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Hi Dan, it is approaching Feb. 28 . Any detail plan for future 3i's DAC chains

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--- Quote from: newmine on February 27, 2014, 06:56:13 pm ---
--- Quote from: MrJeans on February 27, 2014, 03:57:52 pm ---
--- Quote from: newmine on February 27, 2014, 03:36:09 pm ---
--- End quote ---

Whoa, let's come back to reality. We all have our hopes and dreams for BTS, but comparing Dan and I3 whom haven't released a single product yet to Jobs and Apple is borderline delusional. Why don't we wait a few years before we start comparing things on such a grand scale. You sound juvenile.

Oh yeah, and don't forget, Jobs wasn't the technical mastermind behind Apple. He was the salesman, entrepreneur and vision of Apple.

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--- Quote ---Well we'll see wont we  ;)
I spend all day analyzing listed companies for a living. This is by far the company with the largest possible upside i've come across.

--- End quote ---

What are you doing here? It seems you have it figured out. Why don't you sell you analyzing skills with a 100% guarantee since you seem to think you know how to pick winners and losers of the stock market with certainty? I am sure MS, GS or JPM would pay good money for your stock picking skills.

Or wait, you're just full of shit. Just because you spend all day at Edward Jones or wherever you are analyzing something does make you an expert in something else completely not related. As a matter of fact it doesn't even mean you are an expert in the area of what you are analyzing.

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There really is no such thing as an "expert" only people that are pretty knowledgeable and even then it doesn't mean they are always right. Where were all the economic experts who didn't prevent the expansion and implosion of the housing bubble?


--- Quote from: delulo on February 26, 2014, 05:26:59 pm ---
--- Quote from: trader on February 26, 2014, 10:38:04 am ---
--- Quote from: evolvo on February 26, 2014, 08:35:52 am ---Please please please get a spokesperson.  Presentation is important [snipped the rest]

--- End quote ---

On the contrary, Dan did a great job presenting this. One of the things that attracted me to Invictus is that its stated aims are clear, and its development is done in an open and transparent way. I dont want some slick salesman giving me BS, and this video reminded me exactly why investing in Dan's company was a great thing to do. Also, think of Dan's feelings before you write something offensive again.

--- End quote ---


Knowing who is behind the product/idea creates trust and is, compared to most competitors, unique in the crypto space. Listening to the one that created and understands the product creates way more trust than a slick guy speaking perfectly without a clue of what he is talking about. Dan is def. a good speaker.
Also much comes from not having endless time on everything. You can see how he read the text from a screeen or something. But consider that there are so many things that have to be done atm. Many of which we are probably not so aware of. So I find it perfectly fine. And being comfortable infront of a camera is a matter of parctice only like public speaking is.

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 +5% +5% +5%


--- Quote from: cryptosig on February 28, 2014, 12:39:41 am ---While explaining to my business partners how BTS,PTS and AGS worked I had to create this infographic to explain it. The infographic on page one inspired me to share mine with the community. There are some differnces in how the X chains are distributed from the first infographic so I am wondering which one is correct. In mine I assumed that BitsharesX/XT would work like a tree, in which BTS -> BTSXI and BTS -> BTSXVI, some clarification would be nice.


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Excellent infographic  +5%

Follow the code commit history... if V uses code from I then it should inherit positions from I and not XT.


--- Quote from: bytemaster on February 28, 2014, 01:00:38 am ---
--- Quote from: cryptosig on February 28, 2014, 12:39:41 am ---While explaining to my business partners how BTS,PTS and AGS worked I had to create this infographic to explain it. The infographic on page one inspired me to share mine with the community. There are some differnces in how the X chains are distributed from the first infographic so I am wondering which one is correct. In mine I assumed that BitsharesX/XT would work like a tree, in which BTS -> BTSXI and BTS -> BTSXVI, some clarification would be nice.


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Great info graphic...  we would like to avoid any confusion about Corporations which are legal entities and DACs which are software with no legal standing or definition. 

Second... we are very interested in having the wide spread understanding our role is to produce software, the communities role is to allocate stake and launch the software.   We cannot make any promises of allocation; however, we theorize that market forces will conspire to honor recommendations we make even in the extreme case of our team being killed in a plane crash and someone else is left to finish the software.

--- End quote ---
I completely understand from a legal point of view what you mean.

My goal was to make business people understand the system in a way they understand. PTS and AGS is not venture capital, but can be thought of as similar rolls that VC would play in getting equity in a corp they invest in. Similarly the DACs don't have products, but people understand that corporations make products and they get equity out of those products.

The invictus inovations section was also never meant to indicate products I3 would release directly just the software and the 50%/50% stake in future software created by i3 that was discussed previously.

Also can you shed some light on how the BTS will be distributed in chains. Is it like the first graphic, where the snapshots are taken from the previous chain:

or is it more like mine, where all bts chains derive the snapshot from holders of BTSX at the time of genesis:

|         |           |
XI      VI         XC


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