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Topics - MktDirector

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Please comment not just here but on the page above as well. 

So, I've been following a lot of great tech companies over the years and reading the stories of how they got to be so dominant in their niches.

One thing I've found in common with a significant number of them is that early on, a lot of the early adopters who drove growth were within the younger demographic (specifically college age people and younger).  This age group has immense power to create trends and drive the "cool" into brands.  I know a lot of people on this forum are in that age range. (AHEM, I alas, am not).

So my question is, how can BitShares as an idea, as a "brand" be adopted by huge numbers of this age group? How can we become the next big idea to spread through this highly tech literate tribe?  I want us to appeal to younger and younger populations, as they'll be the ones who will further innovate and soon become leaders within our own movement.   

Please share ideas on how we can focus more of our efforts on attracting the energy and power of the younger people.   I believe it's critical to making us the next big success story.


General Discussion / How convenient for Ripple....
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:49:56 am »
Did anyone see what just happend? Ripple adjusted their total supply, leapfrogging us on  Strange timing, no?  That's ok, Ripple, we LOVE a challenge.  We blew past them once, we'll do it again. 

Start your engines, gentlemen (and ladies). 


THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED!  Check back the day we pass litecoin! B

So there's a lot of talk "around the watercooler" here this week, as I'm sure you can guess.  With BitSharesX $50 million to litecoin's $158 million, it looks like we're already 1/3rd of the way to another historic milestone.  This is faster than even we had anticipated, so it begs the question:  What date do we pass litecoin in market cap?

I'd like to make this fun, so I'm gonna put some money in the pot. Well, not money, something better....BTSX.  I'll tip 10,000 BTSX to whoever comes the closest to guessing the correct date.  You don't have to get the actual date, just be the closest.  So it's not open ended, let's limit this to only the responses posted here by midnight, Aug 24th.

So, what date (and time - in case we need to do a tie breaker) does BitSharesX sit at the right hand of the almighty Bitcoin in the #2 spot?  And better yet, what are the reasons you guessed that date? Should be interesting.  Good luck.


Welcome to the BitShares community!

Maybe you've heard about us...there's a lot of buzz going on with BitShares right now.  Our "virtual vault" and exchange called BitSharesX just became the third largest of its kind in the world.   Maybe you already knew that and want to get your hands on some shares, or you just want to learn more. We invite you to join us for a free live training webinar.


So what will this webinar be about? We're gonna walk you through live, step by step on exactly how to get shares in BitSharesX.  We'll show you how to download your own "virtual vault", use it, and get your BTSX shares in it.  No worries if you're brand new to BitShares, Bitcoin, or this crazy new crypto world. Just tune in with people all over the world on Thursday, Aug 28th.  We promise to make it fun and easy. 

To get started, go here:

BitShares Team
*Check your time zone on top for the correct time where you live.

In case you missed it... WEBINAR REPLAY NOW AVAILABLE AT:

Welcome to the BitShares community!

Maybe you've heard about us...there's a lot of buzz going on with BitShares right now.  Our "virtual vault" and exchange called BitSharesX just became the third largest of its kind in the world.   Maybe you already knew that and want to get your hands on some shares, or you just want to learn more. We invite you to join us for a free live training webinar.


So what will this webinar be about? We're gonna walk you through live, step by step on exactly how to get shares in BitSharesX.  We'll show you how to download your own "virtual vault", use it, and get your BTSX shares in it.  No worries if you're brand new to BitShares, Bitcoin, or this crazy new crypto world. Just tune in with people all over the world on Thursday, Aug 28th.  We promise to make it fun and easy. 

BitShares Team

In case you missed it... WEBINAR REPLAY NOW AVAILABLE AT:

General Discussion / #4 Market Cap Press Release
« on: August 21, 2014, 10:29:45 pm »
yes, I know, I know....already old news since we're at #3 now, but we'll share this and a new press release comes out tomorrow announcing we passed Ripple.  The more we have grassroots (the forum) sharing this, the better it ranks.  So spread the good news around.  B

General Discussion / New Story: A New World
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:49:00 pm »
I rewrote this for DACsunlimited for the BitSharesX site. I think it better captures our story and what the big picture is. The metaphor "vault" I borrowed from Dan, to avoid calling this a "bank." The metaphors are still a work in progress.

Many of the people outside the industry who've been following us have been asking the question, "why does this matter? Why should I care?" I hope this story answers them.  It's our vision and it's audacious.  Hope you enjoy:

Today many people have lost faith in the financial institutions we’ve trusted for centuries. Some of our largest banks have failed and no longer exist.  Those that survived needed massive bailouts. Citizens in some countries have lost their life savings to pay for failed government decisions.  And for those who do find safety, the value of their savings is being drained by the constant drip of inflation.  Our financial system is overdue for a reset.   

- A New World -

What if we were to scrap it all and start over?  What would a new financial world look like?  A world where we could protect what’s valuable without needing to trust anyone. A world that will never need bailouts.  A world where your financial life is absolutely private. Where your funds can never be seized or your account closed.   A world not limited by borders, business hours, or location.  What would be possible if we could create this kind of world? We can.

Welcome to the new financial world of BitSharesX. BitSharesX is the world’s first virtual vault.  This is a vault where only you have the key.  BitSharesX allows you to buy, sell and trade all kinds of virtual assets that track the value of real world items like dollars, gold, silver and even shares of companies.  They can all be bought, sold or traded right in your BitSharesX account, with anyone on earth, at any time, instantly.   

And the very best part is, BitSharesX is free. Ready to get started? Click here.
(Download Now)

BitSharesX is made possible by open source technology developed by,  the world’s leader in decentralized solutions.  Powered by BitShares.   Learn more at (link)

Break open the bubbly and enjoy our brief stop at #4 on our way to the top! 

General Discussion / Press Releases
« on: August 21, 2014, 02:40:53 pm »
I'm going to start regularly producing quality press releases for us.  Here are some titles for when we get into the #4 and #3 market cap spots.  Looks like #4 will be needed very soon as we briefly passed NXT, I'm told.  PR titles are very important as they determine if people even bother to read them.  Let me know what you think of these and please add suggestions! Let's get creative and have some fun.  B

#4 Spot PR:
BitSharesX Now Bigger Than NXT, says Ripple is Next.
BitSharesX Says Who’s Next After Passing NXT Today.
What’s Next For BitSharesX? Passing NXT To #4 Spot Today.
BitSharesX Zooming Up The Charts To #4 In The World.

#3 Spot PR:
BitSharesX Making Waves As It Swamps Ripple.
BitSharesX Wave Smashes Ripple.
Ripple Overtaken By BitSharesX Wave.
BitShares Tsunami Doesn't Spare Ripple.  (I know, silly, but hey)

General Discussion / Coindesk
« on: August 21, 2014, 12:07:41 am »
Just did a long interview today with a writer from Coindesk.  They want to move a bit more of the focus towards 2.0 tech so they reached out to us to find out what's going on. 

It looks like they plan to cover how Ethereum and BitShares agree on the direction mining is headed and may actually create several articles out of the interview (it went 90 minutes).  So I'll update here when it goes out.

General Discussion / BTSX takes aim: NXT is next!
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:05:32 pm »
Another day like today (20%+ gain) and we'll surpass NXT to slide into the #4 spot.  NXT is Next!

General Discussion / LOOKING TO HELP? Request new exchanges add BTSX
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:50:06 pm »
I'd like to get BTSX listed on several more exchanges.   Currently we're on BTER and BTC38, Poloniex and Coinport.   I think Cryptsy and BTC-e would be musts. Anyone have suggestions for others we should look into? Which exchanges would you suggest are very important to be on and why?

Please, send emails to your favorite exchanges and request they add BTSX and if you have direct contacts at any exchange, PM me and we'll start talking with them to get us added.


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