BitShares Forum

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: leozhenping on March 24, 2015, 03:21:55 am

Title: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: leozhenping on March 24, 2015, 03:21:55 am
上周发布了0.7版本, 接着又一个强制紧急更新发布了0.8版本,下周会不会再一个强制更新再发布0.9? 以这样的进度,我们期待以久的1。0版本就会发布? 我们有DVS测试链,为什么连最重要的short功能都不经测试,就发布了。从3I到今年的版本发布都这么的随心所欲?从去年7月的BTS发布以来, BTS客户端一直不稳定,到目前已经半年多了, 客户端还是这么不稳定,用户体验差到让人无法忍受,面临目前币市的萧条,BTS又以合并的方式流失大量的老用户,让老用户损失割肉。从BTS的发布,BM一直没有把受托人管理机制当回事, 居然有100%受托人昨天还在0.6的版本运行,请问这些100%受托人真的在做事么、难道不能加入受托人下放机制么(长时间不更新版本,或者丢失块多少个后,自动放到101以后)。BM从一开始的核心开发, 再转变以博客写手 ,再默默的不在转入开发? 请问BM能不能以一个管理者的方式去管理BTS的发展? 感觉目前的社区就是没有作为。虽然BTS目前的代码提交非常的多,也是非常的用心,但能不能把首要解决的问题放在首位?比如用户体验或者受托人机制? 我们BTS粉一直在热忠的更新BTS客户端, 这周出来 了0.7,下周又出来0.8,居然发现0.8只是一个补丁,我作为BTS的忠实粉居然都受不了了,试问BTS黑会怎么去评价这样的不严谨性? 有关心以太开发的人都比较清楚,以太的版本发布都是内部测试再测试,再修改。且不说以太以后发布后会不会也有这么多的BUG,但至少我们看的到他们的严谨。众所周知,BTS以国内用户为主,目前亲王在BTS链推出项目,我们也看的到大多数人对亲王项目的热爱,至少能够看到有部分人是非常想把BTS发展起来, 像BM说的一样, 去改变世界的许多模式。但像目前的社区状态,我个人非常担忧,如果这种状态一直持续下去,会让更多的人离开BTS,接下来BTS会跟LTC一样, 变成庄家收割小白的利器。LTC目前人气尽失,抛开LTC为作为的开发状态,只论国人的经营模式,我相信BTS会很多的跟上LTC一样的命运。今天在英文贴发贴来了, 也是来抗议的,我知道大多数人会黑我, 我觉得3I的开发非常认真, 只是我们心态太急了。 我个人表态下:我从PTS一路到现在 ,从未减仓,并且努力加仓,我没有抱怨因为BTS让我亏本了很多钱,相反我非常看好BTS的长期发展,我觉得BTS能改变世界的很多模式, 我是非常痛恨目前社区开发的态度、管理的方式。我的钱归零了我也不在乎, 因为他在我的经济能承受范围,但如果我们都没有努力,正确的引导BTS的发展,让我们大家都损失惨重,试问谁不会伤心呢?求呼吁社区正面面对,一起努力。特别要求BM将受托人管理机制和用户体验(至少发布版本的严谨性)放在首位,
Title: Re: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: alt on March 24, 2015, 03:32:00 am
问题还是测试不够严谨,应该要有专门做代码 review 的人,推荐 abit。
Title: Re: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: sudo on March 24, 2015, 07:03:41 am
code  review &test is very important
Title: Re: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: _tobc on March 24, 2015, 07:11:28 am

从我的 iPhone 发送,使用 Tapatalk
Title: Re: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: lzr1900 on March 24, 2015, 07:17:37 am
遥遥无期 信心尽失
Title: Re: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: leozhenping on March 25, 2015, 02:53:39 am
Title: Re: 是不是下周就可以更新到0.9版本了?更新版本为何如此随心所欲?
Post by: Stan on March 25, 2015, 03:04:54 am
Did you guys see our Staff Meeting Notes?
(I never really know what is getting translated, but from your comments I sometimes wonder.)

Staff Meeting Notes

Here is a summary of yesterday's developer staff meeting.  I just got assigned the job of taking notes and publishing them in advance of the Friday Mumble session with Bytemaster.  Hopefully this will give everyone more time to get Fuzzy your questions where he can organize them rather than trying to respond to Bytemaster's opening statement in real time.

This week was spent continuing to harden and polish the system and squashing bugs.  James and Valentine continued to refine the user interfaces and add market functionality to their new wallets while Vikram and Ben completed some urgent market bug fixes and released version 0.8.0.  Meanwhile Dan and Nathan continue to work on refactoring the code to improve maintainability and enhance performance.  Check out the new database back end they just committed to github.

One of the coming updates will add features to help users avoid fat-fingering the wrong accounts.  The UIs will display an account number with every account to serve as another form of visual check sum and additional help in distinguishing between registered and unregistered accounts will be provided.

Meanwhile SynaptiCAD been working on adding support for "registered users" to (currently the site only supports anonymous users). Registered users will be able to track their transaction history, get reports on realized gains/losses, and generally be able to trade in a more organized fashion. On the backend of the gateway, they have improved their purchasing algorithms, which in turn allows them to offer better conversion rates between asset types. In addition, they're offering a near zero fee on Bitcoin to BitShares conversions to encourage new users to enter the BitShares ecosystem.  On the BitShares client side of things, they've been assisting in the analysis of the recent shorting bugs, the design of algorithms to correct them, and building/testing a new Windows and Linux binary that incorporates the fixes.

Adam has been in Scandinavia meeting with some people interested in his voting solutions.  Expect a report from him when he gets back later this week.

Business development is also proceeding at a brisk pace.  I just jotted down a list of fourteen different efforts I am currently tracking with outside entrepreneurs. We have ongoing Skype meetings with more than a handful of them each week.  You already know (or have had hints) about some but many have not yet been announced by these partners.  It's great to see so much stuff happening behind the scenes!

Do not let our new, more careful communication strategy fool you.  Every minute of each long workday is jam packed with activity to build up the value of the BitShares ecosystem.

Please send Fuzzy your questions for Bytemaster on Friday.