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Topics - thangpv1

Pages: [1]
Openledger / Transaction does not pay enough
« on: August 23, 2017, 04:57:07 am »
Hi OpenLedger,

I traded some more CVCoin with open.BTC on OpenLedger DEX, and realized that all transactions were not paid in full, I have made 2 transactions this morning, 1 time to buy 796.9099 CVCoin at 0.00019 open.BTC price, but I only received 780.9718 CVCoin with the above price and spent 0.15141289 open.BTC, I see as lost over 16 CVCoin (trading at block # 19394084 and once again buying 576.4436 CVCOIN is also at 0.00019 open.BTC, but only received 564.9148 CVCoin, I lost 12 CVCoin (transaction at BLOCK # 19397002), so in 1 session Morning with only 2 transactions I lost 28 CVCoin.. I do not know what the terms of their own except CVCoin that I ordered.

My account is thang0412334

Please explain this issue

Openledger / Transaction does not pay enough
« on: August 23, 2017, 04:55:13 am »
Hi OpenLedger,

I traded some more CVCoin with open.BTC on OpenLedger DEX, and realized that all transactions were not paid in full, I have made 2 transactions this morning, 1 time to buy 796.9099 CVCoin at 0.00019 open.BTC price, but I only received 780.9718 CVCoin with the above price and spent 0.15141289 open.BTC, I see as lost over 16 CVCoin (trading at block # 19394084 and once again buying 576.4436 CVCOIN is also at 0.00019 open.BTC, but only received 564.9148 CVCoin, I lost 12 CVCoin (transaction at BLOCK # 19397002), so in 1 session Morning with only 2 transactions I lost 28 CVCoin.. I do not know what the terms of their own except CVCoin that I ordered.

Please explain this issue

Technical Support / Not enough balance BTS
« on: July 21, 2017, 04:50:17 am »
I have 0.003 Open.BTC but I can not buy BTS because my BTS balance is 0, OpenLedger should set quota min and alert when balace BTS nearly zero. Or can we charge the fee in other currencies like Open BTC ?

My account OpenLedger : thang0412334

I hope someone sends me 0.1 BTS for me to make a transaction. Thank you very much

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