Author Topic: MAKE DPOS HISTORY - VOTE! for MineBitShares AKA BunkerMining Project!  (Read 39499 times)

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Offline karnal

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Voted. Will keep an eye out for progress concerning sha256 &effective marketing of this. Go wild!!

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Yeehaw.. up 11 positions from our last update!

We now have an easy to share URL for you to share with everyone..tell them to go to and they will be sent to this thread instantly.

If you want more users for BitShares, and increased BTS value, VOTE!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I did think about that some time after posting but eventually forgot and didn't come back to clarify. I'm glad you brought it up.

Having said that, do you have a timeline for the beginning stages of BTC/LTC/DASH implementation?

And how do you plan to convert the miners to use your system? Here you are preaching to the choir of course (I do believe your idea has merit).

Finally, regarding approving all your delegates, I was under the impression (do correct if I'm wrong) that voting for more than one delegate from the same entity is to be frowned upon, as it puts too much power in the hands of a single entity/person/organization ?

In other words, why displace 5ish other delegates with yours ? And do you believe this to be fair? (neutral/probing question)

Looking forward to evaluate your response.

1. Timeline depends on when the delegates get in of course.. but dev time is looking at roughly about 3-4 weeks following. It is far more important that we first get the core platform updated and our payout system completely automated before we start supporting sha256. Otherwise we will just end up with a lot of unhappy/frustrated miners.

2. Strategy is simple.. make our mining pool the most profitable pool out there. That has been the mantra since day one. We are using delegate funds in part to put towards the pool to increase profitability until we are able to scale to where our profitability increases against other pools. We have zero network fees and a +5% bonus as the present offering. Consistent and reliable daily payouts, prettier analytics, and best of all, transparency are all the elements we can compete on. Besides mining other coins, we are also going to be mining other pools as well. So in the end, miners that point to our pool are assured of the best and most profitable mining. Of course this will all be marketed everywhere like crazy and will attempt to forge partnerships with rig rental and cloud mining operators.

3. Pheonike already gave some input into this. If you look at the current 101 there is at least one operator that is visible that has 4 positions. Many of the other 3% positions are questionable unknowns. There are many others that actually have 2-3. With these delegates, you know who we are. We would have a footprint, but nothing that could cause any issues.

I am sure you have followed the changes coming up in DPOS 2.0. Our bid for all these delegates is really to get things started now with the system we got. Later when the new system comes into effect we are going to switch it to a worker proposal. You can see the thread where this all started and the many contributors who put in their money to see this happen now:,16238.0.html

The only reason we have this many is because of the market cap situation, and the number were determined by community members deciding how much they wanted to see this project supported and how quickly it could be built up.

And to top this all off.. the benefit of having at least 7% of delegates located and operated by a nuclear bunker data center I think offers a certain degree of added resilience to the network. If/when everything goes to hell, your BitShares will still be safe and sound in a nuclear bunker.

Is it fair? You can look at the 101 and determine for yourself if you think there are 6 delegates that are going to be displaced that you think are providing more value to BitShares than this project can.. or even does at present.. then I think that is the answer to your question. Take note of the post above about our green bars... then go to and see how many have not updated for the latest fork. At the time of posting this 20 out of the 101 have not kept updated. Even more are not contributing to feed data. Vote for our delegates is a vote for removing/reducing that.

I say all this though in light of DPOS 2.0 just around the corner by my estimation in 2-3 months. When all that comes around I believe ours and all other multiple delegate positions are going to disappear and get wrapped up into one each if at all detaching witness worker and delegate roles.

Do you think its fair?
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Offline Pheonike

If a delegate is providing value and not doing any harm then it's a valid delegate. It's up to the voter to determine how valuable the individual delegates are relative to all delegates as a whole.

Offline karnal

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I did think about that some time after posting but eventually forgot and didn't come back to clarify. I'm glad you brought it up.

Having said that, do you have a timeline for the beginning stages of BTC/LTC/DASH implementation?

And how do you plan to convert the miners to use your system? Here you are preaching to the choir of course (I do believe your idea has merit).

Finally, regarding approving all your delegates, I was under the impression (do correct if I'm wrong) that voting for more than one delegate from the same entity is to be frowned upon, as it puts too much power in the hands of a single entity/person/organization ?

In other words, why displace 5ish other delegates with yours ? And do you believe this to be fair? (neutral/probing question)

Looking forward to evaluate your response.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

DataSecurityNode, I like this idea and wish you great success, however the lack of BTC/LTC/DASH seems like an oversight to me.

In my understanding it is exactly the miners of said coins who would benefit the most from storing their earnings in BitUSD. Frankly, who cares about potcoin?

For that reason alone I am not voting right now, but will follow any developments closely. Good luck with your project!

It's not an oversight.. it's just from a technical perspective not feasible the way the pool operates now.

We payout daily based on shares mined. With the amount of hashing power we have we would not be getting LTC daily.. this makes it impossible for our current system to properly reward the miner who mined it.

We have a similar situation with BTC where unless we have enough hash, we cannot payout daily.

Understand that voting for the delegates means being able to bring these things to the pool.

Not voting means leaving things as is. So by note voting for our delegate bid, you are effectively voting for things to stay the same.. which I don't think is what your end goal is. I think you want to see those improvements, and that is the purpose of all this.

Hope that helps clarify.
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Offline karnal

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DataSecurityNode, I like this idea and wish you great success, however the lack of BTC/LTC/DASH seems like an oversight to me.

In my understanding it is exactly the miners of said coins who would benefit the most from storing their earnings in BitUSD. Frankly, who cares about potcoin?

For that reason alone I am not voting right now, but will follow any developments closely. Good luck with your project!

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

All Delegates are Updated and ready for the fork today!

Just look at that  SOLID GREEN across the board.

Wouldn't you rather see that.. instead of red blocks everywhere?

A VOTE for BUNKERMINING means a GREENER BitSharesBlocks Delegates area!

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

We are going to have someone doing regular research on coins and keeping their ear to new ones coming so that we can position ourselves early on those also.

I know about coinwarz.. used it a lot in the past.

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Offline Krills

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Tuck Fheman

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We are going to have someone doing regular research on coins and keeping their ear to new ones coming so that we can position ourselves early on those also.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Did I miss anything, why no BTC LTC or DASH?

Top coin being mined is potcoin.. yeah.

Please elaborate on this, vote pending.

Good questions!

LTC is planned to be added along with others. We are going to have someone doing regular research on coins and keeping their ear to new ones coming so that we can position ourselves early on those also.

BTC runs on SHA256 and we haven't moved to that yet. We currently only support Script and X11.

It is in our roadmap though and among our initial updates to be done to increase profitability and attract a larger miner market.

Adding new coins has been held off at present to keep the task of migrating to a newer platform less consuming.

Currently adding SHA256 support along with other coins is 3rd on the list of things to get done moving forward.

Besides targeting specific coins we are also going to be adding pools that provide updated profitability as well. If they are the most profitable at the time, why not? Turn them into BitShares!

Hope that helps answer your questions.
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Offline karnal

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Did I miss anything, why no BTC LTC or DASH?

Top coin being mined is potcoin.. yeah.

Please elaborate on this, vote pending.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

This project has high potential and is very exciting for BitShares.

Anxiously awaiting your update.


UP 12 positions in the last 24 hours!

Now skyrocketing into 155.

We are working out the details at present but we soon will be announcing a new developer member to the team.

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