Author Topic: At Beyond Bitcoin, who do YOU want to hear speak?  (Read 9071 times)

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Offline G1ng3rBr34dM4n

Marc Andreesen has been VERY outspoken with regards to bitcoin

..along with Fred Wilson (who testified at the bitcoin senate hearings)

Edit: Replaced video clip
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 10:22:56 pm by G1ng3rBr34dM4n »

Offline CLains

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Ron Paul, Stefan Molyneux and Andreas Antonopoulos would be pitch perfect.

.. Peter Thiel

Throwing everything else I can think of out there:

Nick Bostrom, Kurzweil, (transhumanists)
Michael Connell - (bitcoin comedian?)
Niall Ferguson, (historian)
Julian Assange (wikileaks)
Rickard Falkvinge (pirate party)
Zizek, (philosopher/cultural critic)
Ashton Kutcher (actors?!)
Elon Musk, Larry Page, Richard Branson, Kim Dotcom .. (entrepreneurs)
John Carmack (game developers)
Salman Khan of Khan Academy (educators)
Paul Krugman (LOL!)

From TED talks (pretty random):

James B. Glattfelder: Who Controls the World
Geoff Mulgan: Post-Crash, Investing in a Better World
Richard Wilkinson: How Economic Inequality Harms Societies
Peter Eigen: How to Expose the Corrupt
Laurie Santos: A Monkey Economy as Irrational as Our Own
Rachel Botsman: The Currency of the New Economy is Trust
Yochai Benkler: The New Open Source Economics
Robert Neuwirth: The Power of the Informal Economy
Auret van Heerden: Making Global Labor Fair
Geoffrey West: The Surprising Math of Cities and Corporations
Rob Harmon: How the Market Can Keep Streams Flowing
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 10:23:46 pm by CLains »

Offline bitcoinba

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How about Steve Wynn? His philosophy on innovation in business and hospitality is pretty good. He has been pretty outspoken against the establishment recently and could be a great convert.

Brian, I could potentially help contact these people also if you like.

Offline MktDirector

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Some great suggestions...I'm going to have to look a few of these up.

Also, think of people who may already be in Vegas.  They'd be easier to get to say yes since we're on thier turf... all they have to do is drive over for an hour. Tony Hsieh of Zappos comes to mind. I met him many years ago (before he did the Amazon deal) at a conference and the dude has a ton of great content.  he could talk about what it takes to lead people, for example. He's not in the industry, but someone big like this may just say yes because they're fascinated by our industry.  We only need one "star" like that to draw a sold out crowd.  Who else is in Vegas??

Offline yellowecho

Another possible candidate would be economist and writer Bob Murphy.  He's extremely knowledgeable and even spoke at at the Texas convention.

Offline onceuponatime

Ron Paul

I open this thread to write this name.

I heard Tuur speak at the Lat Am BTC conference, I am not sure he fits the bill, more analytical than inspirational.

Yes, he would be better as a Sharktank judge than as a motivational speaker. But it would be very good to get him involved because of his following.

Offline bitcoinba

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Ron Paul

I open this thread to write this name.

I heard Tuur speak at the Lat Am BTC conference, I am not sure he fits the bill, more analytical than inspirational.

Offline yellowecho

+5%  I think you guys are on the right track with Stefan Molyneux and Andreas Antonopoulos.

As for additional suggestions, what about someone like Jeff Berwick?
He posted this on a blog post awhile back found here:

I am now focusing more of my efforts on less physical ventures that will be much harder to be controlled by governments and central banks.  Things such as a P2P bitcoin exchange, similar to Mt. Gox, but without any central servers.  And many more.

In this vein, if you or anyone you know is one of the top percentile programmers and theorists in P2P protocols please contact us here at TDV.

Bitshares seems ideal for what he's looking for.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 07:19:17 pm by yellowecho »

Offline onceuponatime


I haven't heard Tuur Demeester speak, but I know that he has a paid subscription investing newsletter and would bring the attention of a sizable number of cryptocoin-savvy investors from multiple countries with him. I first met him at the 2012 Bitcoin Conference in London where he was a regular attendant. He has progressed since then to a speaker at events and a guest on Max Keiser.

I gather that he spoke at the Texas Bitcoin Conference. Did you hear him? How is his delivery?

I also think he would make a good "sharktank" judge.

Tuur Demeester

Founder, Adamant Research
Tuur Demeester is owner of Adamant Research, a research firm focused on how to invest and live a free life in the new world. His subscription based newsletter MacroTrends was the first in the world to consistently recommend Bitcoin as an investment, from january 2012 at $5. He's also an investor in the Austin based Bitcoin Mining company CoinTerra.

After reading Ludwig von Mises' Human Action as a student, Tuur decided to drop out of university and pursue his studies in a self-directed manner. He co-founded the Murray Rothbard institute in 2007 and later translated Jesus Huerta de Soto's Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles into Dutch. He also co-founded two private Sudbury schools, one in Belgium and one in the Netherlands. Tuur has lived in Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Chile and Argentina, speaks or mumbles in six languages, and has traveled to over thirty countries.

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« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 06:39:27 pm by jabbajabba »

Offline onceuponatime

I agree with you about Andreas Antonopoulos, and he would be my first choice.

Offline MktDirector

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I've been talking to a lot of potential leaders to come speak in Vegas this July at Beyond Bitcoin.  The key theme of the event is any technology or idea that is a 'next generation' use of the Bitcoin technology, decentralized businesses, etc.  So it wont just be our team talking.  I'd like to get a solid group of speakers together but could use some help.

One thing I'm noticing with these events we go to is rarely are the speakers very good at, well, speaking!  So let me make a short list of criteria for what kind of person we should invite to this event:

1) First, I'd like to find people who are engaging, passionate and actually hold a crowd's attention.  There aren't many of these in our industry.  A great example would be Stefan Molyneux.  I just saw him give a talk in Texas and the crowd loved him.  You wont fall asleep listening to him, he has his own show online so he's comfortable shooting from the hip, and anything but boring.  He's on my short list.  Let's find people who can speak.

2) Secondly, we're looking for experts.  Someone who can deliver on a topic with authority.  Andreas Antonopoulos is a great example.  He always packs a room and commands respect when he speaks.  He friggin KNOWS his stuff.  He's not just a great at number 1, he also fits number 2.

3) Third, let's think outside the box.  I'd like to hear from people who may have never before been to a Bitcoin event.  Mabye they're an expert in a related industry or they've been talking about these technologies for a while but just not yet at events.  An example of someone like this would be Max Keiser. He has a large following, he loves our concepts, and he'd pull a crowd all by himself.

Those are really my only criteria.  They can't be boring, they have to have solid content, and let's think of some new options from the normal list we see all the time (with a few exceptions). Also, at this point, we're looking for people who won't charge a fee.  This may limit us, but as of now we have to go with unpaid speakers, as most events are doing, in order to cover expenses.  In following years perhaps we'll be able to afford to pay big fees for celebrity speakers.  The interest level is high enough right now that the least of my concerns is getting enough speakers, rather just narrowing it down to the very best.  There won't be a boatload of speakers at our event, likely under 20, and only one speaking track, so we need to make it count.

With all that said, who would YOU love to see speak? Who do you currently listen to (notice I didn't say read).  Who have you seen in person or on video/audio who's a frickin rock star and needs to be at this event?

« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 06:19:02 pm by MktDirector »