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Topics - Balfourthejedi

Pages: [1]
MemoryCoin / Memory Coin on older systems
« on: February 05, 2014, 11:09:34 pm »
Hi, Im new to mining and went to MMC due to being able to mine without having access to a mega tower, and just using my acer with an i5. I Found 4 old computers in my basement and set them all up. they have cpus ranging from pentium 4's to quad cores,  and run windows xp. I was wondering if its even possible to run the defalut MMC pool miner (The one that comes with the wallet) on systems like this (attempting to create a "mining farm"). i just tried running it on the pentium 4 and got a yam-64bit-generic.exe is not a vaild win32 file error.

Is there a miner that would work for me on these older computers? This miner has been the only one ive had success with on my regular computer, i cant get the minerd program to work for the life of me.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance

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