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Topics - PeterLynch

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General Discussion / Longtime Investor - I am out
« on: October 24, 2014, 07:51:20 pm »
I've posted on this forum under a pseudonym before.  I feel it is necessary to share my opinion with others regarding the recent events.

I've been a longtime investor and believer in Bitshares.  I was following I3 before Protoshares was released.  I stayed up late and mined PTS from day one.  I bought AGS and BTSX.  I too wanted to see BTSX succeed.

Throughout the past couple of months, I've seen things which have made me uneasy about I3 and their intentions towards investors, but I kept quiet, hoping I was wrong.  It's become abundantly clear with their recent decision that I3 is only looking out for their own interests at the expense of their investors/supporters.  This is unfortunate.  I believed their word and took the social contract at face value.  I thought they were honest and trustworthy and under this logic advised others to invest in BTSX.  I cannot sit by any longer and support what I believe is simply a long con on investors.

To this end, I have accumulated a large position in PTS/AGS/BTSX which I will be liquidating.  I will attempt to do this slowly as to not erode my wealth and others.  I wish this community all the best and I do hope you are successful in your goals.  I initially got interested in Bitshares because I thought it was going to be the next Bitcoin.  I do not believe this anymore.  I have studied crypto extensively and come to the conclusion that NXT has the biggest chance of becoming the next Bitcoin.  This is where I will be allocating my capital.


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