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Topics - kasman5

Pages: [1]
Marketplace / $10 credit for Digital Ocean Server
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:32:20 pm »
Anyone interested in $10 free credit for Digital Ocean? If you sign up here you get $10 while I also get free credit. Nice way to get started if you have never used them and you're also helping me out.

Thanks, Chris.

Marketplace / $10 credit for Digital Ocean VPS
« on: August 31, 2014, 11:17:27 pm »
Anyone interested in $10 free credit for Digital Ocean? If you sign up here you get $10 while I also get free credit. Nice way to get started if you have never used them and you're also helping me out.

Thanks, Chris.

General Discussion / Do the assets have their own blockchain?
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:18:14 pm »
Do assets in the exchange have their own blockchain. Take bitUSD does this have it's own blockchain, I'm assuming it does but who runs the nodes for it, the delegates?

Sorry if this has been answered before, tried searching but couldn't find anything.

Technical Support / Deleteing a wallet file
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:34:44 pm »
Hi, I made a test account and forgot the password, no big deal because I wasn't loading it with BTSX. However I want to setup my proper account but everytime I unistall the client and reinstall it's loading the old wallet back in. I thought I had deleted the wallet file by going into app data but clearly not.

Any help is much appreciated.

General Discussion / Question ragading the decentralized exchange
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:53:25 am »
Can someone give me ELI5 of how the exchange works? Also some markets are saying insufficent data feeds, why is this?

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