Author Topic: Operation DarkMarket  (Read 16834 times)

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Offline xeroc

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 i repeat, legal stuff and asking for bitusd payments. That person would be doing nothing wrong and as soon as people see it, they will follow and it will spread.

If the community is to support it, yes, we need to emphasize we are promoting bitusd darknet strictly for legal purposes only. Op DarkMarket could work.
... though you cannot enforce it .. if they decide to use bitUSD they will find people that support them ..

Again: there is no "official" with a DAC!!
AND everything is public .. whatever someone does!

You can just decide for yourself if YOU support sth. or not ...

I dont get this discussion ..

If you really want to go dark net amd are not satisfied with this forum (which has no "official" relation to BTW) .. you can still set up a separate forum or go into existing underground forums if they exist ..

Offline cube

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 i repeat, legal stuff and asking for bitusd payments. That person would be doing nothing wrong and as soon as people see it, they will follow and it will spread.

If the community is to support it, yes, we need to emphasize we are promoting bitusd darknet strictly for legal purposes only. Op DarkMarket could work.
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Offline Akado

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I'm with those who say that having public suppor for this, might not be the best idea.
Think about reputation.
It's one thing to have BitBTC or BitUSD as the de facto cryptocurrency in those markets, and another one entirely to actively advocate it here.

Right. And I am not sure if this would give FBI excuses to knock on the doors of the delegates' home, claiming there is a link to some illegal transactions.
if we follow that logic, wouldn't they have to do the sme to all bitcoin mining farm owners?

I believe they might very well do that, if the farmers community/group publicised their support for an underground network.
we dont need to advertise a huge and noyorious campaign. One post here, one post there, on their forums and reddits and slowly some people might stary to use  bitassets, then, once someone like a vendor with enough reputation starts to use and ask for them, others will follow. Hell we should even have someone on darkmarkets selling legal and i repeat, legal stuff and asking for bitusd payments. That person would be doing nothing wrong and as soon as people see it, they will follow and it will spread. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline cube

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I'm with those who say that having public suppor for this, might not be the best idea.
Think about reputation.
It's one thing to have BitBTC or BitUSD as the de facto cryptocurrency in those markets, and another one entirely to actively advocate it here.

Right. And I am not sure if this would give FBI excuses to knock on the doors of the delegates' home, claiming there is a link to some illegal transactions.
if we follow that logic, wouldn't they have to do the sme to all bitcoin mining farm owners?

I believe they might very well do that, if the farmers community/group publicised their support for an underground network.
ID: bitcube
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Offline Akado

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I'm with those who say that having public suppor for this, might not be the best idea.
Think about reputation.
It's one thing to have BitBTC or BitUSD as the de facto cryptocurrency in those markets, and another one entirely to actively advocate it here.

Right. And I am not sure if this would give FBI excuses to knock on the doors of the delegates' home, claiming there is a link to some illegal transactions.
if we follow that logic, wouldn't they have to do the sme to all bitcoin mining farm owners? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline cube

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I'm with those who say that having public suppor for this, might not be the best idea.
Think about reputation.
It's one thing to have BitBTC or BitUSD as the de facto cryptocurrency in those markets, and another one entirely to actively advocate it here.

Right. And I am not sure if this would give FBI excuses to knock on the doors of the delegates' home, claiming there is a link to some illegal transactions.
ID: bitcube
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Offline jsidhu

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There should be a seperate project linked to bitshares to handle the market... Allowing payments via the ecommerce plugins. This way it essentially just a front end using the plugins and then we can blockchainify it using another blockchain just for that purpose...
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Offline Akado

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Offline karnal

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I'm with those who say that having public suppor for this, might not be the best idea.
Think about reputation.
It's one thing to have BitBTC or BitUSD as the de facto cryptocurrency in those markets, and another one entirely to actively advocate it here.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Here's the problem:

I don't see how your given ricin example applies to the topic at hand.  We cannot control what people do with the tools they are given, or have access to. Apples/Oranges.

I infer the stated intention of #OperationDarkNet and enabling an escrow service seems noble and made with honest foresight, to offer a win/win solution to an existing issue.  You submitting a Breaking Bad coffee sweetener story - is like asking what's the price of beans in China, i.e. it's non-sequitur and unrelated.

But you sure don't see the core devs or community saying "Let's publicly support illegal commerce!".

As I said earlier in the thread.


Different opinions, even in the Bitcoin space."

I much rather see an attempt by someone to work with the medpot community than try to slow down adoption in other areas.

The Medical Marijuana industry was something we considered doing work with. I have had conversations with investors who are working hand over fist to develop tools and solutions in this industry. I can see blockchain and specifically bitshares tech having some very useful features that can be applied both to the control and distribution in a way that would be music to gov ears. Certainly not what most people like to hear here.. but fact is that legitimate business isn't going to put their legitimate  money into something that doesn't have direction from the feds. Which is why Canada is such a hotspot for it now, since we do. I think there are still opportunities in our Bunker Labs to develop in this sector, the original idea was to create the tools needed out of our own operations necessities. We have a few local Medical Marijuana operations though which we could get this information from. I don't consider this Dark Market though. Maybe in some parts and in some perception.

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Offline oldman

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But you sure don't see the core devs or community saying "Let's publicly support illegal commerce!".

I don't want the core devs supporting this. That would be bad for perception. However, I do want to continue getting more open minded community members interested in helping out with educating that particular market. You can't prevent random people on the Internet from talking about a technology they think could be useful (in this case with escrow hedging).

Great to see my message has been received, and thank you for keeping an open mind!

This entire conversation shows the value of a decentralized business model - whole is greater than the parts.

Good hunting...

Offline Method-X

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But you sure don't see the core devs or community saying "Let's publicly support illegal commerce!".

I don't want the core devs supporting this. That would be bad for perception. However, I do want to continue getting more open minded community members interested in helping out with educating that particular market. You can't prevent random people on the Internet from talking about a technology they think could be useful (in this case with escrow hedging).

Offline fuzzy


Bumping positive developments so they are not lost in the chaos.  ;)
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Offline hpenvy2

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Here's the problem:

I don't see how your given ricin example applies to the topic at hand.  We cannot control what people do with the tools they are given, or have access to. Apples/Oranges.

I infer the stated intention of #OperationDarkNet and enabling an escrow service seems noble and made with honest foresight, to offer a win/win solution to an existing issue.  You submitting a Breaking Bad coffee sweetener story - is like asking what's the price of beans in China, i.e. it's non-sequitur and unrelated.

But you sure don't see the core devs or community saying "Let's publicly support illegal commerce!".

As I said earlier in the thread.


Different opinions, even in the Bitcoin space."

I much rather see an attempt by someone to work with the medpot community than try to slow down adoption in other areas. 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 07:25:57 pm by hpenvy2 »

Offline oldman

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Here's the problem:

I don't see how your given ricin example applies to the topic at hand.  We cannot control what people do with the tools they are given, or have access to. Apples/Oranges.

I infer the stated intention of #OperationDarkNet and enabling an escrow service seems noble and made with honest foresight, to offer a win/win solution to an existing issue.  You submitting a Breaking Bad coffee sweetener story - is like asking what's the price of beans in China, i.e. it's non-sequitur and unrelated.

The issue is association; it only takes one bad apple ruins the whole barrel.

If this guy had happened to be using bitUSD and our community was openly supporting dark commerce it is not such a stretch to for a headline-hungry journo/blogger/newsfeed to punch out "Bitshares supports illegal commerce with bitUSD integration in Darknet Markets".

Sure, Bitcoin is used extensively on the dark markets. Method-X is spot-on in his analysis and Bitcoin would never be what is today without drug trafficking.

But you sure don't see the core devs or community saying "Let's publicly support illegal commerce!".

Bottom line is public perception of the dark markets is exactly that - a place where people do things they can't do publicly and legitimately. Do we as community want to associate with that perception?

There is now a way to go after the same demographic with less risk. The medpot community overlaps the dark market community, once medpot is on board organic adoption to other markets won't take long.

Support the legitimate and legal use cases, let the others follow.