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Topics - MktDirector

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General Discussion / New Chapter for MktDirector
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:55:23 am »
As someone who's been an entrepreneur and self employed nearly all of my professional life, I've always been drawn to starting businesses.   As of today, I'll once again be self employed, as I am launching a new marketing company.   I'll continue on as brand champion for BitShares and will still be very involved with the BitShares team, but will no longer draw a salary.  I believe there will soon be a real need to market and promote new DACs and I want to focus my efforts on doing just that.   

One of our core values at BitShares has always been about decentralization.  In the next six months I expect the pace of decentralization to increase, even among BitShares as an organization.  We will have several businesses spring out of our core team, this one being just one of them.  I have put together an incredible team of my own and our primary focus in the next couple months will be in improving and promoting BitSharesX, as well as strategic marketing for several upcoming DACs.   

Expect in the near future to see a link for my company on the partners page and feel free to reach out if you're a project lead on a DAC and you'd like to discuss how we can help you with your marketing needs.   Thanks BitShares forum, and here's to even greater days ahead for BitShares! 

Bigger Than Bitcoin,

General Discussion / BitShares at Cryptolina Aug 15-16. Join us!
« on: August 01, 2014, 09:56:12 pm »
EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT:  Hey everyone.  Just want to let you know that some of the BitShares team will be attending CRYPTOLINA in NC coming up Aug 15-16.  If anyone is in this part of the country, please join us! We'll be promoting the launch of BitSharesX, talking about the next DACs in the funnel and in general connecting back in with the crypto world events.

General Discussion / Kevin Harrington and St. Martin
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:39:47 am »
Hey guys. We just had an incredible dinner meeting with Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank fame (as well as a dozen other equally successful business leaders and high net worth individuals from around the globe).  He's a fricking rockstar in business and very interested in what BitShares is doing.  We'll be spending all day with him tomorrow to see what may be possible.   

Dan absolutley got everyone here buzzing about BitShares, I did my first presentation on the Fifth Wave of Decentralization, we were mentioned in the Wired Magazine article today and on a recent TED talk as well.  Half the attendees purchased BitSharesX (if you noticed the 20% bump this morning- that was these guys). Great things in store for all of us....   B

- check faceboook for updates and photos.

General Discussion / BitShares Summer of Code Video
« on: July 15, 2014, 07:35:21 pm »
BitShares Summer of Code Video is out.  Feel free to share. DPOS and TITAN videos coming soon...

General Discussion / Want to be a member on our Team page?
« on: July 10, 2014, 04:09:18 pm »
Anyone who would like to be included on our team page at, please provide a current photo and your full name.  In order to be added you must have participated in our dry run networks.  Welcome to the team! B

General Discussion / Virginia Meetup July 24 for anyone nearby...
« on: July 10, 2014, 03:22:30 pm »
We've started a meetup group for the Blacksburg, VA area so we can get the core devs to interact with more of the local tech talent and crypto fans.  We expect to bring in a lot of VA Tech people as well. 

If anyone on the forum is near Virginia, come drop by and meet us.  Bytemaster wanted this group to be a more general bitcoin/crypto meetup so we can attract larger numbers, then of course we'll take the red pill and go down the BitShares rabbit hole.  See you there... B

General Discussion / Behind the Scenes with BitShares Video
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:14:43 pm »
Want to meet some of the BitShares core developers? Here they are in their own words:

Behind the Scenes with Bitshares

General Discussion / BitShares X website design discusssion
« on: June 03, 2014, 04:33:36 pm »
The basic design of is meant to function like a directory (thus the .org - it's an organiation of BitShares powered businesses). It will point to the specific DACs, which in turn will have a distinct site. 

I suggested to bytemaster that we start getting the BitShares X site ready now so we have a nice package to put the finished product in when it's complete.  The dev team is working hard in VA and making great progress on the backend, now we need help on the front end - the storefront, so to speak. 

There are a lot of features that will need to be present in order for it to work as a bank & exchange.  I'd like to hear what your thoughts are for how such a site should be designed, what kind of elements it will need, can we find any great examples out there, like toast recently sent me from bloomberg's site, etc.   Please post links to sites you like and/or elements we'll need to build. 

Marketplace / 50 PTS - Create BitShares Wikipedia Entry [CLOSED]
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:33:33 pm »
Hey team. As has been pointed out recently, we have no wikipedia entry for BitShares and I'd like to get us one asap. I know it can be tricky creating new entries, so I'm looking for someone who has some experince working with Wikipedia and can come up with a basic outline about BitShares that we can build upon.  Feel free to copy content directly from Bytemaster or this forum to create the entry, I'm not so much looking for a writer as I am someone who can organize info that already exists and get it into the wiki.  Thanks and good luck!  B

General Discussion / Video from Inside Bitcoins NY - Watch Here:
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:11:03 pm »
NY was a hugely productive trip. Watch the brief recap here:

Our new website is now live at!   Our event site will go live on Mar 24 at  We'll be making further edits and revisions over the weekend so please wait until next week to post suggestions for changes, we'll create a new thread for suggested edits.  In the meantime, enjoy our new site!

Our new website is now live at!   Our event site will go live on Mar 24 at  We'll be making further edits and revisions over the weekend so please wait until next week to post suggestions for changes, we'll create a new thread for suggested edits.  In the meantime, enjoy our new site!

General Discussion / Intro Video Sneak Peek
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:05:40 am »
There are still a dozen edits we've requested with the video, so it's not done....but here's a sneak peek:

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