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Messages - teenagecheese

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General Discussion / Dev Hangout Recordings
« on: January 23, 2015, 10:55:44 pm »
I want to listen the Beyond Bitcoin Dev Hangouts recordings, but there is a long delay until they are posted to soundcloud. Can this be done faster somehow, or does anyone have links to the raw recordings (specifically the most recent ones)? I've seen a few but can't find them now. Thanks

General Discussion / Bitshares Exchange Should Accept REAL Bitcoin
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:18:10 pm »
Have I been reading correctly that the bitshares protocol is similar enough to bitcoin's to accept and transfer real BTC? If it is, why don't we make it so the bitshares client can accept actual BTC so users can trade it on the bitshares exchange.

This would eliminate a whole step of getting money into the bitshares ecosystem and would make bitshares exchange even more useful. You could even accept other popular cryptos in the same way (or not, but at least BTC), then it would be even an even more functional decentralized exchange.

This seems like a no brainer to me, am I missing something?

That is great! Maybe it should even be linked on the download page of

Yea I get you, not a ridiculous mindset, but I'm still sticking with my opinion. I really think it's too early for that approach.

Adoption is not low because people are confused by the concept of a decentralized exchange. It's low because they are confused about what we were and what we have been through. Protoshares then Bitshares PTS, AGS, BTSX,BTS, Keyhotee then KEY ID, New PTS, all the other DACS, I3, non inflating currency then no, wait, shareholder dilution, share drops, no share drops, the merger, etc.  In it's current state it's good, BTS the decentralized exchange is clear and simple, it's just all the other stuff that we have to shake off. Just stop changing things, it will only further confuse people.

Adoption is also low because the product currently sucks. The website sucks and the wallet sucks. Thankfully that's changing (I think), although wow, it has taken way too long.

I've said all I can, now all I can do is wait and hope you don't do it.

Ok I understand what your thought process was now, but yes, I want all of those people to go to a decentralized exchange. It is not confusing. People understand what exchanges are. It's fine.

It's worse to try to split up one brand into five brands and get brand recognition for all of them. Be one thing and let people hear and find out about that, it's much more powerful. I'm sure you've seen all the conversations about the network effect on these forums.

Maybe in the future, once you've reached high adoption/critical mass, you can branch out. No one starts out like that. We've had all of these conversations before, it's like half the reason we did the merger. A good example is Facebook. They started as Facebook, then added in messaging, then eventually branched out "Messenger" as its own separate app. That wouldn't have worked if they tried to get it going on its own in parallel with the original Facebook. Same thing with Google and all of its brands.

Please don't do this. It's fine as it is, a decentralized exchange for all different types of assets. People will understand that fine. Having 5 different websites that are all linked somehow will only confuse people MORE! Talk about causing the same problems with changing our image all over again. I'm getting confused just thinking about it. Even despite the image change I think this is a poor marketing tactic in general.

At most have a separate wallet/site for just bitUSD, but only do that once you're ready to focus on mass market adoption. At this point adopting bitUSD by itself is kind of stupid, because it is not useful anywhere, so you should still present the whole bitshares package until it is developed enough where bitUSD can be its own product.

I can't believe everyone thinks splitting up into five different websites is such a good idea.

General Discussion / Re: why price BTS drop so much ,what is wrong
« on: January 15, 2015, 03:50:32 am »
I think it is because:
1.  BTC crash
2. The product of bts is not usable. Few fresh join and some people is leaving .

I think both of your points are exactly correct.

I feel like not everyone is understanding me. Regardless of the technical definition of an actual exchange, what I meant was:

I want to be able to just send my bitcoin or dogecoin or whatever directly to my bitshares client and then use it to buy bitusd or maybe bts (and also the reverse, bitusd or bitshares to btc or dogecoin) without having to do any extra steps. It needs to be that convenient. Anything can happen in the background, I don't care, but I don't want to have to interact with a traditional exchange or gateway at all unless I am converting to or from actual fiat.

I think onceuponatime's link is sort of getting at what I'm saying, not totally sure. If so that's awesome.

Did you read today's update? I think it is close enough to what you are wishing for. Here it is:

Ok, made some good progress this week:

Set up another machine in order to test this process more correctly.
Tested sending BTC to the daemon address and correctly got BTS back out again.

Still working on the opposite way around, having some slight issues when the sender is not a registered bitshares account.

All in all, this is close to being the first releasable version! Once this outstanding bug is fixed and I can get some more testing done it will be ready to go!

Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Paul.

Onceuponatime, thanks. I've read it now. I think this is only sort of what I am talking about, still not as convenient. It doesn't sound like it would act as a traditional exchange from the user point of view, i.e., this wouldn't allow me to trade for btc within the bts client and then withdraw actual btc, directly from the bts client, whenever I wanted.

I think the problem is that bitcoin private keys need to be owned by real people, and cannot exist trustlessly on the bitshares blockchain. Please tell me if that is incorrect.

This may be were Toast's graph edge  theory comes into play. Something about having encrypted information only visible between two transactions. So the private key can be stored on the BitShares blockchain and pass to the other party once the order fills while still being private to everyone else. It can then execute a sweep on the key to the receiver's public BTC address via the BTC blockchain.

Yes, this is what I was talking about. I share the same kind of concerns about the technical/trust issues, but it would be so great if people who know more than I about this stuff could figure it out. Very interesting conversation I think.

I feel like not everyone is understanding me. Regardless of the technical definition of an actual exchange, what I meant was:

I want to be able to just send my bitcoin or dogecoin or whatever directly to my bitshares client and then use it to buy bitusd or maybe bts (and also the reverse, bitusd or bitshares to btc or dogecoin) without having to do any extra steps. It needs to be that convenient. Anything can happen in the background, I don't care, but I don't want to have to interact with a traditional exchange or gateway at all unless I am converting to or from actual fiat.

I think onceuponatime's link is sort of getting at what I'm saying, not totally sure. If so that's awesome.

I've heard a lot of talk about how Bitshares is a decentralized exchange, which it is in one form, but this made me wonder. Could it be made to work like a real exchange where you can send your actual cryptocurrency, not an IOU, and exchange it for another? You could have IOU's working within the client and backed by Bitshares somehow, but from a user experience point of view it would just be like using BTER or Cryptsy or whatever.

Yes, I realize this is probably technically very difficult. But, if you did this obviously that would bring HUGE adoption. Nobody likes trusting the current centralized exchanges.

I suppose the most difficult part would be getting around the need for the user's client to have multiple blockchains. Maybe this could be solved in the same way the BTS lightweight client is? Curious to hear devs' thoughts.

General Discussion / Re: When will the full wallet work better?
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:46:44 am »
Thanks for the info. It sounds like soon the wallet will work as it should.

General Discussion / Re: When will the full wallet work better?
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:01:10 pm »
I'm using it to test bitshares-js which is more of the web wallet.  As I see things I will try to fix them and let everyone use it on devshares.  It will take a while, I have to craft up all these transactions in JavaScript first (as the priority) then I get to use them in the web_wallet as part of the testing.  At that time I have a chance to make it better and ultimately put that back into the desktop.  This is just me, others may have there own plan too.

Thanks for the answer jcalfee1, that's what I was looking for, just some info. It feels like it is being completely ignored, from a user's perspective (several months and still buggy).

General Discussion / When will the full wallet work better?
« on: January 05, 2015, 03:40:28 pm »
I know the focus is on the lightweight wallet, but what about the current full wallet? Is is being worked on? When will it be better, any approximate timeline?

For me at least, the full wallet is full of bugs, constantly loses connection, and takes a very long time to sync. It's nearly unusable and I want to use it to trade. This is not a good user experience for a first time user and it makes it much harder to provide liquidity.

General Discussion / Re: Make Functionality of the Full Wallet a Priorty?
« on: December 28, 2014, 04:58:07 am »
Thanks again. Listening to it now/tomorrow maybe.

By the way in case anyone else has problems, my wallet just finished syncing. My problems were resolved after deleting everything but the wallet folder from C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Roaming\Bitshares


For Devs: before I did this I experienced severe intermittent connectivity issues as well as, later on, the error:(paraphrased) an instance of bitshares is already running. It was not. The other thread about this helped me solve my problem, thanks to those guys.

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