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Messages - Techs_Us_Inc

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: A suggestion
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:18:02 pm »
Thank you Methodise.
I know all of the DEVs are very busy.
I am just trying to know and understand the product as best as I can, be helpful, and involved.
Sorry if it offended anyone.

Technical Support / A suggestion
« on: May 06, 2016, 10:46:30 am »
My apologies if this is not the correct place for this thread.
I was noticing the new and welcomed updates (congrats to all BTW) and I noticed a few things, not sure who or where to inform someone.

With that said, could or should a helpdesk link (if there is one) and/or the link to this forum be added to the introduction of the help button on OL?

Again, in regards to the help button: The glossary button reverts to a back to index button. I was expecting to see a glossary of terms. I noticed elsewhere in the help section as well. Also under the help button, within backups, I think the word 'revise' under hierarchical authorities was meant to be 'review'?

I like the troll box. Instructions are unclear. It shows the # of users online, but they don't show. How would you know who to chat to? and if another user was known, are they one of the # of users online?
When the last post was made is unclear (if it was relevant to you). Perhaps a time stamp after statement in ( ) would help?
Anonymous is an option (which is nice). If there are two anonymous chatting, they can pick two different colors, but what if they chose the same color? how else can one tell the difference between the two? Perhaps adding a numerical value after the UN anonymous would help? (ie: anonymous13)
 /help is minimal, but helpful.
 Is there /tip info too?

Can accounts be more detailed? it lacks the details of parent.XXXX -child.XXXX-grandparent.XXXX and other pertinent information.

Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: [Invictus Proposal] Shark Tank Model
« on: April 26, 2016, 07:44:24 pm »
Thank you for responding.

General Discussion / Re: [Invictus Proposal] Shark Tank Model
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:33:14 pm »
Is there a listing of any winners? (I did not see one)
It was a good idea worth repeating....

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