Author Topic: Vote for bts.fordream , vote for our Bitshares dream!  (Read 1941 times)

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Offline callmeluc

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Hello everybody, our delegate "bts.fordream" is on, please vote for us!

Approve bts.fordream.

    Our sever: 4GB RAM, 4 CPU Cores, 96 GB SSD Storage, 4 TB Transfer, 40 Gbit Network in,  500  Mbit network out. 
    And we got the technical support from Chinese delegates group, for long term stablility  and efficiency.

    Pay rate: 3%

    Team members:     
    Metalallen, One of 2 famous translators(for bitshares) in China, member of cn-members,  who's the moderator of Chinese forum, and the bridge between different language and culture.  Bitshares & DACs researcher, interpreter and writer. Here is his special column in Chinese:
    Callmeluc, member of Chinese promotion team, punisher of bitshares investment  whitepaper(achievement of Chinese community of course, check it here:, founder of Chinese delegate league, long -term researcher and promoter of bitshares.

    Thanks a lot!

Approve bts.fordream.