Author Topic: [GUIDE] Headless ATI/AMD Memorycoin GPU Mining Tutorial  (Read 7436 times)

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Offline Delinquency

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any body have the codes for mmc. i need some help. for GPU mining i have windows 8, 3gig i5, 16gig memory , and a nedivia gt 640 card. i cant even get wallet address on . ty  ps where can i check my chip temp plz new computer.  and my  bat files are like this
(this is miner)

minerd-mmc.exe MQsVnp7AUubUxxMAkKtFF4CVcksAexVuJq

(this is minerd help)


I think you have the wrong topic, please post in the support/help section.
This guide pertains to the Linux OS.

Offline Delinquency

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Awesome! I use cgminer to mine BTC and buy MMC to keep upward price pressure.  Tried other gpu / yam for Ubuntu, but no luck so far.  Will try yours.

I will add a head-ful / head-more / mined-full install script for cgminer...whatever the opposite of headless is...for cgminer.  I like to have a local desktop, because I'm usually swapping cards about once a week or so.

This is what I use for Ubuntu 13.10, with a small HDD to allow for desktop troubleshooting, wallets, etc during initial burn-in of the card.  Cut-and-paste from last week's new install - so recent - but untested by anyone else.

Each should be written as a full script.  In ubuntu, create new folder, cut-and-paste, save, right-click, properties, permissions tab -> allow to execute as program (or chmod +x).  Also, open file manager, under properties, behavior tab -> programs execute in terminal / ask each time.

Code: [Select]
#Based on's guide, with updates

#cgminer / AMD install starting from Ubuntu 13.10 new install

#install AMD video drivers
sudo apt-get -y install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates
fglrx-updates-dev && sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade

#dependencies, etc to build/run cgminer and ssh
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libcurl4-gnutls-dev yasm
libncurses5-dev git autoconf automake openssh-server byobu curl

#Update gpu config (reboot required) - necessary each time GPUs change
sudo aticonfig --lsa
sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial
#sudo reboot

#GPU status after initial config
#sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --odgt

#Install and build cgminer 3.7.2 for Scrypt
# See
#1. manually download AMD SDK (e.g., to ~/Desktop/AMDSDK), view Readme, and run install script
#2. manually download AMD SDL (e.g., to Desktop/AMDSDL). Copy /include/*.h to cgminer/ADL_SDK/
#Get CGMINER 3.7.2 and build
tar jxvf cgminer-3.7.2-x86_64-built.tar.bz2
rm *.bz2
mv cgminer-3.7.2 ~/Desktop/cgminer
 cd cgminer
CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native -I/opt/AMDAPP/include"
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib" ./configure --enable-scrypt

This is my script to launch cgminer for middlecoin - replace with your settings:
Code: [Select]
export DISPLAY=:0
cd ~/Desktop/cgminer
./cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u
12s3ZEkjBbLRpMayaCXtjAaKDE5D84gFT5 -p x -I 15,17 --auto-fan
--temp-target 84 --gpu-engine 800 --gpu-memclock 300

That guide is sort of unrelated to memorycoin, but just make a new topic :\

Offline MaxPWR

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Awesome! I use cgminer to mine BTC and buy MMC to keep upward price pressure.  Tried other gpu / yam for Ubuntu, but no luck so far.  Will try yours.

I will add a head-ful / head-more / mined-full install script for cgminer...whatever the opposite of headless is...for cgminer.  I like to have a local desktop, because I'm usually swapping cards about once a week or so.

This is what I use for Ubuntu 13.10, with a small HDD to allow for desktop troubleshooting, wallets, etc during initial burn-in of the card.  Cut-and-paste from last week's new install - so recent - but untested by anyone else.

[Edit: Script moved to:]
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 11:24:35 pm by MaxPWR »
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline Delinquency

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I'm sending 1 mmc for your detailed guide. But the poor wallet is broken without reason. I'll do't later.

Offline hdzw

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I'm sending 1 mmc for your detailed guide. But the poor wallet is broken without reason. I'll do't later.

Offline Delinquency

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Want to run the MMC Miner on your debian server without a hassle? Well now you can with this tutorial!

Note: I tried Lubuntu and Xubuntu and even Ubuntu to run the GPU MMC Miner, but this setup is more efficient and  headless.

1. Download the latest Debian Net installer and put it on a USB drive/disk [Note: a USB Drive is faster and environmentally friendly]
Pen Drive Linux (Universal USB Installer)
Code: [Select] Debian 7.4.0 64-bit Net Installer  [Mirror:]
Code: [Select] Debian 7.4.0 32-bit Net Installer [Mirror:]
Code: [Select]

2. Install.
 Only select the packages for boxes SSH Server and Standard System Utilities. Uncheck the desktop environment and others.
   Tip: Use the mirror when selecting the package server.

3. Login to your server through SSH or use the console.

4. Add 'non-free' AND 'contrib' to the end of each deb line in /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update; apt-get install nano -y;
nano /etc/apt/sources.list;

It should look something like this:
Code: [Select]
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main

deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main

# wheezy-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy-updates main

5. Now install the required packages. [Not sure if you need libncurses5-dev and libudev-dev]
Code: [Select]
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
apt-get install bzip2 fglrx-driver libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev ntp screen unzip xdm xorg
apt-get purge libfglrx
apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
apt-get clean

6. Download the latest AMD Catalyst Drivers from the AMD website.
This step may be annoying because AMD's website requires a web referer to download any file on their server through wget. An alternative would be to upload it to a web server or even just upload it to your server through SFTP.


7. Unzip and run the file.
unzip && sh --force
Accept all the dialogues.

8. Fix up the X-Server settings:
Code: [Select]
rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && aticonfig --adapter=all --initial
9. Add this your /etc/profile file:
nano /etc/profile
Code: [Select]
export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/.Xauthority

10. Restart. 'reboot'

11. You'll get a lousy glibc error when you try to start the gpu miner. (from mmcpool's GPU Miner)
There is an easy fix - ADD THIS to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb testing main

  Now install the necessary packages:
Code: [Select]
apt-get update && apt-get -t testing install libc6-dev
Accept all the dialogues in order to install this package.

12. Download the latest MMC-Minerd Package and unzip it using TAR
Note: The download link may change if there is an update. I am also referring to mmcpool's GPU miner because it is more stable than 1gh's and promotes pool decentralization.
cd ~;wget; tar -xvf *.tgz;chmod +x;chmod +x minerd-mmc

13. Run it with your wallet address.

./minerd-mmc WALLETID 0

14. Post Install:

'apt-get install screen'
If you install screen you can use the command:
Code: [Select]
screen -mDs mmc-miner ~/minerd-mmc WALLETID &
and even add it to the bottom of
'crontab -e'
[Untested. You may need to fine tune a delay after your system starts up, or even use some other method of running the miner upon startup.]
Code: [Select]
@reboot screen -mDs mmc-miner ~/minerd-mmc WALLETID &

Warning: Please remove the line with testing in /etc/apt/sources.list after installing the necessary libc library or your system may break.
#COMMENT IT OUT deb testing main

The MMC GPU Miner is easier to install and run compared to compiling Scrypt's cgminer.

Tips @ MVHuEf3C7EoANzq7BMg7MLgiFY57S4kh5v :)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 03:03:21 am by Delinquency »