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Messages - liondani

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Technical Support / Re: What is the call price and how is it determined?
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:50:56 pm »
It should also use any USD the holder has in their balance instead of being forced to buy on the open market at a premium.

and why is that not happening ?

I didn't mention dogecoin either :) Do you want to discuss the interview?

You should.... That would be epic

I didn't mention bitshares for two reasons. First I haven't reviewed the technology in bitshares 2. I haven't seen formal technical documentation nor have I looked at the code. Second, I have to review the license structure. I remember when bitshares 2 was announced it wasn't under a proper FLOSS license. I cannot recommend a technology that is owned by or controlled by a single entity.

You can not ignore a blockchain that is on the top 7  blockchains the last 2 years... Mentioning a technology doesn't mean you are recommending it! Your answer feels so pathetic... 

General Discussion / Re: Fee Adjustments
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:26:08 pm »
I think we need more information on how fees effect demand.

If lowering the fee by 80% only increases demand by 1% then it is a dumb move.   

If we never TRY higher fees we will never have an opportunity to see how it impacts demands.

We only need fees to be competitive with centralized exchanges.

can we pick up a day in the week where we promote lifetime membership!!!

Like:     " Every Wednesday lifetime fees for everybody!!! Feel how it is to be a lifetime member !!!" 

and reduce every Wednesday the fees for basic user's to lifetime fees.... ;D
In that way you will also see how much demand it is for lower fees and what transaction will happen more... (transaction, orders etc.)

Technical Support / Re: Request: Standalone Webwallet
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:18:03 pm »
Discussed this with @svk already, but I don't want this to get lost in translation.

Please bundle the webwallet for local use! In fact, no need to maintain windows/linux light wallet builds if you have a universal browser version in my opinion!

so we add only our local API connection?

...which is?

General Discussion / Re: Wow, I'm glad I sold.
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:06:40 pm »
BTS is experiencing a really telling collapse right now.

I'm so happy I sold ALL of my BTS at 4800. Best decision ever.

I haven't been active on here for a long time but after re reading everything that's happening with you guys. Unfortunately this project is going to hell. Because of disorganization, lack of focus, sloppy websites/products and confusion.

Its a mess. Not saying to sell now, but I don't see this growing or going anywhere meaningful at all. But hey maybe you'll get pumped back up to 4,000 sats. and if that happens I'd highly suggest selling.

I bet your conclusions are a result of only a price chart "study"and nothing else....
I strongly advice you to use a hosted wallet for 5 minutes ONLY and come back!

PS maybe you own some bitAssets or vested balances also ... (but that's a too hard work for you to find out,if I am wrong just take a look/study and come back again...)

Technical Support / Re: What is the call price and how is it determined?
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:57:57 pm »
When a margin call is triggered, the collateral will be used to buy any of the asset that's available for sale cheaper than [feed price * maximum short squeeze ratio] to cover the position.

I think max squeeze short is 10% (from 50% it was) so it is more possible that on a thin market like now it will not find on the open market all the bitAsset needed to close the position... In that case will the system wait like on bts1 until the price feed is in a range of 10% from the price feed and find the remaining asset's? What happens if the price never comes back to the price range it can collect the remaining assets?

I definitely think 10% must increase soon so the market will define the "fair" prices and the exchange  will not be so much feed depended... less vulnerable to feed manipulation... can we find the sweet spot?
can the system automatically increase the squeeze protection spread when for example the 24h volume is high and decrease it when the volume is very low?Make it sense?

Technical Support / Re: Stealth address account
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:37:30 pm »
stealth transaction future seem as an easy implementation to the gui (since it is ready for the cli)
When is the estimate for the host wallet's to update?

Technical Support / Re: Moving from the web wallet to the cli wallet
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:33:29 pm »
Is it safe when active key is the same with the owner key?

General Discussion / Re: Reducing Bitshares Supply : A different approach
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:21:09 am »
Take 80% of the fees (burn 20%) and when you reach 100 BTC (yep, not 75 BTC!)
then make the transition to 50:50 as your initial plan was....

PS  I am serious, People are tired to fund projects that never deliver what they are promise.If you are confident for your product you have nothing to fear! The  soonest you deliver the sooner you will get your profit's.
PS2 And then yes, I believe it will be successful and will find big support (traders) ...
PS3 You can make the transition even after you reach 150-200 BTC...


witnesses right now protect the shorter's to loose max 10% (from price-feed)
so your suggestion to sell our bitUSDs for 15%-20% profit can't be done anymore.

the system depends now more from the price feeds that witnesses publish and less from the open market.
Maybe it is quite good for the start but it must go to the direction bm suggests....

right now I can imagine many attacks that could manipulate the published price feed... 1.from the witness side . 2. from the exchanges side that give the feed-price (we need only 2 "technical problem''s" situation for a day)

General Discussion / Re: Stop loaning your Bitshares for shorts
« on: October 19, 2015, 06:14:45 pm »

Hit the borrow button in top right under the on the exchange tab.
borrow the bitassets and buy BTS?
no .. the other way round .. you borrow bitUSD (or bitCNY ...) using BTS as collateral
Both are correct... or am I wrong?  ???

1) Opening a short:
You borrow "the bitasset", "bitUSD" (using BTS as collateral) and then buy BTS (AKA sell borrowed "bitasset" for BTS)

2) Closing a short:
You buy back what you borrowed, hopefully for less BTS than you sold it for,  and hit the "close" button on account view to give "the asset" back to the blockchain

3) Profit?
If you (1) sold higher than you (2) bought back, you have more BTS than before step n°1  :)
If you (1) sold lower than you (2) bought back, you have less BTS than before step n°1  :(

Hope it helps  :D


sure it helps!

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:08:38 am »
The wallet is NOT stored on the server, you cannot be compromised when the server gets hacked. You should delete the keys in the browser local storage though, when you do not intend to use this web wallet again.

EDIT: Only when the server publishes malicious code, and you continue to use this web wallet, you're in danger.

that's my point ... if the hosted server get compromised then we are in danger... As I understand  it only if we login after the compromise.... (if we don't login anymore after the compromise we are safe)
Theoretical could the owners of collect all private keys right now and use them in future when our market cap is big enough?(assuming it is "compromise" from the beginning? :-X) Using openledger and their hosted wallet means we 100% trust the openledger owners? Right?

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: October 19, 2015, 07:46:58 am »
I someone has already imported his bts1 private keys to the hosted bts2.0 openledger web-wallet and he decides to import them to a desktop full node or desktop light-client, how can he delete his private-keys  on the hosted wallet so he can be sure he is not in danger of a future server compromise? Deleting the wallet is enough?

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