Author Topic: UIA fees  (Read 19212 times)

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Offline kuro112

first you argue that they have the same TX fee as bts, if this were the case (your incorrect) it would be impossible to detract from BTS as the fees pay workers and other features of the core product.
well first off you are the idiot claiming UIA have lower fees.

Second off I am correct they have same or higher fees.

And how from what fees they have can one come to the conclusion wheather they can or cannot detract from each other's value is beyond my capacity to comprehend idiotic reasoning.

first of all, ive already proven you can pay for a UIA transaction with UIA, so say you have 100 kuro points, you transfer 10 kuro points, costing you a transaction of 5 kuro points, and assume 5 kuro points equal the value of 40 bts (tx fee)

explain how you paid 40 bts and not 5 kuro points just now? you didnt? thats what i thought.

secondly, transaction fees within the BTS system will always increase the core assets value its literally impossible to detract from their value as BTS is required for any form of transaction, even if i was going to sell 100 kuro points for 5 million bts, im still making that move within the bts ecosystem and because i cant move 100 kuro points for btc directly, without liquidating bts, its literally impossible not to increase the core price at some point in that process, this is really basic economics behind the UIA idea, how are you failing to grasp this? your throwing around words like idiotic and idiot, i dont remember calling you dumb a single time but your starting to give me that impression...

your exactly the kind of ignorant, scared trader that makes coins like bts go nowhere... open your mind for 5 mins and youll see you haven't made a single rational argument, all your doing is FUDING and crusading against some ones UIA because you dont like them, your struggling very hard to justify that vendetta, this much is obvious.

please raise a rational point regarding your hatred for the UIA or stop FUDing, remove your signature and come talk to us in mumble pal, despite your ignorance and insult slinging i still want you on my side, i think you can do good things with us if you get over this bullshit your dealing with right now.
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline tonyk

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I am not claiming brownies will not be a great success, at the end of the day.

All I am saying is that any thing they achieve is at the  expense of BTS.

what are you doing to make Bitshares a success? except for pushing your personal vendetta against a user issued asset?

For starter I am not promoting NXT any chance I get appropriately or not.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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first you argue that they have the same TX fee as bts, if this were the case (your incorrect) it would be impossible to detract from BTS as the fees pay workers and other features of the core product.
well first off you are the idiot claiming UIA have lower fees.

Second off I am correct they have same or higher fees.

And how from what fees they have can one come to the conclusion wheather they can or cannot detract from each other's value is beyond my capacity to comprehend idiotic reasoning.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline kuro112

I am not claiming brownies will not be a great success, at the end of the day.

All I am saying is that any thing they achieve is at the  expense of BTS.

how is that even possible?
first you argue that they have the same TX fee as bts, if this were the case (your incorrect) it would be impossible to detract from BTS as the fees pay workers and other features of the core product.

next you argue that it has to do with brown nosing and printing money, when i offer alternate explanations on why this isnt the case, you refuse to listen.

third i offer, over and over again, to have a personal conversation to clear up anything you may not understand, you just keep ignoring me and posting ignorantly.

are you reading anything im writing? is English not your first language? i can translate to whatever your native toung is pal, it seems like my words are not going through...

lets break this down to essentials:

1) using uias actually increases the value of the core asset, bts, which its self is a UIA in bts 2.0

2) you think i some how can print these, or even that fuzzy can - which he cant, there is a limited supply and even if they somehow rewarded brown nosing, which i have also proven to be incorrect, the supply would run out very fast considering how much people kiss ass here....

3) you refuse to participate in any sort of active discussion, we suspect out of fear that you do not have time to form ignorant arguments when the points you raise are invalid.

how is anything your saying or doing not FUD ? your clearly just trying to detract from other peoples ventures, for what reason? only you can know, but seriously stop FUDing out of ignorance, either sit down with us and discuss things with an open mind or stop posting places you have nothing useful to contribute and stop running a FUD signature...

anyone can see what your up to. you dont like fuzzzy so youll attack his ideas as much as possible, well guess what, im not fuzzy, and i have far more rational points to make about this than he does, furthermore im willing to tell you exactly whats up... either be open minded like you claim or stop FUDing, not too much to ask.

what are you doing to make Bitshares a success? except for pushing your personal vendetta against a user issued asset?

amen brother.
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline tonyk

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I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

your right he can, but please look at what hes been doing with it? point out one single blockchain transaction where hes been less than fair with his distrobution?

this is what im trying to explain man, if you give us a chance to break down the intended use for our automation systems, how we plan to bring liquidity into this market, and how we plan to use brownies and other UIA to increase the core value of bts, you will see that were not scammers, were not trying to print currency, and were not shouting 'to the moon!'

we have a specific strategy that involves the use of UIA both to sharedrop and increase the intrinsic value of products, as well as a form of micro liquidation for users on the forums...

please just have a mumble or skype chat dude, it will open your eyes! even if you walk away still hating browines at least you can say you were open minded enough to hear us out.

I am open minded but still ...why do you have to use fuzz's  speaking patterns when typing?

bro i think you have spent too much time typing back and forth to fuzzy lol! if you would chat with us youll see im clearly a different person... if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... this is what im trying to help with! i totally agree with your side of it, we should stop trying to use UIA's as tokens to print money and instead use them for specific purposes, in my case - its useful from a reward automation perspective.

im glad your keeping an open mind, seriously! please let me know when a good time is that we can sit down and chat about stuff, i was serious when i said i want you to understand what were doing and be an ally not an enemy! i think our goals are probably the same in the end, we just have different appraoches... this is actually a good thing in a free market man!

hit me up when / if you wanna schedule a sitdown :D

"if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... "

 I would not be so harsh on the printing press... I mean the printing press always has a vision...even when it does not! :)

obviously you and fuzz go way back dude, im not here to get in the middle of that, whatever bad blood is betwene you guys is betwene you guys -
im here to push technology that improves bitshares, and drives up the core asset's price...

but i need to be super clear about something, in BTS 2, BTS its self is just another asset, it exists completely the same, code wise, as every other UIA.

think about the implications of this for a moment man, before you call some one a brown noser for passing around bts!

anyway you keep taking jabs at myself and fuzz and keep doding rational responses to the points im raising, nowhere have i seen a valid argument on your part about why you hate the brownie system, other than the fact that it stands for brown nosing... lets look into that shall we?

surprisingly, your actually kind of right, one of 6 definitions do bring brown nosing into question - so i suppose i cant completely say your wrong about that, however the vast majority of sources agree that brownie points, the concept their of, has to do with rewarding people for their hard work.

look man, we could argue on the forums all day, but in the end i keep inviting you to a voice chat and instead of coming you keep this attitude up, you say your open minded but i dont see you proving it anywhere? seriously pal just come into mumble or skype with us, let us explain things!

if you did not get it by now I am quite clear on "things" and do not really needed teaching.

Mumble is fine if you insist...alphabar had one with me...then shortly after he went into oblivion. :) If I were you I would keep on spamming this forum as hard as you do now...and not face the hard reality... aka me.

Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

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I am not claiming brownies will not be a great success, at the end of the day.

All I am saying is that any thing they achieve is at the  expense of BTS.

what are you doing to make Bitshares a success? except for pushing your personal vendetta against a user issued asset?

Offline tonyk

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I am not claiming brownies will not be a great success, at the end of the day.

All I am saying is that any thing they achieve is at the  expense of BTS.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline kuro112

I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

your right he can, but please look at what hes been doing with it? point out one single blockchain transaction where hes been less than fair with his distrobution?

this is what im trying to explain man, if you give us a chance to break down the intended use for our automation systems, how we plan to bring liquidity into this market, and how we plan to use brownies and other UIA to increase the core value of bts, you will see that were not scammers, were not trying to print currency, and were not shouting 'to the moon!'

we have a specific strategy that involves the use of UIA both to sharedrop and increase the intrinsic value of products, as well as a form of micro liquidation for users on the forums...

please just have a mumble or skype chat dude, it will open your eyes! even if you walk away still hating browines at least you can say you were open minded enough to hear us out.

I am open minded but still ...why do you have to use fuzz's  speaking patterns when typing?

bro i think you have spent too much time typing back and forth to fuzzy lol! if you would chat with us youll see im clearly a different person... if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... this is what im trying to help with! i totally agree with your side of it, we should stop trying to use UIA's as tokens to print money and instead use them for specific purposes, in my case - its useful from a reward automation perspective.

im glad your keeping an open mind, seriously! please let me know when a good time is that we can sit down and chat about stuff, i was serious when i said i want you to understand what were doing and be an ally not an enemy! i think our goals are probably the same in the end, we just have different appraoches... this is actually a good thing in a free market man!

hit me up when / if you wanna schedule a sitdown :D

"if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... "

 I would not be so harsh on the printing press... I mean the printing press always has a vision...even when it does not! :)

obviously you and fuzz go way back dude, im not here to get in the middle of that, whatever bad blood is betwene you guys is betwene you guys -
im here to push technology that improves bitshares, and drives up the core asset's price...

but i need to be super clear about something, in BTS 2, BTS its self is just another asset, it exists completely the same, code wise, as every other UIA.

think about the implications of this for a moment man, before you call some one a brown noser for passing around bts!

anyway you keep taking jabs at myself and fuzz and keep doding rational responses to the points im raising, nowhere have i seen a valid argument on your part about why you hate the brownie system, other than the fact that it stands for brown nosing... lets look into that shall we?

surprisingly, your actually kind of right, one of 6 definitions do bring brown nosing into question - so i suppose i cant completely say your wrong about that, however the vast majority of sources agree that brownie points, the concept their of, has to do with rewarding people for their hard work.

look man, we could argue on the forums all day, but in the end i keep inviting you to a voice chat and instead of coming you keep this attitude up, you say your open minded but i dont see you proving it anywhere? seriously pal just come into mumble or skype with us, let us explain things!
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline tonyk

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And by the way I do not know if you have read my signature!
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

your right he can, but please look at what hes been doing with it? point out one single blockchain transaction where hes been less than fair with his distrobution?

this is what im trying to explain man, if you give us a chance to break down the intended use for our automation systems, how we plan to bring liquidity into this market, and how we plan to use brownies and other UIA to increase the core value of bts, you will see that were not scammers, were not trying to print currency, and were not shouting 'to the moon!'

we have a specific strategy that involves the use of UIA both to sharedrop and increase the intrinsic value of products, as well as a form of micro liquidation for users on the forums...

please just have a mumble or skype chat dude, it will open your eyes! even if you walk away still hating browines at least you can say you were open minded enough to hear us out.

I am open minded but still ...why do you have to use fuzz's  speaking patterns when typing?

bro i think you have spent too much time typing back and forth to fuzzy lol! if you would chat with us youll see im clearly a different person... if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... this is what im trying to help with! i totally agree with your side of it, we should stop trying to use UIA's as tokens to print money and instead use them for specific purposes, in my case - its useful from a reward automation perspective.

im glad your keeping an open mind, seriously! please let me know when a good time is that we can sit down and chat about stuff, i was serious when i said i want you to understand what were doing and be an ally not an enemy! i think our goals are probably the same in the end, we just have different appraoches... this is actually a good thing in a free market man!

hit me up when / if you wanna schedule a sitdown :D

"if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... "

 I would not be so harsh on the printing press... I mean the printing press always has a vision...even when it does not! :)
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline kuro112

I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

your right he can, but please look at what hes been doing with it? point out one single blockchain transaction where hes been less than fair with his distrobution?

this is what im trying to explain man, if you give us a chance to break down the intended use for our automation systems, how we plan to bring liquidity into this market, and how we plan to use brownies and other UIA to increase the core value of bts, you will see that were not scammers, were not trying to print currency, and were not shouting 'to the moon!'

we have a specific strategy that involves the use of UIA both to sharedrop and increase the intrinsic value of products, as well as a form of micro liquidation for users on the forums...

please just have a mumble or skype chat dude, it will open your eyes! even if you walk away still hating browines at least you can say you were open minded enough to hear us out.

I am open minded but still ...why do you have to use fuzz's  speaking patterns when typing?

bro i think you have spent too much time typing back and forth to fuzzy lol! if you would chat with us youll see im clearly a different person... if im similar to him its because we align in alot of ways, ideologically and otherwise, but that does not make us the same person! fuzzy is a great guy but he also lacks a distinct eye for business, his plans for brownies are awesome but also lacking a way to bring real value back to the core product... this is what im trying to help with! i totally agree with your side of it, we should stop trying to use UIA's as tokens to print money and instead use them for specific purposes, in my case - its useful from a reward automation perspective.

btw those phrases you quoted, they are the language of diplomacy, if you actually did an inline google search for them you would find them pretty much anywhere money is involved.

im glad your keeping an open mind, seriously! please let me know when a good time is that we can sit down and chat about stuff, i was serious when i said i want you to understand what were doing and be an ally not an enemy! i think our goals are probably the same in the end, we just have different appraoches... this is actually a good thing in a free market man!

hit me up when / if you wanna schedule a sitdown :D
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 09:06:32 am by kuro112 »
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline tonyk

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I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

your right he can, but please look at what hes been doing with it? point out one single blockchain transaction where hes been less than fair with his distrobution?

this is what im trying to explain man, if you give us a chance to break down the intended use for our automation systems, how we plan to bring liquidity into this market, and how we plan to use brownies and other UIA to increase the core value of bts, you will see that were not scammers, were not trying to print currency, and were not shouting 'to the moon!'

we have a specific strategy that involves the use of UIA both to sharedrop and increase the intrinsic value of products, as well as a form of micro liquidation for users on the forums...

please just have a mumble or skype chat dude, it will open your eyes! even if you walk away still hating browines at least you can say you were open minded enough to hear us out.

I am open minded but still ...why do you have to use fuzz's  speaking patterns when typing?

Do not ask me which//What.
everyone who has heard 5 mumbles knows them:

if you give us a chance
this is what im trying to explain man
do not yet understand the implications
you just do not have all the information
[we are]working behind the scene....
great things coming
just out of curiosity

I have 20-50 more...all of which are all over your posts & PMs.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 08:58:56 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline kuro112

I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

your right he can, but please look at what hes been doing with it? point out one single blockchain transaction where hes been less than fair with his distrobution?

this is what im trying to explain man, if you give us a chance to break down the intended use for our automation systems, how we plan to bring liquidity into this market, and how we plan to use brownies and other UIA to increase the core value of bts, you will see that were not scammers, were not trying to print currency, and were not shouting 'to the moon!'

we have a specific strategy that involves the use of UIA both to sharedrop and increase the intrinsic value of products, as well as a form of micro liquidation for users on the forums...

please just have a mumble or skype chat dude, it will open your eyes! even if you walk away still hating browines at least you can say you were open minded enough to hear us out.
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline tonyk

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I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!

well fuzz is not BM, but he can pretty much print brownies, much like he was BM.

What is more disturbing in more ways than you probably  realize is- every ass licker can make infinite supply of brownies by licking harder!!!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 08:42:58 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline kuro112

I know you have a goal, OK.

I am just not sure it goes anywhere beyond  making money for yourself by printing UIA with unlimited supply.

which is exactly what im asking you to give us a chance to prove to you... i didnt print brownies? my name isnt bytemaster? what possible stake do i have in this if i dont even own more than 500 brownies? cmon man see that im trying to be a partial third party who sees both sides, i get what your saying, you arent incorrect per se, you just do not have all the information and do not yet understand the implications! please just have a chat with us on mumble or something bro!
CTO @ Freebie, LLC