Author Topic: militia DAC  (Read 5284 times)

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Offline phoenix

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How do you prevent individual soldiers from going rouge? How do you make sure that the general is held accountable, without the government being able to know his soldiers movements? On the one hand, this sounds ridiculous, on the other hand, if somebody worked out the technical aspect of it, it just might work
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Offline cob

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OK. I apologize in advance for most likely attrracting the NSA and DHS to this community with this thread.

I was reading an article about memorycoin abouthow it's a DAC that actually hires employees and pays them a salary. The can even be fired if the shareholders dislike their performance (lol @ unions).
I thought that was amazing.
I read bytemaster mention an idea of having a decentralized ISP with satellites and for profit mesh nodes. I was thinking to myself "wow we would be one hell of a civilization once communication, the media, and the world of finance is in the hands of the individual. Make the state obsolete."

But they i thought.... Oh wait, they have guns, air to space missiles, etc. We can bypass and outsmart them in the digitalworld no problem. But when it comes to the physical world, they can blow our ISP sats right out of the sky!

And yes i am aware that crypto currencies can starve off the state's funding on the long term. But for the sake of the idea, let's say they stay funded, well funded and armed to the teeth.

I thought of a Dencetralized Autonomous Army.

Imagine a DAC that hires people to be it's soldiers. They recieve funds at their public key/address. They recieve 3D printer files through something like bitmessage and download em à la bitorrent. Files for weapons and body armour etc.

The army (DAA) shareholders would be the ones calling the shots. Either with voting and or by hiring a general (like memorycoin does). If that general is a tyrant, well in a decentralized impossible to stop vote, bang! Funds stop flowing to this address and that address/id/generalcan't give out orders anymore. The replacement general has immediate control of the DAA.

If the state doesn't just shrivel up and die and actually starts to imprison us. If the start blowing up our ISP hardware. We'll need some physical defense.

I assume a DAA would be everywhere, super well funded, super efficient and incorruptible.
Imagine not knowing if your neighbor is a fellow soldier or not. Some would be open about it (i assume some would want actual training!) but some might be annonymous. The get the salary for "reserve troop", printed their equipment from home and get sall the updates through encryption.

Militia DAC sounds crazy i know. But i think it would be physically possible in the futue no?

We know there would be TONS of people interested in it. The occupy movement for example, military people that sign up to the US marines with good intentions i'm gonna purtekt freedom!" Only later realizing you've nbeen a peon in a huge chess game.

Anyway what do you all think?

Could it work? A defense DAC?
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