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How to encode a PTS address?

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--- Quote from: toast on January 02, 2014, 11:58:50 pm ---Which part of this diagram does your string correspond to?

You should be able to follow that diagram, except use 0x38 as the network byte.

--- End quote ---
Why 38? PTS should be 56?

The ASM hash is not in that diagram. It's difficult.

Look at this post
He is doing what I need but I cant interpret his python code, he is showing it as example but not explaining what he is doing or why and where he got the information from...

Which part of this diagram does your string correspond to?

You should be able to follow that diagram, except use 0x38 as the network byte.


I've taken a raw asm public key string from a transaction and followed this guide to convert it ot a base58 encoded PTS address. But the result does not start with P.... is there anything special about PTS addresses or did I just failed to encode correctly?


PS, see also

The approach above was wrong. Can someone tell me step by step how I can convert the ASM Public Key Hash
--- Code: ---028401a2e512b1b91b882ee1c9291cd407c10916bf791662f7189c9c805643e51c
--- End code ---
to a PTS Public Key Address?


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