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Topics - Mining_Eth

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NoDevFee - for Claymore`s Dual Ethereum and Phoenix miner

Latest version is v15.0 - Supercharged Edition:

- now miner supports up to #384 epoch (4GB DAG size). Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch.
- added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode).
- now miner sets environment variables automatically (required for 4GB AMD cards).
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.


Dev Fee's - 0.05%

version is v14.7 - Supercharged Edition:

- now the miner driver does not require switching Windows to Test Mode. If you want to turn Test Mode off, use "-driver uninstall" option (with admin rights) and reboot,
then start miner with admin rights to install new driver automatically when necessary (or use "-driver install" option directly).
If you have any problems with signed driver you can use "-driver install_test" option, it uses old approach: enables Test Mode (reboot is required) and installs unsigned driver.
- added "-showpower" option for stats about GPU power consumption, press "s" to see it. Both AMD and Nvidia cards are supported, except Linux gpu-pro drivers and Radeon7 cards.
- updated Remote Manager to show total power consumption.
- fixed issue with "-logsmaxsize" option when "-logfile" option is used to specify directory for log files.
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.

version is v14.6 - Supercharged Edition:

- now "-rxboost" option also supports old AMD cards (Hawaii, Tonga, Tahiti, Pitcairn), use "-rxboost 1" to improve hashrate up to 5% by applying some additional memory timings.
- now "-rxboost" option supports all AMD drivers.
- now "-strap" for AMD cards also supports AMD blockchain drivers.
- some changes to further reduce stale shares a bit.
- added "-minspeedtime" option.
- added statistics for shares accepting time (min/max/average), press "s" to see it.
- updated Remote Manager to show shares accepting time.
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 14.0.0 Beta

features of the program
autostart with Windows
Commission for software developers (Claymore dual miner and Phoenix miner) returns to your wallet
Simplicity in setting (You do not need to own any special features in order to customize the mining)

cons of the program
supports only ETH
This is the first version of the program so there are possible bugs
Since we are still developing and we do not need much money from the commission, we take 25% of the miner's wallet. So, you get a commission at the rate of 0.25% when you are mining with Claymore Dual miner. And when mining with a Phoenix miner 0.16%.

in the future
monitor farm without white ip
Adding other Crypto-Currency
Adding other pools
Creating website
Improve stability and increase functionality

Suported pools

Dev Fee's - 0.05%


- Supports applying optimized memory timings (straps) on-the-fly in Windows, without flashing VBIOS (currently Polaris, Vega, Nvidia 10xx cards only), up to 20% speedup. Best straps for Ethereum are included.
- Supports new "dual mining" mode: mining both Ethereum and Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak at the same time, with no impact on Ethereum mining speed. Ethereum-only mining mode is supported as well.
- Effective Ethereum mining speed is higher by 3-5% because of a completely different miner code - much less invalid and outdated shares, higher GPU load, optimized OpenCL code, optimized assembler kernels.
- Supports both AMD and nVidia cards, even mixed.
- No DAG files.
- Supports all Stratum versions for Ethereum: can be used directly without any proxies with all pools that support eth-proxy, qtminer or miner-proxy.
- Supports Ethereum and Siacoin solo mining.
- Supports both HTTP and Stratum for Decred.
- Supports both HTTP and Stratum for Siacoin.
- Supports Stratum for Lbry, Pascal, Blake2s, Keccak.
- Supports failover.
- Displays detailed mining information and hashrate for every card.
- Supports remote monitoring and management.
- Supports GPU selection, built-in GPU overclocking features and temperature management.
- Supports Ethereum forks (Expanse, etc).
- Windows and Linux versions.

This version is POOL/SOLO for Ethereum, POOL for Decred, POOL/SOLO for Siacoin, POOL for Lbry, POOL for Pascal, POOL for Blake2s, POOL for Keccak.

For old AMD cards, Catalyst (Crimson) 15.12 is required for best performance and compatibility.
For AMD 4xx/5xx cards (Polaris) you can use any recent drivers.
For AMD cards, set the following environment variables, especially if you have 2...4GB cards:


This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 1%, every hour the miner mines for 36 seconds for developer.
For all 2GB cards and 3GB cards devfee is 0%, so on these cards you can mine all ETH forks without devfee, this miner is completely free in this case.
If some cards are 2...3GB and some >3GB, 2...3GB cards still mine for you during devfee time, only cards that have more than 3GB memory will be used for devfee mining. Miner displays appropriate messages during startup.
Second coin (Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak) is mined without developer fee.
So the developer fee is 0...1%, if you don't agree with the dev fee - don't use this miner, or use "-nofee" option.
Attempts to cheat and remove dev fee will cause a bit slower mining speed (same as "-nofee 1") though miner will show same hashrate.
Miner cannot just stop if cheat is detected because creators of cheats would know that the cheat does not work and they would find new tricks. If miner does not show any errors or slowdowns, they are happy.

This version is for recent AMD videocards only: 7xxx, 2xx and 3xx, 2GB or more. Recent nVidia videocards are supported as well.


You can use "config.txt" file instead of specifying options in command line.
If there are not any command line options, miner will check "config.txt" file for options.
If there is only one option in the command line, it must be configuration file name.
If there are two or more options in the command line, miner will take all options from the command line, not from configuration file.
Place one option per line, if first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
You can also use environment variables in "epools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.

If for Ethereum-only mining:

NoDevFee.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x

NoDevFee.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x

NoDevFee.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -eworker rig1

NoDevFee.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -eworker rig1

NoDevFee.exe -epool stratum+tcp:// -ewal 1LmMNkiEvjapn5PRY8A9wypcWJveRrRGWr -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1 -estale 0

Ethereum forks mining:

NoDevFee.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -allcoins -1


Use "epools.txt" and "dpools.txt" files to specify additional pools (you can use "-epoolsfile" and "-dpoolsfile" options to use different filenames).
These files have text format, one pool per line. Every pool has 3 connection attempts.
Miner disconnects automatically if pool does not send new jobs for a long time or if pool rejects too many shares.
If the first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
Do not change spacing, spaces between parameters and values are required for parsing.
If you need to specify "," character in parameter value, use two commas - ,, will be treated as one comma.
You can reload "epools.txt" and "dpools.txt" files in runtime by pressing "r" key.
Pool specified in the command line is "main" pool, miner will try to return to it every 30 minutes if it has to use some different pool from the list.
If no pool was specified in the command line then first pool in the failover pools list is main pool.
You can change 30 minutes time period to some different value with "-ftime" option, or use "-ftime 0" to disable switching to main pool.
You can also use environment variables in "epools.txt", "dpools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.
You can also select current pool in runtime by pressing "e" or "d" key.


Miner supports remote monitoring/management via JSON protocol over raw TCP/IP sockets. You can also get recent console text lines via HTTP.
Start "EthMan.exe" from "Remote management" subfolder (Windows version only).
Check built-in help for more information. "API.txt" file contains more details about protocol.


- AMD cards: on some cards you can notice non-constant mining speed in dual mode, sometimes speed becomes a bit slower. This issue was mostly fixed in recent versions, but not completely.
- AMD cards: in Linux with gpu-pro drivers, the list of GPUs may differ from the list of temperatures. You can use -di to change order of GPUs to match both lists.
- nVidia cards: dual mode is not so effective as for AMD cards.
- Windows 10 Defender recognizes miner as a virus, some antiviruses do the same. Miner is not a virus, add it to Defender exceptions.
I write miners since 2014. Most of them are recognized as viruses by some paranoid antiviruses, perhaps because I pack my miners to protect them from disassembling, perhaps because some people include them into their botnets, or perhaps these antiviruses are not good, I don't know. For these years, a lot of people used my miners and nobody confirmed that my miner stole anything or did something bad.
Note that I can guarantee clean binaries only for official links in my posts on this forum (bitcointalk). If you downloaded miner from some other link - it really can be a virus.
However, my miners are closed-source so I cannot prove that they are not viruses. If you think that I write viruses instead of good miners - do not use this miner, or at least use it on systems without any valuable data.


1. Install Catalyst v15.12 for old AMD cards; for Fury, Polaris and Vega cards use latest blockchain drivers.
2. Disable overclocking.
3. Set environment variables as described above.
4. Set Virtual Memory 16 GB or more.
5. Reboot computer.
6. Check hardware, risers.
7. Set some timeout in .bat file before starting miner at system startup (30sec or even a minute), and try "-ethi 4" to check if it is more stable. It can help if miner is not stable on some system.


miniZ is a fast and friendly Equihash <144,5> <150,5,3> <125,4> <192,7> <210,9> <150,5> <96,5> Cuda miner.

* Supports mining all Equihash <144,5> (BTG, BTCZ, XSG, LTZ, BZE), <150,5> (GRIMM), <150,5,3> (Beam), <192,7> (ZER, SAFE, GENX, VDL, ZERC, ANON), <125,4> (ZEL), <210,9> (AION) and <96,5> (MNX) cryptocurrencies.
* miniZ is compiled for Linux and Windows.
* Requires minimum 2GB GPUs. Ex. GTX 1050 2GB.
* Cool console output and telemetry monitoring.
* Supports most mining pools.
* Developer fee is set to 2%.

For Turing architectures (16xx series and RTX) you need to use Cuda 10.0 versions. For other GPUs you should test and see which performs best.

miniZ v1.5t2
* Improvements for 150,5,3 algo (BEAM). Major for GTX 1660 Ti, 1080 Ti, and RTX GPUs (~2-4%).
* If mining to wallet you can write --par=beam2.

When adjusting your GPUs OC settings do not forget to check if your GPU supports oc1/oc2. If so it may boost your performance a little.
--oc1/oc2 may have changed for some GPUs and algos in the new version. For updated and more detailed information read the specific topic.


Equihash 150,5,3 (BeamHash II):
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~13 - 14 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~21 - 24 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~29 - 32 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~41 - 47 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~41 - 46 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~57 - 62 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~50 - 56 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 8GB ~91 - 100 Sol/s

Equihash 125,4 (ZelHash):
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~12 - 13 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~21 - 24 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~28 - 30 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~40 - 46 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~41 - 45 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~57 - 61 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~47 - 54 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 8GB ~89 - 96 Sol/s

Equihash 210,9:
* GTX 1050 2GB ~77 - 85 Sol/s
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~84 - 92 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~139 - 171 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~187 - 201 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~227 - 264 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~242 - 273 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~352 - 375 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~273 - 312 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 8GB ~478 - 517 Sol/s

Equihash 150,5:
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~8 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~14 - 15 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~17 - 19 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~27 - 31 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~28 - 31 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~38 - 41 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~32 - 36 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~60 - 65 Sol/s

Equihash 144,5 (ZHash):
* GTX 1050 2GB ~19 - 20 Sol/s
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~20 - 22 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~36 - 40 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~ 46 - 50 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~64 - 73 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~67 - 73 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~92 - 100 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~73 - 83 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~128 - 139 Sol/s

Equihash 192,7 (Equihash Heavy):
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~11 - 12 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~20 - 23 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~25 - 27 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~37 - 42 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~37 - 40 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~51 - 55 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~43 - 48 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~79 - 84 Sol/s

Equihash 96,5:
* GTX 1050 2GB ~7.1 KSol/s
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~7.8 - 8.5 KSol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~12.4 - 13.6 KSol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~15.2 - 16.0 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~21.4 - 23.5 KSol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~22.7 - 24.5 KSol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~28.3 - 30.6 KSol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~21.2 - 23.9 KSol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~38.3 - 40.6 KSol/s

Hive OS support

* * * Happy mining! * * *

Older versions:
miniZ v1.5t
* Major improvements: 150,5 and 210,9. Up to 4% depending on algo and GPU.
Also for RTX 2070 (up to 8% on 192,7), 1660 Ti.
* Minor improvements in all other algos. Up to 2% depending on algo and GPU.
* Better support for GTX 1660 Ti and GTX 1070.
* Improved stability.
* Fixed telemetry on Chrome browser.
* Fixed CPU load when mining Beam on Windows.
* Cleaner program exit/termination.
* Added --color and --fee-time to command line options.
* Other minor fixes.

miniZ v1.5s
* Speed improvement for ZelHash, BeamHash and ZHash. Up to 3% depending on algo and GPU.
* Kepler support removed in this version, except for MinexCoin and Aion.
* Flush console output on every line.

miniZ v1.5r

* Major performance improvement for 210,9, for all GPUs. Up to 7%, depending on GPU.
* Improved stability. (This was mostly affecting Beam mining)
* miniZ updates the hashrate when not mining. It drops to zero when mining stops.
* Better handling of “worker not autorized” error.
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.5q6
* Performance improvement for 192,7. (Up to 4% on RTX)
* Added --jobtimeout, --retries, --retrydelay for (re)connection customization.
* Added --cleanjobs for miner to only accept clean jobs.
* Better connection handling.
* Bug fixes.

* Fixed invalid shares on 150,5,3.
* General performance improvement for 150,5,3 (all GPUs).
* Added --pci-order option to show GPU PCI order in miniZ output (console, logfile).

* Fixed support ZEL mining on 3GB GPU, on Windows 10.
* (Hopefully!) Fixed slow start for some GPUs/rigs.
* Fixed failover pools.
* Fixed --pers=auto for 150,5,3.
* Improved performance for 192,7 (GTX 1660 GPUs).
* Other minor bug fixes.

* Adjusted oc modes for ZelHash - 125,4. Major improvements for 1080Ti (>7%).
* Adjusted oc modes for BeamHashII - 150,5,3 with improvements.
* Improvements for ZHash - 144,5, for RTX cards.
* Further attempts to support ZEL mining on 3GB GPU, on Windows 10.
* Fixed support for 144,5 for 1050 2GB, on Windows 10.
* Fixed slow start for some GPUs/rigs.
* Added --csv option for log stats in csv format.
* Added busID to -ci output.
* Fixed issue connection to sparkpool.
* Fixed invalid shares on flypool.
* Other minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.5p
* Added support for 150,5,3 (BeamHashII).
* Fixed ZEL mining on 3GB GPU, on Windows 10. (Testing)
* Improved support for 210,9 (Aion).
* Added --stat-int option to customize statistics interval.
* Added --nonvml option to disable GPU health stats.
* Improved cpu load.
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.4o
* Added support for 125,4 (ZelCash).
* Added support for 210,9 (Aion). (Testing!)
* Fixed solution/iteration for 96,5 (Testing!)
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.3n5
* Improved stale shares.
* Fixed GTX 1060 settings without oc1/2. (144,5)
* Better mode detection 3GB cards. (150,5)
* Fixed templimit in configuration file.

* Fixed ssl connection fault.
* Improved CPU load.
* Display NA for temperature when not available.
* Improved 1080 hashrate with --oc

* Fixed "offline" worker issue.
* Fixed problems with sparkpool
* Modified --localtime, added the possibility to show both local time and running time. (Ex. --localtime 11)

* Improved high CPU load.
* Better invalid share detection.
* Ignore pers auto for 150,5.
* Fixing issues with worker going offline.

* Support for Equihash 150,5 (BEAM).
* Configuration file support.
* Console output on telemetry.
* Fixed busid in api.
* Fixed time in api.
* Removed ` when nocolor.
* Removed extra miniZ instance from GPU0.
* Improved command line parsing.
* --localtime to show local time instead of running time.
* --all-shares to show all shares on statistics (user and fee).
* --read-config to read configuration file.
* --write-config to create configuration file.
* --oc1, --oc2 and --intensity can now be set per GPU.
* Improved stability.
* Improved (re)connection reliability.

miniZ v1.2m
* Speed improvements for 144,5 and 192,7. Major boost for RTX GPUs.
* Fee shares excluded from statistics.
* --show-pers to show personalization string.
* --smart-pers to use personalization string ‘auto’ if available, otherwise use specified pers. For compatibility with Mining Rig Rentals.
* --show-solratio to show number of solutions per iteration.
* --oc1/--oc2 for boost in performance when applying OCs to GPUs.
* Help with new look. Run miniZ.exe --nocolor --help to exclude colors (Win7).
* Improved stability.
* Other bug fixes.

miniZ v1.2l
* Support for Equihash 192,7 (ZER, SAFE, GENX, VDL, ZERC).
* miniZ GUI Launcher v1.0. (Windows)
* Minor speed improvements for 144,5.
* Fixed --intensity option. Express in percentage [0,100].
* Other bug fixes.

miniZ v1.1k
* Support for Equihash 96,5 (MinexCoin).
* Speed improvement up to ~6%, depending on GPU and OC settings.
* Modified miner behavior when all user pools are down: miner stops mining and tries to reconnect every minute.
* Cleaner console exit status for better OS management.
* Bug fixes.

miniZ v1.0j
* Speed improvement up to ~4%, depending on GPU.
* Current/average power added to console and log/output file.
* Current/average total power added to console and log/output file.
* Added accepted share efficiency per GPU, expressed as a percentage (Accepted Shares/Total Shares * 100)
* Added --shares-detail option to show accepted/rejected shares per GPU, instead of accepted share efficiency.
* Added --log-delay option to define the time to wait (in seconds) before starting periodic writes to the log/output file.
* Added --log-period option to define the time interval (in seconds) between periodic writes to the log/output file.
* Added --f11 option for small tuning.
* Windows Cuda 10.0 version (excluded Cuda 9.2).
* Bug fixes.

miniZ v1.0i++
* GTX 1080 Ti performance is back!
* Fixed logfile output.
* Further attempts to correct uncommon but persistent crashes.

* Modifications to improve stability.
* Speed improvement in Windows version.
* Merged output and errors into the same logfile.
* --gpu-line is default if more than 3 GPU.

* Minor speed improvements. (Mostly on GTX 1060 ~3%)
* Improved efficiencies. (~2-3%)
* Improved stability.
* --latency (ping) is now calculated with shorter average period.
* --nocolor option for no color in console. Now logfile is always no color.
* Bug fixes.

miniZ v1.0h
* Speed improvement. Up to 5%, depending on GPU.
* --nocolor option for cleaner logfile.
* --pers auto, for automatic personalization string, compatible with some pools.
* Improved stability at low power conditions.
* The GPU order is now pci bus order by default.
* Added cuda_error.log file output for cuda errors.
* --latency to show pool ping latency.
* Added api compatibility with Awesome miner.
* Minor bug fixes.
* Hive OS support

miniZ v1.0g
* Major speed improvement. Up to 10%, depending on GPU.
* Fixed support for rigs with >10 GPUs.
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.0f
* Major speed improvement. Up to 16%, depending on GPU.
* Minor bug fixes.
* Added extra version compiled with cuda 10.0.
* Added support for RTX 20xx GPUs (alpha stage).
* Added --version option to print some miniZ version information.

miniZ v1.0e
* Supports 2GB GPUs on Windows OS.
* Added ––log option to generate log file.
* Speed improvement. Up to 5%, depending on GPU.

miniZ v1.0d
* Major speed improvement. Up to 12%, depending on GPU.
* The temperature limit in the gauge meter was changed (telemetry).
* More accurate power consumption and Sol/W output.

miniZ v1.0c
* Major speed improvement. Up to 20%, depending on GPU.
* Better support for 1070 Ti 8GB.
* More stable mining for 2GB GPUs.
* Requires minimum 1.9GB. Ex. in Linux you can run miniZ and Xorg with the same GPU.

miniZ v1.0b
* There is a Windows version available!
* minor speed improvement.
* Corrected minor bugs (--cuda-devices is working now, ...)
* Added support for Kepler GPUs

miniZ v1.0a
* miniZ v1.0a is released for Linux only.

Claymore's Dual Ethereum + Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner.

Latest version is v15.0 - Supercharged Edition:

- now miner supports up to #384 epoch (4GB DAG size). Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch.
- added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode).
- now miner sets environment variables automatically (required for 4GB AMD cards).
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.


version is v14.7 - Supercharged Edition:

- now the miner driver does not require switching Windows to Test Mode. If you want to turn Test Mode off, use "-driver uninstall" option (with admin rights) and reboot,
then start miner with admin rights to install new driver automatically when necessary (or use "-driver install" option directly).
If you have any problems with signed driver you can use "-driver install_test" option, it uses old approach: enables Test Mode (reboot is required) and installs unsigned driver.
- added "-showpower" option for stats about GPU power consumption, press "s" to see it. Both AMD and Nvidia cards are supported, except Linux gpu-pro drivers and Radeon7 cards.
- updated Remote Manager to show total power consumption.
- fixed issue with "-logsmaxsize" option when "-logfile" option is used to specify directory for log files.
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.

version is v14.6 - Supercharged Edition:

- now "-rxboost" option also supports old AMD cards (Hawaii, Tonga, Tahiti, Pitcairn), use "-rxboost 1" to improve hashrate up to 5% by applying some additional memory timings.
- now "-rxboost" option supports all AMD drivers.
- now "-strap" for AMD cards also supports AMD blockchain drivers.
- some changes to further reduce stale shares a bit.
- added "-minspeedtime" option.
- added statistics for shares accepting time (min/max/average), press "s" to see it.
- updated Remote Manager to show shares accepting time.
- a few minor bug fixes and improvements.


- Supports applying optimized memory timings (straps) on-the-fly in Windows, without flashing VBIOS (currently Polaris, Vega, Nvidia 10xx cards only), up to 20% speedup. Best straps for Ethereum are included.
- Supports new "dual mining" mode: mining both Ethereum and Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak at the same time, with no impact on Ethereum mining speed. Ethereum-only mining mode is supported as well.
- Effective Ethereum mining speed is higher by 3-5% because of a completely different miner code - much less invalid and outdated shares, higher GPU load, optimized OpenCL code, optimized assembler kernels.
- Supports both AMD and nVidia cards, even mixed.
- No DAG files.
- Supports all Stratum versions for Ethereum: can be used directly without any proxies with all pools that support eth-proxy, qtminer or miner-proxy.
- Supports Ethereum and Siacoin solo mining.
- Supports both HTTP and Stratum for Decred.
- Supports both HTTP and Stratum for Siacoin.
- Supports Stratum for Lbry, Pascal, Blake2s, Keccak.
- Supports failover.
- Displays detailed mining information and hashrate for every card.
- Supports remote monitoring and management.
- Supports GPU selection, built-in GPU overclocking features and temperature management.
- Supports Ethereum forks (Expanse, etc).
- Windows and Linux versions.

This version is POOL/SOLO for Ethereum, POOL for Decred, POOL/SOLO for Siacoin, POOL for Lbry, POOL for Pascal, POOL for Blake2s, POOL for Keccak.

For old AMD cards, Catalyst (Crimson) 15.12 is required for best performance and compatibility.
For AMD 4xx/5xx cards (Polaris) you can use any recent drivers.
For AMD cards, set the following environment variables, especially if you have 2...4GB cards:


This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 1%, every hour the miner mines for 36 seconds for developer.
For all 2GB cards and 3GB cards devfee is 0%, so on these cards you can mine all ETH forks without devfee, this miner is completely free in this case.
If some cards are 2...3GB and some >3GB, 2...3GB cards still mine for you during devfee time, only cards that have more than 3GB memory will be used for devfee mining. Miner displays appropriate messages during startup.
Second coin (Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak) is mined without developer fee.
So the developer fee is 0...1%, if you don't agree with the dev fee - don't use this miner, or use "-nofee" option.
Attempts to cheat and remove dev fee will cause a bit slower mining speed (same as "-nofee 1") though miner will show same hashrate.
Miner cannot just stop if cheat is detected because creators of cheats would know that the cheat does not work and they would find new tricks. If miner does not show any errors or slowdowns, they are happy.

This version is for recent AMD videocards only: 7xxx, 2xx and 3xx, 2GB or more. Recent nVidia videocards are supported as well.


You can use "config.txt" file instead of specifying options in command line.
If there are not any command line options, miner will check "config.txt" file for options.
If there is only one option in the command line, it must be configuration file name.
If there are two or more options in the command line, miner will take all options from the command line, not from configuration file.
Place one option per line, if first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
You can also use environment variables in "epools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.

If for Ethereum-only mining:

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -eworker rig1

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -eworker rig1

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool stratum+tcp:// -ewal 1LmMNkiEvjapn5PRY8A9wypcWJveRrRGWr -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1 -estale 0

Ethereum forks mining:

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xd69af2a796a737a103f12d2f0bcc563a13900e6f -epsw x -allcoins -1

Ethereum SOLO mining (assume geth is on


Use "epools.txt" and "dpools.txt" files to specify additional pools (you can use "-epoolsfile" and "-dpoolsfile" options to use different filenames).
These files have text format, one pool per line. Every pool has 3 connection attempts.
Miner disconnects automatically if pool does not send new jobs for a long time or if pool rejects too many shares.
If the first character of a line is ";" or "#", this line will be ignored.
Do not change spacing, spaces between parameters and values are required for parsing.
If you need to specify "," character in parameter value, use two commas - ,, will be treated as one comma.
You can reload "epools.txt" and "dpools.txt" files in runtime by pressing "r" key.
Pool specified in the command line is "main" pool, miner will try to return to it every 30 minutes if it has to use some different pool from the list.
If no pool was specified in the command line then first pool in the failover pools list is main pool.
You can change 30 minutes time period to some different value with "-ftime" option, or use "-ftime 0" to disable switching to main pool.
You can also use environment variables in "epools.txt", "dpools.txt" and "config.txt" files. For example, define "WORKER" environment variable and use it as "%WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.
You can also select current pool in runtime by pressing "e" or "d" key.


Miner supports remote monitoring/management via JSON protocol over raw TCP/IP sockets. You can also get recent console text lines via HTTP.
Start "EthMan.exe" from "Remote management" subfolder (Windows version only).
Check built-in help for more information. "API.txt" file contains more details about protocol.


- AMD cards: on some cards you can notice non-constant mining speed in dual mode, sometimes speed becomes a bit slower. This issue was mostly fixed in recent versions, but not completely.
- AMD cards: in Linux with gpu-pro drivers, the list of GPUs may differ from the list of temperatures. You can use -di to change order of GPUs to match both lists.
- nVidia cards: dual mode is not so effective as for AMD cards.
- Windows 10 Defender recognizes miner as a virus, some antiviruses do the same. Miner is not a virus, add it to Defender exceptions.
I write miners since 2014. Most of them are recognized as viruses by some paranoid antiviruses, perhaps because I pack my miners to protect them from disassembling, perhaps because some people include them into their botnets, or perhaps these antiviruses are not good, I don't know. For these years, a lot of people used my miners and nobody confirmed that my miner stole anything or did something bad.
Note that I can guarantee clean binaries only for official links in my posts on this forum (bitcointalk). If you downloaded miner from some other link - it really can be a virus.
However, my miners are closed-source so I cannot prove that they are not viruses. If you think that I write viruses instead of good miners - do not use this miner, or at least use it on systems without any valuable data.


1. Install Catalyst v15.12 for old AMD cards; for Fury, Polaris and Vega cards use latest blockchain drivers.
2. Disable overclocking.
3. Set environment variables as described above.
4. Set Virtual Memory 16 GB or more.
5. Reboot computer.
6. Check hardware, risers.
7. Set some timeout in .bat file before starting miner at system startup (30sec or even a minute), and try "-ethi 4" to check if it is more stable. It can help if miner is not stable on some system.


- Miner works too slowly when I mine ETH/ETC but works fine when I mine some ETH fork.
Check if you enabled "Compute Mode" in AMD drivers, also you can press "y" key to turn on "Compute Mode" in AMD drivers for all cards (Windows only).

- I cannot mine ETH/ETC with Nvidia 3GB card in Windows 10.
Windows 10 internally allocates about 20% of GPU memory so applications can use only 80% of GPU memory. Use Windows 7 or Linux.


TT-Miner Version 3.1.1 is available (Windows & Linux release)
Please note that the Linux release of TT-Miner requires Ubuntu 18.04 or later!

The miner required about 4-5 minutes until it shows a stable hashrate. To get independent information about miner speeds you should always compare hashrates @ the pool, shares @ the pool or just the profit you made.

The DevFee is 1% for all algos.

Download link - windows version:!FGZBgAAQ!4ifA66IXgnKTuEQXQoEgeQ

Download link - linux version:!FGZBgAAQ!4ifA66IXgnKTuEQXQoEgeQ

You might need latest c++ runtime for beta 6 if you see a missing VCRUNTIME140_1.dll

Version 3.2.2
- NEW: support for Kadena (Blake2S) Pool/Solo
mining to pool:
TT-Miner.exe -A BLAKE2S -coin kda -luck -log -logpool -P
mining to node:
TT-Miner.exe -A BLAKE2S -coin kda -luck -log -logpool -P https://YOUR_WALLET@NODE_SERVER:NODE_PORT
- NEW: support for SSL connection
- NEW: -cid / set a constant Kadena ChainID
cid accepts one or more ids. If you want to receive work only for chain IDs 5 and
8 you want to add this option to your command line: -cid 5,8
- NEW: -tbr / set the time between two requests for work. Default is set to 8 which equals 800ms
If you see disconnections to your node, you may ask too fast for new work. In this case
you can increase the time between two new-work-requests. On the other hand an increase pause will
make it more likely that you have an orphan block! So please take care to set this value.
-tbr 9 will set the time to 900ms

TT-Miner is now included in MMP OS and simplemining!

Supported algorithms:
- PROGPOW092 (Sero & EPIC)
- ETHASH (ETH, ETC, Music, Callisto, etc)
- MTP (Zcoin)
- LYRA2REV3 (Vertcoin)
- BLAKE2S (Kadena)

TT-Miner support mining Ethash on Nicehash.

In the current version the miner support cuda 9.2, 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2. If you want to make sure that TT-Miner uses a certain cuda version please append one of these values, if you do not append any of them, the miner will always use the algo for the latest cuda version:

-92 for cuda 9.20 (ETHASH-92, UBQHASH-92)
-100 for cuda 10.00 (ETHASH-100, PROGPOW-100)
-101 for cuda 10.10 (ETHASH-101, MTP-101)
-102 for cuda 10.20 (ETHASH-102, MTP-102)

Please note these requirements for the different cuda toolkit releases:
Cuda-Toolkit Linux Windows
CUDA 10.2.89 >= 440.33 >= 441.22
CUDA 10.1.105 >= 418.39 >= 418.96
CUDA 10.0.130 >= 410.48 >= 411.31
CUDA 9.2.148 >= 396.37 >= 398.26

Please make sure that you should not have -RH or -rate on your command line. Nicehash doesn't not like hashrate reporting and will disconnect if this notification is sent.

Please find below the available parameter and arguments, arguments in [] are not required:

-a, -A, -algo ALGONAME select the algorithm to use for mining
ETHASH Ethash (ETH, ETC, Music, Callisto, etc)
UBQHASH Ubiq version of Dagger-Hashimoto (UBIQ)
PROGPOW ProgPoW (BitcoinInterest)
PROGPOW092 ProgPoW-Rev.0.9.2 (Sero,EPIC)
MTP MTP (Zcoin algo)
LYRA2V3 Lyra2 Revision 3 (Vertcoin)
EAGLESONG EagleSong (CKB-Nervos)
BLAKE2S Blake2S (KDA-Kadena)

This parameter will always load the algo that fits best to the installed driver. If you want
to make sure that TT-Miner uses a certain cuda version please append one of these values:
-92 for cuda 9.20 (ETHASH-92, UBQHASH-92)
-100 for cuda 10.00 (ETHASH-100, PROGPOW-100)
-101 for cuda 10.10 (ETHASH-101, MTP-101)
-102 for cuda 10.20 (ETHASH-102, MTP-102)

-d, -device, -devices Comma or space separated list of devices that should be used mining. IDs starts with 0

-work-timeout NOT supported (ignored)
-coin NOT supported (ignored)
-i, -mi, -intensity Comma or space separated list of intensities that should be used mining. First value
for first GPU and so on. A single value sets the same intensity to all GPUs. A value
of -1 uses the default intensity of the miner. A sample may look like this:
-i 18,17,-1,18 sets intensity of 18 to the first and fourth GPU, 17 to the
second and the third keeps the default of the miner. The GPUs
are the GPUs you may have selected with the -d parameter. If you
have installed 6 GPUs and use -d 3 4, the parameter -i 19 18
will set the intensity of 19 to your system GPU 3 and 18 to GPU 4.

-i auto INT INT INT TT-Miner will iterarate throu some gridsizes to find the best for you system and algo combination.
-i auto 1024 8192 256 will go from 1024 to 8192 with a stepsize of 256. If the iteration finishes TT
will print the results to the screen.

-ig, -gs intensity grid/grid-size. Same as intensity (-i, -intensity) just defines the size for the grid directly.
This will give you more and finer control about the gridsize.

API options Monitor/Control:
-b, --api-bind IP[:port] enables the monitoring API of TT-Miner to the IP address. If you
omit the port, port 4068 is used as default
--api-type Protocol TCP/WebSocket - parameter ignored
--api-password password assigns a password to the API

Parameter without argument
-RH, -rate Reports the current hashrate every 90 seconds to the pool
-n, -list, -ndevs List the detected CUDA devices and exit
-logpool Enable logging of the pool communication. TT-Miner creates the pool-logfile in the folder 'Logs'.
-log Enable logging of screen output and additional information, the file is created in the folder 'Logs'.
-luck Show a second information line that shows you how long it should take to find a new solution (share).
Additionally the time already spend on the new solutions is printed and also a 'luck' value
in percent that shows you the progress. Values below 100% indicate that there is still time
left until the next solution should be found. Values above 100% indicate that the miner needs
more time to find the new share than expected. These values are 'long term' statistical
-U, --nvidia Mining using CUDA devices (just for combability - can be omitted)
-X Mining with OpenCL (just for combability - NOT supported)
-G, --amd Mining using AMD devices (just for combability - NOT supported)
-h, --help Show this help and exit
-v, --version Show TT-Miner version and exit
-nocolor Disables color output

Pool definition - defines all values that are required for a connection to a mining pool.
-P [scheme://]user/wallet[.workername/username][:password]@hostname:port

The minimal definition to connect to a pool is:

With all options it look like this

'stratum+tcp://' is not required because TT-Miner will automatically detect the
correct stratum protocol in use.
The first -P will define your primary pool, all following -P definition will work as
backup/failover pool.

-w, worker YOUR_WORKER

Same set for the alternate coin if you mine EPIC


-PP INT Process-Priority
This option set the process priority for TT-Miner to a different level:
1 low
2 below normal
3 normal
4 above normal
5 high
Default: -PP 3

-PRHRI INT Performance-Report Hash-Rate Interval
Performance-Report & information after INT multiple of one minute. Minimum value for INT to
1 which creates a hashrate interval of a minute. Higher Intervals gives you a more stable
hashrate. If the interval is too high the displayed average of your hashrate will change
very slowly. The default of 2 will give you an average of 2 minutes.
Default: -PRHRI 2

-PRT INT Performance-Report & information after INT multiple of 5 seconds
Set INT to 0 to disable output after a fixed timeframe
sample -RPT 24 shows the performance report after 24 * 5 sec = 2 minutes
Default: -PRT 3

-PRS INT Performance-Report & information after a INT shares found
Set INT to 0 to disable output after a fixed number of shares
sample -RPS 10 shows the performance report after 10 shares were found
Default: -PRS 0

Mixed sample:
- You want to see the performance report all 25 shares and all 30 secs:
-PRS 25 -PRT 6
- You do not want to see any performance report:
-PRT 0

-coin defines the coin you want to mine. That helps for connection to some pools (SERO) and can
avoid unnecessary DAG creation for the DevFee

A sample command line might look like this:

Stating from version 2.1.5 TT-Miner can understand most of the used command line arguments. If you already use any miner it should be OK just to replace the program name an leave the remaining arguments as they are. If you have a combination that TT-Miner does not understand please let me know so that I can fix that.

If you look for possible command line options please start the miner with the -h or --help option: TT-Miner.exe -h

TT-Miner is NOT free of bugs, so if you find one please help to make TT-Miner better and report it to me so that I have a chance to fix it.

Happy mining!

This is the home of cpuminer-opt, the optimized CPU miner.


Supporting over 90 agorithms with many optimized for CPUs with the latest technologies:

AMD Ryzen: AVX2, SHA
Intel Skylake X: AVX512
Intel Icelake: AVX512, SHA, and VAES (source code only at this time)

Older CPUs with SSE2 are also supported.

Unique features

Block and share time estimates.

True hashrate reporting with comparison with actual share submission rate.


Windows binaries can be downloaded from -!8HQAkQoC!Qw7WgAe0V2uKjXdy3H2rrQ

New in v3.12.4.5

Issue #246: better stale share detection for getwork, and enhanced logging
of stale shares for stratum & getwork.

Issue #251: fixed incorrect share difficulty and share ratio in share
result log.

Changed submit log to include share diff and block height.

Small cosmetic changes to logs.

New in v3.12.4.4

Issue #246: Fixed net hashrate in getwork block log,
removed duplicate getwork block log,
other small tweaks to stats logs for getwork.

Issue #248: Fixed chronic stale shares with scrypt:1048576 (scryptn2).

Errata: RELEASE_NOTES incorrectly reports the version as v3.12.5.

New in v3.12.4.3

Fixed segfault in new block log for getwork.

Disabled silent discarding of stale work after the submit is logged.

New in v3.12.4.2

Issue #245: fixed getwork stale shares, solo mining with getwork now works.

Issue #246: implemented block and summary logs for getwork.

New in v3.12.4.1

Issue #245: fix scantime when mining solo with getwork.

Added debug logs for creation of stratum and longpoll threads, use -D to

New in v3.12.4

Issue #244: Change longpoll to ignore job id.

Lyra2rev2 AVX2 +3%, AVX512 +6%.

New in v3.12.3.1

Issue #241: Fixed regression that broke coinbase address in v3.11.2.

New in v3.12.3

Issue #238: Fixed skunk AVX2.

Issue #239: Faster AVX2 & AVX512 for skein +44%, skein2 +30%, plus marginal
increases for skunk, x16r, x16rv2, x16rt, x16rt-veil, x16s, x21s.

Faster anime VAES +57%, AVX512 +21%, AVX2 +3%.

Redesigned code reponsible for issue #236.

New in v3.12.3

Issue #238: Fixed skunk AVX2.

Issue #239: Faster AVX2 & AVX512 for skein +44%, skein2 +30%, plus marginal
increases for skunk, x16r, x16rv2, x16rt, x16rt-veil, x16s, x21s.

Faster anime VAES +57%, AVX512 +21%, AVX2 +3%.

Redesigned code reponsible for issue #236.

New in v3.12.2

Fixed xevan, skein, skein2 AVX2, #238.

Reversed polarity of AVX2 vector bit test utilities, and all users, to be
logically and semantically correct. Follow up to issue #236.

New in v3.12.1

Fixed anime AVX2 low difficulty shares, git issue #236.

Periodic summary now reports lost hash rate due to rejected and stale shares,
displayed only when non-zero.

New in v3.12.0.1

Fixed hodl rejects, git issue #237.

Fixed debug code added in v3.12.0 to work with AVX2 to be enabled only
after low difficulty share have been seen to avoid unnecessarily excessive
log outout.

Added more digits of precision to diff in log output to help diagnose
low difficulty shares.

New in v3.12.0

Faster phi2 AVX2 +62%, AVX512 +150% on Intel CPUs. AMD Ryzen AVX2 is
YMMV due to its inferiour AVX2 implementation.

Fixed Hodl stats, rejects are still an issue since v3.9.5, git issue #237.

API can now be enabled with "-b port" or "--api-bind port".
It will use the default address

Editorial: Short form options should only be used on the command line to save
typing. Configuration files and scripts should always use the long form
"--api-bind addr:port" without relying on any defaults. This is a general
recommendation that applies to all options for any application.

Removed obsolete cryptonight, all variants, and supporting code for more
size reduction and faster compiling.

Tweaked the timing of the CPU temperature and frequency log (Linux only).

Added some debug code to collect more info about low difficulty rejects,
git issue #236.


1. A x86_64 architecture CPU with a minimum of SSE2 support. This includes Intel Core2 and newer and AMD equivalents.
In order to take advantage of AES_NI optimizations a CPU with AES_NI is required. This includes Intel Westmere and newer
and AMD equivalents. Further optimizations are available on some algos for CPUs with AVX and AVX2, Sandybridge and
Haswell respectively.

32 bit CPUs and ARM CPUs are not supported.

2. 64 bit Linux OS. Ubuntu and Fedora based distributions, including Mint and Centos are known to work and have all
dependencies in their repositories. Others may work but may require more effort.

64 bit Windows OS is supported using the pre-compiled binaries package or may be compiled with mingw_w64 and msys.

Apple and Android operating systems are not supported. FreeBSD YMMV.

Older CPUs, other architectures and operating systems may be supported by TPruvot's cpuminer-multi.

Security warning

Miner programs are often flagged as malware by antivirus programs. This is usually a false positive, they are
flagged simply because they are cryptocurrency miners. However, some malware has been spread using the
cover that miners are known to be subject to false positives. Always be on alert. The source code of cpuminer-opt
is open for anyone to inspect. If you don't trust the software don't download it.

Some cryptographic code has been taken from trusted sources but has been modified for speed at the expense of
accepted security practices. This code should not be imported into applications where secure cryptography is


Old algorithms that are rarely used anymore will not get the latest optimizations.

Cryptonight and variants are no longer supported.

Neoscrypt crashes on Windows, use legacy version.

Hodl requires a CPU with AES, use legacy version if without.

Benchmark testing does not work on several algos.

Supported algorithms
allium Garlicoin
anime Animecoin
argon2 Argon2 coin (AR2)
argon2d250 argon2d-crds, Credits (CRDS)
argon2d500 argon2d-dyn, Dynamic (DYN)
argon2d4096 argon2d-uis, Unitus, (UIS)
axiom Shabal-256 MemoHash
blake Blake-256 (SFR)
blake2b Blake2b 256
blake2s Blake-2 S
blakecoin blake256r8
bmw BMW 256
bmw512 BMW 512
c11 Chaincoin
deep Deepcoin (DCN)
dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl
groestl Groestl coin
hex x16r-hex
hmq1725 Espers
hodl Hodlcoin
jha Jackpotcoin
keccak Maxcoin
keccakc Creative coin
lbry LBC, LBRY Credits
luffa Luffa
lyra2h Hppcoin
lyra2re lyra2
lyra2rev2 lyra2v2
lyra2rev3 lyrav2v3, Vertcoin
lyra2z330 Lyra2 330 rows, Zoin (ZOI)
m7m Magi (XMG)
myr-gr Myriad-Groestl
neoscrypt NeoScrypt(128, 2, 1)
nist5 Nist5
pentablake Pentablake
phi1612 phi
phi2 Luxcoin (LUX)
phi2-lux identical to phi2
pluck Pluck:128 (Supcoin)
polytimos Ninja
power2b MicroBitcoin (MBC)
quark Quark
qubit Qubit
scrypt scrypt(1024, 1, 1) (default)
scrypt:N scrypt(N, 1, 1)
sha256d Double SHA-256
sha256q Quad SHA-256, Pyrite (PYE)
sha256t Triple SHA-256, Onecoin (OC)
sha3d Double keccak256 (BSHA3)
shavite3 Shavite3
skein Skein+Sha (Skeincoin)
skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin)
skunk Signatum (SIGT)
sonoa Sono
timetravel Machinecoin (MAC)
timetravel10 Bitcore
tribus Denarius (DNR)
vanilla blake256r8vnl (VCash)
veltor (VLT)
x11 Dash
x11evo Revolvercoin
x11gost sib (SibCoin)
x12 Galaxie Cash (GCH)
x13 X13
x13bcd bcd
x13sm3 hsr (Hshare)
x14 X14
x15 X15
x16rv2 Ravencoin (RVN)
x16rt Gincoin (GIN)
x16rt-veil Veil (VEIL)
x16s Pigeoncoin (PGN)
xevan Bitsend (BSD)
yescrypt Globalboost-Y (BSTY)
yescryptr8 BitZeny (ZNY)
yescryptr8g Koto (KOTO)
yescryptr16 Eli
yescryptr32 WAVI
yespower Cryply
yespowerr16 Yenten (YTN)
yespower-b2b generic yespower + blake2b
zr5 Ziftr


cpuminer-opt has no fees of any kind but donations are accepted.


Bminer is a highly optimized cryptocurrency miner that runs on modern AMD/NVIDIA GPUs (Maxwell and Pascal, i.e. GPUs that have compute capability 5.0 or above). Bminer is one of the fastest publicly available miners today -- we use various techniques including tiling and pipelining to realize the full potentials of the hardware.

Bminer also comes with REST APIs to facilitate production deployments (e.g., mining farms).
Bminer supports mining Equihash-based coins (e.g., Zcash) with 2% of devfee.
Bminer supports mining Zhash / Equihash 144,5 based coins (e.g. BitcoinGold, BitcoinZ) with 2% of devfee.
Bminer supports mining Ethash-based coins (e.g., Ethereum) with 0.65% of devfee.
Bminer also supports dual mining mode - mining Ethash-based coins (e.g. Ethereum) and Blake14r-based coins (e.g. Decred) / Blake2s-based coins (e.g. Verge) at the same time. Devfee for the dual mining mode is 1.3%, and the second coin (e.g. Decred/Verge) is mined without devfee.
Bminer supports mining Tensority-based coins (e.g., Bytom(BTM)) with 2% of devfee.



Grin31 mining on stock settings
2.60 G/s on RTX 2080Ti
1.65 G/s on RTX 2080
1.55 G/s on GTX 1080Ti
0.95 G/s on GTX 1070

Bminer 16.0.6 Grin29m mining on stock settings
8.32 G/s on GTX 2080Ti
5.18 G/s on GTX 2070
3.96 G/s on 2060
2.18 G/s on 1060
3.34 G/s on 1070
5.03 G/s on 1080ti
3.00 G/s on P104-4G
3.56 G/s on P104-8G
4.95 G/s on P102-10G

AE mining on stock settings:
11.8 Sol/s on GTX 2080Ti
8.90 Sol/s on GTX 2080
7.40 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
4.7 Sol/s on GTX 1070
3.4 Sol/s on GTX 1060 6G

Beam mining on stock settings
30 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
21 Sol/s on GTX 1070
12 Sol/s on GTX 1060 6G

Equihash mining on stock settings
735-745 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
450-460 Sol/s on GTX 1070
315-325 Sol/s on GTX 1060
Equihash 144,5 (Zhash) mining on stock settings
61 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
25 Sol/s on GTX 1060
Ethash mining on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W)
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 46.7 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 32.2 MH/s
Dual mining using automatic tuning (default) on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W)
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
ETH 46 MH/s and DCR 1000 MH/s
ETH 46 MH/s and XVG 1770 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
ETH 32 MH/s and DCR 2200 MH/s
ETH 32 MH/s and XVG 3750 MH/s
Bytom mining on stock settings:
4650 H/s on GTX 1080Ti
2850 H/s on GTX 1070
1800 H/s on GTX 1060 6G

Secure and reliable

SSL support
Automatic reconnects to recover from transient network failures
Automatic restarts if GPUs hang

Operation friendly

Comes with REST APIs to facilitate production deployments


Download and extract Bminer into a folder (e.g. C:\bminer or /home/bminer)
Depending on the coins that you want to mine, find the corresponding script in the folder. For example, the corresponding script is mine_grin29.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux) when mining Grin using the Cuckaroo29 algorithm.
Change the address and account information in the script.
Run the script and Enjoy mining :)


Windows x64: bminer-v16.0.6-137dbe6-amd64!sKwEEIYL!MAsZZN-guwDWV9g60aYAJg

Windows x64: bminer-lite-v16.0.6-137dbe6-amd64!sKwEEIYL!MAsZZN-guwDWV9g60aYAJg

Release notes

16.0.6 (Current)
Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29m miner.
Fix the regression that the Cuckatoo / Cuckoo miners failed to start.
Fix the performance regression of Cuckaroo29m under Windows.
Fix the compatbility issues on Windows system.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29m miner.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29m miner.
Reduce the rejection rate of the Cuckaroo29m miner.

16.0.3 (Current)
Improve performance and stability of the Cuckaroo29m miner.
Fix fidelity issues of the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Performance improvement on the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Fix the Cuckaroo29m miner fails to start on Turing-based cards or cards that have only 4G memory.
Fix the Cuckaroo29m miner submits shares that have low difficulty.
Performance improvement on the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Initial support for the Cuckaroo29m algorithm.

Improve the performance of Beam bminer for RTX cards.
Experimental support for dual-mining Ethash and the Eaglesong algorithm.

Improve the performance of automatic tuning of dual mining parameters.

Add an API to stop the miner.

Improve the performance of BeamHashII algorithm on RTX cards.

Improve the performance of BeamHashII algorithm.

Fix the regression on the BeamHashII fails to start on GTX 2060.

Support for the BeamHashII algorithm.

Fix the regression that the Cuckaroo29d miner fails to start on RTX-series cards.

Improve the performance of the miner of Cuckatoo31.
Increase the dynamic ranges of -intensity for older machines to fully utilize the GPUs (at the cost of a slight performance loss).

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29d / Aeternity.
Support 4GB cards for Cuckaroo29d.
Fix the regression that the Cuckaroo29d miner fails to start on Windows.

Improve the performance of the Cuckaroo29d miner.

Improve the stability of the Cuckaroo29d miner.
Reduce the CPU usage of Cuckaroo29d miner.
Support 5GB cards for Cuckaroo29d.

Improve the performance of the Cuckaroo29d algorithm.
Fix the issue that the Cuckaroo29d failed to start for Turing-based cards.

Support the cuckaroo29d algorithm

Fix invalid shares ETH + VBK when using multiple cards.

Fix the regression that Cuckaroo29 fails to work on Turing cards.
Significantly improve the performance of ETH / VBK dual mine.

Improve the performance of the Cuckatoo algorithm.
Support dual-mining ETH and VBK.
Add the parameter -version to output the version and exit.

Improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Aeternity.
Improve compatibility on Windows
Add an experimental flag --fast to improve the performance for Cuckaroo29 / Aeternity, but it might lead to unstability on some systems

Slightly improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.
Reduce CPU usages of Cuckatoo31.
Fix the regressions of Cuckaroo29 on RTX cards.
Fix the incorrect reportings of Ethash speed to the mining pools.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29 by 5%.
Slightly improve the performance of Cuckatoo31.
Improve compatibility on Windows.

Improve performance and stability of Cuckatoo31.
Slightly improved performance of Ccukaroo29.
Reduced the chance of reject and stale shares of CC29/CC31.
Support RTX 2080/2070 for Cuckatoo31. RTX 2080 expected speed 1.45G/s.

Improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.
Experimental support Cuckaroo29 on AMD cards (ROCM only)
Improve compatibility on Windows.
Fix the regression on UI dashboard.
Reduce reject rate of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.

Improve the fidelity of Cuckaroo29 on 1060 / P106 / 1070.

Fix compatibility issues on Windows.

Support 8G cards for Cuckatoo31 (except for Windows 10).
Improve stability of the Cuckatoo31 solver.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares of Cuckatoo31.
Support Nicehash for both Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.

Improve the performance for Cuckatoo31.
Support 2080Ti for Cuckatoo31.
Reduce the CPU usages for Grin / Aeternity by default.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares for Cuckatoo31.

Experimental support for Cuckatoo31 on 1080Ti.
Fix the regression where ETH dual mine fails to start on Windows.
Improve performance on mining Aeternity.
Support tweaking the CPU usage for mining AE / Grin with the -intensity flag.

Improve performance of AE / Grin on Turing cards.
Improve performance of AE / Grin on lower-end CPUs and Windows platforms.
Support mining beam on leafpool and nicehash.
Fix the regression where /api/v1/devices is occasionally unresponsive.

Improved Grin/AE mining speed.
Print fidelity information. It is a measure of the luck/miner correctness. Overtime, the number should be close to one. For miners running over two hours, the fidelity should be at least greater than 0.95.
Improved multi-card performance on Windows.
Improved the miner fidelity by 8%-10%. You will not see big local difference but you will see roughly 10% higher speed on the pool side.
Reduced reject chance.
Fixed equihash issue.
Fix the regression that the equihash miner fails to start on Windows.


Improve the performance of Turing GPUs when mining Grin.
Reduced rejected share chance for all cards.


Support mining Grin / AE with 4G or 5G of video memory. (P104 only on Linux).


30% performance improvement on Grin and AE.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares.


Optimize CPU usage.
Fix compatibility issues with and
Experimental support for Turing GPUs.
Allow bminer to run with older NVIDIA drivers.


50% performance improvement on Aeternity.
10% performance improvement on Grin.
Support 8GB cards on Windows 10.
Support SSL connections for Grin.


Experimental support mining Grin on NVIDIA GPUs. Currently bminer only supports the Cuckaroo29 algorithm.
100% performance improvement on the beam miner on NVIDIA GPUs compared to 11.4.1.
Bug fixes

Support AMD Crimson driver mining beam [/b]

Experimental support mining beam with AMD cards


Improve the performance of Aeternity for 6GB cards
Support mining beam over beepool
Output solution/s instead of nounce/s when mining beam


Experimental support for Beam.


Experimental support for Aeternity.


Support ETH/BTM dual mine.


Fix `-devices value` option bug in 10.6.0.
Fix a bug in `GET /api/v1/status/device` api.


Require CUDA 9.2 or above for this version.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed, e.g. 4650H/s on 1080Ti now.


Require CUDA 9.2 or above for this version.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed, e.g. 4500H/s on 1080Ti now.
Maximum temperature is monitored more precisely.
Support BTG mining on pool.


Add `-pers auto` option to support pools (e.g. to automatically switch personalization string for equihash144,5 mining.


Make API robust and accessible even when GPUs are hung.
Support ethproxy protocol pools, such as dwarfpool, to display worker names.


Support all the other Equihash 144,5 based coins besides BTG, using equihash1445 scheme and -pers config.


Fix performance regression in BTM mining.


Support mining Zhash (Equihash with parameter set 144,5) based coins.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed again (up to another 30%).
Support reported hashrate feature on ETH pools.


Substantially increase BTM mining speed (up to 30%).
Fix editing problems of .bat files on windows.
Add scheme suggestions in scripts for ETH mining.


Experimental support for mining Bytom (BTM).
Optimize the performance of automatic tuning in dual mining mode.
Start REST APIs much faster than previous versions.
Improve compatibility of mining Ethereum on Nicehash pool.


Support a dual mining mode for Ethereum (ETH, Ethash) and Decred (DCR, blake14r) / Verge (XVG, blake2s) without affecting Ethereum mining performance.
Automatically tune mining performance in dual mining mode.
Support dual mining mode in launcher and dashboard GUI.
Add scripts to download third party software OhGodAnETHlargementPill to improve Ethereum mining performance on GTX 1080/1080Ti.
Introduce new REST APIs to display stratum/solver/device status.


Experimental support for mining Ethereum.
Various usability improvements on the launcher GUI.
Create a lite distribution without the launcher GUI.


Fix potential regression caused by 6.0.0 for GPUs mounting on risers.
Improve mining algorithm stability.


Failover server supports. Supply multiple uris (separated by commas) via the -uri option to enable the failover support.
A launcher GUI for Windows.
Reduce reject rate caused by stale shares.
0.3-0.5% performance improvement depending on card models.
Fix inaccurate metrics at the start of Bminer.
Reduce CPU usage the start of bminer.
Support miner.reconnect().
Experimental support for miningrigrentals.
A new option -no-runtime-info to disable runtime information collection.


Show the fan speed in both console and UI.
Fix compatibility issues for
Fix a bug that causes Bminer fails to start on Windows under some configuration.


Fix a reconnection issue in the network layer.
Show additional statistics in console.
Allow cross-domain requests to access the API.
Fix the compatibility issue with docker.
Introduce the option `-share-check` to make the time of recovering from no accepted shares configurable.


Experimental support for EthOS / Ubuntu 14.04.
Support AMD K10 CPUs.
Automatically restart hanged network connections.
Improve compatibilities with mining rigs with more than 8 cards.


Introduced the option -logfile to append the logs into a file.
Minor optimization on Windows for cards that are mounted on the risers.
Improve compatibility for NiceHash.


Support NiceHash.
Fix unstable network connections in 5.0.0.
Fix performance regressions for 1080Ti under Linux.


Minor performance improvement for GTX 1060.
Fixed performance regressions in 4.0.0 on Windows.
Optimization on the networking layer.
Show GPU ID in case of hardware errors.
Introduced the option -no-timestamps which suppresses the timestamps in the logging messages.


Minor performance improvement.
Support older CPUs like Core 2 Duo.
Support mining rigs that have more than 8 GPUs.
Removed the polling option.
Introduced the option `-max-network-failures` which allows Bminer to exit after consecutive network failures.
Various improvement on the UI.
Localization for Russian and Chinese.


Minor performance improvement.
Disable CPU polling by default.
Introduce a Web-based dashboard.
Support slushpool.


Add the -polling option to make GPU polling configurable.
Disabling polling reduces the CPU usage but it might reduce the performance in some configurations.
Improve the stability of the network connections.
First public release for Linux.


First public release.

Nvidia: Ethash, Cuckaroo29/Cuckarood29, Ubqhash
AMD: Ethash, Cuckaroo29/Cuckarood29, Ubqhash
CPU: RandomHash/RandomX in parallel with GPUs.
Windows and Linux compatible.

Download version for Windows:!ZHRRlAgJ!_gd82fTQcsAFZaB_QESmdQ

Features of 1'st generation of nanominer:

We are glad to present you the newest version of nanominer by nanopool.
Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies which are based on Ethash, Ubqhash, Cuckaroo29, and RandomHash (PascalCoin) algorithms. This tool is suitable for both novice and professional users. Fast, reliable, efficient.

Our competitive advantages:
AMD, Nvidia or/and CPU - it's up to you, nanominer supports both types of GPU for mining Ethash, Ubqhash, Cuckaroo29 and CPU for RandomHash.
Fastest RandomHash on CPU - the performance of PASC is highest on most CPUs.
Dual, triple or quad mining - you can set up nanominer to mine RandomHash on CPU and Ethash, Ubqhash, Cuckaroo29 on GPUs without losing performance. Moreover, you can set all of these algorithms simultaneously on different GPUs.
Fastest Cuckaroo29 on AMD - we have added best implementation of Grin's Cuckaroo29 algorithm for 8+ GB AMD GPUs with lowest possible CPU usage.
Cross platform: nanominer will bring you profit regardless of OS. The supported platforms are Windows and Linux.
Incredible web interface - you will enjoy all features and advantages which nanominer's web interface provides. Remote monitoring and control of your rigs as well as scanning local network for other rigs running nanominer, and working with them.
Built-in overclocking - we have added options to overclock coreClocks and memClocks for Nvidia cards on Windows.
Stable and autonomous: nanominer is able to control the state of video cards and, in case of hardware error (for instance: hashrate drop or GPU hang), it can restart itself or reboot entire system.
Advanced statistics: aside from hashrate, nanominer will inform you about GPUs temperature, power consumption*, average hashrate for each algorithm and much more.
Technical support 24/7: Our support service will answer all your questions promptly and with a pleasure.
No SmartScreen alert: we are going through a Microsoft security check, and Windows Defender does not recognize nanominer as a threat (does not remove or interfere with its work). Windows version of nanominer is digitally signed, so it cannot contain viruses.
Effective mining: high performance and efficient utilization of electricity.
BoringAPI - new extended miner statistic protocol which allows nanominer to provide wide range of useful information: here. The ETHman Remote Manager is supported by nanominer as well.
Customization flexibility: nanominer is ready to operate, you just need to indicate a wallet. However, if you are experienced user, then additional parameters will help you to adjust the miner according to your own understanding of best efficiency.

Features of the version 1.7.0

Fixed issue with Floating point exception at startup observer on some CPUs.
Removed CryptoNight family of algorithms since Monero uses RandomX.
RandomHash algorithm is synonym to RandomHash2 now since there are no RandomHash(1) coins any more.

Features of the version 1.6.2
Fixed setting up RandomX algorithm for testing purposes. Please check our mega for the config examples.
Features of the version 1.6.1
Optimized Ethash memory for Nvidia cards.
Added SSL connections for both Nanopool ETH and ETC pools and are used by default if no pools specified. pools are used by default now if no UBQ pools provided.

Features of the version 1.6.0
RandomHash2 algorithm for Pascal implemented. DevFee increased from 3% to 5% for both RandomHash and RandomHash2 to support RandomHash2 development.
RandomX algorithm implemented on CPU. Will be able to mine Monero on CPU in dual mode with some GPU coin after Monero hardfork.
Cuckarood29 performance improved up to 24% on AMD and Nvidia.
Updated node protocol supported for QuarkChain. Wallet can now be set up in miner's configuration file, not only configured on node itself. Public full nodes are used by default.
Example config files for popular coins were added to distribution.

Features of the version 1.5.3
Fixed issue with Nvidia devices not shown on nanominer -d output.
Print message in log if current Nvidia driver is too old for nanominer to detect Nvidia GPUs.

Features of the version 1.5.2
Fixed Cuckarood29 issue on AMD: low difficulty shares are not sent anymore.

Features of the version 1.5.1
Added Ethash binaries for AMD Radeon RX 5700 and AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT cards.

Features of the version 1.5.0
Added support for Grin's upcoming PoW hardfork Cuckarood29 algorithm.
Added support for Nvidia 6+ GB cards on Cuckaroo29/Cuckarood29 algorithms.
RandomHash (PascalCoin) performance improved.

Features of the version 1.4.1
Built-in amdmemtweak can run on Ubuntu 16.04 now.
Fixed SSL connection with miningpoolhub.

Features of the version 1.4.0
New memTweak option to control AMD GPU memory timings on Ethash algorithm, that gives up to 6%-10% performance increase compared to stock settings.
Faster Ethash kernel tuning on AMD Vega and Radeon VII GPUs.

Features of the version 1.3.4
Fixed critical connection issue introduced in version 1.3.3.

Features of the version 1.3.3
Fixed random Monero mining crashes on some connection types.

Features of the version 1.3.2
Fixed hanging while enumerating AMD devices on some systems.

Features of the version 1.3.1
Fixed CryptoNightR runtime compilation issue on some AMD devices.

Features of the version 1.3.0
CryptoNightR and CryptoNightReverseWaltz algorithms support for AMD GPUs.
New option powerLimits to manage Nvidia GPUs power limits.
Added block acceptance time for QuarkChain.
Support any shard IDs for QuarkChain, including null for root chain mining.

Features of the version 1.2.4
QuarkChain shard option was renamed to shardid to avoid confusion.
Added farmRecheck option for QuakrChain.
Do not show block accepted time for getwork protocol because it was calculated wrong. Will be added in some future update.
Fixed some stability issues.

Features of the version 1.2.3
Fixed issue with devices parameter ignored for Ethash.
Some performance increase of Cuckaroo29 for AMD GPUs.

Features of the version 1.2.2
Added QuarkChain node support for mining Ethash algorithm.
Added command line launching scripts for those users who need to run the miner using single command line with arguments.
Increased performance of Cuckaroo29 (GRIN coin) for AMD RX 580 8 GB up to 8%.

Features of the version 1.2.1
Fixed crash on startup on some systems without Nvidia cards.

Features of the version 1.2.0
Added fast (arguably the fastest) implementation of Grin's Cuckaroo29 algorithm for 8+ GB AMD GPUs with lowest possible CPU usage. Cuckaroo29 devfee is 0% till April 26th 4:20 PM local time and 2% after for this and any next version of nanominer.
Switched to CUDA 10 so all new Nvidia RTX GPUs are now supported. Need Nvidia Linux driver >= 410.48 or Windows driver >= 411.13 in order to work.
Added support for CryptoNightReverseWaltz (Graft coin) algorithm on Nvidia.
Two times less switches to dev fee and back - commission mining is now done once per two hours instead of single hour.

Features of the version 1.1.1
Lower CPU usage and system memory consumption for Nvidia CryptoNightR algorithm.
Fixed local miners discovery on some network configurations.

Features of the version 1.1.0
Added support for CryptoNightR algorithm on Nvidia for Monero PoW hardfork. Up to 17% faster than best competive CryptoNightR Nvidia miners currently available with only 1% devfee.
Added web-interface for easy rigs monitoring and remote setup. Runs on 9090 port by default, see
Added checkForUpdates (enabled by default) and autoUpdate (disabled by default) for checking and installing newest nanominer version on miner start.
Added options coreClocks, memClocks for overclocking. Only Nvidia cards on Windows are supported for now.
RandomHash devfee for CPU-only case was reduced from 5% down to 3%.
About 5% performance improvements for RandomHash on some CPUs.

Features of the version 1.0.6
Fixed small memory leak on Nvidia DAG change.
Some additional Ethash 3GB Nvidia cards optimizations - it is now possible to mine Ethereum on Windows 10 with half hashrate on full speed x16 PCI-e.

Features of the version 1.0.5
Extended Ethash support on Nvidia 3Gb cards. We are now the only one known miner that can support up to 242 epoch (best on Linux) with full speed. Next epochs will work too but performance degradation is possible. To make performance better you can try using full-speed PCI-e connections for 3 Gb devices.
Fixed some issues with miner re-connection to pools.
Fixed floating bug with enormous reported hashrate on AMD Ethash.

Dev fee for the use of nanominer takes the form of a commission from mining to its wallets once per 2 hours of runtime. The commission is:

1% of total mining time for Ethash, Ubqhash and CryptoNight algorithms (72 seconds per 2 hours);
2% for Cuckaroo29 algorithm (144 seconds per 2 hours);
3% for RandomHash on CPU (216 seconds per 2 hours).


NemosMiner Monitors mining pools in real-time in order to find the most profitable Algo!teggGA5Z!jw5nlB9TTpBoE-rfSREXWQ


correct nlpool estimates as per nlpools request
disable/remove nicehash old
recommenced nvidia driver lowered to 431.60 (windows)
yescryptr32 rejected shares (enable staleshare detection takes 3-4mins to activate)


x12 & x15 support (zergpool,ahashpool)
ZClassic Support (MiningPoolHub)
x16rv2 support


nbminer v25.2
gminer v1.65
miniZ miner v1.5q6 beta
nheqminer v0.7.2
trex miner v0.14.1 beta (x16rv2 support)
ccminer mtp v1.2.2 (disabled not working on 6 and 9 card rigs)
phoenixminer v4.6c


Easy configuration, easy start:

Run NemosMiner.bat
1. Config tab
2. Set your Wallet address and Username
3. Select your pool
4. Save Config
5. Start

note: 2. you only need to change Username if you are using Miningpoolhub (MPH)

Algo selection / removal

+algo for algo selection
-algo for algo removal

If "+" Used, all selected algo have to be listed
If "Minus" Used, all algo selected but exluded ones.

Do not combine + and - for the same algo

Algo list = -x16r
Will mine anything but x16r

Algo list = -x16r,-bcd
Will mine anything but x16r and bcd

Algo list = +x16r
Will mine only x16r

Algo list = +x16r,+bcd
Will mine only x16r and BCD

Algo list blank
Will mine anything

Pools variants

24hr - uses last 24hour Actual API too request profit
-Low switching rate
plus - uses advanced calculations to reduce switching
-Medium switching rate
normal - uses current estimate API too request profit
-High switching rate

Developer/Contributors Donation:
list and wallets is publicly available at

There is a 14 minute per day donation (0.9%)
We want to stay completely transparent on the way donations are managed, there is a 14 minute per day default donation (0.9%) which can be increased or decreased in the config tab, please help support the great team behind NemosMiner by leaving mining donations turned on

Keep tabs on all your mining rigs from one place
You can now optionally monitor all your workers remotely, both in the GUI and via nemosminer


If you have Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, please update PowerShell:
[update PowerShell](

some miners may need 'Visual C++ 2015' if you don't already have it: (install both x86 & x64)
[Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015/2014]

some miners may need 'Visual C++ 2013' if you don't already have it: (install both x86 & x64)
[Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013/2012]

running multiple cards its recommended to increase Virtual Memory 64gb is optimal

recommended/optimal Windows Nvidia driver 431.60

[Windows10 Standard](

[Windows10 DCH](

[Windows7, 8, 8.1](

recommended/optimal Linux Nvidia driver 430.34


Tested with 6x1070 6x1070ti 6x1080 6x1080ti 9x1660ti 6x2060 6x2070 6x2080 6x2080ti(users have reported up to 12cards working have not tested myself)
Some miners do not support more that 9 cards

CPU miners are tested with AMD Ryzen 3700x CPU's


Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.

Random Discussion / Ethereum Mining NoDevFee 0% v15.0
« on: February 18, 2020, 03:35:41 pm »
I have spent a couple of months and now I am ready to post new version.
It is very easy to use! You need to run it at the same RIG that works.


This program helps you to save you your money and earn more when you use Claymore's Dual Ethereum
Miner. It reduses 1%(or 2% in Dual mode) fee.
DevFee will mine to your wallet but miner wil think that it mines Real DevFee.
It was tested on Windows 10 and Windows 7!
Where to Download?


How to Use?

1) Download
2) Right Click at ZeroFee.exe->Properties -> Compatibility tab->Run As Administator -> Save
3) Open ZeroFee.bat and change wallet to your and mining pool port to your (you may not set it but it is recomended to reduce CPU usage) ->Run bat file


It was tested with nanopool etheremine ethpool it works perfect.
(I have additional 1.8mhs to my 176mhs with this software and)
You can test it with other pools and tell results here.

Why do you need it

I have 7 GPUs and nanopool shows me that I will get additional 1.975 USD/mo (and 3.95$ when I use dualmining with sia coin).

Updated Proof :


start ZeroFee.exe 0xYourWallet

Now works with Claymore v15.0 Fixed compatibility with ethermine org
Code improvements
New Logo

TCP packets checking speed is improved (checking function is replaced with assembly code to speed up checking)
Fixed bug with automatic adding to startup(automatic adding to startup feature is deleted).
New Logo

Added automatic administrator privileges
Not detectable by claymore's miner
Minor code improvements

Added support of Support of Nicehash
Added support of "-esm 0", "-esm 1" , "-esm 2" and "-esm 3" arguments in you command line for claymore miner.
Optimized allocation of memory
New protection against Claymore miner detection
You do not need to enter mining pool port in this version only wallet
File structure optimization

Reminder if you forgot to run it as Administrator
Automatic adding NoFee.bat to the startup
Design changes

Works now even with Claymore Miner v9.4
Major speed improvements
Less CPU load
Some bug fixes

Fixed issues with blocking RDP,Radmin,TeamViewer

Now it works with nicehash, miningpoolhub & forks like ETC when you use "-allpools 1" at the Claymore's miner.
Changed devFee priority:
first time devFee sends shares to your wallet(15 min after start),
second time Real devFee mining(1h after start),
third time devFee sends shares to your wallet(2h after start),
fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and all next times devFee sends shares to your wallet.
Now it works with all pools (tested). Slightly improved stability. Archive type changed from .rar to .zip


If this software stops working like this:

Try to install all
microsoft c++ 2010 redistributable

microsoft c++ 2012 redistributable

microsoft c++ 2013 redistributable

Hello everyone!

I've created a service for remote rig monitoring. First of all I made it for my own rigs but after time decide bring service to public because it's really useful

It called RIG cards and available here:!lLoGnYTS!QBVDXkm-S8GKbRdUzIiyiw

Basic functions:

Status of rigs with info for GPUs (temperatures, fan speeds, frequencies etc.) Data for each rig present on its own "card" (as I called it) where you can monitor params just looking to the website
Hashrate monitoring
Notifications to e-mail or Telegram messenger about different events like:
- Rig don't respond / Rig online again
- Temperatures of GPU out of range or back to range (limits can be set for each rig individually)
- Lost GPU on rig
- Rig was rebboted
Mobile-friendly version of the website, so you can easily check your rigs from smartphone
Rig rebooting on events like: overheating GPUs, low GPUs temperature, losing GPU on the rig
Remore rig reboot
Able to set personal temperature color ranges for rig


Hashrate monitoring Ready! notifications which corresponds to it (will be later)
Summary card with short status for all rigs, total hashrate, calculated profit, possible troubles
Actions like reboot on different events (for example, reboot when lost GPU) Done!
Other impovements (you can see more detailed tasklist below)

Here is some screenshots of service main page:

My main goal was to make easy in use service which main function is rigs monitoring and not so monstrous as some others.
I'll be happy to get any feedback, suggestions etc.

So, how it works?

First you need to download client application that you then will launch on the rig system.
Client app is just Windows Powershell script, so it's opensource, you can check contents and be sure so there no any viruses or other bad things. Besides it uses library from well-known Open Hardware Monitor to get info from GPU sensors.

View of client window:

Next you can add new rig from web-interface or during first launch of client app. Choose rig name, set number of GPUs, and temp. limits if wish.
BTW if you already added rig you can download preconfigured client for needed rig and just launch on system.

For launch the client app start the start_client.bat file (shortcut for this file you can then add to start on windows boot)

adding rig from web

adding rig from client app

Every two minutes client app sends rig data to server. If in 2 min period not received any data from rig, it will marked with "yellow" status (like warning). After next 2-3 minutes if still no rig activity - rig will marked as Offline "red" status and you'll get notification about it through choosen channels in settings.

Also each time when server got data from rig we check given parameters and if something wrong (for example lost GPU or overheating) we also send notification to you (of course if you enabled it).
Temperature limits you can set globally for all rigs (Account - Your Profile - Global settings) or for each rig individually by clicking coghwheel icon for rig you need.
Moreover depends on temp. levels values will be colored, so just taking a look you can check is there everything good with your rigs. You can set you own temperature ranges for each color.
Here is also nice trick with low t° limit: in most cases if something happens with miner on rig (unexpected close, can't connect to pool) GPUs stop working and their temperatures going down. So if find the appropriate value you'll receive notification of low temp and it will mean that GPU don't work normal!

How different statuses looks like:

Here is notifications examples (e-mail and Telegram):

For using client app you need to have .NET Framework 4.5 and Powershell 5 on your rig systems (Win 10 have them by default, on Win7 usually need to install).

Client has auto update function, but in next releases I add setting to disable auto update if you wish.

Hashrate monitoring

Details about hashrate monitoring you can find in post:

Hashrate monitoring

Now you can see miner hashrate on the rig cards.

It looks like this:

not sure is this is the best displaying of hashrate monitoring, so if you have any suggestions or comments about it - tell.

Notifications that depends on hashrate values don't implemented yet. Just displaying. Notifications maybe will be added some later after full debugging of hashrate monitoring feature, and finally if such monitoring is demanded by users.

Attention! The client gets the hashrate value directly from the miner (and not from the pool or from anywhere another)!

So in the settings of the rig, you need to select the type of miner used, and the miner on the rig can be configured accordingly - activate api (this can usually be made in a .bat file, and for some miners the API is activated by default and you don’t need to do anything).

You can select a miner when adding a new rig or editing an existing. This feature is also available when editing groups of the rigs.
Tab - Hashrate.

When setting a miner, you can also specify the port on which its api is available, if the port is different from the default.
Make attention! It's NOT a pool port!

There you can also see the parameters that need to be added to the miner’s launch line in the bat-file for activating api.
Anyway if something is not clear - just ask me! [​IMG]

At the moment, the following miners are supported:

List of supported miners:

Claymore's Ethereum Miner
PhoenixMiner Ethereum
SRBMiner Cryptonight
EWBF Equihash Miner

Ready for suggestions for adding any other miners [​IMG]
Tell me which miners you are using, which coins, pools and I'll try to add requested miners.

Info about hashrate value will be also displaying in the client app window (or if it is impossible to get data from the miner by some reason, will be displayed error message).

Remind that the client connects to the server every 100-110 seconds - so after changing any settings on the server, it takes some time for the client to receive them, and only after that monitoring will continue with the new rig configuration.

Of course for support hashrate monitoring, the client app has been updated - version is 0.7.3
(The update will occur automatically if you have not disabled the auto-update feature)

As usual, very waiting from you feedbacks about my service and hashrate monitoring functions in particular.
Tell how it works, maybe there are any difficulties or other.

List of supported miners:

Claymore's Ethereum Miner
PhoenixMiner Ethereum
SRBMiner Cryptonight
EWBF Equihash Miner

Ask if you want to see miner that don't added yet [​IMG]

How much?
It's totally free for now! No any limitations.
No any fees! And of course it is don't touch your miners.
It just collect info from hardware sensors to show you on web and send nortifications if any.

Known issues and bugs:

It's beta now so I don't except appearing bugs, I'll try to fix asap.
Notification about unexpected rig rebooting doesn't work (not implemented yet, thinking about better algorithm for it) done
Not working with P102-100 or P106-100 — it depends on mode of NVIDIA drivers, solution you can find below in FAQ
As I see, there no longer any issues here
On first launch of start_client.bat on Windows 10 if you unpacked by Windows Explorer you'll get Windows SmartScreen warning about unknown app - it's normal. There are no warnings if you will unpack zip with Total Commander for example or any other filemanager. As I understood, windows generate such warning every time if you first time start newest .bat which was downloaded from somewhere. And after some time if there no problems, app will be added to their database. You'll get SmartScreen warning only once, on the next launch of app you don't get warning.

To Do list:

Hashrate monitoring Done! and notifications (will be later)
Notification for unexpected reboot event done
Rig uptime and date/time of launch (for each rig on its card) done
Sort & order of rigs' cards done
Sort & order for GPUs on rig
Summary card with short basic information about all rigs, total hashrate, existing problems and other
Adding features to Telegram bot (like getting info for rig at request)
Addition Languages (russian and others)
Actions (like reboot) on different events, possibility to launch bat-file on event
Tasks from server to rig (reboot, shutdown)
Logo and favicon for website
Dark/night theme (maybe even posibility to set your own background image)
Integration with sonoff-tasmota devices through Mosquito servers (MQTT)


How I can use Telegram bot?
To start using you just need to send your secret key to him. Key can be found at Account - Your profile - Profile - Secret key
At this time bot can only send notifications to you, but in future I wish to add some functions

Is it possible to send notification to few Telegram accounts at the same time?
First make group in Telegram with few people. Then if you open screen with bot info, at the menu you can choose Add to group. After adding to group send next service message to bot:
/secret your_secretkey_here
Now bot will send notifications to group!

How much I need to pay for using service?
It's totally free. But if service come popular I will need to charge for it (to pay for servers and other stuff). But even in this case it will very cheap, 1 USD per month per rig for example (I don't thought seriously about it yet)

GPU NVIDIA P102-100 or P106-100 not showing
It's depends on mode of NVIDIA drivers works. By default it work in TCC mode and because of it Open Hardware Monitor library that I use to get info from sensors can't get these parameters. Solution is simple - switch drivers to WDDM mode.

Attention! With some new version of drivers, the described method no longer works.
An alternative method of grabbing info for such cards has been introduced (in most cases, you will not be required to make any actionsl). Details here.

According to the official NVIDIA website:
To change the TCC mode, use the NVIDIA SMI utility. This is located by default at C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI. Use the following syntax to change the TCC mode:
nvidia-smi -g {GPU_ID} -dm {0|1}
0 = WDDM
1 = TCC

So you need go to the C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI directory and from command line run such command for every card pointed it "number" (GPU_ID)

Or (but I'm not sure 'cause I haven't such GPUs) to switch all GPUs on the rig to WDDM mode you can run
nvidia-smi -g -dm 0

Time on rig cards is wrong
By default time on new accounts in UTC timezone. You can set your timezone at Account - Your profile - Timezone

How often data refresh on the page with rig cards?
For now data refresh every 30 seconds (but remind, rigs send data every two minutes). If needed you can refresh it immediately with refresh icon on the navbar. After 20 minutes of idle you session will stopped.

How is coloring the GPU temperature values? Is it possible to change it?
This coloring is not relating with temperature limits that you set for rigs to get notifications. It just for visual usability. It is possible to set your own temperature ranges for each color.
Default temperature ranges is:
1-35 °C - blue
36-60 - green
61-70 - yellow
71-80 - orange
81 и вышe - red

How I can enable the log file?
Logging is disabled by default. If you need it you must turn on it manually.

To enable log, you need to put -Log 1 into start_client.bat batch file.
Or, it can also be activated by editing the config.json configuration file, adding the parameter "log": 1

link: RIG cards and available here:!lLoGnYTS!QBVDXkm-S8GKbRdUzIiyiw

So, this thread is the only way to know all of the features of its services?
Checked on your website, it only showed login form and one only Nav Menu to register.

Good job, but may I'll try when next features added.


Hashrate monitoring (I'll plan to add Claymore, EWBF miners first) and notifications which corresponds to it
Summary card with short status for all rigs, total hashrate, calculated profit, possible troubles
Actions like reboot on different events (for example, reboot when lost GPU)
Other impovements (you can see more detailed tasklist below)

Good Luck

GMiner v1.96

GMiner - High-performance miner for AMD/Nvidia GPUs.

Supported algoritms:
- Ethash (Nvidia only)
- Ethash+Eaglesong (Nvidia only)
- Ethash+Blake2s (Nvidia only)
- Eaglesong (Nvidia/Amd)
- Cuckarood29/Cuckaroom29 (Grin) (Nvidia only)
- Cuckatoo31 (Grin) (Nvidia only)
- Cuckoo29 (Aeternity) (Nvidia/Amd)
- CryptoNightBBC (BBC) (Nvidia only)
- BFC (Nvidia/Amd)
- Cortex (Nvidia only)
- Cuckaroo29s (Swap) (Nvidia/Amd)
- Cuckarood29v (MoneroV) (Nvidia only)
- Blake2s(KDA) (Nvidia/Amd)
- Eaglesong (CKB) (Nvidia/Amd)
- Equihash 96,5 (MinexCoin) (Nvidia only)
- Equihash+Scrypt (Vollar) (Nvidia only)
- Equihash 125,4 (ZelCash) (Nvidia only)
- Equihash 144,5 (Bitcoin Gold, BitcoinZ, SnowGem, ZelCash) (Nvidia/Amd)
- Beam Hash (BEAM) (Nvidia/Amd)
- Equihash 192,7 (Zero, Genesis) (Nvidia/Amd)
- Equihash 210,9 (Aion) (Nvidia only)

- Watchdog (Automatically restart miner on GPU failure, loss of connection to pool, miner crashes)
- Failover pools (Automatically connect to failover pool when main pool unavailable, support unlimited number of failover pools)
- Power efficiency calculator (Show power consuming for each GPU, Sol/W)
- SSL stratum connection (optional)
- API / Telemerty

Fee is 0.65% for Ethash, 5% for BBC, 5% for Cortex, 3% for Cuckaroom29, 3% for BFC, 2% for all other algorithms

Performance on stock GPU settings:

ALGO COIN UNIT 1060 1660Ti 1070 1070Ti 1080 1080Ti 2060 2070 2080 RX570 RX580 VEGA56 VEGA64
Equihash 96,5 MNX KSol/s 15.3 24.7 28 39.5
Equihash 125,4 ZEL Sol/s 22.3 26.1 32.9 40.1 42.3 56.9 35.5 45.3 58.9
Equihash 144,5 BTG, BTCZ Sol/s 37.5 55.5 65 69 96 65.6 68 24 27 43
BeamHashII BEAM Sol/s 22.5 26.8 34.7 41.4 39.9 58.9 37.2 50 62.5 16
Equihash 192,7 YEC, ZCL Sol/s 21 30 37 39 54 36 52 14 17 26
Equihash 210,9 AION Sol/s 147 209 227 347
Cuckarood29 GRIN G/s 3.65 5.26 5.26 5.82 5.82 9.17 6.75 8.4 10
Cuckaroo29(s) XWP, XBG G/s 3.2 4.55 4.65 5.25 5.5 8 6 7.6 8.8 1.6 1.8 3.2 3.85
Cuckatoo31 GRIN G/s 0.86 0.96 1.64 1.33
Cuckoo29 AE G/s 3.53 4.75 5.22 5.65 5.75 8.66 6.53 8.12 9.5 1.88 2.07 3.2 4.4
BFC BFC H/s 84.04 133.09 124.28 134.52 136.90 206.19 155.47 193.33 226.19
Equihash+Scrypt VDS KSol/s 14 19.5 19.7 23.1 27 37.3 24 28.5 36.5
Cortex CTXC G/s 1.53 3.13
Ethash ETH MH/s 27.13 27.95 37.22
Eaglesong CKB MH/s 778 755 1150 300

- CUDA compute compability 5.0+
- Cuckaroo29 ~ 3.8GB VRAM
- Cuckatoo31 ~ 7.68GB VRAM
- Cuckoo29 ~ 3.8GB VRAM
- Equihash 96,5 ~0.75GB VRAM
- Equihash 144,5 ~1.75GB VRAM
- Beam Hash ~2.9GB VRAM
- Equihash 192,7 ~2.75GB VRAM
- Equihash 210,9 ~1GB VRAM
- CUDA 9.0+

+ improved cuckaroom29 performance(up to +5-6% dependent on GPU)
+ display devfee on startup

+ improved cuckaroom29 performance

+ added Cuckaroom29 algorithm (DevFee is 3%), use --algo grin29 for hardfork autoswitch (Watchdog should be enabled)
+ added Cuckarood29v algorithm (MoneroV coin, DevFee is 10%)
+ fixed "No shares" bug for Eaglesong when extranonce length not equal to 4 (#47)

+ improved performance for CryptoNightBBC on some GPUs (1080, 1080ti, mining edition cards)
+ improved cleanJobs behavior for BBC stratum, should improve hashrate on pool side

+ added CryptoNightBBC algorithm for Nvidia GPUs (BBC coin)

+ added solo mining support for kadena

+ fixed performance regression for Cuckatoo31 algorithm on mining edition GPUs (P104-100)

+ added blake2s support for AMD GPUs

v1.01 release coming soon, release scheduled to September 28th-29th

+ optimize GPU utilization (+1-5% sol/s for all algorithms)
+ optimize CUDA kernel for Equihash 144/5 (+1% sol/s)
+ fixed "Mailformed server message" stratum client's error on some rigs with 6+ GPU's
+ decrease CPU usage

Expected performance:
MSI GTX 1080 SEA HAWK EK X 8GB ~50 Sol/s stock / ~57 Sol/s OC
EVGA GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition 11GB ~71 Sol/s stock / ~76 Sol/s OC
Gigabyte 1080 Ti AORUS Waterforce WB Xtreme Edition 11GB ~75 Sol/s stock / ~82 Sol/s OC

Download links:!QW5gXahI!h1blmR5suTAWQ3viJJtigw

Usage examples:

1) Bitcoing Gold

miner --algo 144_5 --pers BgoldPoW --server eu.btgpool pro --port 1445 --user YOUR_BITCOING_GOLD_WALLET.rigName --pass x


miner --algo 192_7 --pers ZERO_PoW --server zer-eu.forgetop com --port 2052 --user YOUR_ZERO_WALLET.rigName --pass x

3) Failover pool

miner --algo 144_5 --pers BgoldPoW --server eu.btgpool pro --port 1445 --user YOUR_BITCOING_GOLD_WALLET.rigName --pass x --server btg.2miners com --port 4040 --user YOUR_BITCOING_GOLD_WALLET.rigName --pass x

Random Discussion / EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner 0.6
« on: February 10, 2020, 05:45:58 pm »
EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.6

It is based on my last Zcash miner and almost completely repeats it.
Now closer to the topic:
* Parameter "solver" is disabled.
* Solver for equihash 200,9 has been deleted.
* Solvers for Equihash 192,7, 144,5, 96,5 and 210,9 has been added
* Added timestamps in the output to the screen and to the log file.
* Argument --algo is added, allow you to select Equihash variant allowed values 144_5, 192_7, 96_5, 210_9, zhash, aion. This parameter is mandatory.
* Argument --pers is added, allow you to set personalization string (8 charachters) for equihash algorithm. This parameter is optional. Equihash by default uses the string "ZcashPoW", many other coins also use this string, but not all, some coins use their own string, and these are all differences, so for some coins, you need to set the --pers option to the required string, for example, Zero coin: uses the string "ZERO_PoW" and for mining this coin you need to pass arguments --algo 192_7 --pers ZERO_PoW ....
Fee is presented and by default 2%, argument --fee is presented too.

* Fixed situation where the api socket did not close during the exit..
* Increased time-outs during stratum authorization and subscription.
* 144_5, 192_7, 96_5 now faster.
* 144_5 now uses less vram, ~1.63GB (This should be useful for 2GB cards).

* 96_5 fixed the problem with cropped performance on fast (1080ti, Titan) gpu.
* 144_5 Speed up by 3-15% depends on the hardware.
* 210_9 Speed up by 2%.
* 210_9 Fixed "low difficulty shares" problem, on Aion pools.
* 210_9 can now be used via --algo 210_9, I recommend using --algo aion for Aion mining, this will help you avoid problems with the wrong personalization string.
* Added option --intensity, this option will not increase performance, only slightly reduce the gpu usage, if you set it to 1. Works like --cuda_devices argument,
for example: --intensity 64 64 1 64 64 will apply the intensity 1 to the device with id 2.
Special features (These features are added for specific projects,do not use these parameters on conventional pools):
* Added option --pers auto, Allow the pool to manage the personalization string. (Profit switching). (
* Added option --algo 144_5_EXCC_D For ExchangeCoin.

Known issues (mostly will be fixed)
* Equihash 96_5 Can be slower in cuda 8 versions.
* Performance counters may display an incorrect speed during reconnection.

Expected performance:

96_5 uses ~1.6GB vram
1050ti ~7.8 KS/s
1060 ~14 KS/s
1070 ~20 KS/s
1080 ~25 KS/s
1080ti ~37 KS/s

192_7 uses ~2.5GB vram
1050ti ~8 S/s
1060 ~15 S/s
1070 ~22 S/s
1080 ~24 S/s
1080ti ~35 S/s

144_5 uses ~1.63GB vram
1050ti ~18 S/s
1060 ~30 S/s
1070 ~45 S/s
1080 ~50 S/s
1080ti ~75 S/s

210_9(aion) uses 1.2G vram
1050ti ~75 S/s
1060 ~130 S/s
1070 ~190 S/s
1080 ~210 S/s
1080ti ~320 S/s

Please note, that this is initial release, and it can be baggy or incompatible with many coins or pools.
Miner compiled with cuda 9.1 and cuda 8.0 for x64 linux and windows. Support devices with compute capability 5.0 and higher.


Usage examples (batch files):
Basic Example:

miner --algo 144_5 --server SERVER_ADDR --port PORT --user USER --pass PASSWORD

Failover pools up to 8 pools:

miner --algo 144_5 --server SERV1 --port PORT1 --user USER1 --pass PASS1 --server SERV2 --port PORT2 --user USER2 --pass PASS2

Bminer is a highly optimized cryptocurrency miner that runs on modern AMD/NVIDIA GPUs (Maxwell and Pascal, i.e. GPUs that have compute capability 5.0 or above). Bminer is one of the fastest publicly available miners today -- we use various techniques including tiling and pipelining to realize the full potentials of the hardware.

Bminer also comes with REST APIs to facilitate production deployments (e.g., mining farms).
Bminer supports mining Equihash-based coins (e.g., Zcash) with 2% of devfee.
Bminer supports mining Zhash / Equihash 144,5 based coins (e.g. BitcoinGold, BitcoinZ) with 2% of devfee.
Bminer supports mining Ethash-based coins (e.g., Ethereum) with 0.65% of devfee.
Bminer also supports dual mining mode - mining Ethash-based coins (e.g. Ethereum) and Blake14r-based coins (e.g. Decred) / Blake2s-based coins (e.g. Verge) at the same time. Devfee for the dual mining mode is 1.3%, and the second coin (e.g. Decred/Verge) is mined without devfee.
Bminer supports mining Tensority-based coins (e.g., Bytom(BTM)) with 2% of devfee.



Grin31 mining on stock settings
2.60 G/s on RTX 2080Ti
1.65 G/s on RTX 2080
1.55 G/s on GTX 1080Ti
0.95 G/s on GTX 1070

Grin29 mining on stock settings
11.2 G/s on GTX 2080Ti
8.6 G/s on GTX 2080
7.8 G/s on GTX 1080Ti
7.15 G/s on P102
4.8 G/s on GTX 1070
4.10 G/s on GTX P104
3.30 G/s on GTX 1060 6G

AE mining on stock settings:
11.8 Sol/s on GTX 2080Ti
8.90 Sol/s on GTX 2080
7.40 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
4.7 Sol/s on GTX 1070
3.4 Sol/s on GTX 1060 6G

Beam mining on stock settings
30 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
21 Sol/s on GTX 1070
12 Sol/s on GTX 1060 6G

Equihash mining on stock settings
735-745 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
450-460 Sol/s on GTX 1070
315-325 Sol/s on GTX 1060
Equihash 144,5 (Zhash) mining on stock settings
61 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
25 Sol/s on GTX 1060
Ethash mining on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W)
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 46.7 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 32.2 MH/s
Dual mining using automatic tuning (default) on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W)
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
ETH 46 MH/s and DCR 1000 MH/s
ETH 46 MH/s and XVG 1770 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
ETH 32 MH/s and DCR 2200 MH/s
ETH 32 MH/s and XVG 3750 MH/s
Bytom mining on stock settings:
4650 H/s on GTX 1080Ti
2850 H/s on GTX 1070
1800 H/s on GTX 1060 6G

Secure and reliable

SSL support
Automatic reconnects to recover from transient network failures
Automatic restarts if GPUs hang

Operation friendly

Comes with REST APIs to facilitate production deployments


Download and extract Bminer into a folder (e.g. C:\bminer or /home/bminer)
Depending on the coins that you want to mine, find the corresponding script in the folder. For example, the corresponding script is mine_grin29.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux) when mining Grin using the Cuckaroo29 algorithm.
Change the address and account information in the script.
Run the script and Enjoy mining :)


Windows x64:!0KBlAAjZ!Zk5GDHjLDcAxbsqY2iC2MA

Release notes

16.0.3 (Current)
Improve performance and stability of the Cuckaroo29m miner.
Fix fidelity issues of the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Performance improvement on the Cuckaroo29m miner.

Fix the Cuckaroo29m miner fails to start on Turing-based cards or cards that have only 4G memory.
Fix the Cuckaroo29m miner submits shares that have low difficulty.
Performance improvement on the Cuckaroo29m miner.
Initial support for the Cuckaroo29m algorithm.

Improve the performance of Beam bminer for RTX cards.
Experimental support for dual-mining Ethash and the Eaglesong algorithm.

Improve the performance of automatic tuning of dual mining parameters.

Add an API to stop the miner.

Improve the performance of BeamHashII algorithm on RTX cards.

Improve the performance of BeamHashII algorithm.

Fix the regression on the BeamHashII fails to start on GTX 2060.

Support for the BeamHashII algorithm.

Fix the regression that the Cuckaroo29d miner fails to start on RTX-series cards.

Improve the performance of the miner of Cuckatoo31.
Increase the dynamic ranges of -intensity for older machines to fully utilize the GPUs (at the cost of a slight performance loss).

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29d / Aeternity.
Support 4GB cards for Cuckaroo29d.
Fix the regression that the Cuckaroo29d miner fails to start on Windows.

Improve the performance of the Cuckaroo29d miner.

Improve the stability of the Cuckaroo29d miner.
Reduce the CPU usage of Cuckaroo29d miner.
Support 5GB cards for Cuckaroo29d.

Improve the performance of the Cuckaroo29d algorithm.
Fix the issue that the Cuckaroo29d failed to start for Turing-based cards.

Support the cuckaroo29d algorithm

Fix invalid shares ETH + VBK when using multiple cards.

Fix the regression that Cuckaroo29 fails to work on Turing cards.
Significantly improve the performance of ETH / VBK dual mine.

Improve the performance of the Cuckatoo algorithm.
Support dual-mining ETH and VBK.
Add the parameter -version to output the version and exit.

Improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Aeternity.
Improve compatibility on Windows
Add an experimental flag --fast to improve the performance for Cuckaroo29 / Aeternity, but it might lead to unstability on some systems

Slightly improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.
Reduce CPU usages of Cuckatoo31.
Fix the regressions of Cuckaroo29 on RTX cards.
Fix the incorrect reportings of Ethash speed to the mining pools.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29 by 5%.
Slightly improve the performance of Cuckatoo31.
Improve compatibility on Windows.

Improve performance and stability of Cuckatoo31.
Slightly improved performance of Ccukaroo29.
Reduced the chance of reject and stale shares of CC29/CC31.
Support RTX 2080/2070 for Cuckatoo31. RTX 2080 expected speed 1.45G/s.

Improve performance of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.
Experimental support Cuckaroo29 on AMD cards (ROCM only)
Improve compatibility on Windows.
Fix the regression on UI dashboard.
Reduce reject rate of Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.

Improve the fidelity of Cuckaroo29 on 1060 / P106 / 1070.

Fix compatibility issues on Windows.

Support 8G cards for Cuckatoo31 (except for Windows 10).
Improve stability of the Cuckatoo31 solver.

Improve the performance of Cuckaroo29.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares of Cuckatoo31.
Support Nicehash for both Cuckaroo29 / Cuckatoo31.

Improve the performance for Cuckatoo31.
Support 2080Ti for Cuckatoo31.
Reduce the CPU usages for Grin / Aeternity by default.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares for Cuckatoo31.

Experimental support for Cuckatoo31 on 1080Ti.
Fix the regression where ETH dual mine fails to start on Windows.
Improve performance on mining Aeternity.
Support tweaking the CPU usage for mining AE / Grin with the -intensity flag.

Improve performance of AE / Grin on Turing cards.
Improve performance of AE / Grin on lower-end CPUs and Windows platforms.
Support mining beam on leafpool and nicehash.
Fix the regression where /api/v1/devices is occasionally unresponsive.

Improved Grin/AE mining speed.
Print fidelity information. It is a measure of the luck/miner correctness. Overtime, the number should be close to one. For miners running over two hours, the fidelity should be at least greater than 0.95.
Improved multi-card performance on Windows.
Improved the miner fidelity by 8%-10%. You will not see big local difference but you will see roughly 10% higher speed on the pool side.
Reduced reject chance.
Fixed equihash issue.
Fix the regression that the equihash miner fails to start on Windows.


Improve the performance of Turing GPUs when mining Grin.
Reduced rejected share chance for all cards.


Support mining Grin / AE with 4G or 5G of video memory. (P104 only on Linux).


30% performance improvement on Grin and AE.
Reduce the likelihood of rejected shares.


Optimize CPU usage.
Fix compatibility issues with and
Experimental support for Turing GPUs.
Allow bminer to run with older NVIDIA drivers.


50% performance improvement on Aeternity.
10% performance improvement on Grin.
Support 8GB cards on Windows 10.
Support SSL connections for Grin.


Experimental support mining Grin on NVIDIA GPUs. Currently bminer only supports the Cuckaroo29 algorithm.
100% performance improvement on the beam miner on NVIDIA GPUs compared to 11.4.1.
Bug fixes

Support AMD Crimson driver mining beam [/b]

Experimental support mining beam with AMD cards


Improve the performance of Aeternity for 6GB cards
Support mining beam over beepool
Output solution/s instead of nounce/s when mining beam


Experimental support for Beam.


Experimental support for Aeternity.


Support ETH/BTM dual mine.


Fix `-devices value` option bug in 10.6.0.
Fix a bug in `GET /api/v1/status/device` api.


Require CUDA 9.2 or above for this version.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed, e.g. 4650H/s on 1080Ti now.


Require CUDA 9.2 or above for this version.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed, e.g. 4500H/s on 1080Ti now.
Maximum temperature is monitored more precisely.
Support BTG mining on pool.


Add `-pers auto` option to support pools (e.g. to automatically switch personalization string for equihash144,5 mining.


Make API robust and accessible even when GPUs are hung.
Support ethproxy protocol pools, such as dwarfpool, to display worker names.


Support all the other Equihash 144,5 based coins besides BTG, using equihash1445 scheme and -pers config.


Fix performance regression in BTM mining.


Support mining Zhash (Equihash with parameter set 144,5) based coins.
Substantially increase BTM mining speed again (up to another 30%).
Support reported hashrate feature on ETH pools.


Substantially increase BTM mining speed (up to 30%).
Fix editing problems of .bat files on windows.
Add scheme suggestions in scripts for ETH mining.


Experimental support for mining Bytom (BTM).
Optimize the performance of automatic tuning in dual mining mode.
Start REST APIs much faster than previous versions.
Improve compatibility of mining Ethereum on Nicehash pool.


Support a dual mining mode for Ethereum (ETH, Ethash) and Decred (DCR, blake14r) / Verge (XVG, blake2s) without affecting Ethereum mining performance.
Automatically tune mining performance in dual mining mode.
Support dual mining mode in launcher and dashboard GUI.
Add scripts to download third party software OhGodAnETHlargementPill to improve Ethereum mining performance on GTX 1080/1080Ti.
Introduce new REST APIs to display stratum/solver/device status.


Experimental support for mining Ethereum.
Various usability improvements on the launcher GUI.
Create a lite distribution without the launcher GUI.


Fix potential regression caused by 6.0.0 for GPUs mounting on risers.
Improve mining algorithm stability.


Failover server supports. Supply multiple uris (separated by commas) via the -uri option to enable the failover support.
A launcher GUI for Windows.
Reduce reject rate caused by stale shares.
0.3-0.5% performance improvement depending on card models.
Fix inaccurate metrics at the start of Bminer.
Reduce CPU usage the start of bminer.
Support miner.reconnect().
Experimental support for miningrigrentals.
A new option -no-runtime-info to disable runtime information collection.


Show the fan speed in both console and UI.
Fix compatibility issues for
Fix a bug that causes Bminer fails to start on Windows under some configuration.


Fix a reconnection issue in the network layer.
Show additional statistics in console.
Allow cross-domain requests to access the API.
Fix the compatibility issue with docker.
Introduce the option `-share-check` to make the time of recovering from no accepted shares configurable.


Experimental support for EthOS / Ubuntu 14.04.
Support AMD K10 CPUs.
Automatically restart hanged network connections.
Improve compatibilities with mining rigs with more than 8 cards.


Introduced the option -logfile to append the logs into a file.
Minor optimization on Windows for cards that are mounted on the risers.
Improve compatibility for NiceHash.


Support NiceHash.
Fix unstable network connections in 5.0.0.
Fix performance regressions for 1080Ti under Linux.


Minor performance improvement for GTX 1060.
Fixed performance regressions in 4.0.0 on Windows.
Optimization on the networking layer.
Show GPU ID in case of hardware errors.
Introduced the option -no-timestamps which suppresses the timestamps in the logging messages.


Minor performance improvement.
Support older CPUs like Core 2 Duo.
Support mining rigs that have more than 8 GPUs.
Removed the polling option.
Introduced the option `-max-network-failures` which allows Bminer to exit after consecutive network failures.
Various improvement on the UI.
Localization for Russian and Chinese.


Minor performance improvement.
Disable CPU polling by default.
Introduce a Web-based dashboard.
Support slushpool.


Add the -polling option to make GPU polling configurable.
Disabling polling reduces the CPU usage but it might reduce the performance in some configurations.
Improve the stability of the network connections.
First public release for Linux.


First public release.

Changes in version 4.9c (since 4.8c):
Added support for AMD RX5500 cards
Added support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.12.3
Adding support for AMD Linux drivers 19.50-967956
Adding option -rate 2 to use the command name "eth_submitHashRate" instead of "eth_submitHashrate" when solo mining
Fixed the problem with loading NVML with the latest Nvidia drivers
Fixed a problem that was introduced in 4.8c causing mismatching of the cards when using more than one value in -cclock or any other command-line argument with more than one value (i.e. when using different values for each card)
Added an HTML version of the documentation for better navigation and readability
Other small improvements and fixes.

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:!QSAVVaoS!bCFZeeUzKdvMudrY4zFWog


Changes in version 4.8c:
Added support for the latest AMD drivers under Linux 19.30-934563 and for mining with RX5700 cards under Linux. Note that drivers are quite buggy and most of the overclocking options don't work, as well as most of the hardware monitoring options.
Added a new flexible way for setting GPU-specific options with selectors. Example: -cclock 1-3:1090,4:1300 -mclock nvidia:+450,amd:2000,*:1900,gtx*1070*ti:+200 See Readme.txt for more information.
Added command-line option -gbase to set 0-base or 1-based GPU indexes (the default is 1). With -gbase 1 (the default), the first GPU is GPU1, then GPU2, etc. With -gbase 0 the first GPU is GPU0, second - GPU1, etc. Note that this also changes the indexes that are used with all command line options that accept GPU indexes (e.g. -gpus) as well as these used with the interactive commands on the miner shell window
Validated support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.11.3 (but they already work with 4.7c because there were no significant changes in the OpenCL driver)
Other small improvements and fixes.

PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64
and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.

PhoenixMiner also supports Ubqhash for mining UBQ, ProgPOW for mining BCI, and dual mining
Ethash/Ubqhash with Blake2s.

The speed is generally faster than Claymore's Ethereum miner in eth only mode
(we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
interactively with the + and - keys while the miner is running).

If you have used Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore's command-line options and confirguration

Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but there still may be some bugs.
Additionally, we are actively working on bringing many new features in the future releases.
If you encounter any problems or have feature requests, please post them here (in this thread).
We will do our best to answer in timely fashion.

1. Quick start

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:!QSAVVaoS!bCFZeeUzKdvMudrY4zFWog (MEGA)

Examples of settings for different pools.

ethermine org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethermine org:4444 -pool2 us1 ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethermine org (ETH, secure connection):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl: //eu1 ethermine org: 5555 -pool2 ssl: //us1 ethermine org: 5555 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethpool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethpool org:3333 -pool2 us1 ethpool org:3333 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
dwarfpool com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eth-eu dwarfpool com:8008 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nanopool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 nanopool org:9999 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nicehash (ethash):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //daggerhashimoto eu nicehash com: 3353 -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -pass x -proto 4 -stales 0
f2pool (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -epool eth f2pool com:8008 -ewal YourEthWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
miningpoolhub (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool us-east ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20535 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
coinotron com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool coinotron com:3344 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ethermine org (ETC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1-etc ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEtcWalletAddress.WorkerName
dwarfpool com (EXP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool exp-eu dwarfpool com:8018 -wal YourExpWalletAddress / WorkerName
miningpoolhub (MUSIC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool europe ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20585 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ubiqpool (UBIQ):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //eu ubiqpool io: 8008 -wal YourUbiqWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
minerpool net (PIRL):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool pirl minerpool net:8002 -wal YourPirlWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
dodopool com (Metaverse ETP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool etp dodopool com:8008 -wal YourMetaverseETPWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass
minerpool net (Ellaism):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ella minerpool net:8002 -wal YourEllaismWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x

Pool options:

3. Command-line arguments

Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore's miner.

-pool <host rt> Ethash pool address (prepend the host name with ssl:// for SSL pool, or http:// for solo mining)
-wal <wallet> Ethash wallet (some pools require appending of user name and/or worker)
-pass <password> Ethash password (most pools don't require it, use 'x' as password if unsure)
-worker <name> Ethash worker name (most pools accept it as part of wallet)
-proto <n> Selects the kind of stratum protocol for the ethash pool:
1: miner-proxy stratum spec (e.g. coinotron)
2: eth-proxy (e.g. dwarfpool, nanopool) - this is the default, works for most pools
3: qtminer (e.g. ethpool)
4: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (e.g. nicehash)
5: EthereumStratum/2.0.0
-coin <coin> Ethash coin to use for devfee to avoid switching DAGs:

auto: Try to determine from the pool address (default)
eth: Ethereum
etc: Ethereum Classic
exp: Expanse
music: Musicoin
ubq: UBIQ
pirl: Pirl
ella: Ellaism
etp: Metaverse ETP
pgc: Pegascoin
akroma: Akroma
whale: WhaleCoin
vic: Victorium
nuko: Nekonium
mix: Mix
egem: EtherGem
aura: Aura
hbc: Hotelbyte Coin
gen: Genom
etz: EtherZero
clo: Callisto
dbix: DubaiCoin
moac: MOAC
etho: Ether-1
etcc: EtherCC
yoc: Yocoin
b2g: Bitcoiin2Gen
esn: Ethersocial
ath: Atheios
reosc: REOSC

4. Configuration files

Note that PhoenixMiner supports the same configuration files as Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use your existing configuration files without any changes.

Instead of using command-line options, you can also control PhoenixMiner with configuration
files. If you run PhoenixMiner.exe without any options, it will search for the file config.txt
in the current directory and will read its command-line options from it. If you want, you can
use file with another name by specifying its name as the only command-line option
when running PhoenixMiner.exe.

You will find an example config.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.

Instead of specifying the pool(s) directly on the command line, you can use another configuration
file for this, named epools.txt. There you can specify one pool per line (you will find an example
epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory).

For the dual mining pools, you can use the dpools.txt file, which has the same format as epools.txt
but for the secondary coin. You will find an example epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.
Note that unlike the epools.txt, which is loaded each time when the miner starts, the dpools.txt file
is only read if you specify a dual mining pool on the command line with -dpool, or at least add
the -dcoin blake2s command-line option.

The advantages of using config.txt and epools.txt/dpools.txt files are:
- If you have multiple rigs, you can copy and paste all settings with these files
- If you control your rigs via remote control, you can change pools and even the miner options by
uploading new epools.txt files to the miner, or by uploading new config.txt file and restarting
the miner.

5. Remote monitoring and management

Phoenix miner is fully compatible with Claymore's dual miner protocol for remote monitoring and
management. This means that you can use any tools that are build to support Claymore's dual miner,
including the "Remote manager" application that is part of Claymore's dual miner package.

We are working on much more powerful and secure remote monitoring and control functionality and
control center application, which will allow better control over your remote or local rigs and some
unique features to increase your mining profits.

Ace Grin Miner v 1.3

We are developing a fast multi-gpu windows miner for cuckaroo29 mining algorithm which is used in Grin - a new community-driven implementation of Mimblewimble.

New in v 1.3:

4-8% speed increase on Nvidia GPUs with fast CPUs
Support for 6GB Nvidia GPUs (will work on Win7, Win10 reserves too much memory)
Bug fixes

Nvidia 6GB mining cards notes:

1060 6Gb you have to migrate to windows 7
P106 works on windows 10 no need to migrate
Make sure you have the following security update on windows 7 the miner will not start without it


Supports Nvidia/AMD GPUs with a min of 7gb VRAM
Simple configuration/auto-detection of GPUs and CPU settings
4-6% speed improvement over grin gold miner
Ongoing development and dedicated Discord support channel
Moderate 1% dev fee to fund future development
Linux and Mac versions under development
Expected speeds for typical GPUs: 1080TI - 4.6 gps, 1080 3.6 gps, 1070ti 3.2 gps

Quick Launch Guide:

Optional: switch your Nvidia GPUs to "P0 power state" as it seems to increase performance. See tutorial at the bottom
Update drivers: Nvidia just use the latest, AMD we recommend 18.6.1 adrenaline drivers
Download and install 2.2.1 .NET Core libraries Note: restart required
Set virtual memory to 40-56GB (about 7gb per GPU)
Run start.bat and input your pool data. We recommend the following pools:
Optional: Input failover pool details manually into the created config.xml under <SecondaryConnection> similar to <PrimaryConnection>
Run start.bat to begin mining

Download Links!IXgFXCJK!tsc_ImSclH8X2M4I8dxHWA


Mining speed:

Nvidia driver 416.34

[v 1.3]
1060 (+100 0 101W) - 2,2 gps
1070Ti (+100 0 145W) - 3,4 gps
1080 (+100 0 150W) - 3,9 gps
1080Ti (+100 0 210W) - 4,85 gps
1080Ti (+100 0 155W) - 4,6 gps

AMD adrenaline 18.6.1

[v 1.1]
RX570 8Gb (cc:1340 mc:1750) - 1,7 gps
RX480 8Gb (cc:1330 mc:2000) - 1,9 gps

(Celeron 3930, 4Gb RAM)

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