BitShares Forum

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: zongguan on February 28, 2018, 04:32:03 am

Title: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on February 28, 2018, 04:32:03 am

MUSE FAQ  Muse科普 (
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Muse amount is about 18000000




Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: R on February 28, 2018, 11:22:47 am
Pretty sure it's dead & has been for years.
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: pc on February 28, 2018, 02:21:01 pm
Pretty sure it's dead & has been for years.

I know it's not. :-)
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 02, 2018, 08:44:27 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 04, 2018, 08:35:49 am (        Summary of Peertracks Information
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 07, 2018, 10:01:04 am
Spotify IPO 估值200亿美元?!这对于像Peertracks这样的区块链音乐dapp们来说意味着什么 (
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 09, 2018, 04:57:43 am
周小川对虚拟货币产业的态度,大意是要服务于实体,服务于大众,减少降低社会成本!尽量不跟实体金融有冲突,要经过认证才能放行! (
     Muse整个产业链还有两家公司不得不提,就是Inplay公司 他们是专门负责歌手培育,还有一家公司是Splashwater(它貌似是专门搞一些音乐活动 如 演唱会)。这四家公司的整合 意味着  整个音乐产业的体系大变,音乐公司不再具有主动权,主动权全部交给了歌手自己。 inplay公司负责歌手培养并不过多的榨取太多的歌手利得,歌手的利得会通过Peertracks平台直接从粉丝中获取,而peertracks平台只是收取少许的服务费。Muse通过区块链技术让交易更加透明版权查询更加便捷,并且通过智能合约让版权做到完全整合不冲突(我们现在音乐行业的版权问题太乱了,这个整合很有必要),Splashwater公司负责的一些活动销售也都可以放到Peertracks上通过连接Muse系统进行门票的直销和互动,增加收益的同时也大大增加的和粉丝联系!  据我对peertracks官方介绍的理解 peertracks的交易可以直接通过美元购买peertracks上的任何产品,你充值美元或者其他法币到平台,平台会兑换成总量恒定为1800w的muse币在Muse 系统中进行交易和记账(公开透明可查)而Muse系统自己也会有类似于Steemit一样的内部交易市场 和 铆钉的Muse美元!

Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: Felix on March 09, 2018, 05:14:58 am
muse has been revived? Wow, exciting project!
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: Musewhale on March 09, 2018, 05:34:58 am
cool, i like this!
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 09, 2018, 05:44:05 am
muse has been revived? Wow, exciting project!

will fly  , look ! (
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 10, 2018, 08:49:58 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 10, 2018, 10:01:07 am (
Muse中文视频介绍!2~A (!2~A)
what is muse
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 12, 2018, 02:06:43 pm (
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 13, 2018, 08:42:49 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 13, 2018, 09:13:53 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 14, 2018, 06:50:54 am
vote  vote  vote
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 15, 2018, 04:36:54 am
来自Muse俄罗斯社区的 分享

Muse Muse的新闻 - 2018年3月
blockchained (66 )  在muse • 14小时前








我们工作新结构的一部分是在冲刺之后出现社区更新的帖子,这些帖子将总结所取得的成果,并提出进一步的发展方向。每次冲刺持续15个工作日,即 大约3个日历周。

工作开始于PeerTracks Web应用程序的用户界面上



奖金 - Muse的新支持网站

https : //

Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: Musewhale on March 16, 2018, 03:35:28 am
来自Muse俄罗斯社区的 分享

Muse Muse的新闻 - 2018年3月
blockchained (66 )  在muse • 14小时前








我们工作新结构的一部分是在冲刺之后出现社区更新的帖子,这些帖子将总结所取得的成果,并提出进一步的发展方向。每次冲刺持续15个工作日,即 大约3个日历周。

工作开始于PeerTracks Web应用程序的用户界面上



奖金 - Muse的新支持网站

https : //

do it
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 17, 2018, 02:42:22 am



“一首歌曲的信息只需要在MUSE上输入一次,所有未来的更新都可以直接在区块链上完成。一旦在MUSE上,实时更新的信息,每个人都可以看到。所有音乐服务都可以通过使用MUSE确保其数据始终保持最新。这些服务还可以使用MUSE作为支付正确的权利持有人 - 即支付的版税的手段。“






“MUSE每天都会收取专利使用费,这与日常活跃听众的数量相同。MUSE向每位用户在过去24小时内收听的歌曲(每首歌曲的智能合约中指示的收件人)发送版税。MUSE每秒计算用户关注度。例如:如果用户鲍勃花了200秒在鲍勃现在总共1000秒的听音时间之外听了歌曲X,那么Bob的“分配”版税的1/5将支付给Song X智能合约中包含的收件人。换句话说,宋X今天占有鲍勃注意力的1/5,因此宋X的版权所有者将获得MUSE分发版权费的1/5。如果鲍勃花100%的时间在听歌歌曲,那么Bob的“指定”价值的100%将会支付给宋X的收件人。“


Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 18, 2018, 07:21:27 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: Musewhale on March 19, 2018, 03:51:35 am
UJO join MUSE? cool
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 19, 2018, 08:21:08 am
if ujo join muse, ujo can get a better future ;)!
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 20, 2018, 06:30:11 am
link :
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: Musewhale on March 21, 2018, 06:15:02 am
Super one webside is very beautiful 8) 8) 8)
I think they can support MUSE's CNY trade
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 24, 2018, 04:08:24 am
coinmarketcap link : (
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 28, 2018, 02:39:29 am
Many stars

Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on March 30, 2018, 04:44:44 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: Musewhale on April 03, 2018, 02:22:38 am

Wow, the old man in the middle is the chairman of the Grammy Awards Committee. :P :P :P
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on April 11, 2018, 02:16:03 am
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: NineLives on April 12, 2018, 04:06:08 pm
Yay, exactly what I want to see.  Muse is moving.  Well done.  Time to do a vBlog on this.

Will link soon.
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on April 13, 2018, 05:56:11 am
good job,do it!
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on April 13, 2018, 06:03:34 am (    知乎介绍 link of
Title: Re: Look here,muse will fly
Post by: zongguan on May 03, 2018, 09:09:45 am
Factom works with Peertracks (Factom 和 Peertracks 的合作): (
Title: Re: Peertracks(Muse) is LAUNCHING on JUNE 1ST 2018[Peertracks(Muse)Muse 6月1号发布]
Post by: zongguan on May 24, 2018, 06:09:58 am
Peertracks: A Bitsapphire Case Study on Digital Copyrights and Media Platforms in Blockchain(区块链中数字版权和媒体平台的Bitsapphire案例研究) (
Title: Re: Peertracks(Muse) is LAUNCHING on JUNE 1ST 2018[Peertracks(Muse)Muse 6月1号发布]
Post by: zongguan on May 28, 2018, 11:46:57 am (
Title: Re: Peertracks(Muse) is LAUNCHING on JUNE 1ST 2018[Peertracks(Muse)Muse 6月1号发布]
Post by: zongguan on June 07, 2018, 09:48:12 am
Title: Re: Peertracks(Muse) is LAUNCHING on JUNE 1ST 2018[Peertracks(Muse)Muse 6月1号发布]
Post by: zongguan on June 07, 2018, 09:50:14 am
Is Blockchain The Future Of Music Distribution? (
Title: Re: Peertracks(Muse) is LAUNCHING on JUNE 1ST 2018[Peertracks(Muse)Muse 6月1号发布]
Post by: zongguan on June 26, 2018, 03:19:30 am
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: zongguan on June 29, 2018, 05:18:12 am (
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: Emma Lee on June 29, 2018, 05:55:47 pm
Pretty sure it's dead & has been for years.
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: zongguan on July 05, 2018, 07:21:13 am
  MUSE币是云中的会员组织 - 专门为音乐行业量身打造的Blockchain--旨在成为音乐行业新生态系统的基础,MUSE作为一个全球版权数据库,是所有音乐相关交易(包括版税)的支付手段,也是简化音乐作品许可的工具,其成员由任何人和每个选择持有MUSE币(构成区块链的核心单位)的人组成,MUSE本身由大约1800万MUSE组成,其中大部分将由全球音乐家,作曲家,作词家等组成。


  你拥有的MUSE币数量会增加:你对网络的影响力、你的“可信度”得分以及您允许的使用频率。通常这是通过每次用户想要更改数据库时收取交易费来实现的 - 例如将资金从一个用户发送到另一个用户,或者更新关于歌曲许可的信息。MUSE币没有交易费用,相反,只允许成员写入数据库:只有拥有MUSE币的用户可以修改数据并将其传播到整个全球网络。成员拥有的MUSE币越多,他可以修改全局分类账的次数就越多。一个攻击者试图用垃圾邮件淹没MUSE区块链来关闭系统需要从全球社区购买MUSE币才能这样做。换句话说,你需要购买你自己的船,然后才能沉没。

  关于对内部问题进行投票,例如哪些证人选择运行网络,哪些流媒体平台将其使用信息发布到区块链,1 MUSE = 1票。你拥有的系统越多,你在内部事务上就会说得越多。这是你的网络!最后,为了帮助识别和防止僵尸程序和虚假账户的滥用,您的Musername计分(除其他之外)计算您的MUSE币持有量,从而减少僵尸网络接管网络的可能性。僵尸网络运营商基本上必须购买大量的MUSE币才能攻击系统并假装他是一位信誉良好和值得信赖的用户,歌曲的信息只需在MUSE上输入一次,所有未来的更新都可以直接在区块链上完成。一旦在MUSE上,实时更新的信息,每个人都可以看到所有音乐服务都可以通过使用MUSE确保其数据始终保持最新。这些服务还可以使用MUSE作为支付正确的权利人 - 即支付的版税的手段。关于许可的信息也可以使相关歌曲的货币化自动化,MUSE可以作为穷人版权的更安全的版本 - 数学上证明您在特定的时间戳日期编写/创作/制作了一首歌曲。

  有两种形式的MUSE或MUSE可以驻留的两个地方:普通MUSE,流动性强,可交易 - 居住在某种支票账户中。MUSE可以转换为归属MUSE,MUSE Dollars或交易。

  归属MUSE,被锁入一种储蓄账户,只有归属MUSE才能算出区块链上的大部分操作。例如,您的信誉分数计入了Vesting MUSE(并且忽略了您的液体MUSE的平衡),投票和每小时写入数据库的次数也是如此。将MUSE转移至归属 - 如果您希望在MUSE网络中获得更多影响力,则必须增加您在归属中锁定的MUSE币数量。归属是瞬间将MUSE币转移到归属MUSE的过程。 (
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: zongguan on July 05, 2018, 07:25:50 am
Cedric Cobban joins Scott to talk about Blockchain, Canadian accents and PeerTracks (
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: zongguan on July 09, 2018, 05:14:19 am
Meet The Women Of The Blockchain: Jamie Roberts Chief Communications Officer at PeerTracks / MUZ Blockchain
I feel fortunate to be able to help talented musicians achieve their dreams. Bringing attention to what they are doing (through PR) and helping them get paid fairly (through PeerTracks) is my absolute pleasure. I have been on teams that have broken bands and taken them to multi-platinum sales and Grammy Awards. I am proud of each and every one of them. I have worked with Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Slipknot and Godsmack among many others.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Jamie Roberts, Chief Communications Officer at PeerTracks / MUZ Blockchain. Also the President of FOR THE WIN Media, Roberts is steeped in the music industry and thrilled to be an integral part of the PeerTracks revolution.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! What is your “backstory”?
I have been in the Music industry for over 25 years leading Publicity departments at Major and Independent labels. In recent years, I branched out into another area I had become passionate about — Technology. After reading about the start of PeerTracks in Billboard Magazine, I pretty much stalked the founders and asked them to meet. I wanted so badly to become involved in what they were planning. 2 years later, I am proud to have taken part in enhancing the company’s marketing efforts.

Can you tell me about the most interesting projects you are working on now? Our focus right now
is the gradual launch of PeerTracks in the public arena. It is SO exciting to be uploading performers’ rights info to MUZ and getting people streaming on the platform!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Meeting PeerTracks founders, Eddie Corral and Cedric Cobban, was pivotal for me. They educated me about how the blockchain worked and showed me how hard-working musicians could get paid what they deserved, without all the middlemen involved. They shared my love for music and technology and are brilliant guys. They also had full faith in me and my ability to spread the word in the worlds of technology (where I had yet to prove myself) and music (my area of expertise).

What are the 5 things that most excite you about blockchain and crypto? Why?
a. The neutral nature of the Blockchain is great — no bias, no mistakes, no tampering.

b. Crypto can enable us to use money anywhere for anything from anyplace — it opens up a world that is not limited to currency type or language.

c. The transparency of the Blockchain enables people to know what they have — in our case, you get played, you get paid. Simple as that.

d. The concept of a Blockchain generating funds still blows my mind!

e. It excites me that blockchain is being used on wall street, in mortgage land safety of patient record in the medical field — and we are conquering the entertainment music industry

What are the 5 things worry you about blockchain and crypto? Why?
a. Hacking of wallets is always a concern

b. Public acceptance — hoping that people are not scared of the technology — believe it or not you wont even know that its being used in every day applications

c. Its all great but the cashing out process can be perfected and made easier –

d. Regulation can be burdensome for crypto startups — a good thing and bad thing at the same time

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share a story?
I feel fortunate to be able to help talented musicians achieve their dreams. Bringing attention to what they are doing (through PR) and helping them get paid fairly (through PeerTracks) is my absolute pleasure. I have been on teams that have broken bands and taken them to multi-platinum sales and Grammy Awards. I am proud of each and every one of them. I have worked with Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Slipknot and Godsmack among many others.

What 3 things would you advise to someone who wanted to emulate your career? Can you share an example for each idea?
1. Listen twice as much as you speak. You will learn SO MUCH more! It is tempting to try and teach people your way, but frankly they don’t want to hear it (human nature) so maybe learn their way and take the best parts of it to incorporate into how you do things.

2. Always ask questions. Who is the target audience for your band/product/technology? How do you reach them? What makes your band/product/technology different and/or better? The answers to these questions will be your roadmap to promoting your client.

3. Read (a lot). Learn about your industry, learn about other industries that might interest you, learn about technology that can help your productivity.

Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this :-)
Daniel Ek — he has done some incredible things with Spotify. I am in awe of what they have achieved.

link :
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: SlyWax on July 11, 2018, 10:16:21 am
How much is the pool to pay musician ?

How many bands are there right now ?
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: zongguan on August 02, 2018, 04:21:55 am
How much is the pool to pay musician ?

How many bands are there right now ?

There are a lot of joins every day. you can see here --->
Title: Re: Peertracks:We’re inviting all artists tothe music ecosystem,Have them contact us
Post by: Musewhale on August 07, 2018, 10:04:21 pm
go to facai
Title: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on September 04, 2018, 05:51:15 am
Title: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on September 04, 2018, 05:56:54 am
Title: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on September 05, 2018, 12:21:47 pm

This is not an ICO. SOUNDAC (XSD) is the re-brand of a seasoned blockchain. Formerly known as Muse, the blockchain has been in development since 2015 and was specifically designed to pay music content owners directly.  The Music Modernization Act will require transparency in the industry that can only exist via a Blockchain like SOUNDAC.

The entire system is LIVE! SOUNDAC and the first music streaming platform making use of it – PeerTracks – have started gaining traction within the music industry. Being scalable and user friendly, both the music listeners and creators can sign up without ever noticing they are using blockchain technology. Everything is accessible from the web browser, without the need of a clunky browser extension or plugin. All things ‘crypto’ are hidden from the user, everything is username and password based. There are no public keys or recovery seeds to deal with. No wallet files either, your SOUNDAC account lives on chain. If a user has been on the internet before and understand what a username and password is… he/she can use PeerTracks and SOUNDAC!

There are no transaction fees throughout the entire system, which removes the biggest point of friction when it comes to onboarding users to a new crypto platform. Often the potential user is required to (figure out how and then) purchase Bitcoin, then open up an account at a crypto to crypto exchange, convert that BTC to the token of the platform he wishes to use and finally get to use the product he was interested in. At that point, the user needs to pay transaction fees for every action he wishes to take creating a disincentive to use the platform often!

PeerTracks/SOUNDAC users suffer through none of this. There is no friction whatsoever to jump on board this new music economy.

Scalability is also not an issue. SounDAC is a standalone blockchain, not an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, thus not limited to a mere 25 transactions per second. SOUNDAC, like BitShares, Steem and EOS, is a highly scalable Delegated Proof-Of-Stake (DPOS) blockchain that can handle thousands of transactions per second. There are no technical roadblocks for mass adoption.

Being a DPOS chain, the wealth which would usually go to paying Proof-Of-Work miners and their hardware and electricity suppliers, can stay in the SOUNDAC ecosystem and pay the rightsholders when their content is streamed on PeerTracks or any other streaming platform that decides to build atop of this blockchain.

Musicians and Copyrights holders do not need to be sold on cryptocurrencies to sign up to this free service either. They are paid in RYLT tokens that shield them from the volatility associated with crypto and stock markets. All that matters to the rights holders is that the $50 of royalties they’ve earned on the platform keep its $50 of purchasing power through time.

Now that the full system is operational, music is being uploaded, streamed and rights holders are being paid out, PeerTracks Inc. is approaching larger and larger labels and catalog holders and exchanges that are tired of vaporware and placeholder tokens for product-less whitepapers.

At the helm of the company are music industry veteran, Eddie Corral from Houston, Texas and technology and economics expert, Cedric Cobban from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  The duo has been around the world, talking to experts from all sectors and incorporating best practices into this self-funded technology.

link :
Title: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on September 28, 2018, 08:08:22 am
Last Week’s Biggest Gainer: SounDAC +5,834%

SounDAC is an autonomous royalty payments platform designed to put more control in the artist’s hands, while at the same time, giving distributors a more efficient business model to pursue. SounDAC (XSD) experienced record growth last week when XSD jumped up 5,834 percent in just five days. XSD went from $.07 on August 29, to a high of $.36 on September 4th. The coin is now trading at $.14 after experiencing market corrections over the last two days. 

SounDAC, called MUSE initially, entered the market on May 6, 2015. MUSE first made headlines when they partnered with fintech platform OpenLedger and Danish Bitcoin exchange CCEDK. The company chose to rebrand its product after realizing that MUSE is also a popular New York-based online career platform.

Last month the developers announced the rebranding via their social media accounts. During the change, the company was adamant that the rebranding didn’t involve any technical changes. In a Steemit post, the firm explained that the branding was necessary to prevent confusion. The successful rebranding fueled much of this week’s gains.

SounDAC Announces Rebranding Via New Twitter
SounDAC Announces Rebranding Via New Twitter

SounDAC Inspiration
The SounDAC platform provides all facets of the multi-billion dollar music industry with a blockchain-based alternative to the status quo. Recent reports published by Statista show that the US music industry revenue surpassed 17.2 billion USD last year. Analysts predict the industry to exceed 22.6 billion USD by 2021.  This expected growth has many in the space looking for better options.

Currently, musicians pay enormous fees to distributors, managers, and other essential production elements to release their finished product. SounDAC eliminates these costs. According to a one Billboard study, the average musician pays ten percent of their gross earnings to their agent and another twenty percent to their manager. These expenses occur before the deduction of any taxes, fees, or additional costs.

Average Payout for Musicians via Billboard
Average Payout for Musicians via Billboard

Additionally, Artists now face all-inclusive 360 deals. These deals differ from past contracts because they give record labels rights to all of the artist’s non-musical related activities. This style of record deal is now the industry standard. Most 360 arrangements provide record companies a cut from live performances, merchandise, endorsements, TV, movies, and the list goes on. This constant draining of funds leaves much to be desired by all parties in the equation, especially the musician.

SounDAC Solutions
The developers behind the SounDAC platform promise to alleviate these concerns, and many more, through the integration of an autonomous blockchain-based system. Their platform allows every participant in a song to receive automatic royalty payments including mastering, composition, streaming platforms, and publishing firms. SounDAC accomplishes these tasks with the use of smart contracts.

The SounDAC system creates a global ledger for musicians. This open database functions on Cryptonomex’s Graphene toolkit. The technology allows companies to develop decentralized applications, run exchanges, or integrate additional blockchain services. The popular cryptocurrency exchange, Bitshares, was the first company running the protocol successfully.

SounDAC Promises Transparency
SounDAC creates a rich, transparent, database of who is owed what via their blockchain protocol. Every time an artist’s music streams, the play is time-stamped and placed on the blockchain. This transparency provides all parties involved with an easier way to manage their revenue. It also reduces the costs to the artist because it eliminates the need for expensive publishing agreements.

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The use of smart contracts automates the entire procedure including monitoring plays, calculating royalties owed, and distributing funds. The protocol simplifies the music industry by removing multiple intermediaries from the equation. The trustless nature of the system is one of its main benefits.

Platform Coding
The SounDAC platform utilizes an open-source code. Users can review the platform’s coding via their GitHub page. Their GitHub shows 258 commits, 12 releases, and 12 contributors. The page shows 16 resolved issues to date. The company’s social media accounts are new due to the rebranding.

White Paper
The SounDAC platform has not released a whitepaper to date. When speaking with SounDAC’s President, Cedric Cobban, regarding this odd decision, he explained that competition in the blockchain music sector increased and that the firm “wants to have some traction before revealing the secret sauce.” While this approach is undoubtedly unique, it does leave unanswered questions from an investor’s perspective.

SounDAC White Paper via Website
SounDAC White Paper via Website

In most instances, it isn’t recommended to invest in companies that don’t have a whitepaper because you don’t know where, when, and what expenses your funds cover. It appears that investors were OK with investing in this platform, despite the fact it is without a whitepaper. While this may seem odd, it may be because it’s already operational and open-source.

SounDAC Team
The SounDAC team, led by Founder Eddie Corral and President Cedric Cobban, hopes to transform the music industry. Both men are executives at PeerTracks. PeerTracks is a popular ad-free blockchain-based streaming site. The website integrates into the SounDAC platform. This integration provides a blockchain alternative to traditional music streaming platforms such as Spotify or Pandora. It also enables SounDAC to offer an all-inclusive platform.

SounDAC Team via Website
SounDAC Team via Website

XSD Token
The XSD token has a total supply of 18,081,806. There are currently 14,581,806 XSD tokens in circulation. At this time, XSD tokens show a market cap of USD 2,104,288.  The company’s website doesn’t list any additional information regarding the XSD token.

Blockchain Music Competition
There is considerable growth occurring in the blockchain music sector, with multiple platforms scheduled for release this year. This growing competition fuels increased innovation in the space. Below are just a few of SoundDAC’s competitors:

Mysterious Blockchain Music
SounDAC chose an interesting strategy by not creating a whitepaper but instead having their code be available as open-source. The concept behind the project is strong, but this lack of readily available information could lead to potential confusion on the part of investors. Despite all of these glaring missteps, SounDAC managed to secure the spot as last week’s top gainer through a successful rebranding, and a firm understanding of the shortcomings of the music industry.

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Title: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on September 28, 2018, 08:15:35 am
Streaming Platform PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All

Below is our recent interview with Cédric Cobban, the Founder & President at PeerTracks:

Cédric Cobban

Q: What is the story behind PeerTracks, how did you start?

A: Our original concept was quite different actually. Once we fell in love with the potential Blockchain technology had towards the music industry, we started working on our first concept, what was commonly referred to as ‘artistcoins’. The concept was to allow each artist/band to create their own coin. We have pivoted away from this since, during this endeavour, we noticed a few important factors that couldn’t be ignored. First was the realization that there are fundamental, systemic problems within the music industry. Lack of transparency in both reports of streams and royalty earnings. High friction for payments is also a big issue. Third would be the lawsuits that spring up whenever one party has been paying the wrong copyright holders.

We at PeerTracks believed that the reason this industry is so convoluted is due to a problem of infrastructure. Not having reliable data (on who to credit, who to pay, who to get licences from while not having reliable tracking methods for streams or good ways to disperse royalties) opens up the door to countless services that will try and bridge the gap (for a fee!) In other words, the horrible state of the current industry is a breeding ground for middlemen

For a blockchain start up like PeerTracks, this meant we were in the perfect market to apply this new “Middleman killing” technology to create a fresh new infrastructure for a truly prosperous music world to spring out of.

For this reason, we pivoted away from the ‘artistcoin’ concept and decided to tackle the problems at their core by building an open database that acts as the foundation for the new music world — one that is simple for the artist and the business world alike.

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Q: Why do we need a revolution in the music industry?

A: Because it is dangerously inefficient and incredibly hard to navigate — not just for artist, but for businesses as well. I am not exaggerating when I say that over the 4 years I have been working on this project, I’ve never met a single person that had a complete grasp of the space. Those that have a fair understanding of it have a legal department behind them! The current industry renders it nearly impossible for musicians to make it without a business or law degree. Not something you normally associate with the creative types that form the music creating population.

The music industry needs a simple, clean, stable source of truth (a database) in order to allow a scalable ecosystem to flourish. One which doesn’t need 90% of the services the current middlemen offer. For example, you don’t need a service to collect and disperse funds on the artists behalf when autonomous code can do it for free. If something can be automated, it is just a matter of time before it will be automated away.

Q: It seems like you are building much more than a database, correct?

A: Indeed! PeerTracks Inc. is building a full ecosystem for the music industry of the future. We are laying the foundation, baking in the incentives and providing the tools for businesses to build on top of the SounDAC protocol.

SounDAC is the blockchain, is the first streaming platform that makes use of SounDAC in order to pay all copyright holders.

Q: Your application is utilizing the SOUNDAC Blockchain; what exactly is SOUNDAC?

A: It is a blockchain that serves a few functions. First, it acts as a single source of truth for who to credit on specific musical works. The database is crowd-curated (think wikipedia) and being open, it enables everyone on earth (especially useful for businesses) to know who to pay, in real-time.

SounDAC’s second function is to act as a means of payment. Users and businesses can funnel funds through this blockchain in order to reach an artist across the globe within seconds. Funds going towards “Song X” will be automatically divided to all rights holders as per instructions contained within that song entry (a smart contract residing on the SounDAC chain).

The third, and most exciting, role SounDAC has is to track streams in real time and be the source of royalty payments! Digital Service Providers (DSPs) that conform to the SounDAC community’s best practices of reporting all streams to the blockchain will get their royalty payments subsidized. Usually these streaming platforms need to charge subscription fees and/or go the advertising model in order to pay for royalties. In our model though, the DSP merely reports what was streamed and SounDAC pays the appropriate rights holders via block rewards.

Q: What are the benefits of using your platform?

A: For music consumers, it allows them to listen to all the music on PeerTracks for free, without having to listen to any ads! All while knowing they are supporting the artists they are listening to. Streams being reported on the immutable Blockchain means anyone can check that rightsholders are in fact receiving what they are due.

For music creators, they are able to own and control their valuable metadata, cooperate on terms right there on the chain. More importantly, for the first time they can see all streams taking place on all streaming platforms plugged into the SounDAC ecosystem. And last but not least, they can get paid directly — funds are not sent, they are generated directly into the wallets of the copyright holders.

For businesses, SounDAC provides them a stable infrastructure on which to build their applications without the risk of a rapid change in direction (such as putting up a paywall, closing off data access, etc.) SounDAC being a Distributed Automated Company means it isn’t in the hands of a single entity.
Streaming platforms (DSPs) in particular deserve a special mention here. They can get their main expense subsidized by the DAC. By jumping on board the transparent way of doing business, block rewards subsidies take care of the royalties they would normally be paying out. This means they can radically change their own business model and monetize in other creative ways.

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Q: What are you most excited about?

A: We don’t mention this often, but our users don’t even need to know they are using blockchain tech. There’s nothing traditionally “crypto” about our platforms. There are no public keys you need to share around. No transaction fees to pay every time you want to take an action. You don’t have to wait for transactions to be included in a block before moving on. There’s no browser plug-ins required to download and install. There is no need to go buy Bitcoin, then to convert it into the native cryptocurrency the app requires in order to make use of it.

Within the SounDAC ecosystem, you simply create an account by entering a username and a password – just as you would do on a traditional website! No need to buy crypto or pay transaction fees. Everything looks and feels exactly as user friendly as a traditional app. We are truly ready to onboard the masses with this.

Q: What can we expect from PeerTracks in the future?

A: Where to begin! I think it is important to mention that this is not merely in idea phase. This is no mere white paper or upcoming ICO. The blockchain is already running. The token (XSD) is trading. The PeerTracks platform has launched and is pulling in new content from the chain daily. It is already streaming music for users, reporting streams to SounDAC while the latter covers the royalties. We have a fully working, scalable ecosystem.

That being said, our focus during Q4, 2018 is threefold.
First, to begin importing bigger and bigger music catalogs to SounDAC, making it all available through PeerTracks. It’s important to understand that our team contains a lot of music industry insiders, it is not merely comprised of blockchain fans and developers. Our CEO, Eddie Corral has 30+ years of music industry experience. Bill Craig, Jamie Roberts and even our NYC based attorney are all deeply rooted in the music and entertainment industry. PeerTracks understands the space it is entering, and we know who to reach out to first in order to fill up SounDAC and PeerTracks with quality acts.

Second, to get XSD listed on more and more cryptocurrency exchanges and third, to start our online marketing campaign. Now that there is more and more content available to stream, we need to let the masses know they can listen to subscription-free and ad-free music.

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Title: Re: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: zongguan on September 28, 2018, 08:17:42 am
Title: Re: PeerTracks Uses The SounDAC Blockchain To Provide Free Music For Us All
Post by: Musewhale on November 26, 2018, 04:23:17 am
nice :P :P :P