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Topics - Frodo03

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General Discussion / Safest and EASIEST place to currently store my BTSX?
« on: February 18, 2015, 03:17:15 am »
I currently have a small amount of btsx on BTER, and I'd like to move it somewhere a bit safer. What is an easy way for me to store my btsx in a safe place? I'm not very good when it comes to technical stuff, so I would prefer to do something that is safe yet not very complicated to achieve.


General Discussion / Don't trust my computer- best place to store BTSX?
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:15:12 pm »
Would cold storage on a USB work?


Of course Bytemaster...Xeroc do you? MethodX? I see a lot of talk around here, but would like to know who is doing actual work.

Thanks :)

Hey all,

I'm assuming the most secure place would be in my Bitshares wallet? Currently I have a small amount on BTer but I don't think that's a good place to keep it for long term.

What is the status with BTSX cold storage?

Is this due to the new update? How long will it take?

Can I send BTSX from Bter to my bitshares wallet while it is still scanning, or do i have to wait?

Can anyone record it for me?

Or, can anyone upload the last Hangout online?

I'm unfortunately in a very weird time zone and can't be there.


Hey all,

Sorry for all of my newbie questions. I'm still confused about a variety of concepts with BitShares.
-What exactly is bitUSD, bitGLD, bitAssets, etc? I've read the ELI5 thread but still confused. Why is it significant?

-Should I invest in bitUSD or BTSX? What is a better investment and why? Is bitUSD or BTSX even meant to be approached as investments, or are they mostly for day trading? Can it be used as a long term investment? Should I hold?

-Could BTSX or bitUSD used as a currency in the future? Do either of them compete with Bitcoin or complement Bitcoin?

-How secure is the wallet/BitShares client? Do I buy BTSX from an exchange and then somehow convert it to bitUSD?

Does anyone have any specific tips/advice as far as making a bit of money off of this? I'm not hoping to get filthy rich, just trying to make a little bit of money on the side in my free time. Anything else I should know before getting involved?

As you can see, I'm a TOTAL noob. Can anyone provide me with some EXPLAIN LIKE I'M A GRANDMA resources? If so, I think this would help me get involved as well as many others. Please dumb it down as much as possible lol.

Thank you :)

He starts talking about the issues with Bitcoin mining and PoW at 1:01:20 and goes until 1:03:34. Only a few minutes long.

Anyone care to "dumb down" what he's saying? I'm still new to crypto, if you can't already tell.

Thanks :)

General Discussion / Cold Storage?
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:04:48 am »
Hey all,

I'm looking to invest in BTSX for the long term. Is there any way to do some sort of cold storage?

Thanks :)

General Discussion / Total noob- can anyone help me lol?
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:09:09 am »
Hey all, a couple basic questions- sorry for my total lack of understanding. I've tried watching videos and reading some things, but I need this ELI5.

1. What is the difference between PTS and BTSX? I'm looking to invest long term. What should I buy?

2. Is Bitshares in competition with Bitcoin?

3. What is the safest way to buy PTS or BTSX and how do I securely create a wallet?

4. I downloaded Bitshares for Windows, and everything went fine and I was brought to the main interface where I could create a username. For some reason though the entire thing crashed, and now when I try to run Bitshares, it doesn't run. I uninstalled, re-installed, but still no luck.

Thank you :)

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