BitShares Forum

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: toast on June 20, 2014, 11:27:22 pm

Title: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: toast on June 20, 2014, 11:27:22 pm
Locking this thread because v0.0.3 will not be compatible with dry run 5.


Windows:   <--- quite buggy, don't file issues yet

Edit: If you crash on load, try deleting any existing data directories.
  If you jump straight into the wallet without going into login screen, right click and click "reload".

File bugs here:
UI suggestions are not bugs - wait until Cass does a restyle before telling us it is ugly
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 20, 2014, 11:57:52 pm
Thx for your sharing..
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bytemaster on June 21, 2014, 01:12:56 am
Fixed the links.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dcchong on June 21, 2014, 01:18:40 am
thanks for fixing.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 01:18:48 am

It can't run on 32Bit XP System.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: puppies on June 21, 2014, 01:21:29 am
I haven't downloaded it for Windows yet,  but the new htdocs are working well with the qt_ wallet on ubuntu.   I like the new layout and appreciate the bug fixes.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: fluxer555 on June 21, 2014, 01:35:43 am
Getting these errors when I start:

RPC Server Error
In method 'blockchain_list_delegates': (404)

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_get_info': (404)

RPC Server Error
In method 'blockchain_list_registered_assets': (404)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Nimrod on June 21, 2014, 01:37:56 am
It can't run on OS X, unless in administrator account.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: fluxer555 on June 21, 2014, 01:57:14 am
I am running from admin account.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: toast on June 21, 2014, 01:57:53 am
Getting these errors when I start:

RPC Server Error
In method 'blockchain_list_delegates': (404)

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_get_info': (404)

RPC Server Error
In method 'blockchain_list_registered_assets': (404)

Try right click -> reload
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: fluxer555 on June 21, 2014, 02:07:09 am
Thanks, that worked! How do I import my PTS and BTC wallets?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: puppies on June 21, 2014, 02:07:30 am
Windows 7 64 bit install give me a window with
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Which is the same thing I get when I try to access the web wallet through a web browser.  What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dcchong on June 21, 2014, 02:12:07 am
Getting these errors when I create account:

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_account_create': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:877 create_account {"account_name":"dcchong_test"} bitshares wallet.cpp:891 create_account {} bitshares common_api_client.cpp:452 wallet_account_create (500)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: crazybit on June 21, 2014, 02:14:14 am
i love the OSx one,awesome!!!  +5%
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Bitcoinfan on June 21, 2014, 02:17:01 am
Thanks, that worked! How do I import my PTS and BTC wallets?

My Accounts ->> click "your username" ->>advanced

haven't tried it yet. 
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dcchong on June 21, 2014, 02:23:12 am
Getting these errors when I create account:

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_account_create': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:877 create_account {"account_name":"dcchong_test"} bitshares wallet.cpp:891 create_account {} bitshares common_api_client.cpp:452 wallet_account_create (500)

Name can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes and must start with a letter.
Yes, I can created accounts now.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: fluxer555 on June 21, 2014, 02:44:02 am
Getting this error when importing Multibit wallet:

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_import_bitcoin': 0 exception: unspecified {} bitshares bitcoin.cpp:338 import_bitcoin_wallet error importing bitcoin wallet ***path omitted*** {"wallet_dat":"***path omitted***","account_name":"***user omitted***"} bitshares wallet.cpp:2592 import_bitcoin_wallet {} bitshares common_api_client.cpp:312 wallet_import_bitcoin (500)

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Saleh on June 21, 2014, 02:58:11 am
Tnx for sharing
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Saleh on June 21, 2014, 03:01:59 am
Can create different accounts with the same email address?
I did it, it can.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Saleh on June 21, 2014, 03:06:50 am
I can use a fake email address to register an account
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: puppies on June 21, 2014, 03:07:43 am
You don't need an email address at all.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 03:12:27 am
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dcchong on June 21, 2014, 03:17:57 am

Can anyone send me some XTS/LOVE/HSBC/TEST, so I can enjoy it. Thanks!
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 03:21:25 am
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: crazybit on June 21, 2014, 03:54:29 am
you both need to register a account first, otherwise we can sent you asset.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: sudo on June 21, 2014, 04:20:37 am

ps  why this web is work?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: valzav on June 21, 2014, 04:31:32 am

It can't run on 32Bit XP System.

Unfortunately new Microsoft compilers (found in VS 2012 and 2013) don't support Windows XP.
The version string needs to be updated to v.0.0.2.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: mineforme on June 21, 2014, 04:36:30 am
Got the windows version working on my computer, if I import my bitcoin wallet that I used to purchase AGS will it give me the bitshares allocated to me from the snapshot?  This is still all for testing purposes right? This isn't "live" yet correct?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 04:38:28 am
Some people are still use OS XP
Hope you guys can help us
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: toast on June 21, 2014, 04:58:53 am

ps  why this web is work?

Got the windows version working on my computer, if I import my bitcoin wallet that I used to purchase AGS will it give me the bitshares allocated to me from the snapshot?  This is still all for testing purposes right? This isn't "live" yet correct?

all just test network
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bodenliu on June 21, 2014, 05:52:13 am
it works great
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: crazybit on June 21, 2014, 06:21:13 am

Can anyone send me some XTS/LOVE/HSBC/TEST, so I can enjoy it. Thanks!


Can anyone send me some XTS/LOVE/HSBC/TEST, so I can enjoy it. Thanks!

i figured out how to sent to address, 10000 HSBC was sent to both, enjoy.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 06:32:40 am

I lost my XTS, There should be 3.8
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: toast on June 21, 2014, 06:33:29 am
always try rescan when you think you lost funds
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: crazybit on June 21, 2014, 06:35:35 am

ps  why this web is work?

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 06:42:35 am
I used the “wallet_rescan_blockchain”,
now it's back.
 :) :)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: callmeluc on June 21, 2014, 06:53:11 am
Anyone send me some XTS for testing? let me be part of this. Thanks~

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bitandrew on June 21, 2014, 07:00:24 am
can anyone send me some xts for test,thank you

my address:XTS7FCu7GrAsnLjc5ARuUszjLUY6k14CtVJtjVbm7afjmaCVvxDTP
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: callmeluc on June 21, 2014, 07:10:40 am
Anyone send me some XTS for testing? let me be part of this. Thanks~


Got 5,000 NEMO from heyd-simple, oh yeah
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: callmeluc on June 21, 2014, 07:13:51 am
Anyone send me some XTS for testing? let me be part of this. Thanks~


Got 5,000 NEMO from heyd-simple, oh yeah

2014年6月21日 GMT+8下午2:56:30   heyd-simple   applepepe      5,000 NEMO
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: skywalker861 on June 21, 2014, 07:15:39 am
can anyone send me some xts for test,thank you!
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: metalallen on June 21, 2014, 07:42:33 am
RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":400,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"NEMO","from_account_name":"metalallen","to_account_name":"XTS5qLAtezhpXreSKWiom3PtwGViKHFoq6VYbgTmV3onXoQkGBtqE","memo_message":"have fun"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares common_api_client.cpp:502 bts::rpc (500)

what's wrong here?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: toast on June 21, 2014, 08:02:04 am

that's not an account name. To transfer to account key you have to add it as contact account first.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: muse-umum on June 21, 2014, 08:12:55 am
It' strange that I created asset NEMO with issuer heyd-simple, but in GUI we can see it's unelected-delegate-5. Normal ?

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: yangsbo on June 21, 2014, 08:19:02 am
Anyone send me some XTS for testing? let me be part of this. Thanks~

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 08:23:23 am
Anyone send me some XTS for testing? let me be part of this. Thanks~


send you 100 NEMO.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 21, 2014, 08:34:12 am
There's a problem with the Block Explorer.
I have sent some people,But now they have not received.


Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bitcrab on June 21, 2014, 09:31:14 am
it looks great! please send me some coins for testing, thanks a lot.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: pgbit on June 21, 2014, 09:43:58 am
Happy to check out / give feedback on the Windows wallet.
Can any1 send test funds? XTS7Sib4KQjyevfrrjDQjDPTuPtxbRoJuD3JCXoXXFnEoS5oihxCR
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: callmeluc on June 21, 2014, 09:53:09 am
RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":10000,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"HSBC","from_account_name":"applepepe","to_account_name":"XTS6WsjV3v6TfMGAoGEofJwaR7tDjCUZ23i9FV8uoCksexmLh1o2y","memo_message":"test"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares common_api_client.cpp:502 bts::rpc_st (500)

transaction failed.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 10:43:06 am
How I register my account?

Much appreciated to send me some funds  ;)


PS On the bottom sais "Blocks are syncing" but when mouse over sais "Not connected to the network"
     is it true and how to fix?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: kinglaw0577 on June 21, 2014, 11:58:45 am
surprised for  GUI,Can anyone send me some  funds?


Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: CalabiYau on June 21, 2014, 12:38:56 pm
Sent to several addresses 10 XTS - watch out !
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: kinglaw0577 on June 21, 2014, 01:12:27 pm
It seems GUI can't run in my system - win2008 x64.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 01:27:37 pm
>> network_get_connection_count


PS Windows 2008 64bit
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: cike on June 21, 2014, 01:41:21 pm
My address:XTS7jTg3spH8WK7YyAyvExxVyAfGYnnw8QKjGffmBetjTueANUcDB
Thank you
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 01:45:00 pm
is it 100% safe to import bitcoins wallet password?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 02:09:35 pm
Sent to several addresses 10 XTS - watch out !

thanks man   ;D
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 02:31:00 pm
I tried to register for second time because it sais "Not registered" but then it confirms that I am allready registered....

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 03:06:48 pm
after I made a transaction it seems officialy registered  ;)

I have about 10 XTS now but I need more to get a delegate
please donate  :'( :'( :'(


 ;) ;) ;) :)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 03:29:59 pm
I tried to register a second account and tried to sent them funds. From one account to another... and this is the error message...

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":0.10000000000000001,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"XTS","from_account_name":"liondani","to_account_name":"XTS7aDNYSUXFh8DfFUK2JkcvySrerwchnzQRsBaGcyBeJSuagefKB","memo_message":"welcome test"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares common_api_client (500)

when I send funds to contact name this message appears...

Transaction broadcasted (undefined)

EDIT: my second account has received the funds...
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 21, 2014, 04:32:18 pm
tried to sent some test fund to some addresses and the same error occur:

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":1.8879999999999999,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"XTS","from_account_name":"liondani","to_account_name":"XTS6TaWsv2xFCVJhcafKXm7hwXjJtmjGyL9s8fxoM3chYShZG12YQ","memo_message":"for your tests ;)"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares common_api_cl (500)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: changematey on June 21, 2014, 06:00:51 pm
Someone pls send me funds - XTS7U782HozQeZYjH9LfjNjG6TJUegM8S5KcVwg9d4Yoqx3tSugXj 
Btw there is a typo on the registration page it should be "coming soon" rather than "comming".
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bytemaster on June 21, 2014, 10:38:10 pm
Version 0.0.3 is now out for OS X that fixes many bugs.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bitcoinerS on June 22, 2014, 02:29:35 am
after I made a transaction it seems officialy registered  ;)

I have about 10 XTS now but I need more to get a delegate
please donate  :'( :'( :'(


 ;) ;) ;) :)

Sent you some funds. Enjoy.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bitcoinerS on June 22, 2014, 02:32:55 am
Someone pls send me funds - XTS7U782HozQeZYjH9LfjNjG6TJUegM8S5KcVwg9d4Yoqx3tSugXj 
Btw there is a typo on the registration page it should be "coming soon" rather than "comming".

Sent you some play funds.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Ggozzo on June 22, 2014, 03:30:51 am
I tried to register for second time because it sais "Not registered" but then it confirms that I am allready registered....


how did you get that going for Windows? It just opens and closes for me.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bennyliaa on June 22, 2014, 04:28:07 am
send some xts for my testing, thanks
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bitcoinerS on June 22, 2014, 04:39:18 am
send some xts for my testing, thanks

Sent you some funds.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bennyliaa on June 22, 2014, 05:37:07 am
send some xts for my testing, thanks

Sent you some funds.

I have received the funds from you, many thanks. 8)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bennyliaa on June 22, 2014, 05:40:20 am
Would anybody send me more 2 xts for registering a delegater? Thanks
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 11:10:19 am
after I made a transaction it seems officially registered  ;)

I have about 10 XTS now but I need more to get a delegate
please donate  :'( :'( :'(


 ;) ;) ;) :)

Sent you some funds. Enjoy.

much appreciated  ;)
thank you!
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: mitao on June 22, 2014, 11:19:36 am
 My router does not support UPnP, I did port forwarding for port 8763. Still no connection.

Please help

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 01:33:50 pm
how did you get that going for Windows? It just opens and closes for me.

It runs well with my windows 7 machine...

The first try with a PC with win 8 is still not succesfull... It doesn't sync !
I don't know yet if the problem is with win 8 or something else...

But the wallet/gui opens on both systems.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bytemaster on June 22, 2014, 01:35:17 pm
You external ip is different than your internal one.  A case we do not yet support. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 01:51:33 pm
my delegate account "liondani"
is ready for action with your help !!!

If you want to be part of history...
begin voting and be a delegate yourself too...

"nothing to loose... much to gain!"
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 02:10:49 pm
Would anybody send me more 2 xts for registering a delegater? Thanks

I tried to sent you 2.2 XTS but this message appears in a red box :
can somebody help?

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":2.2000000000000002,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"XTS","from_account_name":"liondani","to_account_name":"XTS6iHycdbBb1kHs9K6fpg3G9EM7XqEWvoGhp6b91Q5ABCCzfbudN","memo_message":"be a delegate ASAP ;)"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares common_ap (500)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 02:20:24 pm
If a delegate leaves his computer open because he wants to produce blocks the wallet closes due inactivity.
How can we have the wallet open all the time or does it not matter?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: xeroc on June 22, 2014, 02:22:52 pm
For a delegate you should use the bitsharestoolkit daemon not the webCLIENT!
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 02:24:37 pm
For a delegate you should use the bitsharestoolkit daemon not the webCLIENT!

is it not possible? why not?

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 02:45:18 pm
For a delegate you should use the bitsharestoolkit daemon not the webCLIENT!

is it not possible? why not?

My first historical block produced !!!!!  :) :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 03:25:20 pm
I have produced 2 blocks but the system don't paid me the 2 XTS ...
Is it because I use the wallet and not the bitshares toolkit as xeroc mentioned?
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: xeroc on June 22, 2014, 05:00:33 pm
No .. delegates get payed but you nees to use an extra command to redeem the XTS ... dont thing there a button in the webgui .. but you can read the "payed" parameter of your delegate
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bytemaster on June 22, 2014, 05:25:26 pm
We will make the auto logout feature of the web wallet configurable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 22, 2014, 05:42:28 pm
We will make the auto logout feature of the web wallet configurable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (

is now no command for the console available for changing the auto lock out time?
I lost one block for that reason... :(

Does it mean if I leave my computer I must type this command again?

"wallet_enable_delegate_block_production liondani false"

so I will not loose  any other blocks and destroy my reputation...?

Please inform us about when the  option to change the time out for the log-off is available
It is much easier for no technical members to get a delegate using the XT GUI

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: mavisjames on June 22, 2014, 08:46:20 pm
Has anyone got the windows wallet working? Can't even to get it to open.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: bytemaster on June 22, 2014, 09:00:00 pm
We will make the auto logout feature of the web wallet configurable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (

is now no command for the console available for changing the auto lock out time?
I lost one block for that reason... :(

Does it mean if I leave my computer I must type this command again?

"wallet_enable_delegate_block_production liondani false"

so I will not loose  any other blocks and destroy my reputation...?

Please inform us about when the  option to change the time out for the log-off is available
It is much easier for no technical members to get a delegate using the XT GUI

You only have to enable delegate block production once.   The locking feature is implemented on the UI side.  We will make it adjustable.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: cass on June 22, 2014, 09:46:59 pm
thx for sharing ...  this time with icon included for osx +5% :)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: cass on June 22, 2014, 09:55:44 pm

can someone sent me some funds pls .. thx
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Ggozzo on June 23, 2014, 12:48:57 am
Has anyone got the windows wallet working? Can't even to get it to open.

I asked and was ignored. It looks like liondani has it running but he never answered my post.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 23, 2014, 04:23:32 am
Has anyone got the windows wallet working? Can't even to get it to open.

I asked and was ignored. It looks like liondani has it running but he never answered my post.

I made a first responce some posts back...

first download the XTS Gui for windows on this link: (

Then on "My Accounts" click the button "Create Account" on the right side with green color...
Give your prefferred account name your email and click "create"

Now you will see your name as a new account but it will be "Not registered" yet...
to make that hapen you must have some funds first, so click on your account name and go to the tab "Advanced"
there is your public Account Key something like XTS8DpkcmJNTMnWE4hjwWQMz119XLZMm8PXFYDW88sTaLtGTSr364
copy that and post it here on the forum so we can send you some funds...
after getting your funds register your name going to  ">_Console" and type this:   

wallet_account_register user123 user123         

(where "user123" put your created account name)  more infos here: ( )

on the same link you can see what commands to type on "Console" to be a delegate (you must have about 20 XTS min because of the fees)

PS When you open the XTS wallet give a password 2 times to open the wallet and wait a little bit until you see the message "Blocks are synced" on the bottom right...
     My windows wallet worked on windows 7 system but NOT on a windows 8 system (not synced)... I am not sure if the problem was the operating system or something else...

     After you register your account it could be the case it still sais "Not registered"... After you make a transaction (send someone some XTS) it will be ok...


PS2  Know I saw it is much easier to register the account via this way:
Click on on your account name and click on button "Edit", give name (email and others optional) and click "Registered as delegate" if you want to be a delegate (and of course you have enough           funds to do that) then click on button "Register ******* ", So the command console is not really neaded to register your account ;)

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dcchong on June 23, 2014, 08:03:12 am

Not connected to the network on my osx 10.9.2.   I download BitSharesXT-0.0.3.dmg.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: cass on June 23, 2014, 10:23:45 am
pls sent me some funds ... XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv

Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 23, 2014, 11:21:34 am
pls sent me some funds ... XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv


I have the same issue whenever I try to sent funds to addresses....
Can anybody explain what I made wrong....

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":2.2000000000000002,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"XTS","from_account_name":"liondani","to_account_name":"XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv","memo_message":"Wish I could sent you more! ;)"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares (500)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: xeroc on June 23, 2014, 11:29:31 am
pls sent me some funds ... XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv


I have the same issue whenever I try to sent funds to addresses....
Can anybody explain what I made wrong....

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":2.2000000000000002,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"XTS","from_account_name":"liondani","to_account_name":"XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv","memo_message":"Wish I could sent you more! ;)"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares (500)
You cannot send money to addresses but need to make a local contact for cass to send to the username.

I.E. create a contact "local-cass" with his address and send your funds to "local-cass"
other option would be for the receiver to register a name on the blockchain ... i.e. cass-blockchain and let the payer send to casss-blockchain .. than no need to add a local contact
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: dexinwong on June 23, 2014, 11:32:21 am
pls sent me some funds ... XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv


SEND.....1.11 XTS    :)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 23, 2014, 11:45:20 am
pls sent me some funds ... XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv


I have the same issue whenever I try to sent funds to addresses....
Can anybody explain what I made wrong....

RPC Server Error
In method 'wallet_transfer': 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception is_valid_account_name( account_name ): {} bitshares wallet.cpp:2765 bts::wallet::wallet::is_valid_account {"real_amount_to_transfer":2.2000000000000002,"amount_to_transfer_symbol":"XTS","from_account_name":"liondani","to_account_name":"XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv","memo_message":"Wish I could sent you more! ;)"} bitshares wallet.cpp:1744 bts::wallet::wallet::transfer_asset {} bitshares (500)
You cannot send money to addresses but need to make a local contact for cass to send to the username.

I.E. create a contact "local-cass" with his address and send your funds to "local-cass"
other option would be for the receiver to register a name on the blockchain ... i.e. cass-blockchain and let the payer send to casss-blockchain .. than no need to add a local contact

Thanks for the info's xeroc  ;D

So I made that happen going to the "Directory">"Unregistered">"+ New"   gave a contact name  and the address and then sent to the contact name... (Worked)

I strongly suggest they must give the option to sent funds directly to addresses as well... without all this!
That's very fustrating...
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: xeroc on June 23, 2014, 11:55:53 am
Thanks for the info's xeroc  ;D

So I made that happen going to the "Directory">"Unregistered">"+ New"   gave a contact name  and the address and then sent to the contact name... (Worked)

I strongly suggest they must give the option to sent funds directly to addresses as well... without all this!
That's very fustrating...
Maybe offer to create a contact automatically once they see a XTS address typed in the 'to:' field!

edit: just filed an issue:
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: betax on June 23, 2014, 12:08:48 pm
pls sent me some funds ... XTS4zQr7RK3BQmh2UAHg6Z1zQJvrTrRAUuYv3UuvYvJ2Z9Rc3owyv


BLK    .TRX  TIMESTAMP           FROM                TO                  MEMO                                             AMOUNT             FEE              ID
   pending   2014-06-23T12:08:23 betax               cass                                                          50.000000 XTS        0.010000 XTS                      cabdc6ec
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Ggozzo on June 23, 2014, 04:24:06 pm
Has anyone got the windows wallet working? Can't even to get it to open.

I asked and was ignored. It looks like liondani has it running but he never answered my post.

I made a first responce some posts back...

first download the XTS Gui for windows on this link: (

Then on "My Accounts" click the button "Create Account" on the right side with green color...
Give your prefferred account name your email and click "create"

Now you will see your name as a new account but it will be "Not registered" yet...
to make that hapen you must have some funds first, so click on your account name and go to the tab "Advanced"
there is your public Account Key something like XTS8DpkcmJNTMnWE4hjwWQMz119XLZMm8PXFYDW88sTaLtGTSr364
copy that and post it here on the forum so we can send you some funds...
after getting your funds register your name going to  ">_Console" and type this:   

wallet_account_register user123 user123         

(where "user123" put your created account name)  more infos here: ( )

on the same link you can see what commands to type on "Console" to be a delegate (you must have about 20 XTS min because of the fees)

PS When you open the XTS wallet give a password 2 times to open the wallet and wait a little bit until you see the message "Blocks are synced" on the bottom right...
     My windows wallet worked on windows 7 system but NOT on a windows 8 system (not synced)... I am not sure if the problem was the operating system or something else...

     After you register your account it could be the case it still sais "Not registered"... After you make a transaction (send someone some XTS) it will be ok...


PS2  Know I saw it is much easier to register the account via this way:
Click on on your account name and click on button "Edit", give name (email and others optional) and click "Registered as delegate" if you want to be a delegate (and of course you have enough           funds to do that) then click on button "Register ******* ", So the command console is not really neaded to register your account ;)

The problem we are having is, it crashes/closes ten seconds after opening and won't let me click on anything.

If I click on this screen it immediately disappears.

Then when I maximize this window it closes after ten seconds or less and I cannot click on anything in "File" or "Accounts"
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: liondani on June 23, 2014, 04:48:17 pm

The problem we are having is, it crashes/closes ten seconds after opening and won't let me click on anything.

If I click on this screen it immediately disappears.

Then when I maximize this window it closes after ten seconds or less and I cannot click on anything in "File" or "Accounts"

What windows do you have?
Make a restart and when you doubleclick on the program don't make anything for about 3-5 minutes. Don't click on anything that time?
Do you have a firewall installed? If yes try to deactivate it before running the wallet...

If no progress, uninstall the wallet from add/remove programs on control panel, restart windows and install again. (let the wallet install on the suggested folders don't change anything manual...)
That are my first advices...

PS The windows you try to open is the first window if you wait like I said it will open one second window... the wallet, maybe because you are clicking on the first window it's appear before the initial wallet is loaded your system crashes... after all it is the first beta test versions with many bugs... of course you will not have these issues with the official releases !   ;)
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: Ggozzo on June 23, 2014, 07:39:19 pm

The problem we are having is, it crashes/closes ten seconds after opening and won't let me click on anything.

If I click on this screen it immediately disappears.

Then when I maximize this window it closes after ten seconds or less and I cannot click on anything in "File" or "Accounts"

What windows do you have?
Make a restart and when you doubleclick on the program don't make anything for about 3-5 minutes. Don't click on anything that time?
Do you have a firewall installed? If yes try to deactivate it before running the wallet...

If no progress, uninstall the wallet from add/remove programs on control panel, restart windows and install again. (let the wallet install on the suggested folders don't change anything manual...)
That are my first advices...

PS The windows you try to open is the first window if you wait like I said it will open one second window... the wallet, maybe because you are clicking on the first window it's appear before the initial wallet is loaded your system crashes... after all it is the first beta test versions with many bugs... of course you will not have these issues with the official releases !   ;)

I have installed and uninstalled 3 times. Restarted.....  Opened up my firewall for the program. I fixed the links above which are screenshots of what happens and then they disappear 10 seconds later.
Title: Re: XT GUI - v0.0.3 - OS X and Windows
Post by: toast on June 23, 2014, 08:04:29 pm
Locking this thread because v0.0.3 will not be compatible with dry run 5.

We have taken note of (most of) the issues in this thread. We are rapidly iterating on the GUI so don't get too hung up on bugs in this version.