Author Topic: Reliability + Votes = better set of delegates?  (Read 1593 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

I'll suggest this as I think of it.. and not being critical of the delegates involved.. all issues are useful in DVS.

#1 DVS Delegage with "0.41%" votes suggests jcalfee1-developer-team.terrier currently Reliability 57.14%
With "Number of votes" suggested as %, I'm not sure how that is counting.. if money is split among the votes cast or if we end up at total of more than 100%.

Should the network count reliability and votes in its ordering of delegates? Perhaps taking into account the reliability of others in the 101, so if there is some form of attack that has many of them drop the 101 is not disrupted.. but where a few are badly off, perhaps less than 80%, then those get pulled down?

I don't know whether all 101 get an equal shot at mining blocks - I'm expecting they do but if there is to be an order, perhaps that does need to use whatever criteria is available to find the best delegates - voting being one criteria and reliability being another obvious one??