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Messages - MisO69

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Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Snapshot and MUSE launch date!
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:46:20 pm »
Really good news!

I bought a bunch of MUSE with BTC in the crowdsale. Should I wait for the release to import that bitcoin wallet into the 2.0 blockchain or should I do it now and import it into the bitshares 0.9.3 wallet?

General Discussion / Re: Let's rebrand the name to Graphene
« on: August 18, 2015, 08:00:28 pm »
Bitshares is one of the better, if not the best name out there. Its close to Bitcoin and people are still learning about bitcoin. Bitshares seems like the natural progression from a currency (BTC) to an investment (BTS). I don't understand why you think the name is bad. Bit this and Bit that? its part of the branding and I think its quite clever. I would be against any name changes.

I didn't bother with this one seeing as you could be on the hook for accepting money(vpncoin) to be a vpn node while some sicko is browsing child porn through your internet connection. No thanks.

It is however a nice idea and cool wallet with lots of gizmos.

Wow is that even legal? Regardless, I'm closing my paypal account as well. I'm not agreeing to those Nazi like terms.

I think I would only consider this if the exchange gives a value add of some kind.

I am certain other coins are not paying anything out to their exchange to have them hosted.. but I would submit they should have reduced fees and or no fees for trades on BTS/Assets if they are recieving a delegate.. its a win win for them.. the higher the market cap goes.. the more they are going to get from the delegate.

Question is however, what happens to this arrangement when the community decides to vote them out? We seen this happen to an existing exchange already.. do you think a exchange would be willing to risk everything on the fickle favour of the bitshares community?

Here we go, with this solution the exchanges have a 100% paid delegate and we have no fees for trading BTS. I think this would increase trade volume significantly. I really like this idea and think it would work well.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.7.0 Feedback
« on: March 18, 2015, 08:41:22 pm »
Installed over top of the existing client just fine. The wallet is more responsive to scrolling around. Exchange is also faster. I liked to robots better than what we have now.

Seems like you guys improved the speed quite a bit. Good job!

Alright, voted for your new delegate. I want to mine here however there is nothing in your FAQ. I need to know which address and port to use.

Can we get ZAR on as a market issued asset on Bitshares.
There are no African currencies represented and South Africa is leading the way for Africa in activity and start-ups related to Bitcoin.

I hope that people calling for new market issued assets would ask themselves where the liquidity is going to come from to bootstrap these markets. There is nowhere near enough liquidity in current markets for which price feeds already exist. Why add new markets before the present ones, such as bitGOLD, bitEURO, bitCHF, etc are established? Where are the buyers to support so many different markets at this early stage? Let's at least try to walk before we try to run.

How many bitZAR do YOU plan on purchasing if your suggestion is taken up?

bitZAR may not be liquid for a long time... in fact it may never be liquid.  IMO bitUSD will be the only liquid bitAsset currency since it is pegged to the reserve currency of the world.  The USD is accepted almost everywhere, so why even bother holding any other currency if you have the choice?  BitUSD gives every person in the world the ability to hold the most widely accepted fiat currency.
that is your point of view ..
did you know that emirates and others are discussing to switch from petrodollar to petroeuro?
once the petrodollar dies .. so does your argumentation ..
the world is colorful my friend!

Its not as simple as selling oil for one or the other. Both Iraq (under Saddam) and Iran tried this and look where it got them. The US has set a precedent, if you switch from USD then you will be dealing with the US military.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: DACx 100% delegates proposal: dacx.baozou
« on: February 26, 2015, 06:55:36 pm »
Sounds good, you have my vote.

BitShares PTS / Re: Keep minging PTS or turn to others
« on: March 06, 2014, 09:14:24 pm »
Isn't this just a case of simple math? Look at your average Ypool block rewards, multiply it by the average number of blocks found in 24hours. Multiply that by the going rate. Now is that more or less than mining something like Litecoin or Doge?

As for mining PTS to hold it, why not mine something more profitable and then just buy more PTS than you can mine.

The difficulty algo needs to get fixed. This type of thing could happen with each new DAC. PTS needs KGW or something similar.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: January 30, 2014, 08:30:19 pm »
270X shows 99% GPU Load (930/1500) @ 50% Fan Speed but when I monitor the 290X I see 930 Core and Memory changes from 1500 to 300 every 10-15 seconds and the GPU load shows as 0% (while putting out 2300-2400c/m) - go figure.  The 290X shows between 90W and 143W.

It sounds like your 290x is throttling. It may be overheating and doing so to prevent damage.

Okay I know this is a taboo but...

Keep bitshares wallet closed source or release it a few months in. That way no one can create their own pools and miners then point vps and botnets at it right away. Give regular users a chance to get some in the first few months. I'm willing to trust you guys with that. Change the mPoW algo so that the old miners cannot be used. Make it more memory intensive so that you'll need 8gb ram for 4 threads or something along those lines.

BitShares PTS / Re: About 80% of blocks contain only 1 tx
« on: November 19, 2013, 07:53:23 pm »
Thanks for the explanations guys.

BitShares PTS / Re: About 80% of blocks contain only 1 tx
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:04:25 pm »
Being a complete noob; What does that mean and what are the consequences of such actions?

General Discussion / Re: Why I am no longer supporting Invictus-Innovations
« on: November 18, 2013, 08:25:09 pm »
I hear you guys with 3000+ vps accounts were pulling in 250pts/hour. Let me tell you what happened here. Greed overcame logic and you lost out on your gamble. Everyone knows that alt coins, even bit coins are not a sure thing. Good luck recovering you losses. I'm sure glad I didn't have coinlust at the time and did something stupid like I did a few months ago..  :o

Live and learn...

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