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Wallet is out of sync

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--- Quote from: bitmarket on December 07, 2013, 03:57:26 am ---I cant connect either.   Very frustrating.

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edit /users/xxx/appdata/roaming/protoshares/protoshares.conf

or /home/xxx/.protoshares/protoshares.conf

and put


at the bottom

It usually takes some time. Be patient.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I cant connect either.   Very frustrating.

We downloaded the new wallet and are testing it out.


--- Quote from: Knox500 on December 05, 2013, 08:10:00 pm ---
--- Quote from: favdesu on December 01, 2013, 09:25:35 am ---
--- Quote from: forestearth on December 01, 2013, 09:01:05 am ---Hello, I am sorry, but this is unacceptable since your organization positions itself as --you should use us because we are more fair than the other guys-- I am writing a news report on fraudulent crypto-currencies, however, I will give you guys 1 chance to fix this ongoing problem immediately otherwise people need to know about this alt-coin. I am also aware of other incidents like starting mining ahead of everyone else when they were told that would not be the case. Waiting for correct instructions to be able to mine by Monday morning.

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how about you actually read this thread?

also, what news site are you writing for?

expecting an answer with proof by monday morning :D

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My client says no block source available?  Whats going on?  How do I fix it?  Thanks in advance...

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how about you actually read this thread?


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