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Delegate hosting - (recommendations)

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My experience is with Ubuntu.  The initial BitsharesX codebase takes my VM 4GB RAM to compile, but can run the delegate node on less than 786MB. 

Connectivity to peers is key.  This will require a reliable Internet connection.  Running NTP is a near requisite:

--- Code: ---sudo apt-get install ntp
--- End code ---

Add some servers to the config file:

--- Code: ---sudo nano /etc/npd.conf
--- End code ---

You need as many peer connections as your node can sustain to ensure you see transactions and blocks propagating within the network and your blocks are quickly distributed to the network.  Be sure to increase the number of peer connections beyond the default of 8:

--- Code: ---network_set_advanced_node_parameters { "peer_connection_retry_timeout": 30, "desired_number_of_connections": 50, "maximum_number_of_connections": 100 }

--- End code ---

Don't neglect your wallet_unlock parameter.  Your wallet must be unlocked to produce a block.  5-nines is just over a day, 6-nines is nearly two weeks.  Check it:

--- Code: ---wallet_unlock 99999
--- End code ---

I am looking for recommendations on hosting a delegate node.

 - VPS vs Cloud server vs ?
 - What hosting providers would you recommend?
 - What are optimal specs for a server hosting a Bitshares X delegate node?
 - Any other recommendations related to hosting a delegate node.


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