Author Topic: what`s Compumatrix/COMPUCEEDS?  (Read 26613 times)

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Offline andrewbahamas


I am  a  member of Compumatrix!

It is understandable that you would be apprehensive when you see the movement of COMPUCEEDS and BTCPLUS in BTS! At this point, our activity is internal. We are a legitimate BILLION DOLLAR company,  I am a former President/Chairman of Compumatrix, and a founding member of our company!. It will not be long now before our current CEO, Chairman, or Executive Director will  be officially introducing COMPUMATRIX to you also! You all will want to become a part of who and what we are.

Please do not scare us away with negativity. Give us a chance, and let us prove ourselves.

It is not my place to expound any further. You will be amazed when you hear our story, and see the contribution we will add to the BTS system!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 03:44:51 pm by andrewbahamas »

Offline hdup

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Well,well,well, what a very interesting read for new OL users coming from Compumatrix.
Be advised that this will be read by many Compumatrix members, having received the link to this thread  on one of their sites.
It definitely does not serve as an encouragement to actively engage on OL, but rather as a deterrent.

Having been introduced to OL via Compumatrix, I feel like having received a slap in the face with this discussion.
At least I now  know whom not to vote for.
Thank you.
PS. if this offends you, let it be known that I'm one of the black sheep in Compumatrix for calling a spade a spade.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 02:01:43 pm by hdup »

Offline compumatrix

Well thanks @tonyk .

Anyway, we're happy to have a secure way to decentrally store our digital assets on a faster and better blockchain. Don't worry, we are paying for each and every transaction as defined by the Openledger Fee Schedule with our own funds, which is hopefully helping the Bitshares/Openledger ecosystem as a whole.

Likewise, our group is as vigilant and we do use the same degree of caution in using and trading with any cryptocurrency, asset or token or using any exchange.

For now, everything is great.  :)

Offline tonyk

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Hey guys,

Our CEO will provide more details soon about the COMPUCEEDS and BTCPLUS. As of now, we're still in the process of integrating to the bitshares 2.0 platform and you should have noticed that we are a very large group with representatives in 85 countries. As of now, those who have signed up are the only ones who have been trained so far. As of now, I do communicate with Stan and Ronny via Skype. David, our CEO, is also coordinating with Stan. As for me, I'm working on an a RESTful API since we use PHP on our Portal.  We are migrating the transmission of our Bitcoins via BTCPLUS since it's much faster to process it using Openledger rather than wait for confirmation times on the bitcoin blockchain, specially when our member is only doing internal transactions.  Our bitcoin pool will remain a pool of funds and will only be used if transfer requests are made towards external or third-party bitcoin wallets.

We sure are very excited to use this platform.

I call a spade a spade...and as someone else put it, I sometimes go on calling "what seems like a duck  and quacks like a duck" a duck, until I see proof that what seems like a duck is not a duck.
No evidence to the contarary provided here except 'our CEO bla, bla...' other scammers have been in more than just 'in contact' with Stan.... some even took a bunch of his money and run away with them.... some of my biggest haters around here are even still 'deleted/delusional' about said guy after being semi-partners with him. @Thom . others thought (and still think) I hate them personally because I voiced my concerns in regards of them being 'too tight' with fishy smelling ventures like PLAY @fuzzy ... well that and a heavy dose off brain-washing by a gay with a "wide wing span and good eyesight"...but.
but hey I am the bad guy around here...

And for now - extreme caution is advice!!!!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 05:45:58 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline compumatrix

lol!  :P I'm not involved with Compumatrix... and I don't know the first thing about them.  Though I did notice the name lovejoy floating around on one of their accounts and it made me raise an eyebrow, however that account has nothing to do with me.  Believe it or not there are quite a few Lovejoy's in the world.  One possibility to consider is Reverend Lovejoy from The Simpsons, there could be cartoons infiltrating the blockchain! ;)

All kidding aside, thanks for changing the title.  It's a tricky word, which in this context implies there's something to investigate... as in a crime, or some wrongdoing.  The word could also be used in a more light-hearted manner, such as: "Look!  A new sandwich shop opened up just down the street!  Let's investigate!"  But it's all a matter of context, and when "investigation" is used as part of a title, it looks pretty ominous.  I like the new version better.  It's less biased, more open ended.

We do have our own Lovejoy who is in charge of the KYC operations at Compumatrix. She's been our Lovejoy since 2006. Definitely not part of the simpsons... lol

Offline compumatrix

Hey guys,

Our CEO will provide more details soon about the COMPUCEEDS and BTCPLUS. As of now, we're still in the process of integrating to the bitshares 2.0 platform and you should have noticed that we are a very large group with representatives in 85 countries. As of now, those who have signed up are the only ones who have been trained so far. As of now, I do communicate with Stan and Ronny via Skype. David, our CEO, is also coordinating with Stan. As for me, I'm working on an a RESTful API since we use PHP on our Portal.  We are migrating the transmission of our Bitcoins via BTCPLUS since it's much faster to process it using Openledger rather than wait for confirmation times on the bitcoin blockchain, specially when our member is only doing internal transactions.  Our bitcoin pool will remain a pool of funds and will only be used if transfer requests are made towards external or third-party bitcoin wallets.

We sure are very excited to use this platform.

Offline Akado

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Well sure they can be legit but I go to the explorer and see a BTC asset, acounts with ridiculous amounts of that same BTC and people wanting to trade it for METAEX.BTC which we know it's legit...

No, I will never question these actions because I don't want our "partners" to be offended.

On the other hand if you want I can give you some Akado.BTC for your OPEN.BTC if you want, no problem at all. I can even create some volume so you can see it's perfectly legit. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode


Just want them to hear that if they come around. :)
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Thanks for fixing the tone of this thread.

That's all I can ask.


Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline btswolf

thx. yes then it must be the Reverend  :P

Offline lovejoy

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lol!  :P I'm not involved with Compumatrix... and I don't know the first thing about them.  Though I did notice the name lovejoy floating around on one of their accounts and it made me raise an eyebrow, however that account has nothing to do with me.  Believe it or not there are quite a few Lovejoy's in the world.  One possibility to consider is Reverend Lovejoy from The Simpsons, there could be cartoons infiltrating the blockchain! ;)

All kidding aside, thanks for changing the title.  It's a tricky word, which in this context implies there's something to investigate... as in a crime, or some wrongdoing.  The word could also be used in a more light-hearted manner, such as: "Look!  A new sandwich shop opened up just down the street!  Let's investigate!"  But it's all a matter of context, and when "investigation" is used as part of a title, it looks pretty ominous.  I like the new version better.  It's less biased, more open ended.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 10:12:48 pm by lovejoy »

Offline btswolf

I`ve changed the misleading term investigation with research. Actually I really wasn`t aware that it is such a negative term.

@lovejoy I mixed you up with roadscape, sorry. You! seem to be related to Compumatrix, because you have a 25% permission on the active key of compumatrix1 (issuer of Compuseeds?). Are you willing to tell us more about their/your business?

@ccedk BitShares is a public ledger and you obviously can`t hide some things from its users (yes, you got it).
So I think it was just a matter of time until someone came up with this topic.
Sorry that it was me and sorry that I always express myself in such a impolite manner...

@Stan You do not say me or us on how and where to express our concerns!
There don`t have to be a Big Announcement about them. But zero communication lead to the point where we are now.
It`s only a "Big" or "Nothing" in your world, not in my.
And again you are talking about big numbers (115,000 new "potential" users) without any reason nor fact.
Even if I really like to read most of your posts, you are also one of the reasons why some of us are very cautious when something new hits the chain. And I think we also face a cultural/mentality issue here, because some people think it is not so important what they say until it is not a proven lie. While others take promises, statements and numbers very serious.

However, if some of you think all the shareholders will sit back and watch growing whatever there will come... you are wrong.

I can only speak for myself, but many of us paid a lot of money and time to be in this game and I believe as stakeholder it is important to screen carefully what happens in our ecosystem, in my very own financial and legal interest!
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 09:50:40 pm by btswolf »

Offline lovejoy

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The beginning to a long releationship is not based on heresay or starting off by using the worng words indicating something is wrong.

maybe this way they would feel it interesting to even reply themselves.

Did I see any thread saying welcome Compamatrix, can you tell us a little more about yourself?

@btswolf could you at least remove the word "investigation" from the title of the thread?  It is more than just a little defamatory.
Giving them the 'benefit of the doubt', so to speak.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 08:37:46 pm by lovejoy »


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Whether you are a paid anti-BitShares troll or just a amateur investigative reporter wannabe makes no difference.  The effect on our business development efforts is the same.

If you are curious, please do your investigation discretely and come here if and when you've actually got something.

Thank you, Stan, for clarifying your attitude towards active BitShares users like me.

Offline Erlich Bachman

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sorry, just trolling

You own the network, but who pays for development?