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Messages - 3beanzz

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:57:06 am »
Hi guys, just wondering if I should be claiming this or what I should be doing with it?  Wasn't expecting it to be there . . .
Vesting balances contain any fees earned through the referral program or from worker pay for example. They have a certain vesting period and are continually unlocked during that vesting period until all funds are available

Balance #1.13.1502
Vesting balance amount   1.37569 BTS
Coin days earned   124 coin days
Coin days required   124 coin days
Days left of vesting period   days
Available to claim   100.00% / 1.37569 BTS

Technical Support / Re: Membership Fees
« on: May 24, 2017, 08:55:29 pm »
Still waiting on price to adjust.  I'm trying to set up lifetime membership and create a token.  Right now all fees are crazy high including just transfers.  Without the low fees what advantages does this exchange have over others...?

Technical Support / Re: Membership Fees
« on: May 21, 2017, 01:35:20 pm »
Personally, I would wait for the impact of Consensus and afterwards adjust the fees

Not sure I understand what this means ...  How regularly are fees adjusted ...  Doesn't seem great to have such inactive users in positions of responsibility ...

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxies
« on: May 21, 2017, 10:17:30 am »
Actually I found the witnesses being voted for.  Just confused at whether I have to vote for a proxy or if I can choose witnesses.  Also how do I see what witnesses are doing what ?  Similarly with committee members

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxies
« on: May 21, 2017, 10:09:49 am »
I'm also wondering not only who to vote for but how to vote.  It seems I can choose a proxy but can't choose individual witnesses to vote for?  Also, when I look at those proxy voters I can't seem to see who they're voting for.

Technical Support / Membership Fees
« on: May 19, 2017, 07:16:41 pm »
Just curious about how the fees for creating tokens and for upgrading membership are readjusted.  How many BTS should I be paying for lifetime membership now that the price is 7c?

We are taking the bids simply through comments on both this thread and on the post.  Once we launch the token the highest bidder will be announced and we will request their OpenLedger account name to send the DONUT in exchange for SBD or BitUSD.

In the same post we will announce the promotional price to buy the first 200 DONUTS which will be slightly higher than the price set by the highest bidder.

    Fundraising With DONUT's

    Check out the steemit post here:

    • This proposal is a draft for a token that has not yet been created.
    • There will be another post to confirm that this is going ahead as outlined in this post.
    • First we would like feedback from critical traders and potential investors.
    • Advice on Permissions and Flags or any other aspects to this revenue system is welcome.
    • We will be auctioning the very first token so bidding is welcome.

    What you are investing in

    By buying and holding DONUTS you will be investing in us as a Brand and Culture for the crypto space.  We are on an intergalactic mission to make being a crypto nerd cool ( er ).

    We aim to bring those who don't know anything about crypto into the know by bridging the gap between hard to understand blockchain lingo and easy to digest media.

    We have not only earned a small cult following but even began to rake in more revenue.

    Now that we have gained support from steemit curators we feel we are in a position to give something back!

    We are launching a token that will be a revenue system not just for V.O.T.U. but also for those invested in V.O.T.U.

    How this works

    We will be creating the DONUT token on the bitshares exchange and distributing it in 2 ways.

    We will set aside a portion of the tokens to be exchanged not just for other cryptocurrencies, but also for jobs.  Remember, DONUT's will taste much better if V.O.T.U. can reach a wider audience with what they've learned from the crypto community.  By setting aside a portion of the assets for promotional prices, we leave lots of room for our investors to profit from our token.
    HOW ?!
    We will pay a portion of what we earn from #votu payouts into buying back our donuts.

    V.O.T.U. posts will sign off with the % of rewards that will be spent on purchasing our tokens back at the market price.

    Once a month we will do a crowd fund selling no more than 1000 tokens.  With our #votu post rewards a percentage of $$ generated will be used to liquidate the market and buy back our tokens at market price.

    We will only put a certain amount of tokens out into circulation at any one time.

    By selling no more than 1000 tokens in any given month, and offering promotional prices ONLY for the first 200 each month, we widen the window of opportunity for our investors to sell at a profit.

    Disclaimer:  V.O.T.U. cannot be held responsible for the prices determined by the markets.

    We hope to bring value to the token by using the funds to create alluring content that will attract the masses to the world of cryptocurrency.

    The more successful V.O.T.U. is the more successful the V.O.T.U. token will be which is why we will be paying people with DONUT's to help promote V.O.T.U.  We will also be accepting the V.O.T.U. token in exchange for advertising space as well as other goods and services which will naturally become more expensive as V.O.T.U. rises and establishes itself as the bridge between nerds and the real world.

    Extras You Could Buy
    - Advertisement space
    - Commercials
    - Interviews
    - Merchandise
    - Music
    - Exclusive Content
    - Personalised Digital Media such as intros with music

    Ways to Earn
    - Resteems !! ( so easy )  The more followers the better
    - Sharing #votu content on external websites such as Facebook or Twitter.
    - Creating #votu appreciation content such as music reviews
    - Entering/winning @votu contests

    While these are ways you *could* earn DONUT's, it is at the discretion of V.O.T.U. what, who and how much is rewarded.
    • We distribute no more than 1000 tokens per month.
    • We offer the first 200 at promotional prices / for payment of promoting V.O.T.U.
    • We set a price for the other 800 when we announce the promotion
    • When we post, we sign what % of the post will go towards buying back our donuts
    Buying Donuts
    The yummy assets are not yet available to purchase.  This post is mainly to recieve feedback from potential investors or anybody with experience weighing up the profitablitity of these revenue models.  Before we announce the release and the promotions we will be starting with, we would like to offer the very first token to the highest bidder.  The promotional prices we set will be determined by the highest bidder ( Don't be too shy to bid low just to start us off ) and our fundraising price (price after the first 200) will be announced when we announce the promotion.


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