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Topics - Bitshiz

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Is there a guide to set up a node? I have a home server R510 with 32GB and 2 Xeon chips.

I funded a fee pool with a couple thousand bts a long time ago and was wondering if I can use the CLI_Wallet to re-claim them and delist or delete the asset?

Technical Support / Any tutorials on issuing UIA's?
« on: December 11, 2017, 05:27:24 pm »
Any tutorials on issuing UIA's?

General Discussion / Gavin Andresen and Graphene?
« on: November 07, 2017, 12:10:01 am »
Came across a post on r/btc and then saw this horribly written article when searching today.

The author is spelling Gavin's name wrong if it's referring to the Bitcoin Dev.

Any thoughts on this? Is it using the same Graphene or just the same name?

General Discussion / BCH or BCC in dex?
« on: August 22, 2017, 03:20:41 pm »
Do we have Bitcoin cash in the dex yet? I'd like to trade it on a non-centralized exchange.

Technical Support / Importing bts 1.0 to 2.0
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:12:14 am »
Okay, I think I am fucked.

I had previously exported all or most of my keys to bts 2.0. The day I did was the last time i opened bts 2.0. My computer (Windows 10) crashed and my hard drive was pretty much wiped. I was able to recover 140 gigs of Pictures thank good. But my dumb ass didnt save backups of the bts 2.0 wallet. I have backups to every bts 1.0 keys and just redownloaded bts 0.9.3 and the chain that I think Fav had on mega. I exported through the console to a .json with the full path. Now when attempting to import to 2.0 I am getting an invalid format. I have followed the direction to a "T" except the legacy bitshares chain torrent wasnt connecting to any peers so I found that other source of the chain online.

Why am i getting the invalid format error? Is it the chain or something else? Please dont tell me that it is because I have already imported those keys.


Technical Support / Missing balance
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:59:24 am »
I have windows 7 and version 0.6.1 of Bitshares. I got stuck at the login screen and was unable to get into wallet. I deleted AppData files because I have saved my private keys elsewhere.
 I was able to get into new wallet and import keys, but no balance is showing up. My trans history is there but no balance. I have also tried to regenerate 50000 keys and nothing.

Any other tips?

Technical Support / Config file setup? Any how to?
« on: November 22, 2014, 09:26:32 pm »
I can't get any of the market maker scripts or even a price feed script to work because I think my config file is set up wrong?

I am using windows 7. I created a config file, but should I be editing he config.json in a vi editor or something or is it a new file?

Also what should be in that file besides the Rpc user and pass?

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