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Messages - cinnabar

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BitShares PTS / Re: [Megabounty Thread] Help Us Write the Protoshares Copy
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:25:17 pm »
Interesting thread.
Being a "newbie" in these circles, I offer a layman's perspective. Reading through the posts, clearly a brainstorming session. There are many good copyright proposals and other points brought up here. Even the misses because they help clarify issues. Then there's the underlying theme/discussion concerning broader marketing/branding issues e.g. Invictus/Protoshares/Bitshares in communicating your mission to people like myself loud and clear. One never gets a second chance to make a first impression.

In relation to this point I agree with Que23, Bytemaster. Recommend branding as Bitshares ASAP with Protoshares as a preliminary opportunity to get involved. You have a great chance to tie it in with the Keyhotee roll out etc. Get us motivated to participate in growing the Bitshare project.

Your USP
Foremost, your unique selling point then seems to be DAC. Unfortunately, just an acronym bereft of clear meaning or more importantly, value. Spelled out it gets worse. Even includes "corporation". Yikes. A bit of a misnomer even if not by definition. You already have a concise "What is DAC" on the web, so for main page copyright I would simply link to info and limit its use to formal IDs e.g. "A decentralized person to person service platform based on Distributed Autonomous Corporation (DAC) technology". Even better, coin a new term for it. After all you are the leaders in the industry.

Benefits vs. Facts
Lighthouse put it nicely, "you should point out the actual advantages rather than just random bullet points". This being a tech thread the language used naturally reflects this with terms like "DAC", "ecosystem of services",  "organic sets of conventions", "the world's first digital cryptographic corporation" etc. Though all accurate, to the uninformed, context is simply lost in translation. My point is, they communicate facts, where as your target needs to hear benefits! For example, if someone wants to sell me some software to help my office run better. What's going to clinch the deal for me is not the technical stuff but the sweet benefit of saved time and resulting freedom to knock off early Fridays for a nice afternoon round of golf.

So what are the benefits of DAC for me as a consumer? What kinds of applications are possible? In what areas? Limits? What "eco system of services" Que23? With Keyhotee I now know of one, I can imagine several but I'm sure It's the kind of people resident here that have a much broader grasp of intended and potential applications and I hope you expand that discussion here just on this critical point alone. I think tying this down will help a lot in delivering the edge you are looking for.

4 Two Word Descriptions of Protoshares

- Crowd investing
- Professionally developed
- Prosperity Bitshares
- Ethical incentive

- More than a currency
- Bitcoin on steroids :-)
- Keyhotee - your digital life secured       (off topic but i like it-from Proto newsletter)
- Securing privacy
- Securing your digital life
- Your pass to a permanent seat at the world's first autonomous share trading platform

Describe DACs in 3 short, ~2 sentence descriptions.

- A Distributed Autonomous Corporation (DAC) is a decentralized, Open Source, peer-to-peer software platform that exists by voluntary user consensus alone. They can be created to perform a multitude of services, their stated mission executed without any outside interference whatsoever.

- A Distributed Autonomous Corporation (DAC) is a decentralized digital framework for corporations, immune to internal failure or external corruption. A platform empowering anyone with online access, to a secure and stable digital life regardless of race, age, nationality or location.

- A Distributed Autonomous Corporation (DAC) is an Open Source software solution that provides a platform for secure public and private services available to anyone with online access. Operated and financed by users provides a guarantee that the incentives of the investors and the incentives of the DAC remain aligned 100%.

Describe "Why Protoshares?" in 3 short, ~2 sentence descriptions.

- Bitshares is nearly poised to roll out and make its mark on history by becoming the world’s first truly autonomous online trading platform. Early investors into precursory Protoshares, will be rewarded with equal value in Bitshares once launched and an equivalent equity share in each new Invictus Innovations product release.

- Protoshares represent a unique opportunity for investors to play an active role in shaping the way business and much more will be done in the unfolding decentralized world economy and profit as well. The dawn of new solutions, ready finance for real projects, by real people as real stakeholders.

All I mostly did here is pick up on and rework/copyright some of the great stuff already here. I really like what you are doing and cant wait for the ride. Sad to have discovered here I'm too late for any mining. Maybe something for a little work then. Hang tough and merry Christmas. Although with keyhotee coming hope you get to enjoy them...


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