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Topics - cultofjosh

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KeyID / A good source of TLD suggestions
« on: April 02, 2014, 12:49:48 pm »
Scrabble word lists for 2 and 3 letter words :)

I finally came up with a suggestion for the first TLD. If it's free. And I'm having trouble determining that.

.nom - French for name. What's that N in DNS stand for again? The only flaw I can come up with is that it's too close to .com - people may hear "dot com" just because it's what they are used to hearing.

.nom has been in a proposal before:
and it does look some countries created .nom.countrycode domains.

I did not know this, but one of the definitions of tab is "to name or designate"
so I'd like to throw .tab out there as well.

Also, just wanted to reiterate my dislike for TLDs that require clarification on phone calls. Not everyone knows what p2p means and if this thing takes off it's possible browsers will eventually have plugins for this out of box, right?

.p2p can be spelled .p2p, .ptwop, .ptop, .ptoop

.dac can be spelled .dac .dak .dack

Confusion in spelling the domain name is one of the things domain appraisers look for, not that we really care about that, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

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