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Messages - tbone

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Technical Support / Re: Why there is no Market History in new wallets?
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:19:57 pm »
What do we need to do to get this moving ASAP?  You can't have a trading platform without market history.  And there are several other usability issues with the trading platform including charts, order books, etc.  A few of us spent considerable time putting together detailed feedback on these items.  I believe svk is currently working on this stuff but there is no indication that the market history API issue he is facing has been resolved.  These items are required for minimum level of usability. 

@svk: has there been any movement on the market history API calls?  What about the other items discussed in the thread linked below?  By any chance do you have an ETA at least for the items not relying on the missing API call?  Thanks in advance.,19194.msg247239.html#msg247239

General Discussion / Re: Core dev respond to GUI criticism
« on: October 19, 2015, 09:49:34 pm »
@svk: It dawned on me that we really need the trading dashboard to be more front and center.  I propose that when a user clicks on the "Exchange" link of the main menu, instead of going to the list of all markets (as it currently does), it should take them directly to the trading dashboard for the last market they were viewing (perhaps default first-time users to BTS:USD). 

Then the table of favorite markets on the trading dashboard (hopefully at top right) can have a link to manage your favorite markets, which takes you to the current "Market Search/Favorites" page linked by "Exchange".  Perhaps the user should also be able to get to this Markets page via a new card in the Explorer called "Markets"?  Either way, the markets page really needs a table view, not just a card view.  And it should be possible to select and de-select markets the user wants in their list of favorites.  Those of you familiar with Poloniex may see where I'm going with this.  It's really nice being able to see the last price (and hopefully 24hr change and volume) of your favorite markets at-a-glance, not to mention being be able to load any one of those markets into the trading dashboard with just one click.

By the way, as much as I like using Poloniex, their UI has some real drawbacks.  For example, most of the elements on their "Exchange" page take up way too much space and really aren't laid out very well - plus they have the trollbox taking up a bunch of extra space - so you simply can't see everything you need to see without constantly scrolling around.  It's really irritating.  I don't think we're going to have that problem here.   :)

Perhaps the 2.0 block explorer should be accessible to anyone, regardless of whether they have a wallet set up. 

If you want to upgrade this forum, use Flarum.

S o o o o o o o o  much better than the forum software proposed by bitsaphire last summer when they took over. Clean intuitive, great hooks for extentions and social media already integrated. Let's do it!

Is crypto integrated like we are going to want?  Or the plans freebie had to actually build an exchange interface that is also added on?  Where is the voting mechanism we are going to beed to connect up to our blockchain to enable the community to validate all community votes with follow my vote?  We are going to need that to vote for our forum leaders arent we?

There are many opportunities here. People just need to look at it. I cant tell you all my plans...but i can say that it will be for helping the community first and foremost...and that many of them involve working with freebie and his team.  If you want to learn more about their stellar reputation, look to the reviews on them over at the NXT forums. We have a chance to bring them here and pay them a pretty cheap price to OWN software that the blockchain can then monetize for all of us.

We are talking forum software that could be owned by bitshares holders, integrating all kinds of amazing stuff (and seemingly everything flarum uses) that future forums would want to license (like graphene) from US. I dont see flarum doing any of this for us...

Try to think bigger, pinky :P

Btw, im not knocking flarum...this is just not the best usecase for it if we can own our own :)

I like where you're going with this, fuzzy.    +5%

General Discussion / Re: Core dev respond to GUI criticism
« on: October 19, 2015, 11:08:32 am »

We have every number but the the most important, the CURRENT PRICE OF THE ASSET. Get rid of spread amount.  In it's place should be last price. Green if it is higher, red if it lower than previous.

Last price should really be green if at or above the ask, red if at or below the bid.  Same goes for Time & Sales (i.e. Market History) once that API is available. 

General Discussion / Re: Core dev respond to GUI criticism
« on: October 19, 2015, 10:51:27 am »
This is great feedback, thanks.

I've done a first pass on this in the Exchange yesterday, making the following changes:
  • Price chart is now up top, with a button to switch to the depth chart, it's also 400px high instead of 300px
  • The bids and ask in the left column have been switched
  • There's an option to put the orderbook horizontally below the Buy Sell buttons instead of on the left
  • You can invert the positions of the Bid/Ask columns in horizontal mode
  • You can invert the positions of the Buy/Sell buttons
  • The "Status bar" up top remains fixed when you scroll. It will contain more useful info once that's available from the backend
  • I also fixed the issue with extreme orders pushing normal orders off the screen
  • All these customizations will persist between sessions in the same browser
I like your idea of putting favorite markets also in the right column, I can't really put 24hr change or anything like that in there though because that data isn't available from the backend. I used to wish for a market summary api call in BTS 1 as well...

I might put in your smaller vertical depth chart also.

About the Price History time frames: the ones we have enabled right now are the default ones that the witness_node is configured for out of the box. I'll see if we can add some more in the backend. Since the time frames available will likely change between different api providers, the backend might also need to have an api call to let us know which ones are available.

And finally about the market history: tbone you are correct, it only shows trades that have happened while you were in that market. The reason is simple: the backend has no market_history api call, so there's no way for me to get it. I've been asking for this since June, hopefully they'll get to it eventually..

Great, I'm really excited to see some of these changes.  By the way, I envision the right column including that list of favorite markets at the top, then the smaller vertical depth chart just below (if you decide to add that), then the Market History.  If you do add the smaller depth chart, perhaps you can make it hideable so the user can choose to see more of the price history, which can be very useful sometimes.  Speaking of price history, I'm surprised that's not available in the 2.0 back end since it was available in 1.0 and it's such a must-have.  In any event, once that data is available, that table should also include the time of the trade as I'm sure you would agree. 

I like your idea of putting favorite markets also in the right column, I can't really put 24hr change or anything like that in there though because that data isn't available from the backend. I used to wish for a market summary api call in BTS 1 as well...

Can't you use the chart data to show the change in price between now and the close of the last daily period? 

A couple other things I wanted to point out:

1.  The order book column headers could be a lot more clear.  For example, instead of using "Price", I would use "Bid" for the price column header on the bid side, and "Ask" for the price on the ask side.  Also, "Amount" is too vague.  I would consider using "Quantity" (which was used in 1.0), it's much more clear.  "Value" is also too vague and I would consider using "Cost" instead.  I know some people will think these things are trivial, but they really do make a difference.  Below is a sample order book with these changes to the headers, plus a couple of changes I mentioned in my previous post.

2.  You may have caught this already, but in the BTS : Trade.BTC market, the prices in the order book are getting rounded to 5 decimals vs. 8 (I added trailing zeroes above just to see what it looks like).   

3.  Also in the BTS : Trade.BTC market, when you buy BTS, the order confirmation Says "Amount to sell: x.x Trade.BTC", which really indicates the total cost of the BTS I'm buying instead of the quantity of BTS I'm buying.  I think that would make more sense for the inverted market (Trade.BTC : BTS) so perhaps technically it's not wrong, but it's going to confuse people and I would recommend matching the confirmation more specifically to the selected version of the pair.  Also, the order confirmation has field labels for "Amount" and "Price, but not total cost of the trade (i.e. QTY * price), could you add that?  So if it's BTS : Trade.BTC and you are buying, confirmation should show:

Quantity to buy:  x BTS  (NOT Amount to sell: x Trade.BTC)
Price:  y Trade.BTC/BTS
Total: z Trade.BTC

4. It's difficult to view the order book on the charcoal gray background.  Can you use black for the background instead, I think the increased contrast will make a real difference. 

Hope you find this helpful.  Looking forward to seeing some of your modifications.  Thanks for your efforts.

General Discussion / Re: Please provide liquidity in the bitUSD market!
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:56:28 pm »
First of all, why is this parameter in the hands of witnesses?  Second, does it make sense that a change in this rate would apply to existing positions that were taken when the rate was different?

General Discussion / Re: What to do with Revenue?
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:36:47 pm »
We don't need dividends. You pay dividends when you don't know how to reinvest profit. In start up there are too many places to reinvest profit. There shouldn't be a dividend payout or burning

Of course there should be burning.  That's precisely what allows for the funding of worker proposals (i.e. reinvesting).  Without burning profits, worker proposals would cause continuous dilution until the reserve is depleted.  This is one reason why some people are against lowering fees.  Because that would mean less burning and therefore less reinvestment. 

General Discussion / Re: Core dev respond to GUI criticism
« on: October 17, 2015, 10:12:03 pm »
As far as specific GUI feedback goes:

Wallet Management
I agree with a previous poster that wallet management needs to be a little less confusing.  For example, it needs to be MUCH clearer which operations pertain to 2.0 vs. migration from 0.9.3.  Many people seem to be confused between "Restore Backup" and "Import Keys".  I'm not 100% sure either, but I think the former pertains to 2.0 while the latter pertains to 0.9.3.  So at the very least those buttons could be renamed "Restore 2.0 backup" and "Import 0.9.3 Keys".  Although perhaps more ideally, instead of having all of the buttons bunched together, there would be some separation between a) the wallet functions that a brand new user would be concerned with vs. b) the wallet functions for migrating from 0.9.3 (or from the previous web wallet).

Trading Interface
Although I believe 3rd parties will ultimately offer great trading UIs, I think it's imperative that the default GUI is very usable if we want to bootstrap these markets ASAP.  That said, I agree with most of Xeldal's comments.  Here are some reinforcements and additions to his feedback. Others may have posted additional feedback since I started composing this post a couple hours ago, so there may be overlap. 

1. Order Book
It's standard for bids to be at the bottom, asks at the top (for the oddballs, you could have function to flip).  Also, showing the spread in the middle of the order book is unnecessary. It's much more critical to show the last price in this space.  The last price should be displayed red if it was a sell (at or below the bid) and green if it was a buy (at or above the ask).  The red and green may need to be brightened a little to stand out on the dark gray background.  Also, it's unhelpful for column labels to take up such valuable real estate right in the middle of the order book.  I would move them to the top (and perhaps also the bottom) of the order book. 

2. Charts
I also completely agree with Xeldal's chart comments including the position of the chart as well as how to display the bars, etc.  Another important thing is that when you position your cursor over a chart, it really, REALLY needs to show crosshairs (i.e. both vertical and horizontal line spanning the chart) rather than just a vertical line.   This may seem trivial, but I can't stress the importance of it enough. Also, let's allow the user choose from the most common time frames (see below).  If it's necessary to prioritize some over the others to start, I would prioritize the ones underlined below. 

            1w  |  3d  1d  |  12h  6h  4h  2h  1h  |  30m  15m  5m  3m  1m

3. Market History
Regarding Market History, I'm not sure if it's empty because it only shows trades that occurred since I loaded that market on the screen, or because there just haven't been any trades in that market yet.  Either way, it really needs to show the last x trades regardless of whether you leave that screen and come back. 

4. Markets at-a-glance
Market History really doesn't need to take the whole vertical column.  Some of that column could be used to display a list of your "pinned" markets including the 24 hour volume and price change.  So now while you're on the full view (chart, order book, market depth, order form, etc.) of one market, you can see all of your other important markets "at-a-glance" and easily toggle between their full views. 

5. Market Depth
Finally (for now?), I really don't think the market depth needs to take up so much real estate. It's really just a visual aid and can be much smaller.  It would also make a lot more sense if it's orientation was vertical rather than horizontal (see below, click on link for actual size).  In this orientation you can visualize not only the buy and sell depth, but if you look at the bright red and green line, you can also much more easily visualize how steeply or gradually the price would go up or down with a given amount of buy vs. sell volume.

Also, positioning your cursor on the depth chart could pop up some details (see second image below).

By the way, I do understand that it may be very useful to have the market depth chart visually showing the Settlement Price, Margin Call Price, and Call limit lines.  If those items cannot be displayed in a smaller version of the depth chart described above, then perhaps allow the user to toggle between a larger version of the depth chart and the main price chart (with the default being the price chart, of course) as was the case in the previous GUI.  In this case I would still have the smaller vertically oriented version visible elsewhere.

I hope this feedback helps.  I'm confident that much of this could be implemented without much trouble at all.  And I look forward to seeing the GUI evolve quickly in the very near term.  Thanks for all of your efforts!

General Discussion / Re: Core dev respond to GUI criticism
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:46:09 pm »
Thanks for that Valantine, it's great to hear your perspective. I hope people will provide their feedback in the form you asked for, I can see that is much more useful than the general form usually offered. I will certainly keep that in mind as well. I tend to look at things from a detailed perspective and usually feel like I have to guess a lot to get things done.

And we are not going to stop here - there are big plans: the help system is under heavy development, just take a look at Membership page to have some idea - we are planning to add detailed help content to almost every page, also there will be "app tour" for new users. React native mobile GUI for iOS and Android should be out in a couple of months, all the backend and keys management are already in place; more gateways support is on the way; most of the blockchain features like proposed transactions; blinded transfers; privatized bit assets - all these are planned to be implemented before the end of year. The architecture we’ve chosen for 2.0 GUI has proven itself to be very effective and we are really getting up to speed (remember on one of the mumble sessions BM said this is the future of web development), and take a look at number of commits to graphene-ui repo - it's close to 2k already - twice as much as toolkit has got being longer under development.

This is as close to a roadmap as we've ever seen IMO, and it needs to be formalized and prominently publicized. There's a lot of things CNX could publicize but chooses not to for various reasons, but I feel like when it comes to milestones and schedules much more should be said. I hope you don't catch hell for posting this, I know there's been issues in the past of too much disclosure. I hope we can leave those things behind us and look forward to more open discussions of priorities and goals.

Why would he catch hell?  I don't think he's saying anything bytemaster hasn't already said.  He's just reminding people because it seems many have either forgotten or never really understood what the Bitshares 2.0 / Graphene GUI is supposed to be.  Personally, my expectation has been for the new GUI to be 3 things: 1) a much more usable interface than we had before, 2) the beginning of the new governance model, and 3) a working demonstration of the platform's capabilities so that business builders would be able to more easily wrap their minds around what subset of functionality they would like to build into their own GUI, how they can add value, etc.  So we should really be looking at the audience for this GUI as investors, early adopters, and business builders...NOT typical end users. 

The entreprenuers and business builders among us will create the GUIs that attract the end users.  As mentioned by OP, some will develop trading platforms, some will develop wallets, etc.  They are incentivized to do so by the referral system, and much development is already going on behind the scenes. 

Speaking of the referral system, I do think we probably need to modify the fee structure and therefore the referral system itself.  But that's fine because the new governance model is taking shape, so we can debate the specifics and make whatever changes need to be made.  So as far as I'm concerned, things are on track and anyone that can look past the current share price will prosper greatly. 

By the way, I saw on another thread that one of our fine community members (was it Phillyguy?) suggested to lzr1900 that as a large shareholder now, he might want to consider being a little more positive/constructive in the forum.  lzr1900 responded by asking something along the lines of "how am I supposed to do that"?  My answer to that would be: "have some damn vision, man".  Geez Louise.

Technical Support / Re: Importing Keys into Graphene
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:15:00 am »

another question: I originally logged into the wallet from my Chrome browser, where I can see the top menu items ACCOUNT, EXPLORER, EXCHANGE and TRANSFER. Then I tried to open the wallet from a different browser, expecting to get a login challenge. Instead, if I go to my wallet link in Firefox ( )  I can see everything in the wallet with the exception of the top menu choices.  There is also a NEW menu item called LINK/UNLINK in the sidebar of firefox. Not sure what that does. So does this mean that everyone's wallet is viewable so long as the user name is known?

Yes, until we get support for blinded transactions all balances and transactions will be visible to everyone.

Also, wallets are per browser, so if you create a wallet in Chrome you cannot access that wallet in Firefox unless you export it from Chrome then import it in Firefox.

What if you want to move the Chrome wallet to Firefox but already have a wallet in Firefox?  Assuming you don't want or need the Firefox wallet, can the Chrome wallet overwrite it or does it have to be removed first?

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh & Video Release
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:36:23 pm »
Well done, guys!   +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Article on Banx
« on: October 15, 2015, 10:16:31 pm »

I read your article. I have no knowledge regarding the content and have no comment on it whatsoever.

I would like to comment on the technical proficiency of your "article" though, because the crypto space is sorely in need of credible journalism.

The article was very poorly written. You should not expect informed individuals to read it and take you seriously. It does not conform to any technical writing standards that would be required by a legitimate publication (1). Most of it is conjecture and opinion on your part. The subject could make a strong legal case it is libelous (2). The article in no way attempts to adhere to the 4 core principles outlined by the SPJ Code of Ethics (3).

We are in the "wild west" of cryptocurrency. Responsible journalism and PR are critical to helping us make informed decisions about how to participate. Please consider learning what it takes to contribute to the advancement of this innovative, world changing space.

For your reference:




The above comment nailed it perfectly for me. VERY heavy on conjecture. I have no way of judging the content. Time will tell if Mark L. is honest or not; there was some smoke before but never any fire proven. I personally wouldn't go into a business partnership with him, but I also would like to give him the chance to build an honest business here, which I will support. Beyond the content, no responsible writer makes those kinds of accusations and correlations without more and better information. The article was shit. Then to run Google ads playing up those rumors? That's some business you're running, Mr. D. I wouldn't want to be your lawyer.

Let me start by saying I'm not necessarily a huge fan of Banx.  Actually, Mark's whole plan seems a little too pie in the sky for me, and I think he plays a bit fast and loose the way he characterizes aspects of his business.  But that doesn't mean he won't be successful.  And it certainly doesn't man he's done anything dishonest. 

If you read Ian's article, then watch Mark's video, and most importantly if you listen to the skype conversation they had, you will likely come to the conclusion that Ian's "article" (let's just call it a blog post) is a complete hatchet job and doesn't remotely resemble journalism.  The title itself is clearly an attempt to mislead readers, which ought to make anyone suspicious from the start.  And the whole blog post just exudes agenda from the word go. 

I'm not saying I think Ian was paid or bribed.  But I do think some individual or group fed Ian with a bunch truths and half truths, and took advantage of his zeal to make a name for himself in journalism, something he has apparently failed at in the past for obvious reasons.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE value after snapshot
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:45:05 am »
I have the feeling that NOTEs will become "worthless" after museUSD launched.

What are your thoughts on that?

I know I am changing the subject (slightly), but the decision to have museUSD will be the main contributor why the whole MUSE block chain fails.

There will be long discussions after the fact;  with 'smart' people stating their opinions "why that happen to such a great project" [of course the smarty's will be using random things observed in the meanwhile]

But you have heard it here first - it will have failed, because of the decision to have museUSD !
Other factors will work for, as well as against it, but keeping this choice is definitely the killer feature :)... literally.


Can you explain how and why you think that will cause it to fail?  Thanks.

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