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Messages - hasher

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Marketplace / Re: Meme Creation Competition [15 PTS]
« on: June 09, 2014, 03:20:16 pm »

Could the BTS being considered as "analog" to TARGET2-Securities
Or they simply in different weight categories /have different purpose?
PS Target is clearing system, centralised Ripple
Q is closed )

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 29, 2014, 05:31:46 pm »
Hello guys, i registered id with version 0.7.0
its shows as registered in ver 0.7.1 too
public key 8dc9ejdw8vVoESvmVCHFwX8LCqodziLB3KUoGPGpZErb1Xxb1p
is it well enough?

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 06, 2014, 05:33:56 pm »
registered with pkey 8dc9ejdw8vVoESvmVCHFwX8LCqodziLB3KUoGPGpZErb1Xxb1p

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 06:21:01 pm »
So let see :

-3I it is a 2 month old company,and  in those two months they manage to crowdfound  more than a million dollar and they will have more then 2  millions by the end of the third month . For that matter how's your start-up compare ? Or any start-up  in this short time frame?
-they have a full team working on Keyhotee around the clock and they delivered the first alpha version. Read the last newsletter, they explained why the delay for keyhotee, in fact they  addressee all your concerns that you raise here.
-finding new good developers, as you should know, is not easy, finding new developers familiar with cryptoworld is even harder. Bounties it is a way to find those rare developers and to attract that talent make those bounty worthwhile I remember when they announce that they have a team working around the clock for keyhotee, some complained that this is not the right approach and bounty should be the way to do it etc. Well, I guess they have them both now. But I guess this is not good enough either ....

You make some good points tough  :

-I agree some of the bounties they are more efficient done by hiring professionals like for the website. In my opinion the website should be one of the top priorities right know, and should have been done by know.
-Marketing until now not the best thing !!( but I have fate on Brian  )
-"How about you leave the forum to your great batch of moderators and go ahead with things that actually require your attention?" I thing although bytemaster presence is essential on the forum,  I think now there are enough people that could moderate and answer most parts. He already started doing that.
-Most of you concerns are addressed in the forum, but not everybody has the time to look this is very true and this must be improved. The newsletter is not enough, some kind of global news once a week will clarify things for everybody. 

Yeah sure there are things that should and must be improved but let's be objective here. Blaming it the easiest thing to do.
To tell truth, im not sure that load marketing campaign is good for Bts project on this stage.
We would receive more funding, its good, but we already have enough investments flows, more important for now to develop exceptional product ,so that new people start to use Bts system from start.

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 06:15:31 pm »
lol, desperation.
this emotional thread so transparent to understand, i think its not about Invictus or Bts project only, its about current cryptoindustry in whole, many analysts alarmists think that in near 2-6 months S&P500 going to collapse very deeply. I mean it would be as bad as  in 2008. That prediction is influence negatively sentiment to BTC/USD rate.
BTC rate/sentiment affect whole cryptos, because altcoins are derivatives of bitcoins.
I think that in near term (1-12 months) prices to all cryptocurrencies awaits down trend, even with superb marketing like in nxt proj.
So...its good year for investments
imho my 2 cents ;)

how should a stock market crash effect crypto currencies in a negative way??
idk, its tendency, it was like that in 2008 USD index skyrocketed in to air

lol if this happens and u have 1 BTC u can buy like 3 houses :)
but beware the gold holders ..they will try to crack your head open with their heavy gold bars to find your brain wallet  :D
it depends on market situation, nobody know how people will react during stock market decline, thats all i know.

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 06:00:50 pm »
lol, desperation.
this emotional thread so transparent to understand, i think its not about Invictus or Bts project only, its about current cryptoindustry in whole, many analysts alarmists think that in near 2-6 months S&P500 going to collapse very deeply. I mean it would be as bad as  in 2008. That prediction is influence negatively sentiment to BTC/USD rate.
BTC rate/sentiment affect whole cryptos, because altcoins are derivatives of bitcoins.
I think that in near term (1-12 months) prices to all cryptocurrencies awaits down trend, even with superb marketing like in nxt proj.
So...its good year for investments
imho my 2 cents ;)

how should a stock market crash effect crypto currencies in a negative way??
idk, its tendency, it was like that in 2008 USD index skyrocketed in to air

Compliance is a noble goal, but it can't be achieved without the absence or sacrifice of worthy values.

Do not forget that we are talking about the establishment of disruptive technologies. It is interesting to see people feel it is possible to negotiate the legal and financial obstacles that are intended to block competitors. Compliance only lasts until an anointed agency changes the rules on you. You do not achieve escape velocity by following the rules but by rendering the rules moot. None of us would have heard of Bitcoin if success depended on the ability to negotiate regulatory hurdles. Bitcoin runs full speed around the hurdles because it values the ideals of liberty more than the blessings that come from kissing the ring of those that write the rules.

You are supposed to believe it is possible to disrupt established markets by playing by the rules, because otherwise you could not be stopped. The process uses your resources against you and ultimately helps your accepted master refine and enforce the rules by which you will comply. The vicious cycle ends when rules need to be made so oppressive (to restrain competition) that people finally reject the premise that they need to be ruled over. Positive change requires someone willing to avoid the obstacles to demonstrate what is possible. Freedom is when people act with knowledge that rule makers need you more than you need them and that the benefit of the rules is an illusion with fleeting value.

Sell your conformance if you think it will benefit, but mind the cost and be mindful of the bigger picture. It seems possible now that this dream started with an absence of worthy values and therefore nothing would be lost.
after deeply investigation of Bts concept i come to conclusion that this system not going to be disruptive, but complementary (may be wrong though).

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 03:13:26 pm »
lol, desperation.
this emotional thread so transparent to understand, i think its not about Invictus or Bts project only, its about current cryptoindustry in whole, many analysts alarmists think that in near 2-6 months S&P500 going to collapse very deeply. I mean it would be as bad as  in 2008. That prediction is influence negatively sentiment to BTC/USD rate.
BTC rate/sentiment affect whole cryptos, because altcoins are derivatives of bitcoins.
I think that in near term (1-12 months) prices to all cryptocurrencies awaits down trend, even with superb marketing like in nxt proj.
So...its good year for investments
imho my 2 cents ;)

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:37:56 am »
I invested 4 days with my entire team (I run a start-up too) , setting up 1000's of servers (close to 4000 for those wondering) and burned around 40000 dollars (not to mention time wasted doing this while I could focus on my start-up instead),  and mined a seizable amount of coins.
i hear its a cry of despair from someone who was too risky, too greedy and wanted to receive fast return on long term investment, that happens all the time with so many people.

well, im not a big investor, and i understand your pain, but hey,
even if you had invested this money into other project you could lose, its always start up risks like anywhere else.
but i agree with you that putting Angelshares in cross with PTS decreasing somehow value of PTS.
But i think its make Bitshares project more "fair" to latecomers, and..its still fair to holders of PTS, because they will receive same (or more) share of project as it was said in initital proposition
imho just my 1 cent

i have noticed interesting tendency, im not sure for sure, but i suppose there are several groups of people, unofficial social network of developers, who involved somehow (with friends, by themselves) to all crypto projects, even temporary closed ones.
That mean interesting situation, when people have knowledge of strengths and weaknesses each of competitors, i think it could have positive and negative impacts to these projects.

Technical Support / Re: makefile.unix stuck
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:29:46 pm »
i used this to solve boost issue, this could take awhile to compile though:

# Get boost source, compile and install
tar -xzvf boost_1_54_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_54_0
./ --prefix=/usr/local
sudo ./b2 install --with=all

# Tell your system where to find boost
export BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/local/include/boost"
export BOOST_LIB_PATH="/usr/local/lib"
sudo ldconfig

Keyhotee / Re: Post your Alpha Keyhotee Public Key and Be known!
« on: January 06, 2014, 08:33:41 pm »

try like this:

sudo apt-get update
apt-get -y install git g++  libdb++-dev build-essential libgmp-dev
apt-get -y install screen  libdb-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev
apt-get install yasm build-essential libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev zlib1g-dev

cd jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7h-linux64-generic
cd linux64-generic-512M

./jhprotominer -o -u yourworkername -p 1 -t 3 -F 0 -A

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