Author Topic: Compumatrix is Launching  (Read 7676 times)

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Offline MarsResident

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This is supposed to be Private, but I'm tired of that. This is so everyone can see what Compumatrix is doing. The best Disinfectant is Sunlight.

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He also ran a World Community Grid Program, where he had everyone mining Grid Coins for him for like 4 years, claiming they were getting "points" which were then converted to compuceeds, and then he gave out compuceeds and set up no buy and burn, so the market crashed, then he inflated the stock by creating 99,999,999,999 without distributing those to people who already had coins.

And he never gave anyone any Grid Coins, and the CEO David told everyone "You've been paid", but let's Henry let people think they are still waiting to be paid, so that they feel like he thinks he owes us money, so that he can keep getting people to send him 10 BTS at a time or 100 BTS at a time, so he can keep getting money from them and everyone feels like "It's not that much, how could it be a scam".

But has anyone ever gotten any Money from Compumatrix? Ever?

Offline MarsResident

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And for any like FBI agents or anyone reading this.

Henry James is these traders on the Bitshares Platform:

And tells his members that Trade-Ceeds is an "Outside Investor", but it is him. You can look at Transactions on the Cryptofresh Blockchain explorer to prove it.

He creates Assets, each one costs $10,000 to make, then uses them to get Members to either Buy the Assets outright, claiming they will eventually raise in value when he pays everyone Bitcoins he claims he will pay them, from this website.

Last October he said that he would have that website working

And this past October, he said he would have this Website working

And he is stealing Thousands of Dollars from my Family Members, myself, and his 1,000+ members on his forum, which is private, for obvious reasons:

Offline MarsResident

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Everyone read this

This is the biggest Compumatrix thread on the Internet with the most information, so I am going to put this here.

Ok, so it seems like every year Compumatrix is just Trick-Or-Treating their members for Halloween, and saying "Maybe you'll get a treat... Oops, nope, it was another Trick... But Christmas, just wait... Just a little longer" then before you know it is is October again and it is another Trick.

If you are a Compumatrix user, and want to be part of something created a by a Compumatrix user who is tired of Henry James and his bullshit (like many are, I know many, many people have left Compumatrix over the years, and there are people who told me I was stupid for thinking it was going to work this year after last year).

And I actually still trusted them. Until today. I made my own currency, and suggested to everyone that when my coin gains value, I can use my coin to raise the price of Compuceeds for everyone, and Gail was acting like I was an enemy because I made a coin.

So if anyone is looking to leave Compumatrix for something better, somethin that is actually going to work, because it has real currencies involved, not just Bitshares Assets (we will also make Bitshares assets, and Ethereum Tokens, and are looking at making our own version of the Graphene Blockchain, which is what makes Bitshares and Steemit work), then Join Temple Coin

Here is the Temple Coin ICO

Temple Coin Town

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Happy Saturday to all!

Henry's electricity AND his internet are back on!  He has resumed syncing so he will be almost ready for implementation once TradeCeeds is back online!  As of right now TradeCeeds is still inaccessible due to Haima,  The good news is that TC is in an area that should be up and running soon.   Their area is better equipped to get them online quicker than in Henry's area. 

Hang on folks as we are moving again!


Offline MarsResident

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Good Day/Evening to all of our Members and Shareholders

Today I have several points that need to be addressed for the entire membership no matter how long you have been with us.  Please read this all the way through and then read it again if need be. 

I know some of you have been clamoring for a ‘daily update’ on our status.  That is not feasible nor should it be expected at this moment in time.  Why? Due to the weather we know that has hit Henry’s area in the Philippines.  Let this serve as a reminder that Henry James is our founder and his programming team is a very integral part of the company so not having them ‘online’ or having them without power does bring things to a temporary halt.  Prior to this last super typhoon Haima, Henry was in the process of re-syncing but did not quite get all the blocks finished.   Yes.. we are THAT close to resuming BETA testing so it is something to be happy about rather than post insolent demands that we give you a daily update.

As SOON as there is news it will be posted.  That has always been the protocol we follow and will remain as such.  Wait for a post and if there is not one, then there is no ‘new’ news.

Next, Townhall is now permanently closed.  Yes, there will be member meetings and further training in the future however our former open chat area for Q & A as well as some socialization has been taken down.  Please use your regional areas in the forum or members’ area to post.

This brings me to my last item to be relayed to all of you.  It deeply saddens me to inform you that our beloved Helga has taken a turn for the worse and is now unresponsive.  She has been moved to Palliative care (Hospice).  Please know that while she was still responsive, she was read the posts on the forum.  When I last spoke with her and she was very coherent, she was bound and determined to ‘get better’ and get back to doing what she loved.  Unfortunately her body has not cooperated with her brain and will.  (And we all know how strong Helga’s will is  )

She has been with us from the start.  Has been a rock and ‘go to’ person for all, whether it was a seasoned member, returning one or newbie.  She has treated us all with the same love, care and sometimes her ‘broom’ as needed.  I ask that each of you keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  She is not alone but has a long time close friend as well as some of our members with her.
Her wishes are being carried out as she has directed prior to being taken to the hospital this time. I know we are her ‘family’ and I can say she is just as much part of my family as well as most of yours.  She is not alone and sent her love to all of you, just as she knows of our love for her.   Please do not call the facility as they will be unable to convey any information to you.  They are only allowed to communicate with those Helga listed as her 'emergency contacts'.  Any further updates from them will be passed along to you as we are informed.

Offline MarsResident

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It seems when we want, or need or anticipate something to the very depths of our soul time stands still.  The silence is deafening.  The seconds, minutes, and hours just drag at a snail's pace.  It boils down to how a child feels sitting in the back seat of a car heading to Disneyland with each mile seeming endless. 

That sums it up for many of us here at Compumatrix.   We have been sitting in this "car" for a LONG time and are so ready to finally arrive at our destination!   Can you imagine what the father of those children feel when asked over and over again, "Are we there yet"?  NOW, can you imagine how HENRY feels or the staff?  We all want to get to our destination and we WILL! 

It seems like Mother Nature put a kink in our plans this week, but this too shall pass.   Henry will be up and running as soon as humanly possible.  We are so thankful that he has been able to withstand these nasty storms both in the Philippines and in this company.   He has been in communications via his cell to let us know he is alive and well.  The sync will resume as quickly as possible.  So, all of us in the "backseat"  need to refrain from "kicking the seat."  Our Founder is doing all he can to get us to our destination!   Our staff and Admin are working to keep this rolling until this car can pull over to allow us to get on with a lifetime of security! 

As Roy always says, "It is what it is, we will deal with it, then go on."


Offline MarsResident

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Happy Tuesday to all.  It has been a very busy but a productive day despite the weather issues Henry has had these last few days. He is having to do some re-syncing, don't panic as it will not take too long to finish. 

There is another Super Typhoon named Haima heading his way.  Guess what the name of this one mean?  International Name is Haima... Philippine name: Lawin which means Eagle... and Haima does have a soaring eagle logo...I think THAT is a great sign.  We have been waiting on that Eagle for  a long time. I am going to believe that this Eagle will usher in OUR Eagle.

A quote from David sums it all up, "The Sun Is Rising over Compumatrix bringing all the light it needs and so the bird of birth can now fly away to another destiny."

So hang on folks and wait for the action that is surely to come quickly. If you were in the last batch of beta testing please note that once Henry has finished the sync, blockchain will start reflecting the refunds on the portal BTC instruction will follow.

No I will NOT give a time line but just reassuring you that this IS HAPPENING.  Keep the faith while enjoying the ride.


Offline MarsResident

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Hey Everyone!

We are currently updating our site. The new cashout module will now be bitcoin instant payments. We have discarded the micro-payment spends to verify destination addresses. As before, everything is irreversible.

For those with failed requests, Trade-ceeds will commence the refund of bitcoins to your Portal Bitcoin Address. The refund will show on the blockchain as well. So if you requested 0.5 BTC, this amount will show on your blockchain as an incoming transaction or deposit paid to your Portal Bitcoin Address and verifiable through any blockchain explorers.

Cashouts to the Bitshares Platform is ONLINE.

You should also have noticed that an active trading of COMPUCEEDS/BTS is also ongoing. Keep on trading. Buy low, Sell high. The value of COMPUCEEDS will continue to rise on the Bitshares Platform. If you have no idea on what to do, do not worry, we are preparing a video tutorial which will provide you instructions on how to make a MARKET, LIMIT or STOP TRADE. We are also going to have active traders that will work for you.

Also note that the term Openledger had been replaced with Bitshares. Openledger is a term for the centralized authority issuing other assets, tokens or rewards available on the Bitshares Platform. Please note that you may continue to use their online wallets for your account. There are several Bitshares 2.0 Wallets online including our own COMPUMATRIX.CO and OPENLEDGER.ASIA.

As for the micro-payments you have received during the first beta test run, that will already serve as your reward. It is a much higher reward than those you get from other bitcoin faucets. And we thank you all for helping us in identifying the errors which would have caused severe damage to our system IF we launched without any tests made.

The Beta Test will continue to run BUT without the micro-payments.

Offline MarsResident

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IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!!!

I always like to watch the reactions of members and it never fails that the ones who follow directions are the ones who ALWAYS follow directions.  Those who don’t are the ones who stir up anger in others.  Human nature?  No, I don’t think so I think it is more than human nature.  Many are in such a hurry that they don’t READ instructions nor follow directions. 

PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE, Are YOU one of the people who keeps hitting refresh on Blockchain?  Well, THIS IS not good... hundreds of members refreshing   would cause a sort of DDoS attack on that site!  DON’T do that!  You can check your email from the wallet you are using!

Right now TradeCeeds has the list of those who qualified to go through Blockchain and those who didn’t qualify.  Those who processed MORE than the require amount were turned to NO.  Did you follow all qualifications?  If yes, then you are in the mix those who didn’t will have to wait for the next batch.  No, we can’t check to see if you are or is you are not.  All members KNOW if they did all of the requirements.  This will be an exciting day for hundreds of members!

Are you going to be one of the HAPPY campers at Compumatrix?  I know the staff IS so excited, poised and ready. 





Offline MarsResident

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From Friday

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This is a SHORT and SWEET update!

This is coming from David via Henry to be shared with the members.

“The longer time Cashouts - all that are 4 days or older - will be receiving a confirmation between now and late Monday of movement to blockchain.”

Trade Ceeds is on top of all that has to be done! 

Henry is monitoring the system literally around the clock.  We are beside ourselves with the excitement as each day brings us to such heights we never in our wildest dreams dared to believe we would actually get to. 

We all wanted it but at times felt overwhelmed, right?  NOT everyone has felt that way.  One man has stood his ground.  One Man never lost faith.  One man could see what most of us could not wrap our heads around this new unchartered concept.  One man PULLED us to the finish line with a shy laugh and a twinkle in his eye.  One man KNEW where he was going and GOT where he was meant to be with a small core group of people he has finally felt he could trust.  He took us all with him.

Thank you, Henry, for being HENRY!



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Here is the latest news we can share with you all.

1.  Henry has been in Manila meeting with bank officials and tending to business.  His trip was a HUGE success.

2. One of the reasons Henry was there was to meet and get answers concerning our Beta Testing.  What works, what doesn’t and what has to be tweaked.  All questions have been addressed and are being taken care of asap!

3. Many are asking WHEN will the Cashouts go through the Blockchain?  The answer is by the end of this week we should see some movement and BIG smiles coming through.  PLEASE NOTE we are in BETA TESTING so anything can happen.  We are all mature business owners and need to be mindful that issues pop up and may need to be addressed.  As of right now all is a go!

4. Here is the answer to those using the same CoinBase account:  For those of you who are married and file income taxes together you WILL be allowed to use the same account.  This has been addressed and is allowed.  IF YOU are helping a friend, child, significant other, or member, please be mindful that YOU would be responsible for ALL taxes incurred on that account.  Whoever is in control of the account is liable for the taxes. 

5. BitCoin vs. Compuceeds:  Most members right now want to CASHOUT their BitCoin and get fiat in their hands ASAP.  When doing so, PLEASE be mindful as to what this means to your long term goal.  Most want to experience that feeling of accomplishment.  The “fruit” we have cultivated for so many years is “ripe” and ready for the “picking”.  Remember, every farmer makes sure he gets his field ready for the next season after his harvest.  We here at Compumatrix need to use common sense and make sure our “fields” are ready for the next “season”.   As members, we must always keep in mind that Compuceeds is our ASSET and our REAL VALUE, not BitCoin.  Once you Cashout a BTC it is gone!  Compuceeds can be cultivated into a CASH COW!  The worth of a Bitcoin goes Up and Down with no stability.  The value of a Compuceed is controlled by its owners.   Where do you want YOUR Compuceeds to be valued?  Are you satisfied with the 1 – 1 value or would you like it to be 100 – 1 or 500 – 1 or more?  The sky is the limit, and WE ARE IN CONTROL!  That gives us an advantage that no other company has.   Each of us OWN our businesses.  Our Compuceeds are on our “shelves” ready to be priced.  What value do you give YOURS?  In my mind I see our Compuceeds going for hundreds of $$$$$ in a very NEAR future.  Watch what happens when that Press Release is thrown out to the WORLD.  There will be people from around this planet looking to buy Compuceeds.  Where will they buy them?  Our businesses!  We tell them how much we want for our Compuceeds which they buy directly from the business owners.  THAT IS YOU AND ME!  Again. We set the price!

I know some members think they are old and sick and just want to CASH OUT.  Please think about your families and the legacy you can leave them.  Not only the monetary value but the fact that YOU never gave up when the odds were against your business “making” it!  The world has scoffed at this industry for years right?  Well, they are not doing that anymore but asking, “WHAT the heck is going on and HOW do I get in on this deal?”   The respect in the eyes of your loved ones will more than make up for all the hard knocks we have had to endure over the years.  OH HAPPY DAYS!  We don’t have to gloat, or serve crow pie, or say I told you so.  We just have to stand tall and feel the warmth that comes with the accomplishments of total success. 

6. The coming of MANY new ventures is just around the corner.  BE PREPARED!  Grow your inventory and keep your focus on building your business into a major empire that YOU control. 

7. Make sure you keep up with all rules and regulations so that you are qualified at all times.  REMEMBER it will get harder to earn those Compuceeds as the demand goes up so WORK now to build while it is easily attainable.


1. First Cashout (for those who qualify) is limited to .5 Bitcoin (1/2 BTC).  (REMINDER: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE COMPUCEEDS/BTS TO COVER ALL CASHOUTS)
2. Cashout clears your exchanger
3. You have also purchased at least a silver VPC
4. IT has had at least six confirmations on the blockchain
5. Your Portal loan statement is marked paid
6. You may do the second Cashout of up to ONE Bitcoin following the same protocol...subsequent
7. All other Cashouts are all done following the same protocol and until further notice.

REMEMBER there is up to a 7 day (not business days but DAYS wait time as this is a 24/7 business) which will be eliminated and thus instant once the Beta Testing is completed!  You MAY want to take it easy on the Cashouts as the price of the Bitcoin WILL, I believe, increase.   OH, YEAH!!!!!


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Yes, we have reached another great milestone in the history of Compumatrix!  And I and many others give thanks to the Lord! Faith rewarded! I will not apologize for my belief that God has helped us step by step. When one reviews the many parts of our history who would have guessed that we would have reached this major accomplishment of today after so many turns and even switchbacks on the road traveled but we have reached a major summit crossing.

Due to the tenacity of our founder and faithfulness of sooo many members, some of many future rewards have been realized. So it is and for everyone congratulations to you all for reaching this particular summit with us. There are going to be more summits to reach but they will be easier, since the climb will not be as strenuous as that of the last decade. At the start of this decade some of the parts were not even birthed or known (example BTC) but the dream was very active in the brain of one man whose vision saw through his minds eye this eventual possibility as a goal though not knowing or even being acquainted with all the steps needed for the journey.

But here we are. So cherish it, hold it close to your heart, value it, share it and make it a helper to others. What is “it” Compumatrix/Compuceed  its highly valuable coin.

Give God thanks and continue to pray for this company, first and foremost as an engine to help so many that need to enjoy its fruit and then to be blessed in all its further pursuits to bless and advantage others because there is so much more to be done and that can be done.

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Congratulations everyone who are qualified to be part of the global beta test.

So what happens after cashing out?

Once you confirm your order, your request is then signed by the portal and transmitted to trade-ceeds to check if you've met the qualifications. If everything is in order, then tradeceeds signs your request and transmitted on the blockchain. You can then monitor the progress of your request at any block explorer such as

During the Beta Test, we are running under a controlled environment, so expect things to be slow as checks and balances together with security are tested. Each transaction may take up to 7 business days to be confirmed or rejected by the blockchain.

It is important that during this period, maintain an active attendance to other functions on your dashboard. Do not stop subscribing, purchasing and visiting everything that is available on your dashboard. Each button, link and articles form part of the Compumatrix revenue engine.

As soon as the press releases are also published, don't forget to use it for your marketing efforts to sell the cards on our system. As I've noted during the meeting, you are helping others sell their cards the same as they help you out sell yours.

Offline sales is also an excellent way to earn fiat via peer to peer.

You've got several ways to earn. Just be creative, responsive and explosive.

Once again, congratulations.