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Messages - ppcholder

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
me 不就是个山寨币么? 还发行个屁 直接整合一个市场上的山寨币 还能刺激下价格。

没事 货还没做好!

先给你个包装!  不过这个包装的价格 咱们还要再谈谈。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: xcp 是不是捷足先登了
« on: February 16, 2014, 04:47:37 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / nxt是不是捷足先登了?
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:36:50 pm »
客户端已经出来了 去中心化?

中文 (Chinese) / xcp 是不是捷足先登了
« on: February 13, 2014, 04:33:34 am »

相信这一点 且价格并没有涨的离谱 正好是仔细观察并入手的机会; 感谢各种质疑声 才有了稳步增长;

当然 比特股的实用性还没有彻底发掘;坚定的等到那一天。

另外如果有更多的国际交易平台接纳pts就更好了 避免pts全部由国人接手的嫌疑;当然pts不是alt coin; 类似btc-e之类的 估计很难接纳;

seems no one on bitcointalk gave a shit on these sad.

We are ramping up our recruiting efforts to have more full time developers to work in conjunction with the bounties.

Better to list full-time developers here on regular base

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:20:03 pm »
哥们是中国人吧 行文完全是同胞风格;

赞! 需要快马加鞭让他们做事
When quoting english .. could you please also reply in english.. thx

I think the man starting the thread is a chinese guy!

I fully support this man!  we should spur those 3i guys to push forward the projects! with a serious team!

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:54:02 am »
How about you get off the forum and start focusing solely on work for starters?
How about you allocate a single hour to address users and use the rest for more productive work?
How about we have a public ledger showing how funds are spent?
How about we reconsider the bounty system? (I can personally assist in this)
How about you leave the forum to your great batch of moderators and go ahead with things that actually require your attention?
How about you set deadlines for marketing and development and work towards it?
How about you hire more people instead of giving goddamn bounties?

I sure want to see history being made, but the way you handle things now makes me wonder if you will end up BEING history instead of making it.

哥们是中国人吧 行文完全是同胞风格;

赞! 需要快马加鞭让他们做事


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