Author Topic: Should we allocate more shares for the AGSer in the coming DACs  (Read 8582 times)

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Offline amencon

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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but is there any visibility for investors as far as how much of the donated funds have been spent and what they've been spent on?

Would be nice to see how costly development to present has been and how fast funds are used over time.
"view google doc"
Very cool, seen that site but didn't notice the google doc links before.  Definitely like to see this kind of transparency.

I'm assuming someone was hired to manage and track these funds and it's not Dan (or just whoever feels like it) that is maintaining this?  If so my only recommendation would be to have them add a running balance and debit or credit type column.  I realize you can get this information with what's posted but the extra columns would make tracking the history of transactions in and out much easier for the casual viewer wishing to quick audit donation funds.

Thanks for posting these, this kind of disclosure really helps current and future investors trust their investments are in good hands.

Pam and Angelina are in the process of adding these features at the Department sub-spreadsheet level.  They are upgrading the Marketing Department sub-spreadsheet first:
This looks great.

Thank you.

Offline Stan

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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but is there any visibility for investors as far as how much of the donated funds have been spent and what they've been spent on?

Would be nice to see how costly development to present has been and how fast funds are used over time.
"view google doc"
Very cool, seen that site but didn't notice the google doc links before.  Definitely like to see this kind of transparency.

I'm assuming someone was hired to manage and track these funds and it's not Dan (or just whoever feels like it) that is maintaining this?  If so my only recommendation would be to have them add a running balance and debit or credit type column.  I realize you can get this information with what's posted but the extra columns would make tracking the history of transactions in and out much easier for the casual viewer wishing to quick audit donation funds.

Thanks for posting these, this kind of disclosure really helps current and future investors trust their investments are in good hands.

Pam and Angelina are in the process of adding these features at the Department sub-spreadsheet level.  They are upgrading the Marketing Department sub-spreadsheet first:
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Offline amencon

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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but is there any visibility for investors as far as how much of the donated funds have been spent and what they've been spent on?

Would be nice to see how costly development to present has been and how fast funds are used over time.
"view google doc"
Very cool, seen that site but didn't notice the google doc links before.  Definitely like to see this kind of transparency.

I'm assuming someone was hired to manage and track these funds and it's not Dan (or just whoever feels like it) that is maintaining this?  If so my only recommendation would be to have them add a running balance and debit or credit type column.  I realize you can get this information with what's posted but the extra columns would make tracking the history of transactions in and out much easier for the casual viewer wishing to quick audit donation funds.

Thanks for posting these, this kind of disclosure really helps current and future investors trust their investments are in good hands.

Offline toast

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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but is there any visibility for investors as far as how much of the donated funds have been spent and what they've been spent on?

Would be nice to see how costly development to present has been and how fast funds are used over time.
"view google doc"
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Offline amencon

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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but is there any visibility for investors as far as how much of the donated funds have been spent and what they've been spent on?

Would be nice to see how costly development to present has been and how fast funds are used over time.

Offline alt

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don't forget why we need AGS at the beginner.
It's for the develop fund.
But now, money is enough.
what's the benifit of donation now?
If we suspend donation now, and restart it after we complete some product, we can get much more donation.

can not agree more!!! if you guys think allocate more shares for AGSer will make the PTSer angry, suspend the donation is great idea,this will make every body happy.

it is fine to let the developer make the final decision for the third party DACs, but for the DAC which will be developed by 3I, most of the resource come from the AGSer. isn't it reasonable to allocate more shares for AGSer?

The AGSer, instead of mining or buying PTS from exchange, buys AGS from I3. In anycase, once the donation period is over, AGS is most likely going to be made liquid, so you are probably getting a better deal buying those AGS anyway. Changing allocation from 50/50 is going to make a lot of supporters angry.

Regarding AGS, I wonder if it makes better sense to stop the donation, and then keep the remaining AGS to be sold at a latter time when money is needed. If there are a few successful DACs by then, each AGS would be worth a lot more than the current prices and will raise more money.

Yes, I agree with it.

It may be  a  good idea about stopping the donation earlier than plan and make AGS liquid later.

This solution could make every body happy.

Offline crazybit

can not agree more!!! if you guys think allocate more shares for AGSer will make the PTSer angry, suspend the donation is great idea,this will make every body happy.

it is fine to let the developer make the final decision for the third party DACs, but for the DAC which will be developed by 3I, most of the resource come from the AGSer. isn't it reasonable to allocate more shares for AGSer?

The AGSer, instead of mining or buying PTS from exchange, buys AGS from I3. In anycase, once the donation period is over, AGS is most likely going to be made liquid, so you are probably getting a better deal buying those AGS anyway. Changing allocation from 50/50 is going to make a lot of supporters angry.

Regarding AGS, I wonder if it makes better sense to stop the donation, and then keep the remaining AGS to be sold at a latter time when money is needed. If there are a few successful DACs by then, each AGS would be worth a lot more than the current prices and will raise more money.

Yes, I agree with it.

It may be  a  good idea about stopping the donation earlier than plan and make AGS liquid later.

This solution could make every body happy.

Offline NewMine

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Should we allocate more shares for the AGSer in the coming DACs, let us say not 50/50 for AGS/PTS, but 60/40, 70/30...., coz i think the AGSer shows more support and confidence for the project ,without the AGSer, the crowdfunding would not such successful as we are seeing now, the AGSer contributes more for 3I, even for the DAC industry. there is a Chinese proverb:get more pay for more work done.

Guess who has more AGS than PTS?

:) But general arguments (benefits for the overall ecosystems) are valid no matter who makes them.

Your argument disenfranchises part of the ecosystem. Which is not a benefit.

PTS and BTC define the monetary worth I3 has to spend on development.

Making PTS's intrinsic value worth less just decreases I3's holdings value since their coffer is filled with PTS.

Offline JakeThePanda

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AGSers are getting compensated by getting more bang for the buck.  Right?  The social contract shouldn't change.  Just my 2 bitshares (which could end up being worth a lot ;D).

Offline santaclause102

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Should we allocate more shares for the AGSer in the coming DACs, let us say not 50/50 for AGS/PTS, but 60/40, 70/30...., coz i think the AGSer shows more support and confidence for the project ,without the AGSer, the crowdfunding would not such successful as we are seeing now, the AGSer contributes more for 3I, even for the DAC industry. there is a Chinese proverb:get more pay for more work done.

Guess who has more AGS than PTS?

:) But general arguments (benefits for the overall ecosystems) are valid no matter who makes them.

Offline NewMine

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Should we allocate more shares for the AGSer in the coming DACs, let us say not 50/50 for AGS/PTS, but 60/40, 70/30...., coz i think the AGSer shows more support and confidence for the project ,without the AGSer, the crowdfunding would not such successful as we are seeing now, the AGSer contributes more for 3I, even for the DAC industry. there is a Chinese proverb:get more pay for more work done.

Guess who has more AGS than PTS?

Offline Overthetop

it is fine to let the developer make the final decision for the third party DACs, but for the DAC which will be developed by 3I, most of the resource come from the AGSer. isn't it reasonable to allocate more shares for AGSer?

The AGSer, instead of mining or buying PTS from exchange, buys AGS from I3. In anycase, once the donation period is over, AGS is most likely going to be made liquid, so you are probably getting a better deal buying those AGS anyway. Changing allocation from 50/50 is going to make a lot of supporters angry.

Regarding AGS, I wonder if it makes better sense to stop the donation, and then keep the remaining AGS to be sold at a latter time when money is needed. If there are a few successful DACs by then, each AGS would be worth a lot more than the current prices and will raise more money.

Yes, I agree with it.

It may be  a  good idea about stopping the donation earlier than plan and make AGS liquid later.

This solution could make every body happy.

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Offline santaclause102

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Regarding AGS, I wonder if it makes better sense to stop the donation, and then keep the remaining AGS to be sold at a latter time when money is needed. If there are a few successful DACs by then, each AGS would be worth a lot more than the current prices and will raise more money.
This is an interesting idea. And I think it would not hurt anyone.

WIth respect to the OP's idea I guess the trade off is making PTS holders angry vs. having more money to develop the industry.
@ Stan: It is true that any DAC dev has to make own allocations but and will be judged by the market but if III recommended a different allocation in advance this then different allocation would be likely regarded as reasonable. This way people would pay more for AGS and III would have more money for developing the industry. But that is difficult to be honest... 


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it is fine to let the developer make the final decision for the third party DACs, but for the DAC which will be developed by 3I, most of the resource come from the AGSer. isn't it reasonable to allocate more shares for AGSer?

The AGSer, instead of mining or buying PTS from exchange, buys AGS from I3. In anycase, once the donation period is over, AGS is most likely going to be made liquid, so you are probably getting a better deal buying those AGS anyway. Changing allocation from 50/50 is going to make a lot of supporters angry.

Regarding AGS, I wonder if it makes better sense to stop the donation, and then keep the remaining AGS to be sold at a latter time when money is needed. If there are a few successful DACs by then, each AGS would be worth a lot more than the current prices and will raise more money.

Offline 天籁

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it is fine to let the developer make the final decision for the third party DACs, but for the DAC which will be developed by 3I, most of the resource come from the AGSer. isn't it reasonable to allocate more shares for AGSer?

Should we allocate more shares for the AGSer in the coming DACs, let us say not 50/50 for PTS/AGS, but 60/40, 70/30...., coz i think the AGSer shows more support and confidence for the project ,without the AGSer, the crowdfunding would not such successful as we are seeing now, the AGSer contributes more for 3I, even for the DAC industry. there is a Chinese proverb:get more pay for more work done.

This decision must be made by the developers of each new DAC based upon their marketing and business plans.

As long as they treat both PTS and AGS equally with the first 10% each, they have honored the Social Consensus.

Now, they need to tune the remaining 80% to make their DAC successful.  If they need to attract donations, then emphasize a pool of proven patron donors - like AGS.  If they want to attract people who buy and hold liquid shares in the whole industry, or a specialized industry sector, then emphasize a deal tuned for PTS or one of its proto-children.

Whatever they choose, they must remember to ask what opportunity they are leaving open for their competitors to fork some other, "better" mix.

In the end, smart developers will do whatever gives them the best competitive edge for their new DAC. 

Market forces rule.
