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Messages - prutser

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Radical ideas for liquidity
« on: January 31, 2016, 10:30:43 am »
Here is maybe a idea for fixing liquidity problems:
 - make youtube movies about bitshares usecases
 - make understandable tutorials (not cli man mages :))

for some unknown reasons i like bitshares, but i have a damn hard time to understand what kind of things you can do with bitshare platform.

I really think that would help poeple adopting bitshares, there for more liquidity.

ooh i see. well thank you then  for  your quick answer :)

i am so frustrated now, i am searching for almost half hour for the login page . where is it ? can someone help me with that ?
I have a bitshares user name and i have a bitshares password.  i dont have wallet backup, key stuff and all those stuf. i just want to login .
anyone ?

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