes more than 9, for example, "a" means index 10, "b" means index 11, etc; also "a", "b", and "c" keys allow you to turn on/off GPU #10, #11 and #12 in runtime.

-ftime failover main pool switch time, in minutes, see "Failover" section below. Default value is 30 minutes, set zero if there is no main pool.

-wd watchdog option. Default value is "-wd 1", it enables watchdog, miner will be closed (or restarted, see "-r" option) if any thread is not responding for 1 minute or OpenCL call failed.
Specify "-wd 0" to disable watchdog.

-r Restart miner mode. "-r 0" (default) - restart miner if something wrong with GPU. "-r -1" - disable automatic restarting. -r >20 - restart miner if something
wrong with GPU or by timer. For example, "-r 60" - restart miner every hour or when some GPU failed.
"-r 1" closes miner and execute "reboot.bat" file ("reboot.bash" or "" for Linux version) in the miner directory (if exists) if some GPU failed.
So you can create "reboot.bat" file and perform some actions, for example, reboot system if you put this line there: "shutdown /r /t 5 /f".

-minspeed minimal speed, in KH/s. If miner cannot reach this speed for 5 minutes for any reason, miner will be restarted (or "reboot.bat" will be executed if "-r 1" is set). Default value is 0 (feature disabled).
You can also specify negative values if you don't want to restart miner due to pool connection issues; for example, "-minspeed -3000" will restart miner only if it cannot reach 3Mh/s at good pool connection.

-retrydelay delay, in seconds, between connection attempts. Default values is "20". Specify "-retrydelay -1" if you don't need reconnection, in this mode miner will exit if connection is lost.

-dbg debug log and messages. "-dbg 0" - (default) create log file but don't show debug messages.
"-dbg 1" - create log file and show debug messages. "-dbg -1" - no log file and no debug messages.

-logfile debug log file name. After restart, miner will append new log data to the same file. If you want to clear old log data, file name must contain "noappend" string.
If missed, default file name will be used.

-logsmaxsize maximal size of debug log files, in MB. At every start the miner checks all files in its folder, selects all files that contain "_log.txt" string and removes oldest files if summary files size is larger than specified value.
Specify "-logsmaxsize 0" to cancel old logs removal. Default value is 1000 (i.e. about 1GB of log files are allowed).

-nofee set "1" to cancel my developer fee at all. In this mode some optimizations are disabled so mining speed will be slower by about 5%.
By enabling this mode, I will lose 100% of my earnings, you will lose only 3% of your earnings.
So you have a choice: "fastest miner" or "completely free miner but a bit slower".
If you want both "fastest" and "completely free" you should find some other miner that meets your requirements, just don't use this miner instead of claiming that I need
to cancel/reduce developer fee, saying that 2% developer fee is too much for this miner and so on.

-benchmark benchmark mode, specify "-benchmark 1" to see hashrate for your hardware.

-li low intensity mode. Reduces mining intensity, useful if your cards are overheated. Note that mining speed is reduced too.
More value means less heat and mining speed, for example, "-li 10" is less heat and mining speed than "-li 1". You can also specify values for every card, for example "-li 3,10,50".
Default value is "0" - no low intensity mode.

-tt set target GPU temperature. For example, "-tt 80" means 80C temperature. You can also specify values for every card, for example "-tt 70,80,75".
You can also set static fan speed if you specify negative values, for example "-tt -50" sets 50% fan speed. Specify zero to disable control and hide GPU statistics.
"-tt 1" (default) does not manage fans but shows GPU temperature and fan status every 30 seconds. Specify values 2..5 if it is too often.

-ttli reduce entire mining intensity (for all coins) automatically if GPU temperature is above specified value. For example, "-ttli 80" reduces mining intensity if GPU temperature is above 80C.
You can see if intensity was reduced in detailed statistics ("s" key).
You can also specify values for every card, for example "-ttli 80,85,80". You also should specify non-zero value for "-tt" option to enable this option.
It is a good idea to set "-ttli" value higher than "-tt" value by 3-5C.


You can use "config.txt" file instead of specifying options in command line.
If there are not any command line options, miner will check "config.txt" file for options.
If there is only one option in the command line, it must be configuration file name.
If there are two or more options in the command line, miner will take all options from the command line, not from configuration file.
Place one option per line, if first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
You can also use environment variables in "pools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in pools.txt.



NeoScryptMiner.exe -pool -wal Redhex.sample -psw x


NeoScryptMiner.exe -pool stratum+tcp:// -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -psw x


Use "pools.txt" file to specify additional pools. This file has text format, one pool per line. Every pool has 3 connection attempts.
Miner disconnects automatically if pool does not send new jobs for a long time or if pool rejects too many shares.
If the first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
Do not change spacing, spaces between parameters and values are required for parsing.
If you need to specify "," character in parameter value, use two commas - ,, will be treated as one comma.
You can reload "pools.txt" file in runtime by pressing "r" key.
Pool specified in the command line is "main" pool, miner will try to return to it every 30 minutes if it has to use some different pool from the list.
If no pool was specified in the command line then first pool in the failover pools list is main pool.
You can change 30 minutes time period to some different value with "-ftime" option, or use "-ftime 0" to disable switching to main pool.
You can also use environment variables in "pools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in pools.txt.
You can also select current pool in runtime by pressing "e" key.


- Windows 10 Defender recognizes miner as a virus, some antiviruses do the same. Miner is not a virus, add it to Defender exceptions.
I write miners since 2014. Most of them are recognized as viruses by some paranoid antiviruses, perhaps because I pack my miners to protect them from disassembling, perhaps because some people include them into their botnets, or perhaps these antiviruses are not good, I don't know. For these years, a lot of people used my miners and nobody confirmed that my miner stole anything or did something bad.
Note that I can guarantee clean binaries only for official links in my posts on this forum. If you downloaded miner from some other link - it really can be a virus.
However, my miners are closed-source so I cannot prove that they are not viruses. If you think that I write viruses instead of good miners - do not use this miner, or at least use it on systems without any valuable data.


1. Install latest drivers.
2. Disable overclocking.
3. Set environment variables as described above.
4. Set Virtual Memory 16 GB.
5. Reboot computer.
6. Check hardware, risers.

Result and feedback

For stock cards I get the following speeds ("-powlim 50"):

RX480 - 930KH/s ("-a 2").
RX470 - 900KH/s ("-a 2").
RX580nitro+ - 1000KH/s ("-a 1").
Fury Nano - 1350KH/s.
390X - 1150KH/s.
270X - 450KH/s.
380X - 720KH/s.
280X - 825KH/s.
RX460 - 380KH/s.
Vega64 - 2200KH/s.
Fury X - 1530KH/s (user reported).

Zealot/Enemy (z-enemy) NVIDIA GPU miner.
x16rv2, x16r, x16s, Bitcore, Phi1612, Xevan ,Tribus , x17, c11, AeriumX, XDNA(hex), phi, phi2, skunk etc ..

Z-ENEMY 2.4 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy) NEW


- Fixed high CPU load with latest nVidia drivers, you can expect higher hashrate on the mining rigs with lower end CPUs
- Fixed nvml.dll load error with latest nVidia drivers


Cuda 10.1; Cuda 9.1; Cuda 10.0; Cuda 9.2;!cbAmRQCI!ZzRpmlx7tF4KGIRcT7AWiw

_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________

Z-ENEMY 2.3 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)

- Performance improvement: +2-3% x16rv2 algo

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________

Z-ENEMY 2.2 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- Added x16rv2 algo (Upcoming Ravencoin hardfork 1st Oct.)
- Added support for secure stratum+ssl connections. New --no-cert-verify key.
(Disable certificate errors check for ssl connections)
- Fixed GPU data error in json api (/hwinfo)
- Fixed phi2 bug on Cuda 10.1


IMPORTANT: Ravencoin is switching to the new x16rv2 algorithm on October 1st. There will be a new version of our miner z-enemy-2.2 with x16rv2 released in advance before the hard fork date .


Z-ENEMY 2.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


This version includes a new way to manage and monitor the miner.

- Performance improvements: +4-5% most algos (x16r, x16s, x17, hex, bitcore, bcd...)
- Stability improvements

_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

Z-ENEMY 2.00 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)

This version includes a new way to manage and monitor the miner.

New features:
- Added new HTTP JSON API (see json_api_help.txt for the details), available at port 4067 by default
- Added web control panel with real-time monitoring and charts.
The UI is responsive and should be looking well on most mobile phones and tablets.

Other changes:
- The miner informs about API servers (both Telnet and HTTP) being started
- You can now disable both servers with --api-bind=0 and --api-bind-http=0 respectively
- Minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- For HTTP server --api-allow command line option isn't having any effect (for now?)

_______________________________________________________________________________ _________
Z-ENEMY 1.28 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


Performance improvements of 1.28 compared to previous version (1.27):
- Bitcoin Diamond +7-8%, Hex 4-5% and +3-5% for x16r/s, x17, bitcore, c11, sonoa, etc...

Other changes:
- Added --no-nvml switch to disable NVML monitoring (useful to reduce load on low end CPUs)
- After several tests we recommend using intensity 22 on 1080ti cards on x16r algo (and perhaps others)

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Z-ENEMY 1.27 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


Performance improvements:
Up to +3-4% for x16r/s and hex, +6-8% Bitcoin Diamond, 1-3% on others (x17, bitcore, c11, sonoa, etc...) on GTX 10x0 cards

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Z-ENEMY 1.26 ver.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


Performance improvements:
- Up to +5-7% x16r/s, +7% bitcore, few percent on others (x17, c11, aergo ...) on GTX 10x0 cards.
- Hex algo +10% for GTX 10x0 cards and +2% for RTX 20x0 cards.

Other changes:
- Removed renesis algo
- Improved stability

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Z-ENEMY 1.25 ver.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


Performance improvements in x16, x17, c11, bitcore, BCD, aergo, sonoa and hex:
- +10% or more for RTX 2080/2080ti/2070 cards
- +3-7% for GTX 1080Ti/1080/1070ti and lower cards

- Reduced CPU usage.

_______________________________________________________________________________ __________

Z-ENEMY 1.24 ver.3 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- Major optimizations for skunk, polytimos and phi
- Minor optimizations for hex and x16r/s, tribus.
- Massive performance boost for RTX 2080/2080ti/2070 in many algorithms.

- Highlighted hardware stats reporting, colored GPU temperatures (green/yellow/red)
- Added Volta architecture support
- Important update(1.24 ver.2): Fixed multi-gpu crash bug (skunk and polytimos)
- Important update(1.24 ver.3): Fixed reduced poolside hashrate ( XDNA : hex algo)

Z-ENEMY VER 1.23 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- First wave of performance optimizations for RTX 2080 and 2080Ti series up to 10-20% in various algos :(x16,x17,c11,hex,bitcore,xevan...)
- Minor performance optimizations for older cards (10x0)
- Fixed tribus out of memory bug (now it's possible to run it with higher intensities)
- Removed --tlimit and --plimit options
- Added --max-temp --resume-temp options

Z-ENEMY VER 1.22 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- Experimental CUDA 10 support: Higher speeds and stability, support for new RTX2080 & 2080 Ti cards
- Performance improvements: 2-5% for most algos (Hex, X16, X17, Bitcore, C11, etc..)

Cuda 10 version 32 & 64 performs faster in most algos ... Update you Nvidia drivers - minimum (ver. 415+)
Important. This is the first basic build for Cuda 10, please leave feedback in our channel #z-enemy-122test

From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- Performance and stability improvements, few bugs fixed.
- Added uptime reporting.

Same as with previous release, 32 bit version performs faster in some algos ...

Z-ENEMY VER 1.20 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- Major performance improvements: 5-10% in various algos
- Bitcoin Diamond: Support for the new famous top algorithm at high speed, 20-30% higher than the current ones.

Same as with previous release, 32 bit version performs faster in some algos (x16/x17 etc) ...

Enjoy [​IMG]

Z-ENEMY VER 1.19 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


- Major performance improvements: 5-7% in various algos (x16 ,x17 , bitcore, c11 , hex , etc ..)
- Stability improvements

32-bit version seems to be faster in some algos again, feel free to test it !

Z-ENEMY VER 1.18 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


Greetings! We're releasing an updated version of our mining software with some bugfixes and other changes:

- Major performance improvements: 10-15% for Xevan (+ fixed reduced hashrate issue from 1.17)
- Minor performance improvements for other algos
- Stability improvements for XDNA

Z-ENEMY VER 1.17 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)


Greetings, fellow miners! We're releasing an updated version of our mining software with some speed inside:

- Major performance improvements: 5-10% for X16R & X16S, XDNA (hex), x17, Bitcore(BTX), c11, Sonoa, Renesis, Aergo
- Lower end cards like 1050/1060 will see additional few % (yes, a bonus)
- The miner no longer depends on memory, it allows to run memory clock at +0 or -500 MHz without performance loss.

Happy mining!




zealot/enemy-1.16 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy

- Performance improvements:+7-10% hex(XDNA),+5%-7% x16r&s, few % for other algos (x17, c11, sonoa, renesis, aergo)
- Experimental feature: intensity limit increased (most algos now allow intensity up to 25, test at your own risk)



For Windows:
zealot/enemy-1.14 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy

- Major performance improvements:
(+10% x16), (+15-25% Tribus), (+10% x17, C11, PHI1612, Aergo, Sonoa), (+5%Xevan, Phi, Poly)
- Command line options: --api-remote is now working as intended ("quit" and "switchpool" didn't work before)
- Stratum protocol: client.reconnect is now working as intended (for miningrigrentals users)



For Windows Cuda 9.2 :
zealot/enemy-1.12a (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy

- Improved phi2 performance: +4-5% (up to 5 Mh/s for 1070ti, up to 7.5 Mh/s for 1080ti)

- Minor performance improvements for other algos


For maximum performance make sure you have latest drivers (ver. 398+)

zealot/enemy-1.12 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy

- Minor performance improvements: x17 , x16r, x16s, c11 , bitcore, aeriumx and other ...
- New algos: SONOA ( -a sonoa) and PHI2 ( -a phi2)


For Windows (Cuda 9.1)
zealot/enemy-1.11 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy

- Performance improvements: x17 (+4-8%), x16r&s (+1-3%) , very fast Phi1612 and other ...
- Fast start on multi gpu-rigs
- GPUs limit increased to 24
- AeriumX(AEX) - the miner supports Aerium new swap algo (-a aeriumx), starting 4th June.
- Added: C11(-a c11) basic and fast x64(ver.4) , Skunk(-a skunk) basic , improved TimeTravel8(-a timetravel) and Polytimos (-a poly)


For Windows (Cuda 9.1)
zealot/enemy-1.10 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy

- Fixed compatibility issues that resulted in performance degradation with some non-yiimp pools. Now you'll see the expected hashrate on them (suprnova).

- Kernels speed improvements : (1.09a vs 1.10) +1-2% total (all algos) and (1.09b vs 1.10) +1-2% for x16r &x16s.

- Support & impove new algo : Tribus (-a tribus) , recommended intensity for Tribus 20-21. +5% speed vs 1.09b ( Service release)

First time or troubleshooting x16:
- First time users - ver. 1.12 works on Cuda 9.1&9.2 and it is recommended to make sure you've updated your NVIDIA drivers. You can find drivers here: 398+++
- Next important thing is intensity. We recommend intensity -19 at first, however if your PC has 8GB or more, fast SSD, and big swap file on it you may use -20/21.
- X16r algo is very wild and eratic. *Very important* Make sure to have enough power reserve on PSU. Please be sure you have a minimum 20% headroom on your PSU or set your PL on 70-80% usage.
- Using +core and +mem is useful but, use no OC at first until you verify stability.

Performance and fine tuning x16:
- This release z-enemy 1.12 is reported to be more stable when it using higher PL (90-110%) and +core and +memory overclocking, feel free to experiment with it.
- Updating drivers can provide more gains
- Recommended intensity is 20, set 21 only if you know what you are doing. ( 16GB RAM or/and good SWAP file on SSD) Use caution
- Recommended memory 0 or +
- Recommended core +50+150 ( 1800-1900MHz 1080 Ti)
- Overclock slowly and allow plenty of time to verify stability (12-24hrs) before making anymore adjustments. x16r is a very chaotic algorithm so just because it works for 1 hr doesn't mean you can't crash over longer time. Sometimes hash order can lead to 2000+mhz and crash system. Keep in mind – overclocking is always at your own risk!
- Yiimp pools recommend manual diff (-p d=16) - for small farms or (-p d=48 ) - for good farms like 5-6 1080 Ti If you need to name your rigs as well as set diff you may try -p rigname,d=16

Diff x16 can be calculated by mutliplying the following:
Number of 1060's multiplied by 3-4
Number of 70ti's or 80's multiply by 4-8
Number of 80ti's multiply by 6-12

example: If you have 3 1060's then diff would be 9-12
if you have 8 70ti's then your diff would be 48-96

Dev fee:
- low dev fee 1%
- Dev fee will start randomly when miner is first started. After 1% of time mined then automatically switches back to user pool.

Information about x16:

Every block contain 16 random algos.

All algos have Fast, Medium and Slow speeds so depending on the order and what speeds they are will determine your hashrate at any given time.

Fast: Blake (Blk),Bmw512(Bmw), Keccak (Kck), Skein(Ske), Shabal(Shb), Sha512(Sha)
Medium: Jh512 (Jh5), Luffa (Luf), Cube(Cub), Shavite (Shv), Fugue (Fug), Whirlpool (Wrl)
Slow: Groestl (Gro), Simd (Smd), Echo (Ech), Hamsi (Ham)

Block 181085, difficulty 20228.532
Hashorder: EchFugBmwShaJh5FugShvEchSmdBmwHamWrlJh5KckSkeHam

Means first algo is Slow Echo (Ech)> next Medium Fugue (Fug) > …> last Hamsi (Ham). The more fast algos in a block is what drives miner speed to the moon! (more MH)


Yiimp pools:

z-enemy -a phi -o stratum+tcp:// -u LQCifDiNVXjM_your_wallet_CUqZJBa75p11 -p x

z-enemy -a x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u RWgpF9GefjD_your_wallet_1gQmQjpYtYt.GTX950 -p d=3 -i 19

z-enemy -a bitcore -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1D2dKSprpK_your_wallet_1wa8b2LnJ826uf -p x -i 20

Suprnova pool:

z-enemy -a x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u your_Login.your_worker_name -p x -i 20


I cannot start miner, it says I'm missing msvcr120.dll?
Download and reinstall drivers from

My miner crashed - cuda error in funk `cuda_check_cpu_setTarget` why ?
This error is caused by overclocking, lower your GPU and VRAM clocks.

Latest drivers recommended?
Yes however, sometimes a new driver can cause an issue and using a previous version may work better. You will need to verify. We recommend at least NVIDIA drivers of 390+++ or 398.xx

What is restart-fix.reg in windows download folder?
This file will fix pop-up window and lets the miner restart after crash. Run once.

How many GPU's can I run?
We have confirmed reports on 19 cards

Is there an easy way to auto restart miner if it crashes?
Yes, check our samples *.cmd file in windows build. Like:
z-enemy -a phi -o stratum+tcp:// -u LQCifDiNV_YOUR_WALLET_F3CUqZJBa75123 -p x
goto start

Does z-enemy 1.12 not support api?
Yes, try --api-remote and/or --api-allow= ( simple 0/0 )

z-enemy no supports ccminer.conf default value loading from .conf file ?
z-enemy support config.json

Random Discussion / EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner v.0.6
« on: March 29, 2020, 01:20:44 pm »
EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.6

It is based on my last Zcash miner and almost completely repeats it.
Now closer to the topic:
* Parameter "solver" is disabled.
* Solver for equihash 200,9 has been deleted.
* Solvers for Equihash 192,7, 144,5, 96,5 and 210,9 has been added
* Added timestamps in the output to the screen and to the log file.
* Argument --algo is added, allow you to select Equihash variant allowed values 144_5, 192_7, 96_5, 210_9, zhash, aion. This parameter is mandatory.
* Argument --pers is added, allow you to set personalization string (8 charachters) for equihash algorithm. This parameter is optional. Equihash by default uses the string "ZcashPoW", many other coins also use this string, but not all, some coins use their own string, and these are all differences, so for some coins, you need to set the --pers option to the required string, for example, Zero coin: uses the string "ZERO_PoW" and for mining this coin you need to pass arguments --algo 192_7 --pers ZERO_PoW ....
Fee is presented and by default 2%, argument --fee is presented too.

* Fixed situation where the api socket did not close during the exit..
* Increased time-outs during stratum authorization and subscription.
* 144_5, 192_7, 96_5 now faster.
* 144_5 now uses less vram, ~1.63GB (This should be useful for 2GB cards).

* 96_5 fixed the problem with cropped performance on fast (1080ti, Titan) gpu.
* 144_5 Speed up by 3-15% depends on the hardware.
* 210_9 Speed up by 2%.
* 210_9 Fixed "low difficulty shares" problem, on Aion pools.
* 210_9 can now be used via --algo 210_9, I recommend using --algo aion for Aion mining, this will help you avoid problems with the wrong personalization string.
* Added option --intensity, this option will not increase performance, only slightly reduce the gpu usage, if you set it to 1. Works like --cuda_devices argument,
for example: --intensity 64 64 1 64 64 will apply the intensity 1 to the device with id 2.
Special features (These features are added for specific projects,do not use these parameters on conventional pools):
* Added option --pers auto, Allow the pool to manage the personalization string. (Profit switching). (
* Added option --algo 144_5_EXCC_D For ExchangeCoin.

Known issues (mostly will be fixed)
* Equihash 96_5 Can be slower in cuda 8 versions.
* Performance counters may display an incorrect speed during reconnection.

Expected performance:

96_5 uses ~1.6GB vram
1050ti ~7.8 KS/s
1060 ~14 KS/s
1070 ~20 KS/s
1080 ~25 KS/s
1080ti ~37 KS/s

192_7 uses ~2.5GB vram
1050ti ~8 S/s
1060 ~15 S/s
1070 ~22 S/s
1080 ~24 S/s
1080ti ~35 S/s

144_5 uses ~1.63GB vram
1050ti ~18 S/s
1060 ~30 S/s
1070 ~45 S/s
1080 ~50 S/s
1080ti ~75 S/s

210_9(aion) uses 1.2G vram
1050ti ~75 S/s
1060 ~130 S/s
1070 ~190 S/s
1080 ~210 S/s
1080ti ~320 S/s

Please note, that this is initial release, and it can be baggy or incompatible with many coins or pools.
Miner compiled with cuda 9.1 and cuda 8.0 for x64 linux and windows. Support devices with compute capability 5.0 and higher.


Usage examples (batch files):
Basic Example:

miner --algo 144_5 --server SERVER_ADDR --port PORT --user USER --pass PASSWORD

Failover pools up to 8 pools:

miner --algo 144_5 --server SERV1 --port PORT1 --user USER1 --pass PASS1 --server SERV2 --port PORT2 --user USER2 --pass PASS2

Random Discussion / SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & CPU Miner 0.4.1 Win & Linux
« on: March 28, 2020, 06:15:40 am »
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.4.1
Windows & Linux


Download links:!tGoFHRbS!xJaRZ_54xiAYiZmBihxPWg



+ cpupower
+ defyx
+ m7mv2
+ randomarq
+ randomsfx
+ randomwow
+ randomx
+ randomxl
+ yescryptr16
+ yescryptr32
+ yescryptr8
+ yespower
+ yespower2b
+ yespoweric
+ yespoweriots
+ yespoweritc
+ yespowerlitb
+ yespowerltncg
+ yespowerr16
+ yespowersugar
+ yespowerurx


+ blake2b
+ blake2s
+ cryptonight_catalans
+ cryptonight_talleo
+ eaglesong
+ k12
+ kadena
+ keccak
+ mtp
+ rainforestv2
+ yescrypt

MTP scratchpad creation is very slow at the moment, it is waiting on a big rewrite. This has an impact on poolside hashrate if a lot of new works are sent out.


+ VEGA 56/64/FE/VII
+ RX 460/470/480/550/560/570/580/590
+ R9 285/285X/380/380X
+ R9 290/290X
+ R9 Fury/Nano

Linux : amdgpu-pro drivers


+ blake2b
+ yespowerurx

+ Rest


+ Guided setup mode
+ Algorithm switching capability without external application
+ Run in background without a window
+ Hashrate watchdog that restarts miner on GPU error
+ Monitoring of GPU temperature, and auto turn off if temperature is too high
+ System shutdown on too high GPU temperature
+ Miner auto restart on too many rejected shares
+ Startup monitor which ensures your miner starts working normally
+ API for miner statistics
+ Web based GUI interface for miner statistics
+ Multiple pools with failover support
+ Add new pools on the fly without restarting miner
+ Difficulty monitor, reconnects to pool if difficulty is too high
+ Job timeout monitor, reconnects to pool if no job received for a long time
+ Switch AMD video cards to compute mode easily


1. Disable CPU mining, use only GPU mining

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm keccak --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --disable-cpu

2. Run miner in background without console window, with API enabled on port 17644 (

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm keccak --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --background --api-enable --api-port 17644

3. Disable GPU mining, use 7 CPU threads with extended logging enabled and saved to Logs\log.txt file

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm keccak --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --disable-gpu --cpu-threads 7 --log-file Logs\log.txt --extended-log

4. Full example for CPU & GPU mining set only from cmd (4 GPU/s used and 7 CPU threads on K12 algorithm)

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm k12 --gpu-id 0,1,2,3 --gpu-intensity 26,25,26,26 --gpu-worksize 256,256,256,256 --gpu-threads 1,1,1,1 --cpu-threads 7 --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here

5. Disable GPU mining, use 15 CPU threads with extended logging enabled and saved to Logs\log.txt file, start mining Randomx from block height 1978433 and run miner in background

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomx --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --disable-gpu --cpu-threads 15 --log-file Logs\log.txt --extended-log --background --start-block-height 1978433


If you don't set the --cpu-threads or --cpu-affinity parameters, miner will try to automatically find the best setup for you system.
Sometimes the auto setup won't find the optimal settings so you should find it by experimenting.

You need to set the number of worker threads (--cpu-threads) and bind them to the appropriate PU (processing unit) with --cpu-affinity.

Examples to get you started:


1. Use 4 threads, 1 on every core : --cpu-threads 4 --cpu-affinity 0x55
2. Use 8 threads, 2 on every core : --cpu-threads 8 --cpu-affinity 0xFF


1. Use 6 threads, 1 on every core : --cpu-threads 6 --cpu-affinity 0x555
2. Use 12 threads, 2 on every core : --cpu-threads 12 --cpu-affinity 0xFFF


To enjoy the benefits of the increased hashrate:

1. Miner must run with administrator privileges [right click on SRBMiner-MULTI.exe->properties->compatibility-> check 'Run this program as an administrator' option-> click OK button
2. Make sure WinRing0x64.sys is in the same folder as SRBMiner-MULTI.exe

Enabling the extra tweaks, some register values are changed which will revert back to the original value after a computer restart.

If miner starts crashing, or creates bad results after enabling the extra tweaks, you can try the '--randomx-use-tweaks' parameter, where you can define which tweak/s you want to enable.
Without this option miner enables all available tweaks (same as --randomx-use-tweaks 0123 for AMD, --randomx-use-tweaks 0 for Intel) , but with '--randomx-use-tweaks' you can define which ones you want to use.

There are at the moment :
Intel - 1 tweak
Amd - 5 tweaks

Index starts from 0, so you have 0 1 2 3 4 for options on AMD.

Here's an example :

+ Use tweaks number 0 and 3 (dont use 1 and 2)

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomx --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --password your-password-here --randomx-use-tweaks 03

The order of tweaks doesn't matter, so writing 03 is same as 30.

What you should do is to find which tweak, or combination of tweaks, makes the problems.
You should try enabling tweaks one by one, and test to see if miner runs stable with one tweak, and if it does, test the next one etc.
Luckily there are not so many combinations for you try (because 0123 is for example same as 3021 or 1302.. )

So start with :
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomx --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --password your-password-here --randomx-use-tweaks 0

If it runs without crashing for some time, try the next one :

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomx --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --password your-password-here --randomx-use-tweaks 1

and so on, until you find the one that makes the trouble.

Then try combining tweaks to find a combination that works for you.

If you have older gen. Ryzens, try this combination of tweaks :

--randomx-use-tweaks 0134


SRBMiner-Multi is supported by Awesome Miner

If you get "Insufficient system resources available to allocate X kB in large-page memory" message, that means you dont have enough FREE memory left, a computer restart should solve this.
Large-page memory regions may be difficult to obtain after the system has been running for a long time because the physical space for each large page must be contiguous, but the memory may have become fragmented.
If you still get this message even after restarting, try increasing virtual memory.

You can find all the parameters and everything you need to get going in the readme.txt file.

This thread is self moderated, because in the previous SRBMiner thread there was too much spam and garbage, which wasn't removed by the forum moderators.

Update infos :

+ Added CPU algorithm 'minotaur' (Ring coin)
+ Added CPU algorithm 'yespowerres' (Resistance coin)
+ 2-4% faster 'cryptonight_bbc' on some GPU's
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'randomkeva' (Keva coin upcoming algorithm)
+ Added Navi support for 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm
+ Much better auto setup for RX 4xx/5xx 8G cards on 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm

+ Miner now works on older linux distributions ( Ubuntu 16.04 - glibc2.23 )
+ Small hashrate increase on 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm for some GPU's
+ Yescrypt algorithms hashrate increase on CPU if miner run with administrator/root privilege
+ Fixed GPU sensors reading on Linux
+ Fixed a bug that sometimes stopped hashing when connected to the pool after a long reconnect period
+ Renamed '--disable-randomx-tweaks' parameter to '--disable-msr-tweaks', '--disable-tweaking' to '--disable-gpu-tweaking', and '--randomx-use-tweaks' to '--msr-use-tweaks'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Hashrate increased even more on 'kadena' algorithm, and at the same time lowered power usage
+ Small hashrate increase on 'yescrypt' CPU algorithms
+ Minor bug fixes

+ 'kadena' algorithm huge hashrate increase
+ Added 'gpu_' prefix to GPU related parameters in config file : gpu_intensity, gpu_raw_intensity, gpu_worksize, gpu_threads, gpu_tweak_profile, gpu_target_temperature, gpu_shutdown_temperature, gpu_off_temperature. 'gpu_conf' parameters naming stays the same.
+ Added new parameters in config file : cpu_threads, cpu_affinity, cpu_priority
+ Renamed 'pool_use_tls' in pool configuration file to 'tls'

+ 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm updated (active from block 133060)
+ Added '--enable-opencl-cleanup' parameter to enable OpenCL resources freeing on miner exit/restart (default is disabled because it can hang miner if driver crashed)

+ Added 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm (BigBangCore) - DevFee 2.5%
+ Lowered devfee for 'bl2bsha3' to 2%
+ Some gpu's might get a tiny hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3'
+ Gpu sensors now available in Linux
+ --adl-disable parameter now available in Linux
+ --shutdown-temperature parameter (shutdown_temperature in config) now available in Linux
+ --gpu-off-temperature parameter (off_temperature in config) now available in Linux
+ Removed option to set difficulty for 'bl2bsha3' in password field
+ Removed notification for 6block stratum compatibility
+ Possibly fixed a bug where miner shows it's hashing (always shows exactly same hashrate), but gpu's are stalled

+ Fixed share accepted/rejected display issue with 6block pool (HNS)
+ Fixed miner auto restarting issue on Linux
+ Tiny hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3' with some GPU's

+ Hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3' algorithm (~ 10-15% )
+ Added support for Navi (gfx1010) cards for 'bl2bsha3' (let's just say it works)
+ Added possibility to set difficulty for 'bl2bsha3' . Just enter it in the pool password field.
+ Miner can be now used on pools other than 6block if they implement the same stratum protocol as 6block

+ Added algorithm 'bl2bsha3' (Handshake (HNS) coin - pool only)
+ RandomX fixes
+ Added '--gpu-platform' parameter to cmd config, and 'gpu_platform' to configuration files to force opencl platform
+ Added '--randomx-use-1gb-pages' parameter to config, whiche enables 1GB sized page files if supported by CPU
+ When reading pools or algorithms configuration file, if invalid entry found it will be just skipped

+ Fixed ERROR 0x4002

+ First version for Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
+ Removed RandomV (MoneroV) algorithm
+ Added 'defyx' algorithm (Scala)
+ Added 'yespoweritc' algorithm (Intercoin)
+ Added 'cryptonight_catalans' algorithm (CatalansCoin)
+ Added 'cryptonight_talleo' algorithm (Talleo)
+ --randomx-use-tweaks accepts now values from 0-4, [ 0 - Intel, 0,1,2,3,4 - AMD ]
+ Added parameter 'worker' to pools config and cmd parameters -> defines worker name for RPC2
+ a lot of bug fixes

+ Added RandomV algorithm (MoneroV)
+ Added --randomx-use-tweaks , to select the MSR tweak/s to apply
+ Added RandomX tweak support for Intel Core2 processors

V0.1.9 beta
+ Added RandomSFX algorithm (SafexCash)
+ RandomX algorithm/s improvements
+ Added RandomX algorithm/s extra tweak that can increase hashrate
+ Added parameter --disable-randomx-tweaks
+ Fixed K12 algorithm
+ --cpu-priority now affects main process too (not just worker threads)
+ default --cpu-priority is now 2 (below normal)
+ bug fixes
+ added license text to readme for RandomX and WinRing0

V0.1.8 beta
+ Added Kadena algorithm (pool mining only)
+ Added yespoweric algorithm (IsotopeC)
+ Added yespoweriots algorithm (IOTScoin)
+ Added yespower2b AVX support
+ Fixed nicehash protocol compatibility with rpc2
+ Miner now won't quit if not enough free RAM for an algorithm, it will just warn the user

V0.1.7 beta
+ Added 'm7mv2' algorithm (Magi coin - XMG)
+ Cpu auto configuration should be better than on previous versions
+ Added CPU data to API, also rearranged a few things in API
+ Console window 'Quick Edit' mode disabled on miner start, so users won't accidentally pause miner by clicking in the console window

V0.1.6 beta
+ Fixed threads binding on systems with more than 1 numa node
+ Better auto configuration for cpu mining
+ Previous two fixes should bring higher hashrates
+ Added pool controlled algorithm switching capability (Monero Ocean)
+ Added pool config parameter "algo_min_time" and --algo-min-time to cli (Monero Ocean)
+ Added pool config parameter "keepalive" and --keepalive to cli

V0.1.5 beta
+ Added cpu algorithms : RandomX, RandomXL, RandomWow, RandomArq
+ Added cli parameters: --cpu-priority, --disable-huge-pages, --disable-hw-aes, --disable-numa
+ Added pool config parameter 'start_block_height' and --start-block-height cli parameter
+ Fixed a bug that limited the number of threads useable for cpu mining
+ Fixed cpu affinity parameter and thread/s binding to affinity mask
+ Where possible, now using huge pages if available, this should bring a slight performance increase
+ Removed OpenCL dependency if using only cpu miner
+ Added limited Overdrive8 support (adl type 3)

V0.1.4 beta
+ Fixed a critical bug with work creation for fast algorithms [k12, keccak]

V0.1.3 beta
+ Keccak algorithm +15% faster on gpu
+ K12 algorithm +8-12% faster on gpu [vega56 ~1700mhs]
+ Guided setup got smarter a little bit

V0.1.2 beta
+ Added support for kangaroo12 algo [k12]
+ All algorithms that have a fee now have the same ~0.85% devfee
+ More bug fixes

V0.1.1 beta
+Added yespowerltncg, yespowersugar, yespowerurx, yespower2b, eaglesong (nervos-ckb) algorithms
+Added support for SHA with yespower algorithm family
+Bug fixes

Changes in version 4.9c (since 4.8c):

Added support for AMD RX5500 cards
Added support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.12.3
Adding support for AMD Linux drivers 19.50-967956
Adding option -rate 2 to use the command name "eth_submitHashRate" instead of "eth_submitHashrate" when solo mining
Fixed the problem with loading NVML with the latest Nvidia drivers
Fixed a problem that was introduced in 4.8c causing mismatching of the cards when using more than one value in -cclock or any other command-line argument with more than one value (i.e. when using different values for each card)
Added an HTML version of the documentation for better navigation and readability
Other small improvements and fixes.

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:!QSAVVaoS!bCFZeeUzKdvMudrY4zFWog


Changes in version 4.8c:

Added support for the latest AMD drivers under Linux 19.30-934563 and for mining with RX5700 cards under Linux. Note that drivers are quite buggy and most of the overclocking options don't work, as well as most of the hardware monitoring options.
Added a new flexible way for setting GPU-specific options with selectors. Example: -cclock 1-3:1090,4:1300 -mclock nvidia:+450,amd:2000,*:1900,gtx*1070*ti:+200 See Readme.txt for more information.
Added command-line option -gbase to set 0-base or 1-based GPU indexes (the default is 1). With -gbase 1 (the default), the first GPU is GPU1, then GPU2, etc. With -gbase 0 the first GPU is GPU0, second - GPU1, etc. Note that this also changes the indexes that are used with all command line options that accept GPU indexes (e.g. -gpus) as well as these used with the interactive commands on the miner shell window
Validated support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.11.3 (but they already work with 4.7c because there were no significant changes in the OpenCL driver)
Other small improvements and fixes.

PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64
and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.

PhoenixMiner also supports Ubqhash for mining UBQ, ProgPOW for mining BCI, and dual mining
Ethash/Ubqhash with Blake2s.

The speed is generally faster than Claymore's Ethereum miner in eth only mode
(we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
interactively with the + and - keys while the miner is running).

If you have used Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore's command-line options and confirguration

Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but there still may be some bugs.
Additionally, we are actively working on bringing many new features in the future releases.
If you encounter any problems or have feature requests, please post them here (in this thread).
We will do our best to answer in timely fashion.

1. Quick start

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:!QSAVVaoS!bCFZeeUzKdvMudrY4zFWog (MEGA)

Examples of settings for different pools.

ethermine org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethermine org:4444 -pool2 us1 ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethermine org (ETH, secure connection):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl: //eu1 ethermine org: 5555 -pool2 ssl: //us1 ethermine org: 5555 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethpool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethpool org:3333 -pool2 us1 ethpool org:3333 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
dwarfpool com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eth-eu dwarfpool com:8008 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nanopool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 nanopool org:9999 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nicehash (ethash):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //daggerhashimoto eu nicehash com: 3353 -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -pass x -proto 4 -stales 0
f2pool (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -epool eth f2pool com:8008 -ewal YourEthWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
miningpoolhub (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool us-east ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20535 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
coinotron com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool coinotron com:3344 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ethermine org (ETC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1-etc ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEtcWalletAddress.WorkerName
dwarfpool com (EXP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool exp-eu dwarfpool com:8018 -wal YourExpWalletAddress / WorkerName
miningpoolhub (MUSIC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool europe ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20585 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ubiqpool (UBIQ):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //eu ubiqpool io: 8008 -wal YourUbiqWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
minerpool net (PIRL):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool pirl minerpool net:8002 -wal YourPirlWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
dodopool com (Metaverse ETP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool etp dodopool com:8008 -wal YourMetaverseETPWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass
minerpool net (Ellaism):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ella minerpool net:8002 -wal YourEllaismWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x

Pool options:

3. Command-line arguments

Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore's miner.

-pool <host rt> Ethash pool address (prepend the host name with ssl:// for SSL pool, or http:// for solo mining)
-wal <wallet> Ethash wallet (some pools require appending of user name and/or worker)
-pass <password> Ethash password (most pools don't require it, use 'x' as password if unsure)
-worker <name> Ethash worker name (most pools accept it as part of wallet)
-proto <n> Selects the kind of stratum protocol for the ethash pool:
1: miner-proxy stratum spec (e.g. coinotron)
2: eth-proxy (e.g. dwarfpool, nanopool) - this is the default, works for most pools
3: qtminer (e.g. ethpool)
4: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (e.g. nicehash)
5: EthereumStratum/2.0.0
-coin <coin> Ethash coin to use for devfee to avoid switching DAGs:

auto: Try to determine from the pool address (default)
eth: Ethereum
etc: Ethereum Classic
exp: Expanse
music: Musicoin
ubq: UBIQ
pirl: Pirl
ella: Ellaism
etp: Metaverse ETP
pgc: Pegascoin
akroma: Akroma
whale: WhaleCoin
vic: Victorium
nuko: Nekonium
mix: Mix
egem: EtherGem
aura: Aura
hbc: Hotelbyte Coin
gen: Genom
etz: EtherZero
clo: Callisto
dbix: DubaiCoin
moac: MOAC
etho: Ether-1
etcc: EtherCC
yoc: Yocoin
b2g: Bitcoiin2Gen
esn: Ethersocial
ath: Atheios
reosc: REOSC

4. Configuration files

Note that PhoenixMiner supports the same configuration files as Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use your existing configuration files without any changes.

Instead of using command-line options, you can also control PhoenixMiner with configuration
files. If you run PhoenixMiner.exe without any options, it will search for the file config.txt
in the current directory and will read its command-line options from it. If you want, you can
use file with another name by specifying its name as the only command-line option
when running PhoenixMiner.exe.

You will find an example config.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.

Instead of specifying the pool(s) directly on the command line, you can use another configuration
file for this, named epools.txt. There you can specify one pool per line (you will find an example
epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory).

For the dual mining pools, you can use the dpools.txt file, which has the same format as epools.txt
but for the secondary coin. You will find an example epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.
Note that unlike the epools.txt, which is loaded each time when the miner starts, the dpools.txt file
is only read if you specify a dual mining pool on the command line with -dpool, or at least add
the -dcoin blake2s command-line option.

The advantages of using config.txt and epools.txt/dpools.txt files are:
- If you have multiple rigs, you can copy and paste all settings with these files
- If you control your rigs via remote control, you can change pools and even the miner options by
uploading new epools.txt files to the miner, or by uploading new config.txt file and restarting
the miner.

5. Remote monitoring and management

Phoenix miner is fully compatible with Claymore's dual miner protocol for remote monitoring and
management. This means that you can use any tools that are build to support Claymore's dual miner,
including the "Remote manager" application that is part of Claymore's dual miner package.

We are working on much more powerful and secure remote monitoring and control functionality and
control center application, which will allow better control over your remote or local rigs and some
unique features to increase your mining profits.

Random Discussion / CryptoDredge 0.23.0 — NVIDIA GPU Miner
« on: March 23, 2020, 08:04:54 pm »

Windows Download!RfwnnA5I!4OhnpXcVYOmg3ux5BD9Mbg

(CUDA 9.1 version)
(CUDA 9.2 version)
(CUDA 10.0 version)
(CUDA 10.1 version)

v0.23.0 released

New MTP-TCR algorithm
MTP: Improve scratchpad initialization
New CryptoNightUPX algorithm
New CryptoNightZLS algorithm
Improve CryptoNightGPU algorithm
Fix some potential crashes
Remove CryptoNightV8 and CryptoLightV7 (Aeon) algorithms
Other minor fixes

CryptoDredge is a simple in use and highly optimized cryptocurrency mining software. It takes full advantage of modern NVIDIA graphics cards through the use of unique optimization techniques. We have also devoted great attention to stable power consumption. These benefits, along with the very small developer fee, make our product one of the best publicly available miners.

Developer fee is 1% (2% for MTP)

Supported Algorithms
Argon2d (250/4096/DYN/NIM)
CryptoLightV7 (Aeon)
CryptoNightFastV2 (Masari and Stellite)
CryptoNightSaber (Bittube)
Cuckaroo29 (Grin)
CuckooCycle (Aeternity)
Lyra2zz (LAPO)
MTP (see the MTP Algorithm item)


The current version of CryptoDredge is a (portable) console application. Unpack the downloaded archive and edit one of the sample .bat/.sh files or provide the necessary command line arguments.
CryptoDredge -a <ALGO> -o stratum+tcp://<POOL> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <OPTIONS>

Command-Line Arguments
-v, --version Print version information
-a, --algo Specify algorithm to use

-d, --device List of comma-separated device IDs to use for mining. IDs are numbered 0,1...,N - 1
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --intensity Mining intensity (0 - 6). For example: -i N[,N] (default: 6)
-o, --url URL of mining pool
-p, --pass Password/Options for mining pool
-u, --user Username for mining pool
--log Log output to file
--no-color Force color off
--no-watchdog Force watchdog off
--no-crashreport Force crash reporting off
--cpu-priority Set process priority in the range 0 (low) to 5 (high) (default: 3)
--api-type Specify API type to use (default: ccminer-tcp)
ccminer-tcp (TCP)
ccminer-ws (WebSocket)
-b, --api-bind IP:port for the miner API, 0 disabled (default:
-r, --retries N number of times to retry if a network call fails, -1 retry indefinitely (default: -1)
-R, --retry-pause N time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 15)
--timeout N network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
-c, --config JSON configuration file to use
--no-nvml Force NVML off
--hashrate Expected hashrate in kh/s (argon2d-nim only) (default: 100)

System Requirements
NVIDIA GPUs with Compute Capability 5.0 or above.
MTP require graphics card with at least 5Gb memory.
Latest GeForce driver
2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended). Some algorithms such as NeoScrypt require the virtual memory (swap file) with the same size as all of the GPU's memory.
Internet connection

Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015

Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+ (64-bit versions)
Package libc-ares2. Installing libc-ares2 package is as easy as running the following command on terminal: apt-get install libc-ares2


Antivirus Software Reports
CryptoDredge is not a piece of malicious software. You may try to add an exception in antivirus software you use.

Rejected Shares
There are many reasons for rejected shares. The primary reasons are:
high network latency
overloaded mining server
aggressive graphics card overclocking

If you are using a third-party watchdog, you can disable the built-in watchdog by using --no-watchdog option.

CryptoDredge -a <ALGO> -o stratum+tcp://<POOL> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> --no-watchdog

Several Instances After a While
It seems that you are using an own restart mechanism of CryptoDredge (see the Watchdog item).

Crash Reporting
If the built-in watchdog is enabled then CryptoDredge will generate and send us the report. You can disable error reporting with --no-crashreport option. Allowing CryptoDredge to send us automatic reports helps us prioritize what to fix and improve in the future versions.

Crash reports won't include any personal information about you, but they might include:
Operating System version
Driver version
Miner configuration
Application crash data

MTP Algorithm

System Requirements:
GPUs with at least 5 GB of memory
There are no special CPU and RAM requirements, 4 GB must be sufficient

In comparison to other algorithms, MTP requires transferring large amounts of data to the pool. This may be a problem for limited and slow connections.

The miner has to do some extra work every time that the pool sends a new "job", so an average hashrate will be a bit slow.

Developer fee is 2% for MTP.

Argon2d (NIM) Algorithm

If you encounter many "invalid share: invalid pow" errors from the pool, set --hashrate option to calculate the start difficulty.

Announcing BFGMiner 5.5, the modular cryptocurrency miner written in C. BFGMiner features dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities.

"St. Barbara's Faithfully Glorified Mining Initiative Naturally Exceeding Rivals", or just basically a freaking good miner.

This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer, so donations would be greatly appreciated.
Please consider donating: 1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh

Do NOT send me a private message directly, as I will ignore your message. I only provide support in public, so that others may benefit from the answer too. (An exception is if you want to pay me for direct support. In that case, please say so in your message.)
Also, please note that this thread is for discussion of BFGMiner, its features and bugs - if you feel the need to troll or talk off-topic, start another forum thread (and PM me with it if you want my attention).

If you want to help develop BFGMiner, the best way to get in touch with us is on IRC.
We also have a development mailing list, mainly used to pre-announce upcoming releases for third-party packagers.

Latest release: 5.5.0
Arch: pacman -S bfgminer
Debian: aptitude install bfgminer
Gentoo: emerge bfgminer (consider accepting ~arch and/or adding the bitcoin overlay to get the latest version)
Ubuntu: apt-get install bfgminer (install the BFGMiner PPA for the latest version)

A large variety of device drivers for Bitcoin (SHA256d):
ASICMINER Block Erupter blades, cubes, USB miners (Emerald and Sapphire), and Tube
BFx2 Bitfury USB miner
Big Picture Mining Bitfury-based USB miners (BF1, RedFury, BlueFury)
BitCentury LittleFury USB miners
Bitmain AntMiner S1 - S4 and S5
Bitmain AntMiner U1 - U3
BlackArrow Prospero X-1.5
BTCFPGA's ModMiner Quad FPGA-based mining device
Butterfly Labs's FPGA and ASIC mining products (BitForce, MiniRig, Monarch)
Canaan Creative Avalon1/2/3 ASIC mining rigs
The Chili miner assembly
CoinTerra TerraMiner ASIC miner
Drillbit Thumb and Eight
DualMiner ASIC-based USB miner
Enterpoint's Cairnsmore1 FPGA mining board
FPGA Mining X6500
GekkoScience Compac BM1384 USB stick
HashBuster mining boards
HashFast Baby Jet
Intron/C-scape BitFury-based mining boards
JingTian miner
Klondike boards
KnCMiner Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune
Metabank gen 1 (old) BitFury-based mining device
NanoFury NF1 and NF2 units
One String Miner
Qi Hardware's Icarus and Lancelot FPGA mining boards
ROCKMINER 30 Gh/s R-BOX and T1
Spondoolies SP10 and SP30
Twinfury USB stick miner
Ztex's 1.15x and 1.15y FPGA boards
OpenCL GPUs, such as AMD Radeons (disabled by default, see README.GPU)
Kernels: Diablo, DiaKGCN, Phatk and poclbm
BFI_INT patching for Catalyst versions before 13.2
Vector support
Dynamic intensity that keeps desktop interactive under load and maximises throughput when desktop idle
Support for mining with free Mesa/LLVM OpenCL
CPU (not enabled by default nor included in Windows build)
Coming soon:
Halong Mining DragonMint 16T
any device provided for development (PM me)
A variety of device drivers for scrypt:
AlcheMiner Alchemist miner
DualMiner ASIC-based USB miner
GAW War Machine
Gridseed mining devices
KnCMiner Titan
ZeusMiner units
OpenCL GPUs, such as AMD Radeons (disabled by default, see README.GPU)
Kernels: ckolivas, lsoc, psw, zuikkis
CPU (not enabled by default nor included in Windows build)
Coming soon:
any device provided for development (PM nwoolls and/or jstefanop)
CPU and OpenCL/GPU mining for Keccak (SHA-3)
Automatically can configure itself to failover to solo mining and local block submission when Bitcoin Core is running
Support for getblocktemplate decentralized mining protocol (no proxy needed!)
Builtin stratum and getwork proxy server
Very low overhead free C code for Linux and Windows with very low CPU usage
Integrated overclocking and fan control (including automatic adjustment, if configured)
Heavily threaded code hands out work retrieval and work submission to separate threads to not hinder devices working
Caching of submissions during transient network outages
Preemptive generation of work prior to completion of current work
Automatically detects failing pools and disables them
Multi-device support (all or discrete selection)
Summarised and discrete device data statistics of requests, accepts, rejects, hw errors, efficiency and utility
Watchdog thread to restart idle threads but not crash machine if they don't respond
Summary displayed when quitting
Supports multiple pools with multiple intelligent failover mechanisms
On the fly menu based management of most settings
Trickling of extra work to backup pools if primary pool is responding but slow
On the fly enabling/disable/restarting of devices
Device temperature monitoring (for devices that support it)
Reuses persistent connections when possible
RPC interface for remote control
Ability to cope with slow routers
Lots of other stuff I can't remember. See options.

Human readable changelog:
Multi-blockchain support: BFGMiner can now be told which pools use the same "mining goals", and will track the blockchain independently for ones that don't. This allows you to mine multiple cryptocurrencies concurrently using any pool strategy (including balance and load-balance).
Multi-algorithm support: BFGMiner is now capable of hashing on both scrypt and SHA256d work at the same time, and you can assign the mining algorithm to use on a per-goal basis. As with multi-blockchain support, this works even in balancing strategies. Note that at this time, only CPU, OpenCL, and Proxy drivers actually support multiple algorithms at the same time (DualMiner must be preconfigured for only one, and GridSeed remains scrypt-only).
Stratum extensions for mining goals: New experimental methods mining.capabilities and mining.set_goal for Stratum allow you to expose control of the mining algorithm to the pool. These extensions are considered draft and may be changed based on the needs of multiblockchain pool operators.
RPC: Also extended for multiple mining goals/algorithms. Interface is subject to change.
kncasic: New driver for KnCMiner Neptune (and 2nd-gen Jupiter modules).
minion: New driver for BlackArrow Prospero X1.5.
titan: Work flushing optimisations from KnCMiner, and reduce processor view from per-core to per-die.
Keccak: Support for the SHA-3 winner hash as a proof-of-work algorithm.
opencl: Workaround broken global work offset support in buggy drivers.
opencl: GPU mining is now disabled by default for scrypt. Use -S opencl:auto to enable it.

Full changelog:
opencl: Fail gracefully if clGetProgramInfo/CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES returns zero
opencl: Remember results of global offset testing
opencl: Only save kernel binary when we built from source
opencl: Only try to patch BFI_INT when compiling a kernel from source
opencl: Major refactor, splitting up opencl_load_kernel into many new functions
titan: Initialise variables to satisfy compilers
Bugfix: opencl: Correctly handle non-goffset kernels
Fixing column spacing of non-curses device output
Bugfix: opencl: free memory if clState creation fails
Titan: Do not do actual configuration job in API thread context. Instead, send commands to the worker thread to do the actual job.
Titan: bugfix: dies are not configured if die#0 is OFF
Titan: unused function argument
Titan: unused variables
Update knc-asic: Titan FPGA image with spi->i2c commands removed and fixed some lock-up scenarios
Titan code rework: Use one bfgminer processor per die (instead of core)
minion: Reinitialise chips if they don't seem to be progressing
minion: Read temperature sensor
minion: TUI clock speed control
minion: Include "Frequency" in RPC status
minion: Add "clock" setting
minion: Set configuration parameters we care about
minion: Reset chip at initialization
minion: Configure PLL to 900 MHz at startup
minion: Report hashes done as accurately as we can
minion: Core enable/disable control
minion: Implement queue flushing
minion: Implement basic mining
lowl-spi: linux_spi_txrx2 to include device protocol dumping
minion: Detection code for the Prospero X1
Actually add version.c file
Only rebuild a minimal version.c file when git commit changes
Bugfix: Use HASH_ADD_KEYPTR for const char *, not HASH_ADD_STR
Bugfix: Re-lock stgd_lock when we don't have a malgo-specific pool to use
scrypt: Disable OpenCL by default
opencl: Remove support for "OCL1" kernel define (indicated OpenCL 1.1+)
opencl: Autodetect whether global offset actually works
opencl: Add no-goffset support to scrypt kernels
opencl: Determine kernel support for goffset by code analysis
opencl: Add "goffset" setting to override detection of support for global work offsets
util: seek_data_cb: Check validity of offset
Allow libcurl to rewind the upload buffer
cpu: Set the priority of miner threads to idle on Windows
cpu: Do not set thread affinity on single-processor systems
Adding additional boolean keywords enable and disable
AUTHORS: Move Pelle and Vitalii to "Current Maintainers" since they actively maintain the Titan driver
AUTHORS: Add Ronny Van Keer (Keccak C implementation)
Titan: supply its own rolling hashrate implementation
A driver can supply its own rolling hashrate function (in case generic rolling hashrate implementation does not work)
Bugfix: configure: kncasic does not actually need i2c-tools
Keccak: Simplify keccak_hash_data
keccak: Adapt opencl intensity interpretation to have approximately the same desktop interactivity affect as SHA256d
Keccak: Include support in various builds
Travis: Update with Keccak
opencl/keccak: Add non-goffset support
opencl/keccak: Unroll all the hash rounds properly
opencl: Add Keccak support via "fullheader" kernel interface
keccak: Adapt for BFGMiner
Keccak: Import algorithm code as-is
opencl: Add a simple "fullheader" kernel interface
Update stratum mining.capabilities method to use a single Object for all parameters
Bugfix: Correct USE_SHA256D macro name to ensure SHA256d is always preferred as default algorithm
cpu: Generic scanhash that can support any PoW algorithm
RPC: Include Hash Method in minecoin for new algorithms
opencl: Teach findnonce to behave based on kernel interface rather than mining algorithm
opencl: Get min_nonce_diff from struct mining_algorithm
Move malgo-specific code to dedicated source files
opencl: Simplify kernel-specific data handling
Update knc-asic: Fix issue with detect_die crashing due to errors in response
titan: Init last_nonce on die reconfiguration to avoid lots of "unknown work" messages
Bugfix: titan: Extra garbage was sent on SPI with new commands
titan: Remove temporary log messages for manual report checks
titan: Wrong variable used in new per-die iteration
titan: Do manual core checks in parallel with normal ones
titan: Fix: Only one die was checked after flush in last commit
titan: Manually check all cores for reports after flush
opencl: Remove redundant checks for USE_OPENCL
cpu: Remove redundant checks for USE_CPUMINING
opencl: Only attempt to BFI_INT patch SHA256d kernels
Significantly rewrite configure script to handle driver dependencies cleaner
Make SHA256d mining optional
Bugfix: cointerra: Can handle nonces down to pdiff 1
kncasic: Initialise first_cgpu to silence false warning
Bugfix: Clarify goffset decision code, and refuse to compile kernels in situations where they won't work
Bugfix: opencl: Output buffer must be readable by kernel since it is used with a count/position iterator
Bugfix: opencl: Skip NULL kernel interface entry
DevAPI: hashes_done: Simplify and improve precision of max_nonce calculation
opencl: Avoid duplicating kernel_interfaces mapping in select_kernel
opencl: Avoid duplicating kernel_interfaces mapping in opencl_scanhash_get_kernel
cpu: Drivers should not be doing fulltest on their own, so remove it
cpu: Pass full work struct to scanhash functions
kncasic: Split up each ASIC channel to its own device
kncasic: Use consistent naming for KNC_MAX_DIES_PER_CORE
kncasic: Refactoring: coreid is not used, remove it
kncasic: Refactoring: put all device architecture defines in one place (knc-asic.h)
kncasic: Add lock to protect concurrent accesses to knc_state
kncasic: Fix auto
Build system fixes for kncasic driver
configure: Deduplicate Linux i2c-dev.h checks for KnCMiner drivers
Travis: Update for kncasic driver
kncasic: Only show the relevant die for RPC stats
kncasic: Use proc_repr for logging
kncasic: Split up logical processors
kncasic: Silence warning about unhandled enumeration values
Bugfix: kncasic: Proper format specifications
kncasic: Remove unused code
kncasic: Minimal changes to get it compiling
kncasic: Import gen 2 driver from cgminer commit bc153552be8591250cb3214bf5202501d4a39922
titan: Move thread_reportin() call to poll function
titan: reportin every process_report to avoid falsely tripping the watchdog
titan: Remove unused variables
Bump knc-asic submodule
titan: Increase FPGA to ASIC SPI frequency to 6 MHz
titan: Use new get_work_status prototype and print FPGA CRC error counters to log
Titan flush optimization fix: Don't send get_info commands when FPGA is speaking to ASIC
titan: All dies use same nonce working range
Titan flush optimization bugfix: FPGA status was checked once per poll instead of once per ASIC
Titan flush optimization: Bugfix: Flush time measurement only worked with one ASIC
Titan flush optimization: Point knc-asic submodule to include new FPGA image
Titan flush optimization: Remove temporary debug messages
Titan flush optimization: Keep works in local queue until slot number is reused
Titan flush optimization: Point knc-asic submodule to needed revision
Titan flush optimization: Measure new flush time
Titan flush optimization: Send works to all dies after flush
Titan flush optimization: First rough implementation
Titan: Less clobber on the screen: group some "failure" messages
Bugfix: Prefer not using work created just to ensure a specific algorithm is queued, so strategies work as much as possible
Stratum: Enable mining.set_goal to change parameters on the current goal
cpu: Fail gracefully if unsupported mining algo gets into scanhash
opencl: Fail gracefully if unsupported mining algo gets into opencl_scanhash_get_kernel
SSM: Send goal malgo to goal-enabled clients
Allow pools with #change_goal_malgo attribute to change the mining algorithm used by their assigned goal
Gracefully fail when no pool can be found to generate specific-algo work
Remove opt_scrypt
dualminer: Replace opt_scrypt with a per-device "scrypt" option
dualminer: Make dual_mode a per-device option as it should be
opencl: Nearly complete migration to per-work mining algorithms
pool_actively_desired: If we are the highest priority, workable pool for a given algorithm, we are needed
Ignore opt_queue for unused mining algorithms
Set name and aliases on mining algorithms
When hotplug is enabled and a mining algorithm is configured for the first time, schedule a rescan of hardware to pick up anything now applicable that may not have been before
Try to keep enough work queued for each mining algorithm in use
Move select_loadbalance and select_failover logic into their own functions
Keep track of how much work is staged per-algorithm
Keep track of how many goals reference each mining algorithm
Abstract goal_set_malgo function
Build a mining_algorithms list
get_work: Restore previous getwork rollntime behaviour
get_work: Only return work items compatible with processor (degrades getwork rollntime support)
opencl: Support for per-work mining algorithms
Build without POW_SCRYPT at all
opencl: Defer loading kernel until it is needed
opencl: Split initCl into opencl_create_clState and opencl_load_kernel
SSM: Implement mining.capabilities including proxying mining.set_goal
Replace mining.goal.subscribe with mining.capabilities
Stratum: Avoid resetting the goal if the old and new name match
Allow specifying goal options as eg, --pool-goal name:malgo=scrypt
cpu: Support for per-work mining algorithms
Replace cgpu.min_nonce_diff with drv.drv_min_nonce_diff(cgpu, malgo)
proxy: Avoid assumptions about mining algorithm at initialisation
Core only: Partially move most of opt_scrypt to mining_goal
opencl: Reintroduce independent intensity setting internally
Move MAX_*_INTENSITY stuff to driver-opencl.h
proxy: Minimise minimum difficulty for proxy clients
Enable --generate-to option (was --coinbase-addr) to work with non-default goals
Save pool goals in written config files
README: Update documentation for multiple blockchain support
RPC: Add "Difficulty Accepted" to "coin" command
RPC: Add "Mining Goal" to "pools" command
RPC: Accept an additional argument for "addpool" to indicate mining goal by name
Stratum: Support for mining.set_goal("goal name") - currently just resetting the user-configured goal
Teach longpoll logic about multiple mining goals
RPC: Include non-default goals in reply to "coin" command
Ignore generation address/script on pools using non-default mining goals
Only include block display lines for active goals
Move income to block display line, and show extra block display lines for each additional mining goal
New --pool-goal option to set a distinct named goal per-pool
Parameterise most references to global mining_goal_info
Move block_time to be per block_info
Show "?" for income if block height is unknown
Move block height tracking onto block_info
Calculate current_fullhash only when needed (for RPC 'coins')
Replace current_block_id with blkchain->currentblk[->block_id]
Move current_hash to goal->current_goal_detail
Clean up struct block_info names
Use full prevblock hash as block key (also gets rid of dead code)
Move global variables related to the blockchain or mining goals on to global structs

JCE Cryptonote CPU Miner

Welcome to the Fastest Cryptonote CPU Miner ever!

Try the GPU Version (includes the CPU miner), the fastest CN-Heavy/XHV/Tube miner!

You can download it from the Mega page here:!hPp21KSS!KIr3QrqGdgaZwNgAUMbemQ

End of development
Due to lack of dev time to provide legit implementations of the new forks (read: not just a rip of the reference code), I had to end the dev. The forks listed below are the last to be supported and notably Monero4 isn't and won't be supported. The miner itself can still be used, with good performance, on the supported forks, including BitTube, Stellite v8 and Turtle v2.

Like all miners, JCE gets detected as a virus by most Antiviruses, including Windows Defender. But it’s not. Read more about Privacy and Security below.

Is it just yet-another fork of a common miner? No!

You’re not losing your time testing a made-up rip of a common miner, JCE is brand new, using 100% new code.

Are the new Monero-V7, Cryptolight-V7, V8, Cryptonight-Heavy, IPBC/Bittube, Alloy, Arto/Fest/Hosp, MKT, B2N, Red, Fast/Masari, Haven, FreeHaven/Swap, UPX, Waltz, Turtle-V2, Dark and XTL forks supported? Yes!

The --variation parameter let you choose the fork. More details below.

Recent history

0.33q CPU and 0.33b18 GPU
* TurtleCoin defaults to v2
* Fix possible Masari v8 bad shares
* Waltz/Graft fork as --variation 22

0.33b17 GPU
* Masari v8 support
* watchdog can restart the miner instead of quit, parameter --restart

0.33p CPU
* Native Stellite v8 and Masari v8 support

0.33b16 GPU
* Stellite v8
* Rig-id
* Light optim for mixed cpu/gpu mining

0.33n CPU
New fork: Stellite v8
Rig-id parameter (optional)

0.33b15 GPU
Backport of 0.33m CPU
New fork: Turtle v2, as --variation 20
New coin: DeroGold
Remote Managment through the HTTP server
IGP autoconfig fix

0.33m CPU
New fork: Turtle v2, as --variation 20
New coin: DeroGold
Remote Managment through the HTTP server

0.33k CPU
Separate assembly for Bulldozer x64 on v8 algo

0.33b14 GPU
uPlexa fork, as --variation 19
Backported CPU optim from 0.33j
--legacy now keeps the CPU idle when mining only with GPU

0.33j CPU (upgrade to this one or later for CPU mining highly recommended)
uPlexa fork, as --variation 19
Better/restored speed on v8
Updated a few shitcoins forks.

0.33i CPU
Big optimization for v8, for all CPUs +2%
Sumokoin wallets default to Ryo

0.33b12 GPU

0.33b11 GPU
New coin FredCoin
Better pool-side efficiency

0.33h CPU
New coin FredCoin
Little optim for Zen CPU on v8

0.33b10 GPU+CPU
Fixed possible bad shares
Little optim for RX on v8
Little optim for Zen CPU on v8
Warning when a non-AMD gpu is enabled to mine

0.33b9 GPU (upgrade to this one or later highly recommended)
Fixed Nicehash netcode
Very little optim for RX on Heavy/forks
Warmup now all automatic

0.33b8 GPU
More stable hashrate
Speed increase in most cases

0.33b7 GPU
Cryptonight-FreeHaven backported from CPU version
Cryptonight-Dark too
Fees lowered back to 0.9% for all algos
Little optims

0.33g CPU
Cryptonight-FreeHaven algo with --variation 18
MoneroOcean "algo_perf" configuration possible
Updated doc

0.33f CPU
Cryptolight-Dark algo with --variation 17
Parameterless config (service style)

0.33b6 GPU
More stable hashrate
Temperature watchdog
Fixed OpenCL bug 0-2.10
Updated doc
Very light perf boost

0.33b5 GPU
Crazy huge performance boost for Heavy/HVX/Tube + 20%
Respective fees increased to 2.1%
Very light perf boost for CN-v8

0.33b4 GPU
Huge performance boost on CN-v8
Graft now defaults to CN-v8


In short, JCE is:

Crazy fast on non-AES 64-bits, usually 35-40% faster than other miners
Compared to other 32-bits miners, still faster on non-AES 32-bits, sometimes beating even the other miners 64-bits versions
And still faster on non-AES 32-bits Cryptonight-Heavy, with usually +50% speed.
Barely faster than the other best on AES 64-bits, beating them by ~1%, +2.8% on V7 fork, +4% on Cryptonight-Heavy
Also a lot faster on AES 32-bits, but it’s a rare case (mostly seen on Intel Atom tablets)
Here’s a benchmark against three other common miners.

XMRStak means: the released Unified binary from github (not recompiled myself)
XMRig means: the respective best released binary gcc (32-bits) and msvc (64-bits) from github (not recompiled myself)
Claymore means: best Claymore CPU (3.4 for 32-bits, 3.9 for 64-bits)
When not supported, score is zero, if not tested yet, score is ?
Fees are included in the score
Core2 Quad 2.666 GHz 12M, 4 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
116 80 85 57
Core2 Quad 2.666 GHz 12M, 4 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
93 0 68 50
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
506 502 502 443
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
434 0 327 275
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight V7

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
503 492 491 ?
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight V7

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
424 0 320 ?
Core2 Quad 2.666 GHz 12M, 4 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight Heavy

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
50 33 36 0
Ryzen 1600, 4 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight Heavy

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
252 169 250 0
Ryzen 1600, 4 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight Heavy

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
191 0 174 0

Getting started

If you’re new at mining Cryptonight, here’s the simplest way:

Choose the coin to mine, see the list below. The most common is Monero.
Get a wallet, that’s a ~95 character long identifier. If you don’t have one yet, you can create it
Choose a pool to mine on, and its port. For example Pool pool minexmr com and port 4444
Edit the start.bat that’s shipped in the .zip
Change the example POOL by yours
Change the example PORT by yours
Change the example WALLET by yours
You can leave the default password x
(Optional) If your coin is exotic, maybe you also need to change FORK=0 to another number. See the list in the start bat
Run start bat

Basic topics

Need .net 4.0 and >

Q. Is it free (as in beer, as in freedom)?
No and no. It has fees, and is not open source. But the program itself is free to distribute.

Q. How much cost the fees?
Current fees are:

2.0% when using at least one mining thread with non-AES architecture, or 32-bits
0.5% when using only 64-bits AES architecture
The fees are twice higher in non-AES mode and/or 32-bits because JCE offers a huge performance gain here.

Q. Will it work on my computer?
Minimum is Windows Vista 32-bits, or Linux, with a SSE2 capable CPU. 64-bits is faster, prefer it.
For best performance, Large Pages must be enabled, JCE will try to auto-configure them, but it may work or not depending on your Windows version and security configuration.

Q. What currency can I mine? On which pools?
You can mine any coin on any pool.
If your coin is listed, all is automatic.

Run the miner with --coins parameter to get the up-to-date list. Current list is:

Aeon (AEON)
Alloy (XAO)
ArtoCash (RTO)
B2BCoin (B2B)
Bitcoin2network (B2N)
Bitcoal (COAL)
BitcoiNote (BTCN)
Bitsum (BSM)
BlackRose (BLR)
Bloc (BLOC)
BitTube (TUBE)
BlueberriesCoin (BBC)
Bytecoin (BCN)
Caliber (CAL)
Catalyst (XAT)
Citadel (CTL)
Citicash (CCH)
Constella (XCC)
Crepcoin (CREP)
CryoNote (XCN)
Dero (DERO)
DeroGold (DEGO)
Dinastycoin (DCY)
DragonGlass (DRGL)
Electronic Dollar (EDL)
Electroneum (ETN)
Elya (ELYA)
Fonero (FNO)
FreeHaven (XFH)
FreelaBit (FBF)
FuryCoin (FURY)
Gadcoin (GAD)
Graft (GRFT)
Haven (XHV)
HospitalCoin (HOSP)
Iridium (IRD)
Italo (ITA)
KashKoin (KHK)
Karbowanec (KRB)
Lethean (LTHN)
Leviarcoin (XLC)
Lines (LNS)
Loki (LOK)
Lumeneo (LMO)
MarketCash (MKT)
Masari (MSR)
Monero (XMR/XMV)
Mox (MOX)
Niobio (NBR)
Ombre (OMB)
ParsiCoin (PARS)
Plenteum (PLE)
Pluracoin (PLURA)
PrivatePay (XPP)
PyrexCoin (PYX)
Qwertycoin (QWC)
Remix (RMX)
Saronite (XRN)
Solace (SOL)
Stellite (XTL)
Sumokoin (SUMO)
SuperiorCoin (SUP)
Swap (SWAP)
TaxfreeCoin (TXC)
Tritanium (TTNZ)
Triton (TRIT)
Truckcoin (TRKC)
Turtlecoin (TRTL)
UltraNote (XUN)
UPlexa (UPX)
Veronite (XVV)
VideoGamesCoin (VGC)
Wownero (WOW)
Xaria (XARI)
X-Cash (XCA)
zBucks (ZBK)
Zelerius (ZLS)

Cryptonight Forks

All current forks are supported:
N=0 Automatic
N=1 Original Cryptonight
N=2 Original Cryptolight
N=3 Cryptonight V7 fork of April-2018
N=4 Cryptolight V7 fork of April-2018
N=5 Cryptonight-Heavy
N=6 Cryptolight-IPBC (obsolete)
N=7 Cryptonight-XTL
N=8 Cryptonight-Alloy
N=9 Cryptonight-MKT/B2N
N=10 Cryptonight-ArtoCash/Fest/Hosp
N=11 Cryptonight-Fast (Masari)
N=12 Cryptonight-Haven
N=13 Cryptonight-Bittube v2
N=14 Cryptolight-Red
N=15 Cryptonight V8
N=16 Pool-selected autoswitch algo
N=17 Cryptolight-Dark
N=18 Cryptonight-FreeHaven/Swap/Ultrafast
N=19 Cryptolight-uPlexa
N=20 Cryptolight-Turtle v2
N=21 Cryptonight-Stellite v8
N=22 Cryptonight-Waltz/Graft

Otherwise, if your coin is not listed, or your wallet not recognized, use the --any parameter, plus the --variation N parameter, with N the fork number, see list below. The fork detection is automatic on known coins, but manual on unknown coins. The coin list is periodically updated.

Q. Is Nicehash supported?
Yes, see list above. The Nicehash-specific Nonce is then automatically enabled.

Q. Is SSL supported?
Yes, with parameter --ssl

Q. I get only bad shares, what happens?
Your coin has probably forked. Add --variation N parameter, with N as listed below, until you find the one that works.

Advanced topics

Q. Are there requirements or dependencies?
No. JCE is just a big standalone executable.

Q. Is there a Linux version?
Yes, starting from version 0.29

Q. Is there a GPU version?
Not yet.

Q. Is there a 32-bits version?
Yes, both 32 and 64 are always in the same release, for both Linux and Windows.

Q. How many threads can I setup?
Maximum is 64 threads on 64 CPUs.

Q. Do I get a discount on fees if I use SSL?
I’m not Claymore.

Q. What is that value logged when I find a share?
The amount of hashes your pool will credit you. This is not the amount of crypto-coins.

Q. Can I plug it to a stratum proxy?
No, it must mine on a real pool on Internet.

Random Discussion / Ethereum Mining NoDevFee 0% Last version
« on: March 17, 2020, 08:05:57 pm »
I have spent a couple of months and now I am ready to post new version.
It is very easy to use! You need to run it at the same RIG that works.


This program helps you to save you your money and earn more when you use Claymore's Dual Ethereum
Miner. It reduses 1%(or 2% in Dual mode) fee.
DevFee will mine to your wallet but miner wil think that it mines Real DevFee.
It was tested on Windows 10 and Windows 7!
Where to Download?


How to Use?

1) Download
2) Right Click at ZeroFee.exe->Properties -> Compatibility tab->Run As Administator -> Save
3) Open ZeroFee.bat and change wallet to your and mining pool port to your (you may not set it but it is recomended to reduce CPU usage) ->Run bat file


It was tested with nanopool etheremine ethpool it works perfect.
(I have additional 1.8mhs to my 176mhs with this software and)
You can test it with other pools and tell results here.

Why do you need it

I have 7 GPUs and nanopool shows me that I will get additional 1.975 USD/mo (and 3.95$ when I use dualmining with sia coin).

Updated Proof :


start ZeroFee.exe 0xYourWallet

Now works with Claymore v15.0 Fixed compatibility with ethermine org
Code improvements
New Logo

TCP packets checking speed is improved (checking function is replaced with assembly code to speed up checking)
Fixed bug with automatic adding to startup(automatic adding to startup feature is deleted).
New Logo

Added automatic administrator privileges
Not detectable by claymore's miner
Minor code improvements

Added support of Support of Nicehash
Added support of "-esm 0", "-esm 1" , "-esm 2" and "-esm 3" arguments in you command line for claymore miner.
Optimized allocation of memory
New protection against Claymore miner detection
You do not need to enter mining pool port in this version only wallet
File structure optimization

Reminder if you forgot to run it as Administrator
Automatic adding NoFee.bat to the startup
Design changes

Works now even with Claymore Miner v9.4
Major speed improvements
Less CPU load
Some bug fixes

Fixed issues with blocking RDP,Radmin,TeamViewer

Now it works with nicehash, miningpoolhub & forks like ETC when you use "-allpools 1" at the Claymore's miner.
Changed devFee priority:
first time devFee sends shares to your wallet(15 min after start),
second time Real devFee mining(1h after start),
third time devFee sends shares to your wallet(2h after start),
fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and all next times devFee sends shares to your wallet.
Now it works with all pools (tested). Slightly improved stability. Archive type changed from .rar to .zip


If this software stops working like this:

Try to install all
microsoft c++ 2010 redistributable

microsoft c++ 2012 redistributable

microsoft c++ 2013 redistributable

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