Author Topic: Old holder moving onto BTS 2.0  (Read 1046 times)

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Offline btshodl

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I'm in the process of migrating my holdings from an old 9.3C wallet to a 2.0 client, however I'm not sure that I've found the right balance in the new wallet when I import my keys. I think the difference is probably down to a transaction I received from an exchange which may be a TITAN transaction, I downloaded the complete legacy chain but never managed to get bitshares 9.3.C to load to the login screen after copying the chain into the windows chain directory, left it for 24 hours and it didn't seem to have made any progress. I rolled back and exported the keys based on the chain I do have indexed which is circa November 2015 and it shows all transactions I made.

I am also curious whether I may have miscalculated my entitlement from the big chain merger that happened, does anybody know of any resources for working out the entitlement for vesting balances for AGS and BTSX on the BTS chain? I found the original thread which stated 7% for AGS and 80% for existing BTSX holders, was this for a new distribution of 500m BTS?

I have records of how many AGS and BTS I got from genesis of the original chain and I never claimed any vesting balances. The readout from the vesting query in the 9.3C wallet doesn't seem to tally with what my wallet shows I should have from genesis. The combined "original balance" (lets say 286BTS) and "vested balance" (132BTS so 418 total) are higher than my final wallet balance (441vs431) when combined with the exchange transaction (23BTS) but the "original balance" is a lot less than my reported genesis balance (408). I thought the original wallet doesn't include vesting balances as part of the total reported anyway? Finally the BTS 2.0 wallet reports 460. In my previous mental calculations around the time of the buyout I thought my total was a bit higher than this but I could have been wrong.

My current plan is to double check stuff by running through the instructions for moving chain on another computer to see if that one can get the full chain indexed before rescanning and exporting again. In the mean time I would be interested if anyone has the resources for me to be able to calculate what my balance should be.

Thanks for any help you guys can give!