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Messages - tony-hughes-design

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Lost account / 80'000 BTS Prize - Christmas Puzzle.
« on: December 14, 2015, 10:20:41 pm »
Hi guys,

During the beginning stages of 2.0 clearly there were issues with bitshares and the 'default' safari browser, this is why now it says 'Unsupported browser
The Browser you are using has not been fully tested to support the Bitshares Wallet. We highly recommend that you backup your wallet and import it using the Chrome Browser until we have had more time to fully test your browser of choice. Use at your own risk.
' also 'Backup wasn't REQUIRED' it was only a RECOMMENDATION. To a novice like me I felt confident my apple keychain and the password to 2.0 would encrypt my private key and store it that way I wouldn't ever need to back it up. Anyway long story short after James Calfee tried ever so hard to try and help me restore my wallet. but with no success. I am now locked out of my Tony-Hughes account with 80,000 BTS and lifetime membership. I believe in Bitshares so I have decided to cut my losses and swallow the fact I won't get my 300$ worth of bitshares back... which is a hefty sum when your currently unemployed....

I have scoured all my caches and dumped everything I could get hold of. I'm optimistic that somebody out there might be able to retrieve the 80'000 BTS. and I would be more than happy for you to take them as it seems the bitshares team didn't like the idea of account holders being able to burn inactive / locked out accounts through a consensus/vote. I presumed as long as the account holder had sufficient ID, perhaps OAUTH / Registered details, 2FA Auth the account could be thru a consensual vote with a majority of the delegates burn the account with the permission of the account holder.

Anyway none of this as come to light so.. for now.. quite frankly I will need to say goodbye to my bitshares. I will dump every bit of information I managed to pull from the darkest parts of my browser cache and history. I hope somebody manages to take the 80'000 BTS.

As you will see the encrypted key and all over data should be there.. GOOD LUCK PS: if you do crack this puzzle please drop me a line.

__tawkuuid e||||lb4W5mWXZgf4gZuzctUm3YahtX//JTYWMaaTzZKkwe66UqZ8ODa2EXFCzQ/0S68x||2 / 23 October 2025 10:20:13 BST 97 B
_hosted_session ekVJWEV3YUxKOHBJa1IzeUlJRVRKVG9HM2orbGVaV1RXM2ZXem1pRzhXVnAyNVZOU0xhMTh4TDRTSUQxTW9ncGoxOVlCS2g2RFBnSE53azc4TENuVEE9PS0tNk42MTVsRWpYbmRac1NnMktWTUFmQT09--e81ef1d94a201228affe9c40ec359d9f34043672 / Session 209 B ✓
_uid_ h_zVgcfKm6KuFbOjDiTb9A / 26 October 2025 09:01:04 GMT 27 B
3-AddressIndex {"name":"AddressIndex","value":{"BTSAe61yeBCCWbSdroPZcLNbj3TMpfSRdYEC":"BTS6LicCQuzvvYk8xmvF2as8mEMLpLDrxPEicjTwLPEkAAE4FvfWD","BTS3vRZEPJoUFXKd62HoT1fZ4RDhKJoJ6a12":"BTS4yBh4HZjhVGe33SCZfSYEwVbRgujEhNfnDD431uZ23SZuX7paV","BTSA5RiWJCzhk1eZsbd4v1GfFQgH36k1BM3N":"BTS6LicCQuzvvYk8xmvF2as8mEMLpLDrxPEicjTwLPEkAAE4FvfWD","BTS6bRwMShfufxnCZaU51BVt7QNwtF9WtVZo":"BTS4yBh4HZjhVGe33SCZfSYEwVbRgujEhNfnDD431uZ23SZuX7paV","BTSLgQzXHftJShGw8z54Dom3i24cMUf2mJn5":"BTS6LicCQuzvvYk8xmvF2as8mEMLpLDrxPEicjTwLPEkAAE4FvfWD","BTSMTdjTgF1AUF21vr5RmW5Yr9k3JbNABRWu":"BTS4yBh4HZjhVGe33SCZfSYEwVbRgujEhNfnDD431uZ23SZuX7paV","BTSBtpQ5iGR2jrvAwqRneFgena7G2C2mzBHa":"BTS6LicCQuzvvYk8xmvF2as8mEMLpLDrxPEicjTwLPEkAAE4FvfWD","BTSAxJgfuFrCbLA7zaaeQMuqKBrDK8dn5Y3":"BTS6LicCQuzvvYk8xmvF2as8mEMLpLDrxPEicjTwLPEkAAE4FvfWD","BTS46bev5AztmVopmajzfr4SQaMJN1re9Dok":"BTS4yBh4HZjhVGe33SCZfSYEwVbRgujEhNfnDD431uZ23SZuX7paV","BTSPQWVCLL4WSLBqP1fAPTNTznUkKKjdR1p3":"BTS4yBh4HZjhVGe33SCZfSYEwVbRgujEhNfnDD431uZ23SZuX7paV”}}
3-no_balance_address {"name":"no_balance_address","value":["BTSAxJgfuFrCbLA7zaaeQMuqKBrDK8dn5Y3","BTSLgQzXHftJShGw8z54Dom3i24cMUf2mJn5","BTSAe61yeBCCWbSdroPZcLNbj3TMpfSRdYEC","BTSA5RiWJCzhk1eZsbd4v1GfFQgH36k1BM3N","BTSBtpQ5iGR2jrvAwqRneFgena7G2C2mzBHa","BTSPQWVCLL4WSLBqP1fAPTNTznUkKKjdR1p3","BTS6bRwMShfufxnCZaU51BVt7QNwtF9WtVZo","BTSMTdjTgF1AUF21vr5RmW5Yr9k3JbNABRWu","BTS3vRZEPJoUFXKd62HoT1fZ4RDhKJoJ6a12","BTS46bev5AztmVopmajzfr4SQaMJN1re9Dok"]}
1-40110000000000 1 {"import_account_names":{"$type":"undefined"},"encrypted_key":"ef3d91de686e22677972b11f0bb7a5376ba9133c9219bc2558877885ca9aae8b80b7ee3a7a4f7d524a2171c466f420e2","pubkey":"BTS6LicCQuzvvYk8xmvF2as8mEMLpLDrxPEicjTwLPEkAAE4FvfWD","brainkey_sequence":{"$type":"number","$enc":"0"},"id":{"$type":"number","$enc":"1"}} 3

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3-default {"public_name":"default","password_pubkey":"BTS73GjiDhtLT2FZEqnKDeRcsqDKuHe9ksBrNGvdbiFR3uhRieaRL","encryption_key":"754517040ecda8e310a19f234023b4299a49a49571fba5bc44ffd55eb7fd1b50eac05d605d711bdc2a614b79cc8609a9","encrypted_brainkey":"c1c1b79c99c0e2abb40a60716c969a2975b637cd5f01df6e5138fc42fce021e875f07732a279d3304acf104662a8f8b31d1da879efe5079a0c1702312d37a2f2e3a186949dbbfb3e114f8974de0c3a676dc4e7f28f3bb626143e819b19e835ea62f8caa26b535b8cfde6949769a86d6d","brainkey_pubkey":"BTS5qZYT5Hg532CcfyTF2hM7JH6aNuGDbovErzTPJMZGh2FEGjPP1","brainkey_sequence":{"$type":"number","$enc":"2"},"brainkey_backup_date":{"$type":"Date","$enc":1445851307647},"created":{"$type":"Date","$enc":1445850417184},"last_modified":{"$type":"Date","$enc":1445851307647},"chain_id":"4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8","backup_date":null,"deposit_keys":{"blocktrades":{"BTC":{"tony-hughes":["1E8sts3biB6a3327VjtuYzfjmhmA6rNrn7","1DGyNeaCu2jP8nNvfP7xE3gNAKE5NKKaeY"]},"LTC":{"tony-hughes":["LUBNovYw2tv8QHRTptGpPDQY6bzFkAHiTs","LfyLxc2qF4g2rw8A9DeCGNeTLQcvFQ83DS"]}}}}

__tawkuuid e||||lb4W5mWXZgf4gZuzctUm3YahtX//JTYWMaaTzZKkwe66UqZ8ODa2EXFCzQ/0S68x||2 / 23 October 2025 11:52:15 BST 97 B

_uid_ h_zVgcfKm6KuFbOjDiTb9A / 26 October 2025 09:01:04 GMT 27 B

« on: November 13, 2015, 12:42:33 pm »
You have that protocol implemented already?!?!
Boa .. that is so awesome!

Really is amazing news :)

« on: November 13, 2015, 12:32:17 pm »
Wow James,

Before the whole tip thing.. bitshares will wallets folders online! This is fantastic news... does it also mean accounts can be burned :):)

« on: November 13, 2015, 11:32:17 am »
I think it is a known bug in safari. Try with chrome or use the light wallet for now

I can understand that.. but this is peoples money! I've lost 100,000 bitshares at the hype period of 2.0 which was like 350$.. you can't have these mistakes or bugs with publicly released software.

« on: November 13, 2015, 09:50:17 am »
The 'create backup' creates a backup wallet which is a binary file.  Save this binary file securely.

It doesn't let you IF you click it on a mac in safari it just opens up a popup window in safari and thats it poof nothing! No save option nothing.

« on: November 13, 2015, 09:00:18 am »
So Ive noticed there has been changes to wallet recovery which is positive.

Ive not been able to recovery my tony-hughes account but with a backed up brainkey I've been able to recover 'tony-hughes-design' so that will be my bitshares wallet from now on.

I must add I tried to back up the brainkey this time to see how it works.. and unfortunately when I'm presented with this page

Create Backup
bts_default.bin (1377 bytes)

and try to click the bts_default.bin it dumps me to a new window in safari but no files are downloaded so the is some kind of problem there, unless the bitshares community are only using chrome or something. Once its dumped you to the blank window you don't get a second change to back up your brainkey so the is an issue here.

This could give any Apple OS X user the impression that their wallet might of been backed up somehow. Due to the fact they won't be given the opportunity to backup the brainkey again.

This is really an issue which needs to be resolved so others don't lose their brain keys / wallets.

But I see the whole openledger site going in the right direction.

« on: November 12, 2015, 11:50:13 pm »

From what I've seen, the wallet's pretty good at telling you when you should backup:
 - After you create a new wallet/account
 - After importing keys

AFAIK, that covers >99% of the cases where you'd want to save a fresh backup.
The wallet is good now at making that clear that a backup is 'REQUIRED' but when 2.0 was just released it was a 'RECOMMENDATION' thats where I think part of the issue came into play. I assumed that the password encrypted a brainkey/wallet or something. Knowing that my passwords are always stored in the apple encrypted keychain I felt confident a 'RECOMMENDATION' wasn't necessary.

Please remember 2.0 didn't come with a training manual. :) 

« on: November 12, 2015, 11:45:35 pm »
Have you tried with some data recovery software?

Wasn't any good.. 2x 1TB of SSD's in trim.. and I pretty much think trim is a prerequisite for any SSD drive these days.
I know its something I need to set up for my Mac pro.

But thanks for the suggestion.

« on: November 12, 2015, 10:00:02 pm »
Dear xeroc,

Thank you so much for sending me 100 BTS and 10 NEWBIE..

That was very kind of you.

« on: November 12, 2015, 09:53:25 pm »
Tony, great post you have inspired changes in the platform.  Thanks for all your hard work to share your story.  I suggest to forget about the account "name" it is gone.

However, do create a new account and post the name here.  I'll donate some of my BTS to you because you have earned it...

I'd like to thank James for making this gesture, but perhaps what some of you arn't aware that it was James, who tirelessly via email and even calling me here in the UK on my mobile phone. He tried to recover what databases and history I could pull from hidden parts in OS X. Unfortunately after many hours of trying nothing could be done, it is then that I made this forum post.

Thanks James for all your help.. It wouldn't feel right taking bitshares from you. After all you have helped create this wonderful platform we all want to be a part of. I think there is just some granny safe testing which needs to be put in place before its ready for the average consumer.

Least we know who would be a GREAT BETA tester  ;) ME!!

« on: November 09, 2015, 01:46:10 am »
I think we do really have to be careful about cache clearing.   Can't we have a modal pop up immediately after signup to require users to download the default.bin file?  If someone clicks 'No' on the backup option, I would have the modal pop up again asking 'Are you sure?'.. and if the user clicks 'No' a third time .. I would have the modal pop up again with the brain key.... we should have a modal pop up five times before allowing a user to click through without any backup....

When 2.0 went public it was very different than the required registering of 0.98 or whatever the previous version was. I just assumed like many people when it said brain wallet backup recommended. That it assumed I had recorded my password which generated a brain wallet key or something. Ive never worried about passwords until I got into crypto because I use apples keychain to store all my passwords encrypted in the cloud.

Its too bad somebody from bitshares doesn't want to help me out. I'm down 100,000 bitshares during the hype purchased at something like $300-350 And 2.0 clearly rushed out of the starting blocks without considering the end user with the use of the wallets. What I'm saying must ring true or why else would they now make brain wallet keys compulsory to back up.

I don't think bitshares is granny proofed yet. Thanks for your support.

« on: November 09, 2015, 01:37:55 am »
That's the advantage of having IDs, KYC stuff, etc, which I believe is not BitShares domain.

This is why I was thinking it could be as simple matter of a registered address, the 'known' web cached password I already had and perhaps 2FA.. if you implemented those three things together aren't you then decentralising the control and putting it in the hands of the user to wipe accounts clean etc.

But thanks for your support.

« on: November 08, 2015, 12:33:04 am »
Hi guys,

I've only recently been interested in cryptocurrency since it came into the media light. Oh I wish I was into it all before it became public knowledge not so much about my own greed wanting to jump on the bitcoin waggon but the ideas behind cryptocurrency are truly more inspiring than any revolutionary, more than any protest against tyranny, cryptocurrency should be up there on a pedestal next to che guevara, martin luther king and anybody else fighting for the people.

Unfortunately my experience with bitshares hasn't been a great one since 2.0. I had browser issues with my safari and a particular plugin which caused me to clear my cache. At that time I thought the open ledger password and my brain key were the same thing, so I didn't worry I was confident that my password was assuring the safety of my bitshares as backing up my brain key was only a 'recommendation' unlike now where its become mandatory. :(

If there are any leading people behind bitshares who can return my lost bitshares it would be really nice :) My account Tony-Hughes is sitting there with full membership and 80,000 bitshares which I brought during the whole hype and unfortunately can't access and just sits there....... :(


Burn accounts through a consensus. I think with the established model you have in bitshares you could at a reasonable fee to the network.

That any account which is
1.) Registered
2.) using 2FA authentication.

Could by request have an account burnt. Which would allow for the release of their account name, inappropriate account names, and lost money removed out of the ledger and assets freed could then be assigned to either the recorded email via email dialogue a new a new account which signing up with a hyperlink which contained a key or something like that.

The benefits.

1.) Cryptocurrency without account loss.
2.) Inappropriate ID's , Account names could be burned.
3.) Lost assets but were satisfactorily signed up with 2FA, Registered email, forum member etc. Could request their account being burnt and assets freed.

Please have a think about it guys.
I don't want anybody else having something like 300-400$ lost in an account they can't ever touch.
NO dyslexic people were harmed while taking the time to write this post.

General Discussion / Re: List your skills and be known
« on: November 03, 2015, 11:47:46 pm »
Welcome aboard Tony H.!

Nice portfolio!

Thanks a bunch man!

General Discussion / Re: List your skills and be known
« on: November 03, 2015, 10:49:10 pm »
Hi Everybody!

Just introducing myself over here. My name is Tony and a few years ago I came back to the UK to sink my teeth into a Visual Communications degree.
Visual Communication is much more than just pretty pictures and visual eye candy its the basis of what forms our perception and reality. Our eyes feed us with 10,000,000 bits per second of information, which shapes our cognition and reality. I specialise the analytical way we process visual communication, how it effects our perception of the world we live in and in what ways it can be used for ideological subversion, branding, advertising, marketing, etc.
And I love exploring such things as brand sabotage, social engineering, propaganda etc.

On a lighter note, Illustrator, Photoshop, Eye-Tracking, & Photography are some of the tools of the trade and I'm proficient to a high level in all of these.
So if you need somebody to create a really powerful branding campaign or just some light hearted visual eye candy please lets work together on something.

My Portfolio.

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