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Messages - biophil

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Limiting trading to a fixed % of the market depth would probably achieve the goals for the SlingShot attack and requiring 5% of the shares to participate before the first trade would prevent SIDS.   

Obviously we do not want to 'price fix' the minimal market depth.

For the 5% SIDS solution, are you thinking that once there is 5% participation, the 5% requirement goes away? So, the 5% limit only affects the first trade, and if market participation dips below 5% again in the future, trading continues as usual?

I strongly support limiting the number of assets in the first chain to BitUSD, BitGLD, and BitBTC. Since it's a "test" chain, and we're testing things like "does this idea even work," it makes sense to limit the things that can go wrong - and more assets should lead to a higher chance of chaotic instability.

For the SIDS attack, N=14 makes sense (the exact number probably doesn't matter), but I'm leery about a hard-coded value for D: the problem is that we don't really know how many XTS holders will be participating in the market. D needs to be high enough to prevent attacks, but if it's too high, the market will never function.

It seems like the main issue in market manipulation attacks is simply that someone can come to the market, hit it with a big hammer (i.e., by buying large volumes to incite a short squeeze), and profit from the ensuing chaos. We don't need to (and can't really) make hammers illegal; we just need to soften the hammer blow.

A simple way to implement this in the market could be to limit the total volume of orders that can execute per block by a percentage of the total market depth.

For example, if the percentage is 10%: if there are only 1,000 XTS of orders outstanding in the market, and at a given moment 200 XTS worth of orders are overlapping (I mean they could result in valid trades), only execute 100 XTS of those orders. Then next block, (assuming for simplicity that there are no new orders placed), there will be 900 XTS of orders, and 90 of the remaining 100 overlapping orders will execute, and then on the 3rd block finally they will all execute.

The effect of this is that when the market is new and shallow, it should have similar stability characteristics to a bigger and deeper market, and it will gradually and gently allow the market to grow into its full size. When the market is big (100,000 XTS of orders outstanding), normal order volumes can execute without ever hitting the limit.

My guess is that 10% is way too high; something more like 1% could work.

BitShares PTS / Re: China seems to have taken an interest in PTS...
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:36:13 pm »
I have sold all of the PTS.
1 PTS value of 15 dollars in China now.
I don't think PTS would like BTC.
1 BTC is more than 600 dollars in China now,is much higher than MTGOX.
Even so,Registration MTGOX  is too difficult for Chinese.
Contact me,my MSN

Suit yourself. There's almost certainly going to be one more market rally before Feb 28. Just watch: on Monday or Tuesday morning (Chinese time) we'll see prices approach 150 CNY/PTS ($25).

FYI, the MtGox dollar-price is irrelevant, has been for a long time (even before MtGox torched themselves, the price was higher than the actual BTC market price because it was too hard to withdraw USD from MtGox). Nobody uses MtGox in the US either except for day-trading.

This signifies to me that there will be many less Bitshares available on the market than expected when first released, which may drive the prices even higher.

I also predict that after news comes out that the bitshare snapshot has been taken, that dozens of new people who kept their PTS on exchanges will flood these forums demanding to find out how to get their bitshares.

Surely there is no solid solution to this, but perhaps we could try to message/contact the main exchanges we are listed on to ask them to post a notice to PTS holders to withdraw to their computer wallets???

I agree that there should be a conversation with the exchanges, but one of the difficulties is that the exchanges stand to profit hugely (if not myopically) from keeping their mouths shut and letting Feb 28 roll past with huge amounts of PTS in exchange wallets. Then, nobody can stop the exchanges from redeeming their customers' PTS for XTS and just pocketing them.

It might be possible to convince the exchanges that it will be disastrous PR not to let people redeem their own XTS; for my part, I was disgusted with Cryptsy when they "didn't participate" in the PTS-to-MemoryCoin redemption.

General Discussion / Re: How to Make Money on Initial Bitshares Chain!
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:04:50 pm »
If BTSX is going to hit $1000, it'll get there whether you say "don't sell!" or not. So it sounds to me like your best bet is to just sit tight and when the price slumps after launch, buy everything you can get your hands on.

If you believe in a huge upside, you should be happy with low initial prices because they will give you a chance to increase your profit margin :)

General Discussion / Re: BitShares XD
« on: February 22, 2014, 05:32:02 pm »
One of the most important parameters for long-term stability:

How much collateral is required to enter a short position (this number is hard-coded at 2x in Bitshares XT).

This one's obviously really important; if more collateral is required, the less likely it is that the system will collapse 2008-real-estate-market-style. On the other hand, if less collateral is required, it will be possible for more BitAssets to exist and this presumably should spur greater economic activity.

BitShares AGS / Re: Donate to AGS after Feb 28???
« on: February 21, 2014, 04:37:29 pm »
AGS is in exactly the same boat as PTS. If you own AGS on Feb 28, you get a share of BTS. If you buy AGS after Feb 28, you won't get BTS for it, but you will still get a share of all future DACs. Thus, it's likely that AGS (and PTS) will be cheaper after Feb 28 than it is now, because right now it has the value of BTS built into it. There's no way to predict how much cheaper it will be.

Of course you'll still be able to donate to AGS after Feb 28, because BTS isn't the only DAC that Invictus plans to launch.

The question of "better" is impossible to answer right now because we don't know the market prices of PTS or AGS post-Feb 28.

General Discussion / Re: How is the first BitUSD created?
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:37:09 pm »
Ah, of course. I was imagining that the transaction that creates a BitUSD was somehow different from an ordinary short sell order. Thanks!

MemoryCoin / Re: [Android] MemoryCoin Price Ticker Widget & Alerts - Live
« on: February 20, 2014, 03:13:48 pm »
Hi! I just wanted to mention that you are still apparently using the MtGox BTC/USD price for the Android widget; this is clearly nowhere near the true market price for BTC. This morning it says 4 cents for a MMC, but I noticed the Bter price spike and then realized that the market price for MMC is really closer to 15 cents.

Might be worth a fix; I don't know how many people use the widget, but it's grossly misleading at the moment. :)

General Discussion / How is the first BitUSD created?
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:46:30 pm »
Here's a question I've been wondering about:

When the Bitshares XT market first launches, there won't really be a market price for XTS since there won't have been any market transactions. So what will determine the collateral needed to short USD (and create BitUSD)? Will there be some hard-coded "starter-price" that disappears after the first XTS-BitUSD transaction?

BitShares PTS / Re: China seems to have taken an interest in PTS...
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:38:00 pm »

if so it'is better to get btc for pts now without wait for the opportunity to redeem bitshareX after 20 frebruary?
get some more argument to decide to us!!!


unosoiondovo, I'm planning to do a little of both. I don't have enough cash to bet everything on BitsharesXT, so I'll sell some of my PTS right before 28 February, and then re-invest some of that money in PTS once the price crashes. That way, I get some BitsharesXT, but I also get a chance to invest very cheaply in future Invictus projects.

If the PTS price really crashes after 28 February, that suggests that people view BitsharesXT as a very strong bet, so the Bitshare price will probably rise very quickly in the first few days. So if all you want is BitsharesXT, it shouldn't matter very much whether you buy them now (by buying PTS) or after 28 Feb (by buying BTS directly). In fact, the only good reason to wait to buy after 28 Feb is that you'll get to see if BTS works and save your money if it fails. I think we can all agree that if BTS works, i.e., if BitUSD really tracks fedUSD, that it will become very valuable very quickly.

BitShares PTS / China seems to have taken an interest in PTS...
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:59:04 am »
I'd like to personally thank China for the recent PTS price spike.  :)

I'm curious if any of our Chinese friends on here can shed some light on what kicked off the buying frenzy?

BitShares PTS / Re: ProtoShares holding ground in the face of the Storm
« on: February 11, 2014, 03:06:43 pm »
The stability of the PTS price suggests that there's market consensus that PTS is different; when Bitcoin crashes it brings all the other bitcoin replicas with it, but PTS is in a different asset class so it weathers the storm.

The other thing to remember is that the value of PTS specifically comes from controlling the private key, so I bet that most PTS is held in private wallets instead of in online exchanges. Since there's less of it out there available to sell at the drop of a hat, its price movements are more muted.

General Discussion / Re: Mining for World Domination!
« on: February 01, 2014, 07:27:50 pm »
Just wonderful.  +5%

General Discussion / Re: any document for the maching algorithm?
« on: January 31, 2014, 09:13:49 pm »
Excellent. The more I look into all this, the more impressed I am with how well thought-out things seem to be. And the happier I am that I discovered it now instead of 3 months from now.

And bytemaster, I really appreciate your unflagging interest and patience in answering everybody's questions! Thanks for not turning up your nose at a newbie's criticism!

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