BitShares Forum

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: clayop on October 28, 2014, 08:16:42 pm

Title: Significant figures issue in BitAssets
Post by: clayop on October 28, 2014, 08:16:42 pm
I just found a potential issue in BitAssets, in particular BitJPY (and KRW in the future).
Compared to other currencies, JPY and KRW have a quite low exchange rate. JPY is about 100 times smaller than USD, and KRW is approximately 1000 times. This means that if we use the same precision, accuracy issue will arise.

Now BitUSD has six significant figures, say 45.2714, while BitJPY has only two, 0.42.
I am not sure that delegates can provide their price feed at a full decimal (8?).
But if they should follow precision, it will be problematic especially when BTS price become over $2; BitJPY price per BTS should be 0.005 but there are only two decimals.