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Creating a DAC that sells juice

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--- Quote from: fuznuts on February 28, 2014, 10:26:10 pm ---This thread will become one of the threads from which I will draw content for explanations in a video.  For all involved in this conversation, Please add your PTS (or other preferred "alt"coin) to your signature so individuals can donate if they especially appreciate your contribution.

--- End quote ---
too cool. this exercise definitely helped me to understand what a DAC is and isn't

This thread will become one of the threads from which I will draw content for explanations in a video.  For all involved in this conversation, Please add your PTS (or other preferred "alt"coin) to your signature so individuals can donate if they especially appreciate your contribution. 

This is not a DAC... and would be considered an IPO / stock offering / security. 

I guess you could use a DAC to IPO the juice factory. But the factory itself wont be running on its own and be controlled by the network/code.
There is a large human element which creates the need for trust. and thats where problems start.
Maybe you could have juice coins where each coin represents 1L of juice (kind of like a futures market). And the price of a juice coin should peg the value of 1L of juice. But this still has a huge trust factor.... hmmmm....

The short answer is, DAC's could be used to settle any disputes, so this could apply to any sector. I don't have the skills to explain this very clear in English.

As for fundraising every DAC with the intention of making money, come with a fundraising platform of their own. When honoring the social consences, you would give 20% to AGS/PTS holders(2x10%) and you could use the rest of the shares for fundraising.


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