Author Topic: Please Consider Voting for fuzzy.beyondbitcoin  (Read 22907 times)

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Offline fuzzy

I don't mind supporting other DPOS blockchains as there's also a psychological battle of the blockchains occurring.

POW is looking extremely lonely in the top 10 despite dominating up till a year ago. As a result Bitcoin looks weak and vulnerable and this will manifest itself over the following year.

The more strong DPOS blockchains we have the stronger BitShares looks as the dominant DAC on the dominant blockchain. (Having said that I would push to cannibalise anything useful from any competitor.)

My only reservation with beyondbitcoin is that my impression is the viewership numbers are quite low. It's an essential service that should be funded but I would be reluctant to spend too much money on it, (as the value of a 100% position grows) if it wasn't popular in the sense it was generating reasonable interest & views from outsiders and new/potential BTS holders after a period of time.

I would love to see beyondbitcoin become a marketing department instead of just a place for insiders to hang out in it .

Mumble is just the form , fuzz is the core of beyondbitcoin . Fuzz can do a great job even without mumble . He'll just have to find the place where he can light the fire up .

For nearly a year we only use beyondbitcoin to know "what's going on" with the project , rarely use it as a place for marketing purpose . (by marketing , I mean to outsiders , not just us insiders to hangout . Insides can't add much more economic value to the system any more ) .

I think we should find a way to satisfy everyone to hook fuzz up to a brighter beyondbitcoin .


With a couple vital exceptions.  I am not the core of Beyond Bitcoin.  ALL OF YOU are.  I had a vision of DPOS and its variations becoming new chains that build new industries and fix old ones...from the protocol level.  If you look back through all the threads on this forum you will never see me saying others cannot be a part of it.  In fact I have told others to be a part of it. 

Trust me I would love to see 10-20 volunteers all working on things like this and using the tools I have provided and the time Bytemaster has provided.  In fact, if that were to happen I would be able to accept any of the jobs that have come my way over the past year that would have easily paid me more than a delegate would have at twice this current marketcap...and still help.  It would be great to see.  I just haven't seen it (yet). 

Beyond Bitcoin is a decentralized movement...not a cenralized media empire.   
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 05:56:35 pm by fuzzy »
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Offline fuzzy

I don't mind supporting other DPOS blockchains as there's also a psychological battle of the blockchains occurring.

POW is looking extremely lonely in the top 10 despite dominating up till a year ago. As a result Bitcoin looks weak and vulnerable and this will manifest itself over the following year.

The more strong DPOS blockchains we have the stronger BitShares looks as the dominant DAC on the dominant blockchain. (Having said that I would push to cannibalise anything useful from any competitor.)

My only reservation with beyondbitcoin is that my impression is the viewership numbers are quite low. It's an essential service that should be funded but I would be reluctant to spend too much money on it, (as the value of a 100% position grows) if it wasn't popular in the sense it was generating reasonable interest & views from outsiders and new/potential BTS holders after a period of time.

This is largely where I feel I have a problem.  You see, we have offered this for a year+ with raw content and I have openly called out to the community to take that content and monetize it for themselves.  Noone has done so.  People have attended, but no investor chose to add onto this save perhaps Gamey to the limited amount of capacity he had had at the time.   This is also where things like RgCrypto's talk about Affiliate networks come in. 

We have all this content, but up until just recently no one to professionally edit it.  Emailtooaj has since stepped up to help on this front and has done it free of charge.  If you want higher quality content, step up and help or help pay others who are willing to work on it.  Contribute.

It seems we lack a level of coordination that is necessary to uplift all of us.  We should be utilizing our resources and coordinating efforts to build a common "toolkit" for use by all community members. We should be helping each other build informational social media sites and we should be sharing each other's content on all those networks. 

If I had reached out beyond the bitshares community to do these hangouts I would have been far more likely to build a team to help me in this...but I believe in DPOS over all other technologies for its ability to free markets and give power to the people, so I stayed here and focused my efforts here.  If viewership is low, ask yourself how you can help.  Ask yourself..."have I shared this content to the outside world?"  (you don't have to answer on this forum). 

I have said it before many times and I will say it again now.  Bytemaster once gave me a piece of advice that I will never forget.  When I was questioning myself...he said, simply, "Act".  The more I have learned in this journey the more I realize what he meant....He meant do what you can and know that it is far better than doing nothing. 

Right now is your chance to do something.  You can help in various ways, or you can vote for a delegate so I can pay others to help.  Or, of course, you can recognize that Beyond Bitcoin is a movement and not a person or a "media empire" and join it.  The choice is all our own.  I have made mine, now that ball is in all your court. 

Of course, if Beyond Bitcoin isn't your ball of wax, join Nullstreet and help one of those guys.  Or help Max Wright who is working on his own funds right now in hopes of bringing the marketcap to 160,000,000 before he gets paid a dime.  There are literally so many places we can all help and there are still so many delegate positions available...that there is no reason we shouldn't all be jumping at the ability to fund ourselves and potentially even reach out beyond bitshares to hire people doing valuable work for other networks and getting nothing in return.  This fear over paying me 1200 bucks a month...or even 5000 doesn't make any sense to me.  Have people stopped to think that maybe the reason we don't have much viewership is a significant lack of funding?
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Offline btswildpig

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I don't mind supporting other DPOS blockchains as there's also a psychological battle of the blockchains occurring.

POW is looking extremely lonely in the top 10 despite dominating up till a year ago. As a result Bitcoin looks weak and vulnerable and this will manifest itself over the following year.

The more strong DPOS blockchains we have the stronger BitShares looks as the dominant DAC on the dominant blockchain. (Having said that I would push to cannibalise anything useful from any competitor.)

My only reservation with beyondbitcoin is that my impression is the viewership numbers are quite low. It's an essential service that should be funded but I would be reluctant to spend too much money on it, (as the value of a 100% position grows) if it wasn't popular in the sense it was generating reasonable interest & views from outsiders and new/potential BTS holders after a period of time.

I would love to see beyondbitcoin become a marketing department instead of just a place for insiders to hang out in it .

Mumble is just the form , fuzz is the core of beyondbitcoin . Fuzz can do a great job even without mumble . He'll just have to find the place where he can light the fire up .

For nearly a year we only use beyondbitcoin to know "what's going on" with the project , rarely use it as a place for marketing purpose . (by marketing , I mean to outsiders , not just us insiders to hangout . Insides can't add much more economic value to the system any more ) .

I think we should find a way to satisfy everyone to hook fuzz up to a brighter beyondbitcoin .

这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline Empirical1.1

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I don't mind supporting other DPOS blockchains as there's also a psychological battle of the blockchains occurring.

POW is looking extremely lonely in the top 10 despite dominating up till a year ago. As a result Bitcoin looks weak and vulnerable and this will manifest itself over the following year.

The more strong DPOS blockchains we have the stronger BitShares looks as the dominant DAC on the dominant blockchain. (Having said that I would push to cannibalise anything useful from any competitor.)

My only reservation with beyondbitcoin is that my impression is the viewership numbers are quite low. It's an essential service that should be funded but I would be reluctant to spend too much money on it, (as the value of a 100% position grows) if it wasn't popular in the sense it was generating reasonable interest & views from outsiders and new/potential BTS holders after a period of time.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 02:10:28 pm by Empirical1.1 »

Offline fuzzy

After DNS is merged by Super DAC, I only have 1 M DNS, but I consider many people lost because of price of DNS drop , I donation any all 1 M DNS  just for support other people.
we should support other people but it is must reasonable.
I honestly think it might have been a better idea to secretly work to put all the DACs together at some point AFTER they all were in the top 20 chains on coinmarketcap.  Price discovery on each individual DAC was not allowed to occur before they were all "merged".  If done in this way (maybe not possible from an engineering standpoint, though) I think the merger would have actually transferred most if not all that value to BitShares' as a SuperDAC. 
As for reasonably supporting other people...we support ourselves by building into the BitShares Ecosystem a precedent for sharedropping on the chains in our system. 
Why?  Because no other competitor does this.  Once people realize that they can simply invest in a group of tokens and have a chance at getting new shares given to them freely in the future, they will become interested in joining this ecosystem over others.  My hope is that these hangouts will become a way for developers to teach people about their innovations and thus increase the "Savviness" of these "DAC-Savvy Investors". 

I don`t understand what really bring to BTS by airdrop.  MMC airdrop to PTS, LTS airdrop to PTS, you can see the price of MMC and LTS now , actually lost about 4000 bitusd in investing MMC, I know it is marketing  except BTS/PTS and an other coin , mmc is the only coin bought. maybe a new dac would bring really value. but most of DAC is nothing.

MMC was a crap coin.  LTS was a crap coin and a crap technology.  Freetrade (sorry man) refused to connect with the community and never joined our hangouts.  It was at the time he turned me down in my offer to run hangouts for him that I decided not to invest in those projects.  And it wasn't because it hurt me in any way...It was because I knew the community would never be able to build up around him and give him their input, or receive education from him on his own philosophy and how he saw things working out for those projects.  Without that connection, it was hard to feel comfortable investing in yet another "alt".

On top of that, they were not based off of the toolkit and slightly changed to provide different functionalities.  They were kind of crappy coins from the old world of crypto.  MMC had some interesting stuff going for it, but with some of the politics that occurred behind the scenes with someone apparently buying up a huge amount of MMC and placing himself in the head position over MMC, and no willingness to act transparently, I could not invest in it despite the sharedrop. 
I have to explain something here that I have not made clear. 

I want to help devs who are legitimately trying to enrich all BTS/PTS/AGS/PLAY/MUSIC/etc... holders.  Each of those demographics offer a reason to sharedrop that is different from the rest.  If one of these demographics seems to be going in a direction I cannot promote--sharedrop or not, I will not hold hangouts for them.  That doesn't mean other's can't take my place, try to run a delegate on that chain and run hangouts.  I would like to see them do so.  They can even use the server free of charge.

If people do not have the same vision as I do, I do not expect them to vote for me.  But I will definitely say that sometime in the future (I do not know when), there might be a chain with other legitimate devs who are also trustworthy and open like ByteMaster who might gain my respect and in that case, if they sharedrop on all of you (and to a small degree myself as well) I would be interested in serving both you and them by organizing and running hangouts for them. 
I know these communities will not always operate in Unity, but I plan on finding my home where I feel I can best help the world in my own way.  So if getting a paid delegate position on this chain isn't in the cards, then at least I know.  If it isn't, I have no doubt there are other chains that will prove interesting to me and keep the flame that burns inside me burning bright. 

I fall more in line with this way of thinking:
"Adam Smith said, the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for themselves right? That's what he said.
Incomplete. Incomplete. Because the best result would come, from everyone in the group doing what is best for himself--and the group."

Because "That's the only possible way we can all get laid..."

I guess all I can say is that I thank you for being honest....and I fully expect you to act only in accordance with your own opinions... and be willing to change those opinions if ever new information comes to light that changes your perspective.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 02:04:05 pm by fuzzy »
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Offline BTSdac

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That person asked about the money.

It isn't about spending the money to support others.

It is whether the inflation funds should pay for every bit of your free time or force you to be in some exclusive contract. A real greedy asshole might say "Well Fuzzy if you aren't spending all your time on BTS then you deserve nothing from the blockchain. It doesn't matter all the time you have selflessly donated!" Just ignore them. Those are the types of people that have chased me off from wanting to have the RPM community on this board and went with the PTS board instead. Long live PTS!

While the core developers never display this attitude there is a very vocal minority on here that does. I deeply hope you are not too swayed by them. Luckily it appears you have what it takes to rise above that stupid bullshit and realize that realistically none of these other chains are a direct threat to BitShares.  Pushing PTS off has done nothing but result in a bit of brain drain as PC and Cube both seem to be very competent.
After DNS is merged by Super DAC, I only have 1 M DNS, but I consider many people lost because of price of DNS drop , I donation any all 1 M DNS  just for support other people.
we should support other people but it is must reasonable.
I don`t understand what really bring to BTS by airdrop.  MMC airdrop to PTS, LTS airdrop to PTS, you can see the price of MMC and LTS now , actually lost about 4000 bitusd in investing MMC, I know it is marketing  except BTS/PTS and an other coin , mmc is the only coin bought. maybe a new dac would bring really value. but most of DAC is nothing.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 09:56:13 am by BTSdac » :pureland
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That person asked about the money.

It isn't about spending the money to support others.

It is whether the inflation funds should pay for every bit of your free time or force you to be in some exclusive contract. A real greedy asshole might say "Well Fuzzy if you aren't spending all your time on BTS then you deserve nothing from the blockchain. It doesn't matter all the time you have selflessly donated!" Just ignore them. Those are the types of people that have chased me off from wanting to have the RPM community on this board and went with the PTS board instead. Long live PTS!

While the core developers never display this attitude there is a very vocal minority on here that does. I deeply hope you are not too swayed by them. Luckily it appears you have what it takes to rise above that stupid bullshit and realize that realistically none of these other chains are a direct threat to BitShares.  Pushing PTS off has done nothing but result in a bit of brain drain as PC and Cube both seem to be very competent.

Offline fuzzy

I would vote you ,but I have a question ,
why you using BTS delegate pay to support 3rd part DAC that tend to share drop to bts , what they can bring to BTS?

Where did he say he was using the BTS pay to support a 3rd party DAC?

In essence I am.  I am (helping) support my own work with this delegate (with $250-300/month) and also planning to pay gamey the funds back that I now owe him after finding out it was him paying out of pocket for the beyond bitcoin soundcloud and not the original funds.  And I will be holding hangouts for competing chains based on the % they sharedrop on shareholders.

So let's get into this a little bit.  This is an important question and I think it is important to answer it, as always, honestly. 

The Question really comes down to if you just want to have a huge BTS exchange that is someday worth 300+ billion dollars...or if you want to have that very same stake in addition to 10, 20, 30...even 40% of your original stake in other competitors that clone BitShares' Toolkit to build other 100+ billion dollar crypto-industries.  It doesn't really matter what any of us here think, though, because the trend is already happening. 

For instance.  Let's look at NXT.  NXT already has Horizon (HZ) and NEM growing from its original code.  From that they will get some competition, but that only means that the competition will breed high quality code being written and systems being built that will be easily "stolen" by any of those competing exchanges.  This means that an innovation on one Chain is quite literally pennies on the dollar for all others like it to include.  Not only that, but the more NXT versions pop up and compete against one another, the more likely that new ones will continue to be born and compete in that ecosystem.  Can you see how, as cryptocurrency becomes more widely adopted and there is a larger influx of money into the system, this might cause a problem for a single Flagship DAC sailing alone against an Armada of ships that can at the drop of a hat retool themselves to gain the advantages of superior engineering of eachother.  What's more...did any of NXT's competing chains sharedrop on original holders?  or you? Nope...and why would they?  It isn't like there is a community-driven effort to incentivize it.  In fact, many in NXT's community have been so against competitors that they unintentionally fractured their community...sending old NXT investors to become whales in the new chains.

Counterparty is also doing this...with DogeParty and VertParty.  And it wont end there....

This isn't a war between DACs...this is a War between protocols and protocol suites.  So the question is: Do you want BitShares to be a Gold-Standard Crypto-protocol or just one powerful DAC?  And if you are of the belief that BitShares becomming that single huge DAC will make others take notice and try to clone it, you are probably right.  But then you have to ask yourself..."What reason would they have to want to sharedrop on us with their tokens?" 

This is open source software so it isn't like anyone is forced to Sharedrop on us.  The only reason for them to sharedrop on us is because they get something really appealing in return.  If BitShares becomes a community of Maximalists who are only going to dump the sharedropped shares of competitors just to buy more bitshares, then they are never going to give you a stake in their project.  Altchains are 1) places of potentially FREE innovation to BTS, 2) diversifying investments in DPOS-based (and maybe even other types) technology, 3) free marketing for the bitshares toolkit---which just so happens to push the BitShares brand.  I am confused by this idea that we cannot support more than one chain as a community.  In fact, that is what I thought drew most of the original founders in the first place. 

This is actually precisely why I also support MUSIC/PLAY/PTS/AGS (and intend to run delegates on MUSIC/PLAY/PTS).  Because if the BitShares holders decide that they are going to turn into the Maximalist Bitcoin Community, then I want to support the chain that will be open-minded about new technological innovations that may be valuable assets in my quest to help DPOS become a crypto Gold Standard in which we early investors hold a substantial stake. 

Sure, I could run this delegate and end up not getting paid by the blockchain, but that would also mean I am even more limited in what I am able to do, the quality of the content will suffer and I will eventually have to recognize that my power over the future of BitShares is actually far greater and getting a job paying 40k-50k a year and simply buying BitShares and all the chains that sharedrop on me (if there are any).  It also might mean that eventually I would have to rethink my strategy and consider opening up payments in some other way.  It also means that rather than consider helping those holding BTS by working with anyone who sharedrops on its holders, that I would have to recognize that my idealistic attitude to help community before self is actually misplaced.  This would open up the door to me either "getting a real job" or having to  cover the competitors that pay me directly (and would actually probably end up being far better off for me in the end). 

So with that said, at present I am not a big shareholder.  I have 50,000BTS (more likely 46,000 now) locked away as bitUSD that I cannot liquidate due to a wallet malfunction (that I am still going to have to try to fix).  I have 150,000BTS that go to parents.  I have 50,000 that go to my little brother.  And after that I probably have about 200,000-250,000BTS of my own (58,000 of which will be soon going to pay for a legal delegate that I HOPE gets voted in).  So this sharedropping thing is not directly helping me that much actually.  In fact, if you hold a substantial sum of shares, all you have to do is sit back and watch me help diversify your portfolio, build our community and focus on adding value to the ecosystem...while paying out of pocket for a server and soon a soundcloud to do so.  This is on top of shouldering the opportunity cost of doing what I have been doing almost since the launch of BitShares at little benefit to myself. 

In this ecosystem...those who hold the funds hold the power.  This is the only good free-market solution I can think of. If the people who have and will continue to sacrifice for this project are not the perfect candidates to give large stake to, who is?  And truth be told, I will be using the majority of the funds to pay other community members for helping edit the content we produce in both Dev and Delegate hangouts (with an obvious primary focus on BTS).  So as I see it, why Wouldn't you vote for me?  Is there someone else who would have done what I have and would continue to do?  If so, they are few and far between---and I recommend you all take care of them because without them you lose network effect.  And that will kill this chain, our prospects for the future, and your investment(s). 
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 08:22:21 am by fuzzy »
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Offline gamey

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I would vote you ,but I have a question ,
why you using BTS delegate pay to support 3rd part DAC that tend to share drop to bts , what they can bring to BTS?

Where did he say he was using the BTS pay to support a 3rd party DAC?
I speak for myself and only myself.

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I would vote you ,but I have a question ,
why you using BTS delegate pay to support 3rd part DAC that tend to share drop to bts , what they can bring to BTS? :pureland
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BTS2.0 API 数据源ws://

Offline fuzzy

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█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline fuzzy

Your delegate is long over due.

Thanks Gentso and everyone else. Please dont forget to vote!  I need approximately 160,145,000 more votes to get into 101, thus beating out fire.and.blood.dragon.  So please consider making sure you vote if you support this effort guys and gals.  And remember, I will be doing what I currently do, only ramped up....for approximately only 20-30% of the total pay in hopes of improving everyone's stake in all future projects. 

If you are a shareholder with a large amount of BTS, my having a delegate that gives me capital to work with benefits you and everyone else in the community!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 10:41:04 pm by fuzzy »
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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