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Main => Technical Support => Topic started by: karnal on March 13, 2016, 01:22:12 pm

Title: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: karnal on March 13, 2016, 01:22:12 pm
So, after having customized the favorite markets over time, a usage pattern has evolved where I use the bitshares wallet as a central point to gauge prices of:

 - Gold & Silver
 - Cryptocurrencies

I would like to suggest the following improvements to this display in the wallet; From (in my opinion) most important to least important:

- New column, "spread": a %pct of how far away the closest sell order is from the settlement price
- New column, "24h change": This can be seen when entering a certain market; it would be quite helpful to have it on the overview display.
- New column, "24h volume": Same reasons as above, perhaps display it in the unit of account the user has chosen

- Ability to categorize assets into categories such as Cryptocurrency, Fiat Currency, Commodities, etc, so that they can then be conveniently grouped.
- Ability to freely rearrange the list of markets in this overview page.

- Little flags for (crypto)currencies and a silver/gold bar for metals would be a simple and nice visual addition :)

What do y'all think?
Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: karnal on March 13, 2016, 01:26:57 pm
Visual indicators on the spread column would also be interesting, for instance something like:

Bold green for a negative spread (all sell orders below settlement price)
Green for small/acceptable spread amounts
Yellow for somewhat acceptable amounts
Red for unacceptably high spreads.

Which %pcts to assign to these levels, I don't know. Just noting that it would be nice to have it color-coded so that quickly an overview can be had just from eyescanning the page.
Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: karnal on March 13, 2016, 01:33:56 pm
Finally, the PRICE column is, I believe, somewhat misleading: It's not the settlement price (what I would assume it to be), but the last trade on the market. At least in my opinion that's very misleading.
Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: karnal on March 15, 2016, 07:23:39 pm
Any thoughts?
Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: roadscape on March 16, 2016, 05:19:31 pm
These are excellent ideas.. in fact I had bookmarked this thread with the intention of using them on Cryptofresh in the near future. I will have questions/feedback after I dig in.
Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: KenMonkey on April 06, 2016, 11:32:12 am
Great ideas. It would be great to be able to export spread data over time and make decisions about when to buy based on the recent rise and falls and the current spread and the historical equilization of price and settlement price.

That said I think "price" is fine as is since it indicates the price on THIS exchange and not any other, because it is a pegged assed this exchange matters too!

Finally, the PRICE column is, I believe, somewhat misleading: It's not the settlement price (what I would assume it to be), but the last trade on the market. At least in my opinion that's very misleading.

as long as "settlement price" is also displayed.

because there are so many columns in questions it would be good to be able to have collapsible, user-selected, columns. With good default options.

Maybe even "historical average spread" and "the difference between the historical average spread and the current spread" or more simply "spread advantage"... something like that... to encourage buying when needed... but I'm sure people will have that programmed into APIs by now. :-]
Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: btswolf on April 06, 2016, 11:36:29 am
Inspired by the NASDAQ listing standards I think it would be great to have the default set of assets listed on "my market" based on a set of certain conditions.

For example an asset needs a certain volume/value over period of time for at least X consecutive business days and in case of smartcoins a minimum number of price-feed providers etc.

The basic set of rules should be defined by the committee to provide a basic rating for assets.
However GUI providers should still be able to override or define their own rating rules.

A blockchain based rating for assets would help all users to quickly identify which assets meet the BitShares standard criteria.

see: (

Title: Re: "MY MARKETS" page: suggestions for improvement
Post by: karnal on April 06, 2016, 11:48:55 am
@btswolf: I think that's an awesome idea.