Author Topic: Could a DAC be used to pay Zakat  (Read 1696 times)

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Offline robrigo

I agree with the above posts, an adopted Zakat asset within BTS would be most favorable for me to see adopted too. The thought stemmed from a post on BTC talk where someone was asking about if they should make an Islamic cryptocurrency... which is why I suggested a DAC and not just a UIA.

Some benefits that running a full DAC could provide:

1) The solidarity / show of unity if the nodes were run by people from many different Arab nations.

2) Specific changes to the DAC logic to faciliate Zakat payment the best. Would shareholder dilution be considered as enough or would each address have to make a recurring payment? This type of logic could be written around a UIA when Turing complete scripting is implemented.

3) Maybe in this form the DAC would function as a type of group conscience? In this way it would make sense for such a DAC to be polling / asking questions relevant to the populations being polled. I guess there would be no reason not to use BTS for this as well.

Is it a problem of adoption? Maybe a higher rate of conversion would happen and more Muslims would interact with a system that was branded Islamic / a tool for dissent?

This is just a thought experiment for me. I hope nobody finds offense in trying to market a DAC to a specific religion!

Offline lakerta06

Why doesn't he just create a bitAsset within BitShares?

Better yet, why not just pay zakat with bitUSD?

Offline donkeypong

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Why doesn't he just create a bitAsset within BitShares?

Offline robrigo

I'm trying to convince this guy to choose DPOS for his Islamic cryptocurrency (

It seems like there could be multiple reasons this could be successful if branded and promoted correctly.

1) Muslims pay Zakat to fulfill their religious obligation.  (

The practice is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it is the only pillar which enjoins Muslims to submit to Islamic statism.

2) The many sects of Islam are divided into separate factions (Shi'ite, Sunni, salafi, taliban, muslim brotherhood, etc. etc.)

What if it was acceptable to pay your Zakat tax in an opt in system? I see it as a way for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation without paying the state directly. Consider if all Muslims used this system, the delegates of which would be run on behalf of Imams or officials that would control funds paid by Zakat tax. The people at large could choose where their Zakat goes instead of paying State actors.

Could this be a first step towards uniting the common Muslim people of which are subjugated by extremist governments and organizations across the many countries of the Middle East?